Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

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Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:53 am

Cool, I appreciate the extended dialog from everyone. Thanks.


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby rob2 on Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:54 pm

Michael, has this changed your view of what 'Antifa' might or might not be?
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Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Sat Nov 11, 2017 4:13 pm

Completely putting aside the pedo banner:

From the video I've seen, Antifa behaved in their usual despicable way with some exceptions because, as far as I know at this protest, they did not severely beat anyone or steal anyone's property.

They prevented people from getting inside the venue, which was less than half full with people still trying to get in. Inside the auditorium, since no one was allowed in wearing masks, a woman I presume to be part of Antifa made a death threat against the speaker while others with printed slogans identical to the black-clad Antifa outside chanted and attempted to disrupt the speaker, but failed.

On the floor above the auditorium, I saw a video from Tim Pool where a single Antifa member recognized him, denounced him as Alt-Right and sicced a group of other Antifa to threaten, harass, intimidate and bully Pool, which I also saw happen to him in Boston Commons and other videos in the past year. The Antifa gang first went after the wrong man, they're not too bright, and harassed him until they figured out their mistake.

What they do is send what I call bird dogs, often women, to issue veiled threats to the target, get out of here, it would be best if you leave, it's not safe, that's a nice camera you have there, be a shame if anything happened to it. The bird-dogs then follow the target around the venue making accusations, attracting more negative attention from other Antifa or people in the crowds, who hear a string of oh-so-nice women saying the target is Alt-Right, White Supremacist, Nazi, etc., then eventually the target is attacked physically, often in the presence of police, who then scold the victim. I have seen this on video many times.

The only thing I didn't see in Columbia that is typical of Antifa was I did not see Antifa stealing people's property, such as their phones, or violently attacking peaceful attendees, or even passers-by with weapons. I also did not see them pouring water on wheel-chair bound veterans as they have done in the past, or see them beating women over the head with sticks, which seemed a little unusual for them this time, but perhaps the security in Columbia was better than Berkeley.

The pedo-banner hoax does not influence my opinion of Antifa unless it were proven not to be a hoax, which it was not.

Rob, what's your experience with Antifa?


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby rob2 on Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:45 am

Michael wrote:Rob, what's your experience with Antifa?

None. I wondered if this incident maybe illustrated that Antifa aren't the coherent organised bogeyman the right wing echo chamber, to use someone else's phrase, would like people to think.
I imagine the videos you've seen are posted by right wing types, which isn't where I would be looking.
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Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:02 am

No, Tim Pool is not right wing.


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby grzegorz on Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:47 am

In my experience the only (and I mean literally only) people who believe or see antifa as some type of organized threat are people who don't live in the States.
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Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:06 pm

How about the 4 people Eric Clanton is charged with felonies for hitting them over the head with a bike lock? They're all Sf/East Bay residents. Do you think they see Antifa as a threat?

This Cali resident was taking video in Berkeley Aug. 27 during the last rally and was being beaten on the ground by a gang of Antifa until reporter Al Letson jumped on top of him to stop the beating.

The man being beaten later gave interviews and said he did have some beefs with some people in Antifa and they targeted him at the rally for a gang attack. He said he left Cali and had to go into hiding after this attack. Does he see Antifa as a threat?

But this other guy—I’m not sure if he was with Joey. It looked like he was, but I’m not sure. He was running in kind of a different place, and he stumbled—or someone tripped him—and then four or five people surrounded him and began to kick and hit him with like a flagpole. And I was just filming it, but at some point I looked behind him and I saw a whole mass of people coming, and I just thought that they were going to kill him. And, you know, I didn’t want anybody to die. So I just dropped my stuff and dove in and got on top of him. Originally I wasn’t planning on getting on top of him; I just wanted to shield him. I wanted to break it up, but then I realized there were too many of them, and there was no way that was going to happen.
Last edited by Michael on Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:11 pm

10-15 masked Antifa severely damaged Kyle Chapman's car not the first time. Do you think he sees Antifa as a threat?


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:12 pm

grzegorz wrote:In my experience the only (and I mean literally only) people who believe or see antifa as some type of organized threat are people who don't live in the States.

The state of New Jersey, possibly residents of the USA, their Dept. of Homeland Security has identified Antifa as a domestic terrorists organization. Do they see Antifa as a threat?


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:42 am

Michael wrote:
grzegorz wrote:In my experience the only (and I mean literally only) people who believe or see antifa as some type of organized threat are people who don't live in the States.

The state of New Jersey, possibly residents of the USA, their Dept. of Homeland Security has identified Antifa as a domestic terrorists organization. Do they see Antifa as a threat?

The DOJ has also recently removed the KKK from its terror list but there is an order circulating warning of "Black Identity Extremist Groups" out to target law enforcement. Clearly, politics are at play.

And yes, I am sure the current admin sees the entire left as a threat, hence the false equivalency between Neonazis and protesters.

It is also certainly worth pointing out that while some people will jump all over protesters for a sign they didn't make while the collective Right is doing all they can to protect an actual predator who is running for public office. Hmm...

Selective and highly misplaced outrage.

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Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:03 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:Selective and highly misplaced outrage.

I'm concerned about this. I've asked for yours and Steve's POV on this, and I ask you to offer specifics because often a person, like me, does not know their own blind spots. What are mine in regards to Antifa's purpose, tactics or validity? What am I missing?

I have explained, with evidence, why I am against Antifa. Being against Antifa does not mean I am not against other kinds of political violence, including far-right violence, which I am very much against. Either in this thread or the other current one about Antifa, I said I'm against all political violence.

So you think the de-listing of the KKK and the listing of black identity groups is due to politics, and therefore the New Jersey listing of Antifa as domestic terrorists is also political. Do you have anything to say that is persuasive or evident? It seems like your perspective is based on something concrete that is so obvious to you that you don't even feel it is worth articulating or explaining. Am I wrong?

You have to admit I have gone very far to show the basis for my statements against Antifa. I have tried to get the best context on this as I can, but you've really done nothing to counter that beyond opinionated assertions, ie. ranting. Which is fine. Go for it.

I am all ears if you can offer something more because it's really difficult to even respond to your posts on this. You've said nothing solid to which I can reply.


Re: Antifa hoaxed with banner outside Columbia Univ. protest

Postby Michael on Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:51 am

Michael, has this changed your view of what 'Antifa' might or might not be?

It does not surprise me in the least that an Antifa organizer turns out to be an admitted child rapist and pedophile. There was an accusation of abusive treatment and cult control over teenagers solicited to join and live with the Antifa affiliate organization BAMN in Berkeley and Detroit by a teenager inside the group.

Joel Davis, the organizer of the Antifa protest that is the topic of this thread, and who contributed to the Columbia Spectator at Columbia University New York, was arrested for soliciting sex with children, as well as possession and transmission of child pornography. He also admitted to having sex with a 13 y.o. boy in the summer of 2018,according to the complaint.

Sealed Complaint June 2018 wrote:g. DAVIS admitted that he was attempting to arrange meetings with uncdercover FBI agents #1 and #2, and their young daughters, including the two-year-old daughter of agent #2's girlfriend. DAVIS told law enforcement officials that he wants to think he would not have shown up to those meetings, but admitted that he may have if he had been certain that uncdercover FBI agents #1 and #2 were not law enforcement; and

h. DAVIS said that in approximately June 2018, he met a 13-year-old boy on the cellular telephone app Grindr and communicated on Snapchat. DAVIS and the 13-year-old boy met in person at DAVIS's apartment in Manhattan, New York, and engaged in oral sex and digital penetration.

So maybe Antifa's pro-pedo sign wasn't a hoax after all. Perhaps more details will come out during the prosecution.



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