Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Giles on Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:31 am

Guys, I would guess that the OP has maybe a bipolar disorder and is currently going through a manic phase. Or a comparable disorder. That doesn't exclude him being an intelligent, academically trained person and also someone with martial arts and/or qigong experience, but at the moment it seems to be the mania talking, not the whole person. So that will be the bottom line for the (lack of) logic and coherence in his thinking and replies.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby RobP3 on Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:28 am

Giles wrote:Guys, I would guess that the OP has maybe a bipolar disorder and is currently going through a manic phase. Or a comparable disorder. That doesn't exclude him being an intelligent, academically trained person and also someone with martial arts and/or qigong experience, but at the moment it seems to be the mania talking, not the whole person. So that will be the bottom line for the (lack of) logic and coherence in his thinking and replies.

Good call
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:35 pm

Giles wrote:Guys, I would guess that the OP has maybe a bipolar disorder and is currently going through a manic phase. Or a comparable disorder. That doesn't exclude him being an intelligent, academically trained person and also someone with martial arts and/or qigong experience, but at the moment it seems to be the mania talking, not the whole person. So that will be the bottom line for the (lack of) logic and coherence in his thinking and replies.

Giles - since this is my thread, even though it got "ghettoized" - I would prefer if you didn't discuss me in the third person, along with ad hominems. It's kind of rude. haha. I sit in full lotus at the computer and so the "intention" that I share is from information of the pineal gland that I can directly flex and feel. People also don't want me to "cut and paste" as a kind of format censorship so I will once again share my personal experience. I was sitting in full lotus at work - oh about 10 years ago. Actually more like 12 years ago. I was alone in the office and suddenly this young coworker appeared, a young male entered the room and we made eye contact as he entered the room, facing my full lotus position at the chair behind the table I was working at. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by his sadness and I heard myself blurting out: Why are you so sad!?! And he was so shocked that he did not respond - because he didn't have any facial expression when he entered the room and he had not said anything. So as he looked back at me in shocked silence then I realized the problem. He had just been smoking outside and had just climbed the two flight of stairs. He was only 24 years old and he was interested in energy meditation training and so we were friends and we had discussed the topic before several times. So before he said anything I answered my own question to him, stating: "You know smoking causes depression." Then soon after that he quit smoking and his depression went away.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog ... d-conflict

Oops - the biggest promoter of Depression as a Mind disease was on the take by Big Pharma but forgot to tell anyone. That's Harvard University for you - they have NO ethics conduct for declaring corporate-state conflict of interests driving junk science. haha. I exposed all this as a structural problem of science as part of my master's degree research at the University of Minnesota.

nationally known child psychiatrists Joseph Biederman, M.D., Timothy Wilens, M.D., and Thomas Spencer, M.D. were found to have violated conflict of interest policies of Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2011/ ... estigation (link is external). They had failed to report all of the income they earned from pharmaceutical companies to Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital. From 2000 to 2007, Dr. Biederman earned at least 1.6 million dollars but only reported 200,000 dollars according to the New York Times

I distinctly remember when suddenly Big Pharma "depression" was created and several people in my high school were suddenly put on psychotropic meds. haha.

Gary Greenberg giving an inside expose of how the DSM book is a Big Pharma mass mind control scam including depression diagnosis.

Be careful of Big Pharma mass mind control junk science! https://breggin.com/frequent-alert-37-n ... rent-they/

Suicide is increasing against the backdrop of generally declining mortality, and is currently one of the 10 leading causes of death overall and within each age group 10–64. This report highlights increases in suicide mortality from 1999 through 2014 and shows that while the rate increased almost steadily over the period, the average annual percent increase was greater for the second half of this period (2006–2014) than for the first half (1999–2006).

Actually Chunyi used to teach "the more you heal others, the more you heal yourself." But he doesn't teach that anymore. In fact when I returned back to the qigong center, Jim Nance explained to me that unless the third eye is fully open then it is difficult to recharge the qi energy. And Jim said that even when he was doing his healing - the problem was he was using his mind (siddhis) to do the healing, instead of letting the Universe do the healing for him.

The secret is in the Foundations of Internal Alchemy - it stated there is "movement in non-doing" of the Yuan Shen. what this means is that as light is turned back around to its source then time stops and then the energy does the healing on its own - as superluminal signal energy - the phonon energy.

So Chunyi said then at the next Level 3 class I went to that he has found it very common that after people open up their psychic third eye then they use too much of their psychic energy (the siddhis) and so they get fat. In alchemy this means having to recharge the yang qi by using the yin qi from food.

So normally when we eat food it turns into ejaculation and so it requires purification. the yin qi is the liver that is the force of the spirit out of the eyes. But if there is evil fire - this means the yin qi fixates on an external form of beauty and it then pulls the yang qi up with it. This is the Hun Soul as the White Soul that is light and so goes up easily - the yin qi of the liver goes out of the eyes when open. And then the Po Soul is cloudy and normally descends but will "grab on to" the hun soul if the yin qi force is strong enough to go out of the eyes via the pineal gland. The pineal gland emanates the yuan qi - but it is ONLY after the alchemical lower tan t'ien generative force is restored by turning the light around - and so having the yin qi return back to the yang qi, thereby turning the water tiger into the white tiger and the red dragon of the heart into the green dragon of the lower tan t'ien - as the Counter-Earth of the Relative Void.

And so that is the secret of what John Chang means when he says the yin qi is the lower body and the yang qi is the upper body that combine together to create an explosion - because the yang qi originates from the lungs but with deep breathing of the lungs - the lung is the Sun and the heart is the Sun but the deep breathing pulls the Sun of the Moon (the kidneys) back down into the lower tan t'ien. Then John Chang says he uses just his yin qi for spirit communication - for the Kris spirit dagger communication. Why? Because the yin qi goes out with the yin shen and the yin qi has no substance, unlike the yang qi.

So once the third eye is open this is yuan qi but the ancestral cavity of the pineal gland does not have any light of the Mysterious Gate until the yuan qi is restored by combining the yin qi with the yang qi, through purification. So this is why in the Small Universe meditation as taught in Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality - you rotate the eyes - so on the kidneys you turn the eyes to the right and visualize the green light of the dragon - the yin qi going up so that it mixes with the white tiger and then at the top of the head you rotate the eyes up - and visualize the red dragon. Then on the heart you visualize white and rotate the eyes to the left. Then on the perineum you rotate the eyes down and visualize black. So the left eye is the white of the lung as the Sun and the right eye is the green of the dragon as the Moon and the heart is the sun and the kidney is the moon.

When t’ai chi is at rest, yang and yin are united;
when t’ai chi is in motion, the two opposing forces separate. Herein
lies the secret of immortality.
The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal (on John Chang).

"The whole process is ruled by Spirit....It's movement in 'non-doing' is called Original Spirit." Wang Mu, Foundations of Internal Alchemy.

So this movement is actually the superluminal "yin matter" healing-information.

The primal qi (li yuanqi) ....formless
"Since is it the undivided yin-yang it is called the One Vitality."

Just cuz I'm new to the forum - no need to impose fake ad hominem claims against me. haha.

I have been publishing online on this topic for 15 years. I have been learning the whole time and rely on "peanut gallery" feedback.

A peanut gallery was, in the days of vaudeville, a nickname for the cheapest and ostensibly rowdiest seats in the theater, the occupants of which were often known to heckle the performers.

So yeah I did a lot of free healing in the inner city and I did overuse my energy. But my normal state of mood is bliss-qi as the yuan qi emanating out of my ancestral cavity - the pineal gland - from the right side of my heart, the source of the yuan qi that goes beyond death.

In first grade I held my breath till I passed out - we had a contest who could hold the breath the longest. I won but I woke up with blood streaming out of the back of my skull. I later discovered several WEstern medical textbooks explaining it is impossible to hold your breath till you pass out - why? Because the anterior cingulate gyrus over-rides your prefrontal cortex intention to hold the breath.

So I shared this with a buddy of mine who worked at my favorite used bookstore. He said actually he came across a book on the first sherpas to guide the first Western Mt. Everest expeditions. To be hired as a sherpa they had to hold their breath till they passed out! that was the only way they could be proven to have the proper mind control for the job. haha.

So a medical doctor Ph.D. is not at the same research levels of a real academic Ph.D. - and psychiatry is greatly lacking in its demonstration of cause and effect.

For example as Peter Breggins points out - the Big Pharma mass mind control scam actually promotes violence.

Antidepressants Cause Suicide and Violence in Soldiers - Peter Breggin
https://breggin.com/antidepressants-cau ... -soldiers/

By Dr. Peter Breggin 06/20/2009 Here are the starting facts: Death by suicide is at record levels in the armed services. Simultaneously the use of antidepressant drugs is also at record levels, including brand names like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa and Lexapro. According to the army, in 2007 17% of combat troops in.
Violence and Suicide Caused by Antidepressants ... - Peter Breggin
https://breggin.com/violence-and-suicid ... o-the-fda/

Aug 23, 2004 - by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. August 23, 2004 On March 22, 2004 the FDA issued a "Public Health Advisory" cautioning about the risks associated with the new generation of antidepressants including the SSRIs. In examining drug-induced suicide, the FDA's also observed that certain behaviors are "known to ...
The Proven Dangers of Antidepressants | Psychiatric Drug Facts
https://breggin.com/the-proven-dangers- ... pressants/

by Peter R. Breggin, M.D. On March 22 the FDA issued an extraordinary "Public Health Advisory" that cautioned about the risks associated with the whole new ... the newer antidepressants: “Suicidality, violence and mania caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A review and analysis” published in the ...
Antidepressant-Induced Suicide, Violence, and Mania ... - Peter Breggin
https://breggin.com/antidepressant-indu ... or-milit...

Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 12, Number 2, 2010. Peter R. Breggin, MD The newer antidepressants frequently cause suicide, violence, and manic-like symptoms of activation or overstimulation, presenting serious hazards to active-duty soldiers who carry weapons under stressful conditions. These.

I would be very careful about Western medicine -

This makes prescription drugs a major health risk, ranking 4th with stroke as a leading cause of death. The European Commission estimates that adverse reactions from prescription drugs cause 200,000 deaths; so together, about 328,000 patients in the U.S. and Europe die from prescription drugs each year.Jun 27, 2014
New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting ...
https://ethics.harvard.edu/.../new-pres ... tting-ad...

Yes to prevent stroke - take cayenne, the number one herbal medicine. Also kills cancer.

Giles - I am of German ethnicity - and since you are in Germany - I would like to remind you that the first mass killing program under the Nazis was against supposed mental deficiencies and the program was directed by psychiatrists or psychologists. Yes the Big Pharma Rockefeller Eugenics research that was "progressive" in the U.S. 1930s was a big inspiration for Germany - with Germany scientists touring the U.S. and then going back to Germany to enact the same eugenics laws.

And this mentality is returning to Western civilization today. The elderly are being preyed up as a corporate-state fascist industry - declaring elders have "dementia" and so all their assets are stripped away and the elders are literally abducted from their homes - with no legal rights!

https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017 ... eir-rights

The Government Accountability Office has found that state guardianship systems across the country are rife with exploitation. State courts appoint guardians to protect the vulnerable, but the G.A.O. has identified hundreds of cases of negligence, as well as physical and financial abuse.

This is a much bigger problem than people realize as it is through the state governments but based on ancient European King law...

The National Association to Stop Guardianship Abuse [NASGA] estimates that some five million elders lose their life savings to the financial crimes of guardianship every year, a national tragedy that translates to an annual theft of some 2.6 billion. [p. 142].

This is being called "Elder Cleansing" and it's not an exaggerated euphemism term of hyperbole.

The Allegedly Incapacitated Person, AIP, usually a senior who may have been showing signs of memory loss or dementia or even a mild short-term illness who is accused of not being able to make their own decisions, typically by a dysfunctional family or family member through a hired gun lawyer who secretly approaches the probate court claiming that there is an emergency where the Ward might be in danger of losing their money or life and demanding an emergency temporary guardianship.

So you need to be careful of accusing people of having some "mental disease." haha.

I tested 96% on my social science section of my ACT, and 98% in biology and 92% in math - and I was on the home coming court in high school as a "prince" elected by my class. So I had excellent social skills and I went on to organize political coalitions and I led campaigns for social reforms at the University of Minnesota and the City Council. My dad was the assistant attorney general of Minnesota - and so he used to read Thomas Szasz exposing the psychiatry industry as a scam.

Dr. Thomas Szasz, Psychiatrist Who Led Movement Against His Field ...
https://www.nytimes.com/.../dr-thomas-s ... inst-his...
Sep 11, 2012 - Thomas Szasz, a psychiatrist whose 1961 book “The Myth of Mental Illness” questioned the legitimacy of his field and provided the intellectual grounding for generations of critics, patient advocates and antipsychiatry activists, making enemies of many fellow doctors, died Saturday at his home in Manlius, ...

Certainly I am aware of the Chinese regime cracking down on "qigong illness" - and Professor Nancy Chen has a good book on this. But I recommend reading Professor David Palmer's book "Qigong Fever" which gives an excellent, well-researched overview of the mass qigong movement in China in the 1980s and what happened to it. It served an excellent role in the Westernization of China, as a kind of "vanishing mediator" to use Slavoj Zizek's psychological, cultural term. But China has a long history of internal martial arts being used as mass movements for revolution - with the Taiping Rebellion as one example. In fact, as David Palmer documents, there were qigong masters part of the recent democracy movement that got crushed with tanks, etc. as a massacre in Beijing. And then the harvesting of healthy organs of Falun Gong meditation qigong practitioners is well documented - both Zhong Gong and Falun Gong were cracked down on with torture of the qigong meditation practitioners. And so the harvesting of healthy organs is a very lucrative business as Westerners then buy the organs on the international market.


But the fact is that the CIA, despite secretly using the research of psychiatrist Dr. William Sargent, of the UK, who traveled around the world studying shamanic paranormal healing, for CIA MKULTRA sensory deprivation torture experiments in mainly Canada - through Dr. Ewen Cameron - who was head of many world federation psychiatry associations - the same CIA did rely on occult psycho-physiological training techniques to compete with the Soviet Union in psychic warfare. haha.

https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom ... 0016-5.pdf

So the whole "pop science" sophistry is quite silly to be sure - the mass "skeptic" movement by the James Randi magician and his ejaculation addiction perv skeptic crowd - has been exposed as frauds. haha. It's time for the real science to get acknowledged.
Last edited by voidisyinyang on Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Giles on Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:46 am

voidisyinyang wrote:Giles - since this is my thread, even though it got "ghettoized" - I would prefer if you didn't discuss me in the third person, along with ad hominems. It's kind of rude. haha.

Very well, point taken. I apologize for any insult or hurt to you. I remain sceptical about your current mental state (which is not otherwise criticizing you and your worth as a person), but indeed I don't really know. I could be quite wrong. And I wish you all the best.
- I won't be replying to any further postings in this thread.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:51 am

Giles wrote:
voidisyinyang wrote:Giles - since this is my thread, even though it got "ghettoized" - I would prefer if you didn't discuss me in the third person, along with ad hominems. It's kind of rude. haha.

Very well, point taken. I apologize for any insult or hurt to you. I remain sceptical about your current mental state (which is not otherwise criticizing you and your worth as a person), but indeed I don't really know. I could be quite wrong. And I wish you all the best.
- I won't be replying to any further postings in this thread.

Yes Giles - I earlier quoted Eddie Oshins in this thread - he coined the term "quantum psychology" and he taught Wing Chun. So Eddie Oshins worked at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and his job was to analyze how quantum physics applied to psychology. Oshins realized that certain paradoxes of logic that "normal" or mainstream scientism did not understand, where explained by quantum mathematical logic.

Oshins relied on the work of G. Spencer Brown, a mathematical logician. To quote Brown:

All man’s philosophy is a rationalization of his inner experience—or lack of it. And a lack of inner experience of the archetypal woman is expressed in a very obvious manner, by academic materialism, or its modern offshoot, logical positivism.

Some logical positivists would not call themselves materialists, but they still share the same attitude. They maintain that what is real is only what can be described when you look outwards, when you look at tables and chairs and suchlike. What you see when you look inwards, the archetypal pattern, the divine love, the sense of how it all fits together, this they say is unreal and ought to be ignored. At the same time they manage somehow to suggest that it is dangerous and ought to be done away with.

So we are dealing with a very deep psychophysiological bias or "cognitive bias" as math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls it.

Oshins was pissed that his term "quantum psychology" was co-opted by the WooWoo New Age scene - and so his real analysis was lost.

Oshins then died early - but I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman who also relies on G. Spencer Brown and Kauffman collaborated with Oshins at SLAC.

So G. Spencer Brown argued that paranormal phenomenon can not be proven in Western science due to the wrong mathematics used for analysis.

In 1972 [medical doctor R.D.] Laing wrote a brief but laudatory preface to Only Two Can Play This Game, a book by the genius mathematician, fellow M.D., and polymath G. Spencer Brown (published under the pseudonym “James Keys”), who he had recently trained in psychotherapy.

So there are actually fairly hard to understand issues of mathematical logic. For example Eddie Oshins worked with neuropsychologist Dr. Karl Pribram on what is now commonly known as the Holographic Mind model of reality. But Pribram was simply not able to understand the mathematical logic of quantum physics and so Oshins wrote an article exposing the errors of Pribram's model. But of course hardly anyone is aware of Oshin's article - except high level scientists. haha. He was a "scientist's scientist" so to speak.

And so sure some have tried to dismiss as insane but as I already posted in this thread - his teachers are part of a long tradition of internal martial arts training as Neigong. They corroborated Oshins model based on the noncommutative phase movements of the hands with the body postures to create a macroquantum resonance of energy-consciousness that is nonlocal.

So for example recently someone in China, an electrical engineer, published an article stating that there is a claim the imaginary number in math requires noncommutative logic. So I sent this to math professor Louis Kauffman since that has been the main claim he has been making - with a presentation to the Perimeter Institute for example, a premier research institute on quantum relativity. One of their main researchers is Lee Smolin who argues that time is very real, and not just some independent outside parameter of the scientist. Smolin had the same first quantum physics professor that I had, at Hampshire College, our first year of college.

So Kauffman replied - oh this Chinese electrical engineer probably just hasn't seen his research and so he will review it. I could go into the mathematical details - it has to do with the Poisson Bracket and the measurement problem of quantum physics and how time is defined as a spatial measurement. It seems kind of abstract but considering it is supposedly the foundation of science - it is kind of crucial, especially in regards to quantum biology.

So Eddie Oshins was way ahead of his time - he was not insane as someone claimed as gossip online. haha. On the contrary his ideas were discussed and promoted by some of the top quantum physicists at SLAC, the same physicists who also believed in paranormal research.

Here is a great new doc on Dim Mak death touch used against animals. Are these animals insane also? haha. As R.D. Laing argued, modern civilization is actually insane.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby 100kilos on Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:18 pm

Don’t know if anyone saw my post about this, but void has been doing this for a while. Before I found RSF I was a member of the taobums. Void has been writing all of this since I was a member around 2010. Like legit same thing over eight years. Go to the Taobums and you can find everything he has posted and shared here over there stretched out over 3 different names. I tried to give him a friendly warning in my last post. I don’t know what he is trying to prove, but he has been up to it for a while now.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:09 am

he didn`t appear in my studio at five,
he is the fraud
in terms of quantum travels, at it is :)
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 16, 2018 10:57 am

100kilos wrote:Don’t know if anyone saw my post about this, but void has been doing this for a while. Before I found RSF I was a member of the taobums. Void has been writing all of this since I was a member around 2010. Like legit same thing over eight years. Go to the Taobums and you can find everything he has posted and shared here over there stretched out over 3 different names. I tried to give him a friendly warning in my last post. I don’t know what he is trying to prove, but he has been up to it for a while now.

Actually I started posting on thedaobums when it was called thetaobums - and I started posting there around 2004 or 2005.

Ummm - yeah you don't have to "warn" me of anything. Evidence speaks for itself. If you don't want to engage with evidence as a form of self-censorship - then you don't have to post in the thread. Pretty easy!! haha.

What was your warning? that people here want "proof"? So - I posted "gold standard" randomized controlled research conducted by a Mayo Clinic medical doctor - showing "External qi" results were "especially impressive" and published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Is that not proof enough for you? haha.

Then I keep posting vids demonstrating the proof. And still more self-censorship!

The brainwashing does run deep doesn't it?

What exactly is your point? You want me to prove that I have these abilities? haha.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:06 am

wiesiek wrote:anyway,
he didn`t appear in my studio at five,
he is the fraud
in terms of quantum travels, at it is :)

yes - as Chunyi said - the leader of Falun Gong was a fraud because his followers demanded that he levitate and fly at one of their conferences - or he said he was going to but never did. haha. But then Chunyi said that the principles of Falun Gong still work if you train in them. And so his own experience of levitation only happened right after he had done the 49 day cave nonstop full lotus meditation with no sleep for 49 days and no food - just a little water - at Mt. Qingcheng. So now he does healing as a business - so he doesn't store up his energy like he had done at that time.

As for me - I had not studied the alchemy text, "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" close enough. So I overused my psychic energy as "evil fire" of the heart - as it is described.

It was fun and I don't have any regrets - but to rebuild my energy would require a lot of intensive meditation. I have been doing research and healing in the mean time.

And also these principles of the training go against modern civilization and so modern civilization in turn has been destroying the life force on Earth, as it is governed by the Lunar resonance. And of course there is mass denial about this - since the "cognitive bias" of modern civilization goes back to monocultural wheat farming and what archaeologists call the "symbolic revolution" starting around 10,000 years ago.

Essentially we switched over to the solar calendar being dominant around 1200 years ago and so the secrets of alchemy training got lost in the West and in the East have always been hidden as "clandestine arts." Nevertheless as modern humans, biologically speaking, we all have this potential - and all males were required to do this training in the original human culture.

It is just that in the original human culture, the purpose of the training was to heal the females - and so the most common illness was sexual jealousy. haha. So to really build up the energy in the original human culture was called "hoarding the N/om" and was not allowed. The females sing and clap all night to transmit their N/om or in Daoist alchemy terms - jing energy - into the males. And if the males are going to deep and just going in for astral travel - the females will then throw cold water in the males to bring them back to the body. But sometimes that deeper long distance astral travel was necessary - to communicate with lions for example.

So you can see what happened to Andrew Zimmern when he encountered our original human culture - and experienced a qigong master in action.

Toward what I believed to be the end of the evening, Xaxe, a great hunter, healer,and shaman, laid hands on me....I felt the energy, his energy, surge through my body. He had his hands on me for about twenty-five or thirty seconds, but it felt like he had only touched me for a split second. Time stood still. I literally had a short out of body experience. I could see him touching me from just above my body, almost like I was floating six feet off the ground, watching myself. All of a sudden I was back in my body observing an image of him thumbing through the book that contained all the pictures and moments in my life. I saw images of my childhood I hadn't remembered in years, pictures of my mother and me walking on a beach and shelling, very strong images. At the time, both during his touch and immediately afterward, I described it as him flipping through the pages of my life....Later the next morning, I spoke with Xaxe about the trance dance. He told me he wanted access to me in a way that was not possible through a translator....Xaxe's curiosity was such a caring, loving gesture....When he detached from me it felt like someone was unplugging a lamp from a wall socket. As he let go of me and continued to dance around the fire, I spontaneously burst into uncontrollable tears....I had been stripped to my emotional core, completely stunned by what I had witnessed so up close and personal.
Andrew Zimmern, The Bizarre Truth: how I walked out the door mouth first – and came back shaking my head (Random House, 2009), 234-5.
Last edited by voidisyinyang on Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:25 am

don`t wont to be >ghettoized< ?
hang the head
standing firmly on the Earth.

Fruitful meditation , then

[/bouncy]case close[bouncy]
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:45 am

wiesiek wrote:don`t wont to be >ghettoized< ?
hang the head
standing firmly on the Earth.

Fruitful meditation , then

[/bouncy]case close[bouncy]

yeah I agree - only in deep meditation does the quantum teleportation of a body work. haha.

Peter Mercer who states:

From quantum holography it becomes clear that quantum teleportation could be an important mechanism with reference to biological systems. This is not because it allows instantaneous transfer of information from A to B, since this is only possible, because quantum information and classical information are inseparable, so that the whole process of teleportation is ultimately governed by the speed with which the classical information has to be sent, but because it allows twice as much information to be sent as by classical information alone.

So here we have a rare instance of top level scientists discussing the paranormal (in contrast to the "off the shelf" pop science skeptics)....


Paranormal Aspects - Alternative Natural Philosophy Association

Quantum biology was considered woo-woo by most scientists just ten years ago. haha. But actually top level scientists have known about it since the 1970s....

So you have quantum relativity combined with biology - and that is the closest Western equivalent of Neigong alchemy training.

See you at your next practice session! haha.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby jimmy on Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:49 pm

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:47 pm

Michael wrote:Then I read one scholarly book a day for 10 years to convert the experiences back into science.
Sounds like about 3,650 scholarly books. Did you mean that number literally? Why did it take so many?

Michael - yes I never counted the books but I was not exaggerating. What I did was sit in full lotus while I read - so I could keep my mind focused by clearing out lower emotional blockages. And then I only worked 15 to 20 hours a week and I rode a bicycle and then I dumpster dived for food - this kept my costs down - I rented a cheap room. So that way I was able to read one scholarly book a day for ten years.

So then you ask - why did it take so many? The answer is that I was reverse-engineering science based on my logical inference of reality. So I did intensive music training and in high school I had this inference that Pythagorean philosophy was correct and that empirically true music theory harmonizes all of reality. So then I began to test this theory - slowly building up evidence. I read the Tao Te Ching in my first year of college but I also took quantum physics my first year. Then I met qigong master Effie P. Chow in 1995 and I experienced the strong qi and she blew the fuse out in the room behind her - at St. Mary's University in Minneapolis. So then I went into graduate school - still developing my theory. I had written a monograph in 1996 called the Fundamental Force based on music theory, paranormal physics, and ecofeminism. Then I started Yan Xin qigong in 1998 and I went to a Tibetan monk. In 1999 I met qigong master Chunyi Lin and began training intensively in fall of 2000.

So then he said I had an enlightenment experience - and I had developed strong evidence that the music theory of Pythagorean philosophy and Daoist alchemy was the same. But I knew no one would believe what I had experienced so then my goal was to reverse engineer it back into science. I read books in all disciplines of science. I corresponded with math professors, quantum physics professors, etc.

O.K. so what I realized is that the concept was based on math that questioned all of standard Western science. Still I kept digging. In the end I found literally three quotes that summarized the concept I had discovered while I was in high school. So that is why I had to read so many books - in all fields of study. Western science literally did not deal with this since it was premised on the wrong math and math is the language of science. So not unless you dig deep into math. For example math professor Joe Mazur wanted me to publish my music math research and he even asked me to submit it to a math journal. haha. But since I was challenging the whole structure of Western math, of course it got rejected. So now I will share with you these three quotes that summarize the concept I had intuited while in high school.

"...superconductivity within one neuron could become phase coherent with that in an adjoining cell by virtue of quantum tunnelling, and this could be stimulated by the macroscopic analog of stimulated emission (alluded to before in connection with the mantra), that is an AC Josephson effect. ...At a more interesting level, the quantum vacuum state may be said to be empty (of excitation) and yet full in the sense of pure potentiality; it contains "virtual" (unphysical) representatives of all possible modes of matter and excitation in the form of vacuum fluctuations or "virtual particles" (zero-point excitations of each field mode, assigned one-half quanta of energy, due directly to the non-commutative property of the field operators)."
Former Hampshire College physicist Lawrence Domash, confirms superluminal quantum sound as noncommutative meditation! 1975, pdf https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q ... QxdyXQi5rz

Stanford Quantum physicist Eddie Oshins:
This representation only works for the (more fundamental) 1/2-integral representations (i.e. spinors/turns/quaternions) but also lets one build the vector and tensor representations. The converse does not hold....this property of "noncommutivity" in itself might be valuable in some way. My claim, and original idea, has been that this is circumnavigating a T'ai Chi (Yin/Yang) symbol! More recently (Oshins, 1993b) I have suggested that this proximate technique can be used to realize Wing Chun kung-fu's "bong sau/tan sau" movement out of the Kauffman/Oshins "quaternionic arm" discussed and referenced below in end note 5. I believe that this may be a way to get mind to code the relative relationship of part of oneself with respect to the rest of oneself (self-referential motion) and can explain the concepts of being "centered"/"one"/"integrated"/"extended"/"whole" etc. which one strives for in meditation.
Oshins, E. (1993). A Test for Classical Psychospinors. (pdf) In Abdullah, F. (Ed.) Conservation and Invariance. Cambridge, UK: Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, https://www.quantumpsychology.com/pdf/T ... pinors.pdf

They are the same [frequency] spectrum but they are not the same chord. There are three types of notes.... The point [zero in space] makes a chord between two notes. When the value of the two eigenfunctions [2, 3, infinity] will be non-zero. ... Musical shape has geometric dimension zero....There is a fine structure in spacetime, exactly as there is a fine structure in spectrals [frequencies]...Our brain is an incredible .... receives moments of space... of the photons we receive and manufactures a mental picture. Which is geometric. But what I am telling you is that I think ...that the fundamental thing is spectral [frequency]....And somehow in order to think we have to do an enormous Fourier Transform...on geometry. By talking about the "music of shapes" is really a fourier transform of shape and the fact that we have to do it in reverse....It is precisely the irrationality of log(3)/ log(2) which is responsible for the noncommutative [complementary opposites as yin/yang] nature of the quotient corresponding to the three places {2, 3,∞}. .it's related to mathematics and related to the fact that there is behind the scene, when I talk about the Dirac Operator, there is a square root, and this square root, when you take a square root there is an ambiguity. And the ambiguity that is there is coming from the spin structure.
[/quote] Alain Connes, 2012
Last edited by voidisyinyang on Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Michael on Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:55 pm

I can't understand your three quotes, but I liked the Kalahair bushman video.


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby RobP3 on Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:10 am

voidisyinyang wrote:Then I keep posting vids demonstrating the proof. And still more self-censorship!

I've not yet seen any proof a man can take a full axe blow to the chest with no ill effect. Did I miss that one?
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