Oigong and eyes correction

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Oigong and eyes correction

Postby wiesiek on Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:31 am

Yesterday I had annual medical exam /standard in my work/.
It included eyes Doc., examination. She asked - did you had laser eyes correction?

- I had +1 and some some more problems diagnosed last year.
Right now my lenses are crystal clear and could read the smallest letters from the control board...

I use only Gong and some herbs.
I do not practice anything directed for such problem, just my standard "14 meridian" gong,
this is somehow "by product " of my trainings

What do you think?

Feel free to put yours unusual experiences here ,as well.
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby origami_itto on Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:35 am

The biggest change for me, other than being able to reach past my knees, was losing the allergies. They will come back if I don't practice for a long time but generally they just don't bother me anymore. Growing up my father and I both had horrible hay fever several times a year, now he's still afflicted and brings me the latest and greatest allergy medicine when he visits, but I just don't ever need it anymore.

Also, My eyes are still very strong and I work in computers for a living and play on computers all night.
Last edited by origami_itto on Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby KEND on Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:40 am

I use a modified Bates method for exercising my eyes, looking at far and near objects in 8 directions. Had dry eye some years ago was treated by naturopath who used herbs and homeopathy. Now, nearly 30 years later my eyes tend to overreact, tearing on contact with wind or cold air. I am not familiar with Qigong for the eyes specifically, although in terms of TCM it would concern the Liver. Any information on eye health is welcome.
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby wiesiek on Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:34 pm

yes, liver is connected with the sight , so improving liver state will help the eyes , definitely.

Try to start a day with two glasses of the fresh carrot juice - it will improve liver function quite fast.
btw, during the WWII, Russian pilots operating during the night has to mandatory eat raw carrots before the fly.
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby wiesiek on Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:17 am

Here is classic TCM recept for eyes problems due to liver > rising qi <
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
Fr. Gardeniae
Zhi Zi
Rx. Saposhnikoviae
Fang Feng
Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi

`cause I don`t know why KEND has the eyes problems it may be not the best mix ,in his present condition.
you can safety use Jue Ming Zi alone /soak 0,5 h., and cook , (simmer 0,5 h) 10 grams in one dose/
If you sense doesn`t allow you to read the present body/qi state,- go to nearest TCM doc and ask for advice in herbs composition.
Never stop 2 glasses of the carrot j., everyday.
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby KEND on Tue Nov 21, 2017 10:14 am

Just getting info to improve eyesight, at 83 I can still read print but eyes tire after a half hour or so, night vision is down a little, use glasses for reading, driving. I had problem with hearing a couple of years ago but solved it through acupuncture, ;kidney food' and a modified microcosmic orbit meditation. Do you have any specific meditation for the eyes apart from exercising ciliary muscles. Take a seasonal tonic from my TCM practitioner mostly stimulating lungs and kidneys
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby AIY on Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:43 pm


Could you say something more about the modified Bates method you mentioned. Thanks.
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby KEND on Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:41 am

I sit in a chair facing wall, about 10 ft from wall, where wall has picture etc. have table in between some object[bottle with label] Start look at tip of nose, then bottle then picture on wall, return bottle --nose repeat total 4 slow, 4 fast. Next do same up and down, nose-bottle high on wall-bottle -nose 8 times. Next low on wall: nose -bottle --low on wall-bottle nose. Repeat for left/right/top right/top left/bottom right /bottom left. Can be repeated with individual eyes if you have time. After finishing put palms over eyes and relax eyes for a few moments
For peripheral vision hold two index fingers vertical, pointing upwards close together with arm extended at eye level. Move hands outwards separating fingers, until they are about 48 ins apart focusing on an object directly in front of you and the two fingers simultaneously. Bring fingers together and repeat
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby AIY on Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:24 pm

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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby wiesiek on Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:18 am

Don`t know any kind of meditation connected directly with the eyes sight improvement.
Strengthening/harmonizing the liver will be beneficial for your eyes too.
in meditation work with the green color fulfilling the body/DT, channels, etc./ when breathing in,
make shuuuuuweeey sound during exhalation .

Speakin` about meditation - there is one, named: -"Rainbow Body", it isn`t designed for eyes improvement too, but you work thru them.
My shot is ,then, that it should has healing eyes effect as the "by product" of doing it.
Description is in the "Qigong improvements" book by Mr Liang and Wu .
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Re: Oigong and eyes correction

Postby wetmarble on Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:14 am

KEND, in Chinese medicine, tearing can be the result of several different pathologies and is generally classed into two broad categories, 're lei' (hot tears) and 'leng lei' (cold tears). Based on your brief description, your pattern is likely related to Blood deficiency leading to Wind-Cold. Among other things, Blood is responsible for filling the vessels and bringing warmth to the tissues of the body. When it is deficient, there is more room in the vessels and Wind can get in. Wind often brings other pathological influences with it, such as Cold.

Naturally, the primary treatment strategy would be to warm and nourish the Blood and to extinguish the Wind. This would be best accomplished via the use of herbal medicine, for which you would be well advised to find a qualified practitioner in your area. One simple remedy that you could try even without the supervision of a practitioner of Chinese medicine would be gou qi zi jiu. (Gouji berry wine). Gou qi zi nourishes the Blood and the Liver. It also has a particular action to brighten the eyes. Wine warms and invigorates the blood. To make it, you simply soak gou qi zi in rice wine.
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