The following typical threads that plague martial arts sites will get moved here if not just deleted: 1 - My style is better than Your style" - 2 - "Internal & External" - 3 - Personal attacks - 4 - Threads that start well, but degenerate into a spiral of nonsense.


Postby Doc Stier on Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:36 am

If only you knew what I thought you thought I thought! LOL ;D
"First in the Mind and then in the Body."
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Postby Strange on Fri May 20, 2016 6:01 am

冰姿瓊骨净无瑕 竹外溪边处士家 若使牡丹开得早 有谁风雪看梅花
Pristine in Glacial Form and Bones of Jade
Beyond the Bamboo, By the Stream, stands a Gentleman’s home
If everyone wishes for an early blossom of peony
Who would be left to admire the cherry blossom in the wind and snow
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Postby Dmitri on Sun May 22, 2016 9:46 am

One thing about long-distance running, is that sometimes the phrase "hold on to your shit" can become painfully literal :D
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Postby Strange on Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:02 am

i know, oh, i know
you feel something is not quite right
like you have a puzzle with a few important pieces missing
or like an itch you cannot scratch no matter how you move your body around

something's wrong, something's not right

and yeah you'se gonna tell me all about them songs, poems, theories, hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo
it completely does not make sense, i'm telling you

it's no wonder they be moving slow,
they be moving like clowns
they be moving like girly slappity slap
they be moving like pansies
they be moving like buffoons

with me mixing it all up, turning my 2 arms into eight
i'll be making sure i make them go down on the ground to show them all i'm down with it
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Postby Strange on Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:57 am

you want to do mixing

i tell you of one very famous and formidable chinese guy
he mix it up long before you guys did
i think he forgot what his teacher said, or he did not understand fully.... so he got mixed up

he was formidable
but he die young
not only he die young, his seed die out
for chinese, this is very very sad and unfortunate
immeasurable grief to ancestors

that is why the old master say
when you are newborn, you are soft and subtle and weak
when you are dead, you are very stiff and strong
it is the same for all living creatures, including the trees and grass
as such, those who are strong are students of the dead
those who are weak and subtle are students of the living
as in warfare, those who are strong and arrogant can never be victorious
you see the trees, it is the same
the strong and stiff trunk is at bottom
the soft branch and light leaves are at the top
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Postby Strange on Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:44 am

TEN bloody fucking years in the elements and animals
and the fuck walks in and says: uuhhh ermmm Duhhhh work on the intention level huh ???"
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Postby Michael on Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:13 am

Was teaching an ESL class today, had been raining hard, got to a point in the book where I was explaining what an "electricity blackout" was and, KA-BLAMM!, mother nature shut off the lights and explained it for me. Lasted about 2 minutes. Perfect timing.



Postby jimmy on Sun Jun 05, 2016 7:40 pm

synchronicity notwithstanding, it is a lucky fuckin' thing that we have such selfless young white texan bucks to explain difficult concepts like "electricity blackout" to the feeble minded yellow (wo(men)) of asia.
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Postby Strange on Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:16 am

look deep into your thinking and as yourself : "who put the logic in my mind that more is always better?"
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Postby jimmy on Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:19 am

I wonder why one doesn't see more chain mail in zombie apocalypse scenarios.
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Postby Michael on Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:27 am

jimmy wrote:I wonder why one doesn't see more chain mail in zombie apocalypse scenarios.

Because it's difficult to work mithril into the plot line.



Postby jimmy on Sun Jun 12, 2016 7:59 am

no mithril required! just a local co-op or tsc... ;D
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Postby Strange on Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:11 pm

no, these fellas, they did not really study
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Postby Strange on Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:02 pm

Without Words,
We transmit a Teaching out of Canon,
Pointing directly at the Nature of Man,
Once Seen, Buddhahood is attained
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Postby Strange on Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:30 am

this thingy we have here is like this:
it's not like some product that you try out and post a youtube video review about.
oh no, you must understand that you came to look for the thingy and this thingy is reviewing you
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