Aikido v mma

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Re: Aikido v mma

Postby marvin8 on Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:34 pm

Steve James wrote:Well, I don't argue about a person's personal practice. So, I'm not arguing for or against Rokas's pov. I mention mma because that's the thread title. I said I didn't understand the Need for such a comparison. In an mma contest, everybody's doing mma.

Afa "self defense" is concerned, there are too many variables to talk about styles. But, I think that some aikido practitioners can defend themselves "in general." It's the same when people debate whether a tcc practitioner can defend himself. Does someone need to modify tcc so that it's good for self-defense? The debate doesn't matter. In a given situation, either it works or not.

NOw, I do think that competition instills a confidence that doesn't exist without it. That's not to say that competition is necessary, only that the self-confidence that comes from it is a benefit. It's not that "mma" is the only or best form of competition. It's just the popular context today, in the same way that kickboxing was popular before.

As I mentioned Rokas is not making comparisons or "modifying aikido in order to compete at mma." If you replaced mma contest, sport stuff and comparison with practicing with aggressive pressure then commented on those statements, it would be more honest to what Rokas' POV, videos and his modernizing aikido are all about: pressure testing (e.g., drills, sparring), adjusting and making aikido more effective for self-defense:

But, entering open competitions is fine for youngsters.
But, practicing with aggressive pressure is fine for youngsters.

What's the point of comparing aikido to mma?
What's the point of practicing with aggressive pressure?

I don't understand why it's important to use it as an aikido v mma contest . . .
I don't understand why it's important to practice with aggressive pressure . . .

I think people take this sport stuff entirely too seriously.
I think people take this practicing with aggressive pressure entirely too seriously.

I said I didn't understand the Need for such a comparison.
I said I didn't understand the Need for practicing with aggressive pressure.

You may still agree with the above statements, which is fine (opinion). I am just trying to bring clarity to Rokas' journey.

marvin8 wrote:At 3:53 of the video I posted, Dan says peace, harmony and flowing when someone is coming at you with aggressive pressure is high level. But if one is not used to that aggressive pressure, one will tense up and lose any flow or aiki. To get to that high level, one must practice in aggressive pressure situations at times:
Last edited by marvin8 on Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Aikido v mma

Postby Trick on Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:51 pm

"Aggressive pressure" would have a stronger feel to it if written in red


Re: Aikido v mma

Postby marvin8 on Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:54 am

This latest video description confirms what I have already posted about Rokas' mission.

Published on Apr 2, 2018

Many people don't consider Aikido effective in a real fighting situation. In this video we explore how an effective Aikido technique would look.

Me and my Self Defense coach Marius Tubis took an Aikido technique called Kaiten Nage and looked at how it would be effective in an Aikido fighting situation. Marius has been in countless fighting / self defense situations where he successfully defended himself. When I showed him a variation of a potentially effective Aikido Kaiten Nage technique that I have been working on, he immediately remembered a fighting technique that he used many times in real fighting situations.

Aikido fighting is not common since Aikido does not accept the concept of competition, yet that does not prevent anyone from actually bringing an Aikido person into a fighting situation. Many Aikido people believe that desite training in a static way, that when someone will attack them and a fighting situation will arise, that they will know what to do and that their Aikido techniques will be effective.

For anyone who had real life encounters, most understand that this is a dangerous perspective to have and even if the person is an Aikido master, his Aikido may still fail badly because of the lacking way in training efficiency. If you want an Aikido fight to go smoothly, it is best to prepare before hand exposing yourself to pressure testing and difficult Aikido training. So whether it will be Aikido ground fighting, or Aikido street fighting self defense situation, it is best to train not only a traditional way of Aikido techniques for self development, yet also to develop an Aikido fighting style that will work in an aikido real fight.

If you do not go through this process to know if you have effective aikido you may not know until it's too late. In the end if aikido is effective is already questioned and not without a reason. Until you keep on pressure testing and training Aikido with aliveness you can not know if you have effective Aikido:
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Re: Aikido v mma

Postby marvin8 on Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:48 am

Published on Apr 30, 2018

After precisely a year it is time to see what changed after the first Aikido vs MMA video in this second sparring. The first video brought me into a journey of questioning Aikido and other traditional martial arts, while also investigating how Aikido would work in an MMA context.

While I haven't trained as much as I wanted to, we decided to meet again with the same MMA fighter and to see what changed and what I discovered in this past year.

If you want to see the first Aikido vs MMA video click the link here:
If you want to see what journey the the original Aikido vs MMA video lead me to check this AikidoSiauliai playlist:

If you want me to train with the best martial arts and MMA trainers to prepare for the Aikido vs MMA - Final Sparring, become a Patreon to support this journey here:

The first Aikido vs MMA real sparring video really stirred things up. Not only it brought a bright spotlight on the lacks of Aikido it lead me to a journey to question both Aikido and traditional martial arts. I've connected with some amazing martial artists including a UFC fighter, some rougher Aikido style practitioners, some former Aikido practitioners who went on the path of functional Aikido and also current Aikido practitioners who also do MMA and BJJ. With their help I explored the myths of Aikido and also how it could be applied in MMA.

Unfortunately while I did do live Aikido training with their help, it was by far not enough to get me prepared for the level of Tadas, the MMA fighter in our Aikido vs MMA Second Sparring. While my functional Aikido techniques worked when I trained with inexperienced fighters, the level of a professional MMA fighter could be compared to a rocket while Aikido would be more akin to that of a bicycle, while not everyone would agree, specially in the Aikido world.

No wonder you don't see much Aikido in MMA or even in real fighting situations. It is simply because it is trained in a way where Aikido does not suit the world of not only MMA but also doesn't really bring it to the level of functionality. Since Aikido doesn't involve sparring, when you get into a sparring situation it's a whole different world. You could compare it with what Bruce Lee said about learning to swim on dry land and then getting into the water for the first time.

While this was the second sparring for me it, it was not the second sparring for the MMA fighter Tadas. It became clear at the end of the Aikido vs MMA Second Sparring video that if I want to become good at Sparring with my Aikido, I should actually loose Aikido entirely and put no focus into trying to make it functional. It should be done in the other way around at best. If I want to make Aikido work in MMA I have to first of all master the ways of MMA and by the time I will do the Aikido vs MMA final sparring, if some Aikido naturally comes into that sparring, then that is the best case scenario. But for this moment we can be clear and put a dot, that there is no need to make Aikido functional for Aikido vs MMA scenarios. There are already enough functional martial arts which can be trained on their own.

What do you think about the Aikido vs MMA second sparring? How do you feel it compared to the Aikido vs MMA first sparring video? What are your expectations for the Aikido vs MMA final sparring that we will do in September?
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