The promise of CMA

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: The promise of CMA

Postby willie on Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:12 am

johnwang wrote:
AnotherMonkey wrote: please rather point me to those threads.

I may be able to copy some of the discussions from old RSF threads.

- IMA is not only for fighting, it can be used for health, self-cultivation, inner peace, culture study, ...
- If fighting is all you care about, IMA is not for you.
- If you care about fighting, go to buy yourself a gun.
- My IMA teacher can beat Mike Tyson to death if he wants to.
- There are many good Taiji fighters out there. You just haven't had the luck to meet one yet.
- There are 3 persons in US that you should meet. After you have met any one of them, you will change your opinion big time.
- Boxing uses brute force. It's very bad. Taiji uses 4 oz to deal with 1000 lb. It's very good.
- ...

Wow, I'm impressed John. What happened to gouging eyes and eating brains?

I don't think that anyone can guarantee a victory over Tyson, win some, lose some, no exceptions.

The 4 oz thing is overrated.
You would be hard pressed to find me an example of 1000 inanimate pounds being set off coarse by 4 oz.
Dude forgets to apply a parking brake and a lightweight car starts coasting down a driveway and somebody trying to redirect it.
Car ends up in street. LOL!


Re: The promise of CMA

Postby origami_itto on Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:59 am

Who is fighting 1000 inanimate pounds? If you're trying to beat up a statue you've got some mental issues.
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Re: The promise of CMA

Postby willie on Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:50 am

oragami_itto wrote: you've got some mental issues.
let's see ... Last time you called me a buffoon and now this ? You keep claiming that your upper middle class, yet you talk like ghetto trash?
Last edited by willie on Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.


Re: The promise of CMA

Postby Ron Panunto on Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:59 am

Boxing doesn't have the Guandao.
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Re: The promise of CMA

Postby wayne hansen on Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:25 pm

Boxing is a great art ,like Hsing I it has a limited number of techniques that can be honed to perfection
It is limited below the waist but most people cover that
How many tai chi people train as hard as boxers,there lies the difference
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Re: The promise of CMA

Postby windwalker on Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:49 pm

AnotherMonkey wrote:There is this kind of people who practise CMA/IMA for years looking for a way to beat the big strong guys by being as soft as possible and going the 'internal way'.

They seem to be everywhere now :)
I have never met anyone on this Forum but here seems to be a different kind of people which seems to be hard to find in real life CMA/IMA circles.

I came to the conclusion that actually learning to box (western boxing) would be way quicker and most of the time more effective than training for decades without being able to show anything.

So I have to questions for your gusy:
1. Whats your reason for choosing CMA/IMA?
2. Whats your opinion on boxing?

This might help to answer some of your questions from a different perspective.

Focusing Emptiness is about how the significant choices we make in life can be colored by the trauma we experience in childhood.

It is about how we split off our most vulnerable parts,
and how these parts can sometimes fall into a fantasy world where real world choices become entangled with the fantasy world designed to protect us.

If you have ever looked back on your life, and wondered why you made that particular decision, that decision which turned your direction at that critical fork in the road, then this book will touch something of deep recognition inside you.

But this is also a book about finding those split off parts again, and recognizing how delicately they had been calling to you all along.

Mike my first teacher in CMA had a profound impact on my own journey and CMA training.

“The Lost Child”

“Each passing week brought new disclosures as I became more familiar with the imaginal space I had discovered, with its mind/body dialogue. I saw my obsession with gongfu as a pull toward the mysterious, the dark, the hidden, where the lost boys of my soul had been waiting to be found.

I recalled how deeply I was moved, when I first arrived in San Francisco, by Chinatown’s arcane and mysterious world, with its tong wars and hidden, back-alley secrets. It was this sense of mystery that called to me, smoothing the path toward leaving the “cool simplicity of a Japanese garden” that was karate, for the “Clandestine seaminess of a chinatown alley that was gongfu.

A deeper part of me was trying to reclaim its split-off parts, reaching up through that nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right.”

"Something not quite right"

A different question might be did the choices that one made, did they bring about the intended change or the promise as the OP questioned.

Did they? :-\
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The promise of CMA

Postby grzegorz on Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:50 pm

AnotherMonkey wrote:
I came to the conclusion that actually learning to box (western boxing) would be way quicker and most of the time more effective than training for decades without being able to show anything.

I believe boxing and types of wrestling will be enough to make one a good fighter. I have done different martial arts from when I was a kid but like most eventually got bored.

I prefer CMA because there are no belts and few competitions. I just have no interest or care in competing but respect those who do.

I do CMA for myself and myself only and to maintain a healthy body.

I still do judo and boxing but I am no longer concerned about fighting. It just never reaches that point and if you don't care what people think or say about you then it never should. Most fights are nothing more than macho bull crap anyway.
Last edited by grzegorz on Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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