Extrasensory Situational Awareness

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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby AlexanderG on Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:38 pm

Dan Djurdjevic wrote:While I believe one can subconsciously respond to intent, I believe this results from physical cues such as sight, sound and contact (the latter is evident in push hands).

Doc Stier wrote:However, at some point, most people also experience inexplicable knowing and reaction to events which aren't so easily explained by merely reading subtle physical sense perceptions. Unlike the previous phenomenon, these experiences represent a unique awareness and reaction to unusual circumstances that don't normally occur on a daily basis and, unlike the skill of reading subtle sensory cues, aren't easily replicated at will in a way that can be tested and validated, imo. :)

At the risk of sounding crazy or a liar, and with my real face in the avatar (we know shit on the internet sticks), I will provide, just a couple of examples of things I experience on a daily basis, which, while they are not directly related to Doc's thesis of "Extrasensory Situational Awareness", they do offer direct proof (if someone were to take my word for it) that these phenomena are entirely possible without any cues whatsoever.

I'm not gonna go with some of the more crazy stuff, just give you a taste of what kind of thing constitutes my average day. Premise: I spend a lot of time online, especially in the past I used to instant message a lot. Now, as you know, online you do not have all of the cues, you got the text, you got the emoticons, that's pretty much it. For many years I could tell some stuff about people from just chatting online, stuff that one shouldn't be normally able to know, and for many years I thought this was just intuition based on very subtle cues in the text. Later on, I started to know (and verify) things that weren't possibly in the text. Here's one example, this is the exact text word for word, I'm not removing or adding anything to it:

Me: Hi, what's up?
Fiend X: A friend of mine just had a severe accident. (notice, no name or other detail was provided, I also did not know this person myself)
Me: Sorry to hear (blah blah). She broke her hip bone, her collar bone, her jaw and she can't breath. I'm not sure she'll survive.
Friend X: (confirms) Yes, hip bone, collarbone, jaw, and her windpipe. She's in surgery, doctors don't know if she'll make it.

She did make it and later I saw that girl on facebook, everything checked out.

Another example (variations of this happen often):
I'd been chatting with some girl Y for a while on facebook at that point, a few days or weeks. One day, her chat window pops up, it says
Y: Hi
Me: Who are you? Where is Y?
Y: It's me, Y.
Me: No. You're a guy.
...this goes on for a while. In the end he admits to being her boyfriend.

Third example, this one time chatting to this lady, I described her room in great detail, like everything from the disposition of doors and windows, furniture, even her carpet.

Fourth and last example, this isn't for the kids, this has happened mostly during one year with almost a dozen girls, I'd meet them online.. ok I'm just going to go through one of those experiences as just an example, they were all pretty much the same - I meet girl Z, she has no pictures of herself online, we talk for a few hours, and are both hooked. We go to sleep and both have the same.. wet dream. Haha I said it. Next day I can tell her she's a natural redhead, and some birthmark she has on her ass. We both remember the exact same dream. Another variation of this happened a few times with a friend of mine, she would have nightmares, and for whatever reason, during the nightmare she would call my name, call for help. Next thing you know, I'm in her nightmare and helping her out. Of course, next day our dream recollections matched up perfectly.

Most of these things, I have little to no control over, just have my days when it happens and that's that. I would probably not be able to replicate in a laboratory. If it happened once or 3 times, it would just be "ok, that's weird".. but it happens so often it doesn't phase me in the least. These are all passive phenomena, when you're on the receiving end. The active ones, when you're doing "stuff", can be even weirder.
Last edited by AlexanderG on Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Dmitri on Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:53 pm

May I suggest getting a cool $1 million at Randi's? http://web.randi.org
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby AlexanderG on Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:00 pm

I already took a disclaimer on that in the last paragraph :D

Also I've met loads of people much better at this than me, and if they aren't going for that money, it must be impossible to get it.
Last edited by AlexanderG on Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:12 pm

I am certain that the Amazing Randi knows very well that the parameters of his 'testing' are generally not the conditions under which such phenomenon normally occur, thus insuring the unlikely probability of having to pay out such a large sum of money! :/
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Dan Djurdjevic on Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:45 pm

There's nothing unfair about Randi's parameters. Scientific testing eliminates chance being mistaken as a pattern or causal connection. It eliminates subconscious bias and exposes cognitive dissonance.

Have you ever sat down to see how many times you were wrong with your guesses? If you have you'll note that it was more than you were right.

And your emotional investment in the issue won't allow for the fact that coincidences happen every single day. Why are we so quick to dismiss simple coincidence? Maybe because it conflicts with our wishes.

Anyway even when I'm more accurate than not, there's usually a simple explanation. For example, I'll often guess that someone online has had a broken collar bone in a car accident. Given seat belt design, that's not unusual. I don't think of that however. I just think it... and it turns out to be true! Except in my case, I sit back and examine why I "got it right".

And I'm honest enough to admit to myself how many times my guesses go wrong.

It sounds to me like some people wish Randi's test only recorded the "hits" and not the misses. Sorry - it doesn't work that way.
Last edited by Dan Djurdjevic on Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby somatai on Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:59 pm

So according to science should I take an aspirin everyday?


Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Dan Djurdjevic on Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:12 pm

All I'm saying is that we need to remember that coincidences happen. Someone wins the lottery every day despite odds that are so vast we can't intuitively grasp them. Coincidence? Yes. Why we attribute some other causal variable to random events coinciding comes down to nothing more than the human predisposition to paredolia. And scientific testing removes that from the equation.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby AlexanderG on Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:31 am

Dan Djurdjevic wrote:Anyway even when I'm more accurate than not, there's usually a simple explanation. For example, I'll often guess that someone online has had a broken collar bone in a car accident. Given seat belt design, that's not unusual. I don't think of that however. I just think it... and it turns out to be true! Except in my case, I sit back and examine why I "got it right".

If you look at the math behind guessing 5 random details combined, exactly the way it happened, it's like winning the lottery a few times in a row.

Let me clarify, I'm not trying to convince anyone, just describing what convinced me personally. For instance, the example of me sharing a dream with someone (whom I've never even seen a picture or read a description of), and the whole dream being identical for both, and me knowing exactly their face and being able to later verify it with a picture - the chances of doing that at random are virtually null, it basically cannot happen, even if I tried to guess it for 7 billion people, I would have no chance to get even a single one of them right, chances are much lower than 1 in 7 billion. Moreover, I do not go "let me try to guess how you look" to every person I meet, so there is no hits and misses. There have been misses, when I tried to demonstrate to someone, doing it on purpose, trying to show off. When it happens naturally, there's no miss.

Another cool phenomenon that I used to play with a lot in the past was getting into a particular mental state that allowed me to call the cards I wanted at poker, and call the dice I wanted to roll. This first happened as a kid when I threw a dice and got number 3 - 17 out of 18 times in a row. Didn't think much of it then, but many years later I started playing with the idea and weird stuff happened there. For instance I would play poker (I am terrible at it, worst player ever) for two hours every weekend with friends, and not lose a single hand for months. Moreover, I would say out loud which cards I wanted to be dealt and the "hits" percent was extremely high. Like I got 4 aces three hands in a row and people would just leave the table freaked out. In the same period (few years back) I started playing dungeons and dragons with a group of friends, every weekend. As some of you know, D&D uses dice with 20 faces, numbered 1 through 20. I played this gave for an overall time of 12 to 18 hours or so, over the course of 2 months, and half the time I threw 20 (while calling it in advance), the other half was never lower than 17, except this one time I threw a 2 when in a situation where the lower number was to my character's benefit. My friend who organized the games is a hardcore atheist and skeptic, and I'm sure he still resents me for shattering his certainties about life lol

I was just a kid and having fun, I no longer waste time with pretty much anything I've described. By the way, the 2 times I tried to play poker for cash, I could not enter that mental state, and lost everything very fast (terrible player), I didn't have the self control and calm to deal with the pressure (don't know if I would now). I'm sure people who've played with me back then can attest that the hits were above 95% or more, and all it takes is maybe 55% to show something not random is going on.

I would hope you would believe no one, but rather test for yourselves. These things were a bit of an obsession for me as a kid and so I put a lot of time and effort into trying to figure it out. I believe we all have the power to do and experience these things, the mind controls many things in our environment, but it's not the conscious mind so much as your core beliefs (unless you're an accomplished meditator). So what happens is, if you believe these things cannot be done, you're subconsciously using your mental power to randomize (for example) the cards, so even when you try to test out your ability to control it, your subconscious will work against you. Your beliefs end up shaping reality to some extent. In other words, being a skeptic is a self fulfilling prophecy, it will preclude you to experience any of this. At the same time, being a believer can be worse, because you keep manifesting confirmations of what you already believe, and you fall into a self reinforcing loop. People end up on shamanic trips and go all crazy, they start buying into their own myth, become culty or create their own religions, hear the voice of God telling them they need to save the world or that "the end is near" haha

For me personally, Buddhism has saved me from all that, you're working to let go of all beliefs and just deal with experience in a more clear way. I mean, at one point I was surrounding myself with all sorts of nut jobs, people who could really do weird unexplicable stuff, and at the same time, every one of them was totally deluded by it, totally living in a fantasy world. I too was going in that direction, so I consider myself lucky to be out of it.

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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby jimmy on Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:36 am

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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:04 am

Ai-aah! Yau mo gau cho aah! :/
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:31 am

Dan Djurdjevic wrote:
While I believe one can subconsciously respond to intent, I believe this results from physical cues such as sight, sound and contact...

Dan: With all due respect for your opinion, I couldn't disagree more. When I have felt that someone with negative intent was waiting in a concealed position to ambush me, someone who was yet to be seen, heard, smelled or physically contacted, in spite of my very alert and acute sense perceptions, your assertion simply doesn't apply, in my experience. Neither do any considerations of statistical probabilities or conscious analysis regarding the cause of feeling an imminent threat in such situations. Intellectual science simply can't explain everything that the human mind perceives on deeper levels of awareness at present. -shrug-
Last edited by Doc Stier on Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby klonk on Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:42 pm

Somehow I had a feeling this thread was still going on... ;D
I define internal martial art as unusual muscle recruitment and leave it at that. If my definition is incomplete, at least it is correct so far as it goes.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:36 pm

klonk wrote:Somehow I had a feeling this thread was still going on... ;D

Wow! You must have ESP.....Extra Slow Perception! LOL ;D
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:31 am

The fact remains that we can't make efficient use of this type of awareness if we secretly believe it doesn't exist! -shrug-
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby meeks on Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:29 pm

Doc Stier wrote:The fact remains that we can't make efficient use of this type of awareness if we secretly believe it doesn't exist! -shrug-

well said. Skepticism is a huge wall in the path of discovery that prevents even the most rudimentary clues to be overlooked. Unfortunately, discussing energy or the ability to sense energy is an experiential discussion. Either you have or you haven't experienced it and one's opinion is too often based solely upon that aspect. Unfortunately the 'have nots' are all to quick to put down the 'haves' and write it off as imagination, psychological conditioning or simply psychological imbalance.

To me it says just as much about the 'have not' trying to argue their acceptance of the non-existent than it does the 'have' trying to explain their understanding of the existent based on personal experience. One one hand, the 'have not' is already limiting their ability to benefit traveling the path of discovery and learning to use that in their martial arts awareness - who WOULDN'T want to sense danger without the physical cues (smell, sound, visual). It takes a lot of effort to 'drop the walls' and open up not just mentally (I WANT to believe vs this is bullshit) but energetically (my cold wall of trying to be strong, protective, my perception of what makes me a 'real man' vs opening up emotionally), dropping my barriers during meditation exercises and learning to connect with those around me [seen and unseen] and how to develop a relationship with my environment that embraces those energetic factors and permits me to notice the energetic 'cues' that have been presented to me my whole life, but I've simply been to busy disregarding it no notice it was with me all along.

A lot of this is developed through meditations of 'letting go'. Not the superficial "you must let go of all belongings and walk the Earth alone" you see in shaolin monk movies - I mean about letting go of the energetic, spiritual, emotional and even physical anchors that prevent you from opening up energetically and turning the radar on. FWIW physical anchors are even the most basic concepts like 'some crazy bitch/asshole you are dating that keeps you pissed off and shut down all the time'. Just having that negative stimuli in your life can wreak havoc on your ability to sense energy. The perfect example is Facebook. Seems like half my friends list shares memes that are negatively directed at certain stereotypes... anti-muslim, anti-gay, anti-gun, anti-anti-gun, anti-christian, christian anti-all-other-cultures, beat your kids so they don't become assholes... If you ignore the message and can feel the energy of the words that have been written by the first author... than feel the energetic signature of each person that clicks 'share', adding a layer of their negativity to the image... the negativity snowballs... each time a person views it, that energy hits their eyes and connects with the new reader, as well as taps into their energetic reservoir of negative feelings (making it stronger and making you more negative). By the time you view this hate meme and accept its message, it has snowballed to the point that it's energetically bigger than the sum of its readers. Now you're realizing you've been complaining about everything all day and don't know why everything is so crappy around you.

Do yourself a favor.. the next time someone hits you with negativity - whether it's complaining (about their day, about a person...) or they're just a winey, 'my life always sucks' kinda personality (looking to get a hook into you so they can get energy via sympathy) - stay disconnected mentally/emotionally from their discussion. Cut it short politely and walk away. As you walk away say out loud (under your breath is fine) "I disconnect [name of person] from me. Their energy is not welcome here" and see if their is a noticeable change in the energetic perception you have at that moment.... a sudden feeling of lightness, warmth, coolness... just something that changes. It feel different for everyone since the brain needs to 'catalog' what the feeling is and often looks for the most reasonable 'translation' of what the energy body just told it.
Another good one is to say "Facebook I disconnect from you" when you close your browser (for those of you that don't know how to auto-disconnect from negativity - simply say it out loud to the universe)

Later those feelings will become well cataloged and you may start to notice that person is quite draining. Later you will feel a draining individual (energy vampire) from a block away and know to avoid them. You may notice that person has an energy that radiates contempt, and notice how their presence affects your own personal space. At an advanced stage you may notice it's not them, but other types of energetic connections that they have (going elsewhere) that are affecting them (eg: meaning, they're not an asshole, their girlfriend hates the world and they're being affected by her negativity through the strong sexual energy connection he has to her).

These are just the basics in understanding energy. Through lots of meditation you cultivate this skill, begin to physically see it as much as you feel it. Later you learn to implement this into your own training, how to affect others (no, not dragon ball Z balls....) to control a situation or their physical structure. It's not an overnight -process. I've been practising these concepts for years on a daily meditation schedule and it's a very long haul. This is why all exercises take 3 years to accomplish - you're GROWING in that direction, not BUILDING. It takes time, effort. It takes letting go - skepticism, doubt, negativity (closes you right down!). The first step is to turn "I don't believe" into "I wonder". The best advice I took of my bagua shifu back in the 90s was to stop worrying about the physical conditioning and put the same amount of effort into meditation. "Come on enlightenment, I don't have all f-ing day..." is what the beginner's approach is. Eventually you get into the groove of meditation, it becomes routine (first you must overcome the inertia of laying on the couch watching TV) and years later you start to realize you can do some of the insane power strikes your shifu demonstrated on you because you 'grew in that direction' from 2 directions - the outside (physical conditioning) and the inside (opening up the pathways, removing energetic blockages that increase the flow of energy). If you develop the stillness you start to sense the energies outside your body and gradually all this crazy shit I just spoke about becomes native language to you and you realize it's been here all along.
Last edited by meeks on Sat Oct 10, 2015 2:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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