Trump Will be President

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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby willie on Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:39 pm

grzegorz wrote:
willie wrote:
grzegorz wrote: Hillary.

Are we still on Hillary? BOO HOO HOO, boo Hoo Hoo... LMAO!

I wasn't talking to you, was I?.

I'm the voice of the real AMERICA and YOU are getting very SLEEPY, SLEEEEEPY.
When You awake you will realize TRUMPS MY PRESIDENT and all your sorrow is now gone...
$50.00 please.


Re: Trump Will be President

Postby BruceP on Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:10 pm

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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:22 pm

I'm the voice of the real AMERICA and YOU are getting very SLEEPY, SLEEEEEPY.
When You awake you will realize TRUMPS MY PRESIDENT and all your sorrow is now gone...
$50.00 please.

As you lose your healthcare and suddenly get very very SICK....and the GOP does nothing for you.


Last edited by grzegorz on Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:47 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:24 am

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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:35 am

grzegorz wrote:Image

Sad. However, if he lost his healthcare, he'd still blame it on Obama. No matter that the congresspeople who vote to repeal it are all guaranteed health care for life. Imo, they should get the same thing guaranteed to all Americans. Then they'd vote on that basis. For the guy in the Facebook thread, though, I wonder why he's so happy with the insurance he has. Smh. ???

The reason they called it Obamacare was to make it unpalatable. The Affordable Care Act (it's legal name) makes it sound too ... reasonable. It's another one of those things where the people who argue the loudest against it rarely explain how they improve it. But, it's really simple. Ideally, every citizen would be any long or short health care he or she needed. If it can't be "free," then any program that is better than the ACA will simply serve more people more cheaply than the ACA does now. If a new plan means fewer people are covered, then it's worse --even if their coverage is cheaper-- then it's not a better plan.

If, however, more people gain coverage, but costs go up, then (for me) it would be better. But, increased cost (for some) is one of the major criticisms used against the ACA. So, for the critics, any plan more expensive is still worse than Obamacare.

Of course, repealing "Obamacare" through a name change (with great ceremony and self-congratulation) is the most likely result. The worst case is that people lose coverage and then go bankrupt trying to pay (still the #1 cause in the U.S.) or lose their battles with illness. The best case would be more people covered more cheaply. The ideal case would be universal free coverage. I know, very expensive. Maybe one or two aircraft carriers, or 1% of the oil-company subsidy, or.... Well, the point is simply one of priorities.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby windwalker on Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:55 am

It’s not the increased cost as much as it is the mechanism that's used supposedly to mitigate it. It’s not working and really never did.
They're going to move it to a free market based system.

“The point is one of priorities”

The priority is fixing or replacing a law that never met its own promises and is now failing in many aspects. Those that I know have seen their premiums increase substantially, so much that they may choose to not renew and pay the penalty

The law as written should never have passed. It’s a tax paid out to insurance companies in some cases only one insurer is left in an area
the others left.

“So much for “affordable” health care.
Yet another Affordable Care Act tax is on tap for September, starting at $8 billion a year and increasing to more than $14 billion annually by 2018 ... e-will-pay

“The ideal case would be universal free coverage. I know, very expensive. Maybe one or two aircraft carriers, or 1% of the oil-company subsidy, or.... Well, the point is simply one of priorities.”

Why is this the ideal case?

Even Obama, knows the law is bad now saying he would’ve liked to have improved it but was unable to.

Really :P had 8yrs to do it.

Once “Obama” leaves office he and his policies will soon fade to history.

I don't understand all the doom and gloom about team "Trump"
for things that haven't happened.

Maybe to be expected, with the US election of what amounts to a 3rd party to office.
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:06 am

Maybe to be expected, with the US election of what amounts to a 3rd party to office.

What party is that, the 1%ers and the bankers? That's who is in the Cabinet.

And, what do you think Obama was able to do with Congress after the first couple of years? Nadda. Furthermore, even if one makes the claim that Trump is "outside the system," the Congress is in the hands of traditional Republicans.

I wasn't a fan of the ACA. It was a Republican plan that gave a private option. We need single payer and to cut out insurance companies all together, IMO.

Of course, it will take the American people getting into another Great Depression before people wake up in order to pass a new New Deal. Oh well.

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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby windwalker on Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:27 am

Obama, was never a leader, and couldn't reach across party lines.
The job of a leader is to lead and unite. He divided and dictated.

At his core he was IMO always against what he was supposed to lead.
He will now go back to being a community activist.

“Trump” is not liked by all parties, the 1% and most others including the press.
Change agent, he needs to have the ones who understand the system the most in order to change it.

Voted or not, support or not, “Trump” will be the next president of the US. hopefully things
Will change for the better.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:29 am

Everybody knows "Obamacare" was the Republican solution (as used in Massachusetts). But, the priority is health care. Fixing the flaws is just another way of skirting the issue of whether people have it or not, and how it's planned to be provided.

If it was better before Obamacare, say so. If it'll be better without it, explain how. It's that simple. Right now, there's been nothing said but "it's going to be better," no matter what the topic. Some people just don't take for granted what a fraud and liar, who's claimed he's the "only one" who can fix "it" has said. Well, we all want "it" to be fixed. So, let's see. Right now, more people than ever have health care coverage. There are no "death panels" as was predicted, etc., and people who couldn't be covered before are covered now. Even Obama says that if they can find something better, he'd support it. So, it'll be GREAT if health costs go down and more people are covered. Don't ask me why. I, and many others, think it would be a good thing.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:07 am

windwalker wrote:Obama, was never a leader, and couldn't reach across party lines.
The job of a leader is to lead and unite. He divided and dictated.

At his core he was IMO always against what he was supposed to lead.
He will now go back to being a community activist.

“Trump” is not liked by all parties, the 1% and most others including the press.
Change agent, he needs to have the ones who understand the system the most in order to change it.

Voted or not, support or not, “Trump” will be the next president of the US. hopefully things
Will change for the better.

Obama was never a leader? His approval ratings have been consistently higher than Bush Jr's. And, I am baffled that you would talk about leading and uniting considering Trump lost the popular vote on a blatantly divisive campaign platform. ??? I also don't understand why you keep using community activist as some sort of derogation. I imagine you are also aware of his extremely impressive resume outside of politics?

You say he needs the people he said he was going to get rid of (wall street and the Washington swamp)? Again, not making sense--or at least playing catch up for all of Trump's backpedaling.

I agree that he will be the next president. But, he will not do what he promised, and Trump or no, the conservative super majority in Congress and the Whitehouse will bring about another Great Depression, as it has done every...single...time in our countries history. Try reading some economic histories. Free market unfettered inevitably leads to boom and bust, which only the very wealthy can survive. I am actually more afraid of what Congress will do than what Trump will.

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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby windwalker on Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:19 pm

I imagine you are also aware of his extremely impressive resume outside of politics?

And that would be? Not that it matters the end result is pretty clear and history will be the judge.
Yep, he did get states to pass laws concerning restroom usage I guess that's pretty impressive.

“I am baffled that you would talk about leading and uniting considering Trump lost the popular vote on a blatantly divisive campaign platform.”

The problem is not the I don’t understand you, it's that you fail or don’t want to understand another viewpoint besides your own.

Not that it matters if he thought winning the popular vote was the way the system worked he would have changed his strategy.
As it is he won according to the rules of the system,,,now some talk about changing it....others talk of Russians. not explaining how they
helped HRC win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote. HRC also lost 5 electors who would not vote for her....damm Russians affected
everything :P

This constant fear of stuff that hasn’t happened..must really suck living that way…

I would not say his platform was divisive, the way the media reported it, and other groups tried to make it so...
"make america great again" yep I could see how this might affect some people,,,
Free lunch is over,,,change is coming..

If anyone doesn't like it, it's only 4yrs...not too long. ;)

A US Navy destroyer fired a "burst" of warning shots at four Iranian small craft that were approaching at a high rate of speed, according to a U.S. defense official.
About time,,,there's new sheriff in town boys,,,,play time is over ;)
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:00 pm

Lots of funnies.

"make america great again" yep I could see how this might affect some people,,,

Especially those who think America is great already. ;) That would include everyone who has a job, a refrigerator with food, electricity, and a computer to post opinions on the internet. But, ok, if they think their lives are miserable and America isn't great.

A US Navy destroyer fired a "burst" of warning shots at four Iranian small craft that were approaching at a high rate of speed, according to a U.S. defense official.

About time,,,there's new sheriff in town boys,,,,play time is over ;)

More funnies. One: I'll bet he didn't even know about the incident because he was only tweeting about Meryl Streep. But, even if he did, he has zero power over the military. He will not even get intel on covert (i.e., really secret acts) that can only be ordered by the president; so, after his inauguration, he can take credit for it.

Afa Iran, btw, Iran is an ally to Russia with Assad. Russia also has a nuclear cooperation (for peaceful purposes of course) with Iran, and didn't completely support nuclear sanctions. So, we have yet to see what Trump's position will be if Putin disagrees. No need to predict, either.

But, cheering about it is just another sign of fake confidence. It has to be fake. Trump hasn't been tested once. Maybe he'll grow up when he starts sending back condolence letters to families. Again, not predicting, just anxious to find out.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:08 pm

Oh, I do think he will put on a spectacular show. Big parades with flags and music. There's still time to make his inauguration the greatest we've ever seen. I'm sure the WH furniture will be much classier, too; and the parties.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:03 pm

Oops, spoke too soon:
Donald Trump says D.C.’s dress shops are sold out of inauguration gowns. Wrong!

President-elect Donald Trump, in a Monday interview with the New York Times, took issue with Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech in which the actress slammed Trump without actually naming him.
But it was an offhand remark the president-in-waiting made after his Streep-bashing that caught our eye: Trump played hype man for his own inauguration, boasting that the turnout would be record-setting. “There will be plenty of movie and entertainment stars,” Trump told the Times. “All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.”

Hang on — is Trump actually saying that Washington’s racks are bare of formal gowns? That there are scant “great” frocks left? Putting aside the old-timey reference to “dress shops” (ladies wear all manner of clothing these days, including pants), we wondered if it was possible that the city’s shops actually had been cleared out of ball-worthy wear.

Definitely not, said Martha Slagle, vice president and general manager of the Neiman Marcus in Friendship Heights. If a ball attendee were to walk in today, “you have more than a thousand evening gowns to choose from,” she said, noting that the store stocks up every four years in anticipation of inauguration demand.

Still time. Who's going?
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:30 pm

Not that it matters the end result is pretty clear and history will be the judge.

Hmm, yes. The end result of saving the world economy and history will be the judge. The problem is that almost half this country doesn't know social or economic history, let alone read it. Of course, you don't have to do that to know what's up. Where was the economy when Obama took over and why was it that way? Where is it now and why is it this way? Now just watch what will happen: Like Bush Jr., Trump will ride the coattails of Obama's stimulus package claiming it was all him and then the Republicans will crash the economy again.

It's not that you don't understand me, its that you don't want to. ;)

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