Trump Will be President

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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby windwalker on Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:42 am

So, you have experience in intelligence, but you say don't trust CIA intelligence. Okay. That makes sense.
You worked on computer systems, and don't agree with the FBI conclusions about computer intrusions.
And, since there were attempts at intrusions or interference by Russians (government or ngo), it's no big deal since we do it anyway.

Knowing about how things work and why, allows one to view things in a different way.
Just as being a teacher allows others to view things through what ever they teach such as history.

Agencies, people, can be compromised.
Security systems or protocols used can either be not sufficient or applied
sloppy as with computer systems.

I support many of the polices put forth by team "Trump"
It could have been anyone.
It happenes to be him and his administration
acting as the change agent.

The US needed a change
Last edited by windwalker on Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:55 am

You can like his policies all you want. You may even have more security experience than he does. He has no experience dealing with any of these issues or policies politically. It's not about everything he wants. But, he could promise a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. Why would anyone disagree. The fact, however, is that he acts like an incompetent child. He lies, denies, then denies the denial, like a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Then he blames mom for spying. No one can trust anything he says. Anyway, when he changes his mind, his supporters say that it was what any leader would do and Trump is smarter than all the others. Or, he didn't change; he's just saying that.

Anyway, I said it before. He'll be scrutinized more as president than he has been already. It'll be good reading for future generations. I was just reading about his comments about trysts with Russian hookers --"who had no morals." :) That's a goodie. It's like saying "Those prostitutes had the lowest morals of any I've ever had." Tsk, tsk, and if he makes enemies in the intelligence communities, wow. It is definitely change with a capital C for ____.
Last edited by Steve James on Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby windwalker on Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:01 am

Steve James wrote:You can like his policies all you want. You may even have more security experience than he does. He has no experience dealing with any of these issues or policies politically. It's not about everything he wants. But, he could promise a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. Why would anyone disagree. The fact, however, is that he acts like an incompetent child. He lies, denies, then denies the denial, like a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Then he blames mom for spying. No one can trust anything he says. Anyway, when he changes his mind, his supporters say that it was what any leader would do and Trump is smarter than all the others. Or, he didn't change; he's just saying that.

Anyway, I said it before. He'll be scrutinized more as president than he has been already. It'll be good reading for future generations. I was just reading about his comments about trysts with Russian hookers --"who had no morals." :) That's a goodie. It's like saying "Those prostitutes had the lowest morals of any I've ever had." Tsk, tsk, and if he makes enemies in the intelligence communities, wow. It is definitely change with a capital C.

When will you start speaking for yourself and not for others. On what basis do you know what his experience is or is not.

What is your experience running a large multinational organization?
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:09 am

On what basis do you know what his experience is or is not.

:) His political experience is ...? I thought he was successful because he wasn't a politician. Hey, would you let him be your dentist?

What is your experience running a large multinational organization?

Lol, I have no experience going bankrupt either. Though, a few pages back, I was being accused of being like him. Go figure.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby windwalker on Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:19 am

Not all leaders are politicians not all politicians are leaders.

know the difference
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:39 am

Sleazy assholes with no experience are sleazy assholes with no experience, too. That's based on how he's acted, not how it's predicted he will act.

Hopefully, he'll grow up or at least act like an adult who's not a narcissist. If he does, though, I think he'll disappoint a lot of people.

Btw, I don't have experience with golden showers ... at least not intentional, either. But, frankly, that's trivial. Different strokes for different folks. And thankfully anything on the internet lasts forevah and evah. I always tell my students to remember that what they post on the internet is eternal. Of course, that's why a person should be very careful about what he says. What he does in private is totally his own business. He might have hung out with Rick James.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby BruceP on Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:07 pm

grzegorz wrote:
So the Birther King should not have to address the public or presses concerns?

You have a lot more faith in the system than I do.

Trump's dressing down of CNN's Whitehouse Correspondent was an affront to the spirit of inclusiveness that is part and parcel of an open press conference. But not out of line considering that particular correspondent's overbearing and rude insistence that their question be addressed while he, Trump, was recognizing someone else's question first. Also, given the nature of the question they were attempting to ask, it seemed as though the CNN guy was goading in an attempt to illicit exactly the response he got. Like poking a dog with a stick until the dog comes back and then it's like, "See?...vicious dog!"

As far as his dismissal of that particular 'news' agency's integrity, and its collective loyalty to objective, unbiased journalism, CNN flushed themselves down the toilet a long time ago and have, since last year, embroiled themselves in a counter-campaign of character assassination, fake polls, and everything else within their means to shape narrative and voter perception in an attempt to influence the election. Their lies of omission, creative editing, exclusion of counterpoints, etc etc etc...has put them in the same bucket as buzzfeed, national enquirer, and other fake news outlets.

I have a lot less faith in the 'system' we have going on up here than I do in what you have going on down there. Hopefully, our guy will resign or be replaced via non-confidence before he can do any more damage. He's going to get schlonged by your guy when they sit down to renegotiate our trade deals. Nobody needs a crystal ball to see that. And us half-brains are already buckled up for the impact. Our carbon tax alone puts us at a terrible disadvantage on that front. Fortunately, our weak dollar will attract investment in our manufacturing and tourism. That won't be enough to even cover the interest in what he has spent, and plans to spend. Despite your domestic issues, you guys are sitting pretty compared to most of the world. You should feel pretty good about that.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:23 pm

Well it should be noted that CNN also went after the Hill over her private email server and wikileaks which was ultimately nothing.

As far as feeling good, I don't feel good about jack. The GOP just crushed the best parts of Obamacare. As far as the carbon tax, taxes are what are used in building up the military and our schools and THE WALL. Just look at California with our taxes and everyone still is moving out here because we have some of the best paying jobs.

97% of the poorest counties in the US are red so obviously whatever the GOP is doing from giving tax breaks to companies to busting the unions their ideas are not working otherwise Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas would be the bomb.

As far as my guy goes, my guy will not finish out his term. We are going to take him down. Whether it is death by a thousand cuts or one big shit storm or losing 2020 the D is going down and he can back to just being a random douche bag celebrity.

By the way, thank you MI6 for exposing the Donald.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:32 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:34 pm

To the best of my knowledge, Mr Walker isn't currently a US resident.
But he's a hell of a Team Trump cheerleader

I've got a British friend living in the UK, that is just as adamant

A cheerleader, I can go with that.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Fri Jan 13, 2017 6:18 pm

Donald Trump Adviser Michael Flynn Having 'Frequent Contacts' With Russian Envoy ... 81d0eaaaf1
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:13 pm

willie wrote:
grzegorz wrote:Go troll somewhere else.

Actually, I'm not trolling, I'm serious.
If you want to look like an immature person waving an anti-american sign, do you have to do it on a martial art thread?

Not an anti-American meme, it is a no bozos meme.

Last edited by grzegorz on Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Michael on Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:14 pm

Wow. Congressman John Lewis says he doesn't believe Trump is a legitimate president because of a conspiracy that involved Russia helping to destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Says he will not attend the inauguration and it will be the first time he's missed one.

I disagree with Lewis' stance on this in general, that it's too divisive, especially coming from him, but I'm sure that's his point. I also don't believe Russia and Putin should be blamed for Trump's election. Like Putin said, is America a banana republic? Can it not control its own elections?


Re: Trump Will be President

Postby grzegorz on Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:30 am

Congresswomen Barbara Lee was one of the few (if only) who voted against the war in Iraq. At the time she was crucified and now she is a hero. Time will tell, perhaps years from now John Lewis's stance will pay off. Personally I have no problem with anyone not attending, it is free country not a dictatorship and in some ways it is the most polite form of resistance.

Like Putin said, is America a banana republic?

Yes, it is.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:54 am

I disagree with Lewis' stance on this in general, that it's too divisive

Being "too divisive" is like being "too pregnant." :) Anyway, there are lots of people who won't be attending or watching the inauguration. Lewis just gave his reasons for not going. Let's leave out the issue of whether disrespecting the president by questioning his legitimacy is divisive. If it is, it's certainly not Lewis who started it; and, I won't hold him to a higher standard than any other politician. So, if Lewis and others stand and call Trump a liar on the floor of Congress during his State of the Union address, people will say that it's disrespectful. Would it be divisive? I guess it depends on how one took it.

Anyway, the issue of Trump's legitimacy is really separate from any demonstration about it. I.e., just because Lewis says that Trump is illegitimate, that doesn't make it so. Remember. Anyone can claim anything about anyone, and anyone can believe it if he chooses to. Those are the new post-truth rules, no? I could post links to plenty of bloggers who make claims about Trump and friends. Are they true? Dunno. Are they automatically false? Dunno that either.

Anyway, if Lewis kissed Trump's feet on inauguration day, there would be no less division. The only way to not be divisive is to be cooperative and help each other. "Love thy neighbor," "do unto others," etc. Yes, that is precisely the approach Lewis and others used in the 60s to fight segregation. Yes, if Lewis took the same path today, it wouldn't be divisive. It might be better; but, otoh, from his pov, it'd be going back 50 years. So, I think there's more than Russia involved in Lewis's protest.

50 years ago, though, I was also against "protests" and "demonstrations" because they just waste energy. That includes getting upset about other peoples' protests. Arguing about whether Lewis or Trump is divisive is divisive. I am not going to act any differently toward anyone or group because Lewis doesn't attend, no matter what his reason was. I think there are people who'll say "See, see" and use it to confirm their opinions, beliefs, prejudices and to justify their actions.
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Re: Trump Will be President

Postby Steve James on Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:40 am

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