wrist injury

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wrist injury

Postby Squeeeez on Thu May 10, 2018 7:14 am

Hi everyone!

Looks like I fell while training/walking around :-\ one knee clicks a bit on rotations but seems to be getting better on its own, the wrist though has been hurting like hell for a week now. x-rays say no fracture or maybe a small hairline crack. The doctor didn't make a very competent impression (just said to take nsaids for a few weeks and wait).
The swelling went down and now it's just hurting, mainly near the end of the ulnar bone, and at the heel of the hand.
So, as some of you must have some experience with wrist impact injuries, can you recommend anything?
Got some
yunnan baiyao aerosol cans
easyflex (shu jin lu?)
woodlock oil which is so old it has gone transparent
tjin koo lin
here, would any of those help?
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Re: wrist injury

Postby Squeeeez on Fri May 11, 2018 12:49 am

(It was not my intention to ask people to work for free - if you are or know a doctor who wouldn't mind a skype session, please contact me!)

And, if you have any injury stories to share, that could be interesting.
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Re: wrist injury

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Fri May 11, 2018 3:22 am

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you almost certainly have a navicular fracture. They generally don't show on xrays or other scan for the first few weeks. But, it won't go away, and it needs to be handled--often with surgery.

I fractured mine winning my first ever judo tournament. It hurt like hell after a few hours, but the pain subsided. The pain would return whenever I worked out at jujitsu, judo, or at my boxing club. I had to quit boxing after a few weeks, but found ways around it at judo and jujitsu. I toughed it out. Big mistake. The bone had been broken, and then the part broke off from the side and the artery died. I had to get an expensive bone and arterial graft and it took about 9 months to heal. There was a chance it never would have.
But, that was because I didn't handle it right away.

Don't let that slide!

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Re: wrist injury

Postby Squeeeez on Fri May 11, 2018 5:27 am

Ouch, sorry to hear, Ian, that sounds awful! With the artery dying, sounds like you were very very lucky, too :-[
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Re: wrist injury

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Fri May 11, 2018 6:48 am

Sorry, I was having issues with my phone and that post came out strange. The artery didn't die, the bone did. They had to then replug in the artery into the still living half of that bone after grafting on some other bone from elsewhere. I did have an arterial and bone graft. Strange, all that work for a tiny little bone. Anyway, still have arthritis and lack of mobility to this day despite lots of physical therapy. I could have been worse.

At any rate, my point was just that you should get it taken care of and stay on top of it so you can avoid the issues I had. I didn't have insurance and did all the wrong things.

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Re: wrist injury

Postby Toucan on Sun May 13, 2018 4:16 pm

Hi Folks

Ian, when you say a Navicular fracture, was that in your foot or hand? The Navicular is in the foot as far as I know. Could you have fractured your scaphoid?(one of the bones at the base of your thumb between the Radius and 1st Metacarpal). It has poor blood supply at the thumb end and part of it can end up dying off when fractured.

Squeeez, am I right in thinking your injury is on the Ulnar (little finger) side of your wrist? There is a fair chance that this is some sort of ligament injury, particularly if nothing obvious showed up on the x-ray. It is possible the bit of bone that the ligament attaches to has fractured away from the Ulna or its other attachment sight, or that the ligament has stretched or ruptured. Fractures of this type are generally fairly easy to spot, however I have seen them missed so it may be worthwhile taking the x-ray to a hand specialist as they may well pick up something a general doctor wouldn't. Typical treatment for less complicated ligament ruptures can include casting or splinting the wrist in order to keep the broken ends in close proximity and allow for tissue to form between them and than strengthen to the point of moderate use, however this is avoided unless necessary as it can lead to stiffness and a bit of muscle wastage.
In terms of self-care, irrespective of what the problem is, I'd recommend not stretching or flexing the wrist as much as possible. Ice, compression (in the form of a soft wrist splint, which can also reduce mobility and protect the injured area), elevation and gentle retrograde massage (massaging back up your arm) are useful to reduce swelling if this is still a problem.
If you do have a fracture of one of the Ulna or one of the Carpal bones it may involve a cast, however this would have to be identified on an x-ray or scan (CT, MRI?).
The fact that the swelling has gone down seems positive and I'm not surprised that it still hurts. It may be that the doctor thought it was a ligament sprain and wanted to see how it heals before drawing further conclusions. I'd strongly recommend going back for a follow up within 2-3 weeks.
[b] CAVEAT[/b] I've been working in a hand therapy department of a good sized hospital...for the past 3 weeks, so my understanding is FAR from comprehensive, however the advice above is what I would give to friends or family in the same situation!
Hope it clears up with minimum trouble.

All the best

Last edited by Toucan on Sun May 13, 2018 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: wrist injury

Postby Steve James on Sun May 13, 2018 5:31 pm

People use navicular to describe a broken scaphoid injury. Iinm, the "navicular bone" is in the foot, but a "navicular" injury can occur to the wrist. Other than that, the wrist is such a complex area that seeking a specialist or two is always worthwhile. If you've got insurance, use it.
Last edited by Steve James on Sun May 13, 2018 5:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: wrist injury

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Sun May 13, 2018 10:23 pm

A navicular fracture is the most common type of broken wrist. Doctors and specialists use both navicular bone and scaphoid, although I think Steve is technically right. IIRC, Ken Fish concurred that both terms are appropriate for the wrist bone in question. I also used the term within bounds.

It bears repeating: this sort of fracture will often not show up in the first round of imaging, so get it checked again a couple or a few weeks post trauma.

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Re: wrist injury

Postby Squeeeez on Fri May 18, 2018 1:33 am

Thank you for the great input everybody.

2.5 weeks now and the heaviest thing I can lift with that hand is an empty espresso cup (which is an improvement!) :D
It's hurting in 3 different places where there are both bones and tendons (near the end of the ulna, the "heel" of the palm, and where the scaphoid is, in the middle) - hard to know just like that what it is.
Next week a doctor from the local university hospital will come back from holidays and decide if this is a case worth looking at.
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Re: wrist injury

Postby Overlord on Sun May 20, 2018 4:20 am

1, Apply any ointment deidajiu containing real Shexiang.
2, Moxa locally.
You should be able to get both in China town.

If it works you know it very quickly, like a day or two.
Good luck.


Re: wrist injury

Postby Squeeeez on Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:17 am

Sorry to revive an old thread, it turns out that the hamate bone hook broke off. In a cast now for 5 weeks to see if it will reattach on its own.
And a sprain/torn meniscus on the left knee.
Any recommendations to help with those two things by any chance? :)
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