Tai ji Qin Na

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Tai ji Qin Na

Postby ashapaul on Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:52 am

Some qin na from the beginning of Wu taiji. Maybe more interesting if you actually practice this style! This is a teaching vid, and the the training is from Tai ji da lun.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Bao on Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:39 pm

Nice qinna show reel. 8-)

ashapaul wrote: Maybe more interesting if you actually practice this style!

Why? ???
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Aqui on Sun Jan 28, 2018 4:20 pm

How would you guys (and especially you Paul :) ) compare the above video to this one:

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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby lineofintent on Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:07 am

Aqui - What Paul is doing in this video is using skill, not tricks, extremely fine use of 'taking the mind', and works against someone trying to do you damage.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Oliver 101 on Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:53 am

Paul has the skills that Mizner pretends to have.
Not really comparable.
Paul will not lower himself by commenting on a wannabe master like Mizner.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby wayne hansen on Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:12 am

Are you the other guy here oliver
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Aqui on Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:47 am

retreats108 wrote:Aqui - What Paul is doing in this video is using skill, not tricks, extremely fine use of 'taking the mind', and works against someone trying to do you damage.

Thank you Alex for your reply!

I really wonder on which data you base your assumptions of Mizner?
You either met and touched hands with Mizner, could easily neutralize and push him and thereby came to the assumption that he is using "tricks" instead of skill.
Or you went into armchair-warrior-mode, watched Mizners videos and decided that he is a trickster.
I sadly assume you followed the second way and armchair-warriored-up :-[

Alex, I think you met Sam Chin and have a high opinion of him and his style (ILC), so maybe I could give you some more data to base your assumptions concerning Mizner on:
Several students of Sam met with Mizner and they all speak really highly of Mizner's skills! As an example this is what Lan Tran (direct student of Sam Chin and ILC instructor) publicly stated:

Thank you Adam Mizner and Jim Russo for hosting this workshop and inviting me as a guest. I also got to meet Adam's other half Kingdao Nilchai who was the videographer of the event.
Adam and I met across FB a little over 3 years ago. I can attest Adam's skill is profound at a level far above what I had imagined. Everyone wants to know how he felt and if there was any difference w/ how the ILC touch feels.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he owned me before physical touch happened. There was no difference in feel between how he felt and how Sifu Sam Chin feels on the touch. Completely neutral and empty. I'm sure a video will be posted soon and you can see what I had to deal with. LOL
I can make many parallels with the skills in what Adam does and how ZXD/ILC manifests the internal quality. Adam pretty much did to me what people see me doing to others in my videos but at a level I have not reached yet but can understand. Every quality that I am learning in ILC was there w/ Adam on the touch. I can see what I am currently doing is on the correct path, but I have a lot of work to do to get to to even get anywhere near Adam's level of efficacy. My current level in ILC is not clear enough yet for me to maintain anything against his skill set. He felt everything I was doing internally and was able to point out what I need to pay attention to in order to advance my skill.
Is there a difference between ILC and Adam's TC ? Only in how we approach. Adam's curriculum is set in pure traditional Yang Style Classics, and he was able to explain all the qualities in a way that is very tangible and workable. It has all the same qualities at the POC, the pivoting, the stickyness.....etc. I felt no difference at all and it even allowed me to see my current errors and insight.
This was no balance tricks or anything of the like. I have done TCC for over 25 years before going to ILC, and Adam is the only one i have ever touched w/ to manifest this feel in the TCC arena. This feel was the same feel I experienced almost 3 yrs ago when touching w/ Sifu Sam Chin. If anyone has any doubts as to what he is doing, do yourself a favor and get to a workshop. More than enough food for thought for one to start questioning the veracity of their own practice. May will be surprised how far off they are.

Andy Mack, one of Mizners senior students, recently moved to Richmond, London why don't you meet up with him and see for yourself whether there is skill or tricks!


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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby chinwoo1956 on Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:04 pm


Once again Paul shows great push hand methods but practical martial skill, really ?

Take up the challenge Paul go on I dare you and show us the clip.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby wayne hansen on Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:32 pm

Why is everyone picking Paul's fights for him
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby origami_itto on Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:33 pm

Fanboi love
The form is the notes, the quan is the music
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby lineofintent on Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:08 am

Aqui - I was talking on a technical level, nothing to do with the person, its not personal.

The chin-na video of martial man you asked about shows tricks which anyone with basic training can do. Some here will know what I mean.

In real attack Chin-na is a gift rarely given, a useful thing to know, but can be done with skill or trickery.

Trickery is fine for promotion, but lets just be clear it is not based on qualities of skill. It doesn't mean that person doesn't have other skills.

I will make a video to show some examples - what looks special on film may be nothing, what looks like nothing may be very deep.

The man in the video you reference I have no idea, I can't access his other videos as I'm not a member, if you love him and his teaching I am happy for you!

I am here to share traditional skills and teachers with friends on the path, not to argue.

To that end, I have been blessed that many high level teachers have visited over the years, taught me, and agreed to be documented in my books and films.

In the west I personally know three western CMA teachers who have superlative skills and good character - Serge Augier, Paul Rogers, Paul Whitrod.

If you know of others that is great.

To return to the subject of this conversation - With Paul Rogers we are fortunate he shows many special skills on his channel.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Aqui on Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:53 am

Thank you very much for reply, Alex!

I think everyone here is very glad that you do your videos and books and therefore give us rare glances inte the internal arts. I definitelly DON'T want to argue with you, but on the other hand I don't like posts that bring people down based on watching a video but haven't felt the person in question!

I really hope you will follow through with your promise to make a video, too often such promises were made and then forgotten, but you being a man of integrity will stand to your word, I am sure!!

Anyway, I would still love for you to meet Andy Mack, he is a great guy and I am sure you would hit it off quite well and I would be thrilled to here your opinion after having felt him.


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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Bhassler on Fri Feb 02, 2018 9:30 am


The biggest difference is that Paul is showing chin na and Mizner is showing counters to chin na. Beyond that, the attacks in Mizner's video are the chin na equivalent of a punch thrown from 6 feet away where the attacker takes a big lunge in with the punch. Both are missing details of execution that make them effective in the real world. Fine for illustrating concepts, but don't mistake training or a demo for real application.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Oliver 101 on Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:24 pm

wayne hansen wrote:Are you the other guy here oliver

No, not here, but i´ve been in his position many times.
Like Alex said, Paul´s skills are extraordinary, i don´t think anybody in the west is on the same level regarding the specific skills found in the so-called internal martial arts. This opinion is based on touching hands with a lot of high level teachers.
Feeling is believing.
Last edited by Oliver 101 on Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tai ji Qin Na

Postby Oliver 101 on Sun Feb 04, 2018 12:57 pm

Bhassler wrote:Aqui,

The biggest difference is that Paul is showing chin na and Mizner is showing counters to chin na. Beyond that, the attacks in Mizner's video are the chin na equivalent of a punch thrown from 6 feet away where the attacker takes a big lunge in with the punch. Both are missing details of execution that make them effective in the real world. Fine for illustrating concepts, but don't mistake training or a demo for real application.

In this video Paul is just showing some mechanics, how to flow from one qin na to the next and talks about when and how to apply power.
The real secret is the skill how to set up the qin na with strikes. Paul mentions this only briefly in the video.
You don´t even see it coming, when Paul does it to you. Masterfully and scary.
Feeling is believing.
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