Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Tue May 15, 2018 2:44 am

big mistake , void
-with your GF I mean,:)
you seems completely forgot about yoga of sex...
Joyful Fruits of the Live
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Michael on Tue May 15, 2018 8:31 am

virtual photons as reverse time relativistic superluminal momentum energy

Pretty sure this is from Deep Space Nine when the Dominion penetrated the Romulan cloaking device.


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Tue May 15, 2018 9:56 am

wiesiek wrote:so,
big mistake , void
-with your GF I mean,:)
you seems completely forgot about yoga of sex...

This dude explains what I am talking about - in that vid he gives females orgasms without touching the female. That is the qi energy at work - it activates the vagus nerve connection to the cervix. So this is called "evil fire" in Daoist alchemy - because as you build up the qi and activate the pineal gland - then your qi goes out of your eyes and gives females orgasms at a distance. I dubbed this the "O at a D" - as a joke in reference to Newton's Action at a Distance. So I discovered this by accident - when sitting in full lotus in McDonalds in 1997 - and this young chinese female McDonald's worker stood cleaning the condiments area - with her backside facing my eyes as I sat in full lotus. Suddenly she lept up into the air and cried out in bliss as the "yang qi" shot up my back as a mutual psychic orgasm. I came back the next day - still not quite sure if it was real - and she saw me and pushed her coworker aside so she could serve me at the register and she was giggling with bliss. So then I decided to test out of this ability was real - and so I sat in full lotus across from a young female who was packaged up - "fetching" as they say - and then her reaction confirmed it was real - 3 times - each time building up. The last time she had a tear coming down her face. So I felt bad about it. But at the same time I felt - hey this is my body and so I have the right to sit in full lotus in public. Well all hell broke loose - and I had this secret psychic mutual orgasm "universe" in public with females - and the males were oblivious in their stupid left-brain dominance mass mind control - cut off from the lunar pineal gland psychic reality. haha.

But this is again Evil Fire - as the yin qi going out of the eyes from the heart - as the Hun Soul - which then "pulls up" or the Po Soul as Yang Qi "grabs" onto the Hun Soul - and so even though I was having psychic mutual climaxes with females in public while sitting in full lotus - I was burning off my Yuan Qi energy - as a kind of reversal separation of yang qi and yin qi. Instead of the small universe doing DOWN the front - I was pulling it up the front and out of the pineal gland.

Oh that vid doesn't show it - so I think it's on his website...nah - he changed his website....
Anyway I was basically a kind of "psychic gigolo" - literally. Once this female prostitute was very open about what was going on - as she shook her backside in my face while I sat in full lotus in a Taco Bell - and these two white women looked on in aghast. Then her pimp showed up - and he was decked out in the peacock look with purple feather, etc. And he said he had a "john" - another black man was with him and she announced - that she was "cuming already" so why should she go with him? haha. And anyway - so this turned me into an Ass-Hat since I was reversing the energy - as tantrics in India literally eat shit. So I now use antiseptics - but need to do standing active meditation to restore my yang qi energy....

But I posted the T'ai Chi founder book - teaching to suck in the female's energy from her orgasm - while in meditation with a female - and tantric sex - but to NOT send energy into the female. So that book says that is the fastest way for a male to recharge his yang qi energy. Because the female does not lose the yang qi from orgasm only the yin qi - but anyway - you can keep cycling the energy this way. So that younger females have stronger yin qi energy that is sent out at orgasm by the female - and it even goes through walls, etc. But since you are sending out the pineal gland qi energy - this is from the Yang Qi that is created from the male internal ejaculation or vagus nerve kundalini up the spine. So it literally burns off the testes - you are celibate but your lecithin gets "burned off" - instead of cycling is back down as purification back into the small intestines.

I had a few female stalkers even though I smell like shit all the time. haha. I have to use antiseptics - and but giving females orgasms is still quite popular. The females from shanghai know this trick to suck off male energy while standing up - doing this leg shaking masturbation routine. It is impressive as Western females have to cross their legs for their vagus nerve to pulsate up their neck as the masturbate in public. But anyway - so again I did not want to be tied down and trying to do physical tantra because then you have to do all the mechanical engineering of stimulating the vagus nerve connection to the cervix with mechanical physics. There is a "Dr. Lin" daoist sex engineer who teaches this but he does not teach celibacy - since he says that eventually the male will have to ejaculate.

That is not what I do - I BURN off my lecithin as external healing energy - and so I am losing my hair - just like the qigong master lost his hair - because he constantly sends laser spirit energy out of his skull. haha. So the thing is again to build up the yuan qi - then this psychic healing is too low level. He says he doesn't practice tantra - and so his first wife actually died. He says she should have meditated 4 hours a day - but she was WEsternized with a Ph.D. and so she would only listen to the Mayo clinic doctors - and she did end up doing 2 hours of qigong meditation a day. but she had a deep heart anger blockage from the Cultural Revolution - so it was not enough. For serious conditions and serious training - then you need 4 hours of meditation a day.

It - whether standing or sitting meditation - you need first of all to build up a dielectric medium as the "qi" energy from the piezoelectric pressure on the collagen (full lotus does this also) - but you also need deep relaxation as the subconscious biophoton energy then becomes superconducting superconsciousness as quantum coherent laser energy of biophotons - and so this is why the vagus nerve has to be built up as celibacy as deep relaxation. This is called the Gong - usually 100 days of Mind celibacy as well as body celibacy. which means just talking about this triggers the subconscious dilation of the gate of mortality - the sympathetic nervous system - and so then more standing active exercise has to reverse the nerve damage of the sympathetic "trigger." Once the gate of mortality is "triggered" then there will be ejaculation - no matter what - in deep sleep. So that the proper training requires controlling sleep as well and going to the 4th state beyond deep sleep.

So I don't steal energy from females in order to build up my own - instead I was sending out my energy and I still do. I do free psychic healing - that is why my qi is weak. So this is also why for the males to have strong energy they first have to maintain celibacy long enough to build up the yuan qi to then fully open the third eye.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Michael on Tue May 15, 2018 8:39 pm

And anyway - so this turned me into an Ass-Hat since I was reversing the energy - as tantrics in India literally eat shit. So I now use antiseptics

I had a few female stalkers even though I smell like shit all the time. haha. I have to use antiseptics

So, you eat shit?

Last edited by Michael on Tue May 15, 2018 10:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Tue May 15, 2018 9:58 pm

Michael wrote:
And anyway - so this turned me into an Ass-Hat since I was reversing the energy - as tantrics in India literally eat shit. So I now use antiseptics

I had a few female stalkers even though I smell like shit all the time. haha. I have to use antiseptics

So, you eat shit?

Well - first of all let's consider what is "you" - science has proven that before we take a crap - we literally have MORE anaerobic bacteria in our bodies than human cells.
Now as far as "eating shit" - science now also proscribes actual "fecal" medicine - since a "fecal transplant" is proven to heal lots of conditions when people have the wrong bacteria balance in their gut.
O.K. now there is a third point - it's now proven that ultrasound energy can open up your blood brain barrier and also that the vagus nerve can send bacteria up into the skull.

So in Chinese medicine - this is called a Spleen Qi deficiency - but what it really is - it is an over active vagus nerve up the front.

So in standing active meditation - what happens is that the spleen-pancreas is the only visceral organ that has a nerve connection directly to the sympathetic nervous system of the spine.
So that is the proper "intention" - as the spleen - to do the deep reverse breathing while standing and this then pushes the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme - with the legs shaking as well in horse stance. This extreme sympathetic nervous system then causes a "parasympathetic rebound" which then flushes the colon with serotonin and flushes out the crap.

Then the serotonin levels increase in the brain - as the pineal gland has the 2nd highest blood flow after the kidney and heart - and so then the serotonin in the blood transfers into the cerebrospinal fluid via this extreme vagus nerve reaction, which is actually an internal orgasm up the spine also - the yang qi.

So then when Chunyi Lin, the qigong master, revealed that us "qigong people" can only eat till 70% full or "else the food goes to the brain" - I was shocked to hear this! You mean I am damned to an ascetic lifestyle for the rest of my life? haha. Well instead what I do is use antiseptic essential oils - like tea tree oil or bergamot or clove or pine needles - some kind of terpene or extreme antiseptic.

Ironically garlic is an extreme antioxidant antiseptic but then it also has one of the smells of shit as sulfur dioxide. I was literally eating a bulb of garlic a day - not the cheap Chinese stuff but the organic garlic (sorry cheap Chinese garlic). haha. And yes! My skin turned permanently yellow from all the sulfur pigment - just as Milarepa's skin turned green from him living off stinging nettles when he was not in his cave samadhi meditation in Tibet.

So yeah then I ate tons of greens - cilantro and parsley - organic with the organic garlic - to counteract the shit smell of the garlic. But why so much garlic? Because as I mentioned before - sugar creates free radicals and so the qi energy causes internal tingling when it encounters sugar. So amazingly - just as in Beta brain consciousness you can not smell yourself - because new smells are in the Theta brain wave - like right when you wake up you are still in REM theta for that first breath - so you can smell yourself. But then you go into beta dominance and you brain screens out the smell. But then when I feel the internal tingling - then I know that my qi is neutralizing the sugar that creates anaerobic shit bacteria as well as free radicals - and those toxins get leached out of skull - if I am not careful.

This is why the diet has to be severely controlled - like Sri Dhyanyogi - when he traveled the U.S. giving shaktipat - the most difficult thing was for him to find a pure diet. And then Dr. Gabriel Cousens, author of the rainbow diet, said the secret of his meditation at Mutkananda's ashram was to NOT even eat fruit!! Yes indeed since fruit is mainly fructose which as left-handed sugar activates the vagus nerve going up the spine!

O.K. so in other words when we meditate we our right brain dominant and so we actually are resonating the chirality of the light - and so it is all based on complementary opposites. This is why the left eye is the green liver qi and the right eye is the white lung qi - until the third eye is fully open. when the Yuan Qi is activated then you get the left ear as the Yuan Qi and the third eye - opens up for the Yuan Shen through the heart.

So that is when after I fasted for a week - then I could smell cancer from across the room in a man who smelled like rotting flesh - and the San Bushmen even describe this. Science has proven now, through quantum biology, that smells are actually quantum nonlocal based on quantum chirality of frequency! So you can have the same quantum frequency but if you change the "phase" it changes the nonlocal spin of the electrons and this will change how your perceive the smell - like the difference between lemon and lime. Or you can have different molecular shape so it is not isometric and so you would think it smells different but yet it has the same quantum frequency so it will smell the same.

So the qigong master Jim Nance can smell over the phone. haha. One time he was healing me - at the qigong center - and he goes - can you smell that? And since I had fallen out of enlightenment and my energy was no longer open and pure - I was like no, I can't smell that. He said - I am clearing out your blood - the arteries - and it smells rancid. I said - Oh I have been eating a lot of bacon. He said - yeah you need to stop eating the bacon. But the thing is that the bacon was that synthetic chemical bacon with lots of nitrites, etc. So now I switched to organic free range bacon. haha. Probably still smells but oh well.

Yeah actually that is what the Chinese say right? Or I have heard that - how Westerners smell since we eat too much meat. That used to be the claim - and the chinese eat so much more greens. And of course it is the magnesium that then neutralizes the crap smell - also the zinc.

So the Lungs are the Po Soul but also are the Nose channel energy - and so also the large intestine. So when we overuse the Lung energy - the Po Soul getting sent out of the skull by grabbing onto the Hun Soul - this is the vagus nerve pulling up the intestinal bacteria up into the skull. One time I ate too much - crap food - like bread and sugar - and I was hanging out with these old Leftist activists and one of them goes - I can LITERALLY see shit in your eyes. I kid you not - I could see the brown in the white of my eyes. It was kind of funny.

So yes when I first started meditating I had been vegetarian for years mainly - for 15 years - and even mainly vegan - and then I fasted for a week and that is when my energy qi was the strongest and I activated the Yuan Qi - at 29 years old in 2000. And so I only had one half a glass of water in 8 days. And then on that Monday I was at work so I decided to break my fast. Also at work - I had telepathy at work - it was pretty cool - strong electromagnetic fields emanating out of the center of my brain and filling the room. Anyway I decided since I was at work, to break my fast. So I went to the Ghana restaurant nearby and I got this small bowl of tofu soup. I thought - that will be good - tofu and greens. But it had salt in it.

The advanced level says no salt because the chloride in the salt is a negative ion whereas the build up the qi, like an electric eel, it is the potassium ratios via the vagus nerve and serotonin and lecithin. So anyway the salt literally tasted like poison and I had to force myself to eat the bowl - but I really didn't like it. Then I went to do a practice healing on my mom. And I had been practicing once a week - I would drive up - but so far my energy had been weak. So I show up - this was the Wednesday - so for 10 days - all I had was that little bowl of soup. So she screamed bloody murder at me when she asked me if I had been fasting. I mean I never heard anyone scream so much in my life - and I didn't realize I was actually exorcising her liver blockage from my energy! So I slammed a bunch of food in my mouth to get her to shut up.

Then I asked - do you still want me to do the healing? She said yes and she sat down in the chair - and I could feel my energy going into her liver mainly and she got real tired. So I had her lie down on the bed and she fell asleep. Then I left and drove back into the city - but since I had been fasting - then my emotions were very sensitive and I didn't realize I had exorcised her alcohol blockage from her liver damage from drinking booze and that was the real reason she had screamed bloody murder. So I got pissed about how hard I had worked - fasting and building up my energy - and this is what I get in return? Screamed at. haha. So I stopped practicing - well after I had this very strong spacetime vortex as an enlightenment experience. So that was the next day - also I had this psychic mutual climax with a female when we made eye contact and I lost my "alchemical pill" as well.

So anyway my mom calls me up two weeks later and she says - can you heal me again because the last time you healed me it was "the difference between night and day." And she said she no longer needed to wear her surgical stockings anymore! That was pretty amazing because she had "smoker's legs" but no longer now! So I told her how after she screamed at me so badly I had stopped practicing. So then she got real mad and said I was just lazy and she basically hung up on me after that. haha.

So then soon after that I started eating out of dumpsters since I was friends with this old homeless hippy who had a bad LSD trip and she ate out of dumpsters. My philosophy was - from my spacetime Emptiness vortex - that I am not my mind, nor my body - so everything is the same formless awareness. And I didn't realize that the old bread with the fungus would give me candida. haha. Or at least - i think it probably did. And soon after that I smelled like shit all the time - but maybe it was when I started to eat meat again. Yeah I didn't smell like shit before I ate meat. I remember - I took my African-American coworkers out to eat at the chinese restaurant. My treat. It was me and the three of them - Terrance and Terry and - Bobby - and on the way - Terry confessed to me that he had murdered someone... and anyway they all ate meat and were big strong dudes. So I thought - why shouldn't I eat meat so I also can be big and strong?

Anyway I didn't realize that the secret of internal martial arts - as I have read the research - is a master can have soft muscles and yet internally have very strong qi - from this deep relaxation and purification of the energy.

So this is why Chunyi Lin only eats one meal a day - and does not eat dinner - or else a small dinner - and says that is the best qigong diet - it's called a "modified bigu" diet. and also he is vegetarian.

So ideally I should follow that diet but instead I follow the scavenger diet - and then turn all my food into qi energy to do free psychic healing. Then I use antioxidants as purification.

It kind of works but it's pricey to buy the essential oils. But also - like if anyone is tired then easily my qi will go into them and I get kind of pissed. Because I forget to have to constantly flex the sphincter to hold the qi back into the small intestines. So one time at my warehouse job - this new worker - he was about 10 years younger but then as I looked into his eyes, then I immediately got the internal tingling from my energy going out of my eyes. So I heard myself blurting out: Why are you so tired?!! He got kind of mad at me and did not answer at first. But I repeated my question since he was 10 years younger than me. OUr boss was always tired and so I was tired of having to send energy into my boss - just to keep my job going. haha. So then the young male - let's see - this was about 5 years ago or 6 years ago - and so - he was in his early 30s at most. Anyway he finally confessed: "I was building a garage all weekend." haha. Later on he would razz me about how I tell people if they are tired or not.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Michael on Tue May 15, 2018 10:23 pm

Why did it bother you so much that your mom yelled at you that you stopped practicing?

Why do you give people free psychic healings?

Have you ever heard of the rule that it's better when people ask for help first than to offer it to them without being asked?


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Trick on Tue May 15, 2018 10:27 pm

wiesiek wrote:so,
big mistake , void
-with your GF I mean,:)
you seems completely forgot about yoga of sex...

Of course the GF left, he's flirting around way too serious with McDonald girls 8-)


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Trick on Tue May 15, 2018 10:39 pm

Michael wrote:
And anyway - so this turned me into an Ass-Hat since I was reversing the energy - as tantrics in India literally eat shit. So I now use antiseptics

I had a few female stalkers even though I smell like shit all the time. haha. I have to use antiseptics

So, you eat shit?

Sorry Void but this just made me have quite a good laugh. There's something entertaining about your posts, I'm not sure if that's good or bad for the Qi of the reader 8-)


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Trick on Wed May 16, 2018 12:01 am

Void, I don't know if you should seek some real professional help or just take cold showers, this "Qi" thing seem to have gone way to hard on your head


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Wed May 16, 2018 2:45 am

..." he gives females orgasms without touching the female...."
no big fuzz
I prefer to touch, `cause I`m on this material plane for purpose
all this "no touch" staff is reserved for next hundreds years of the training.
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby Michael on Wed May 16, 2018 5:35 am

wiesiek wrote:..." he gives females orgasms without touching the female...."
no big fuzz
I prefer to touch, `cause I`m on this material plane for purpose
all this "no touch" staff is reserved for next hundreds years of the training.

Addiction to tactility suggests neglect of your pineal gland. ;)


Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby everything on Wed May 16, 2018 6:43 am

So what is your next step to stop losing your energy?

Diet, stop healing, different exercise?
amateur practices til gets right pro til can't get wrong
/ better approx answer to right q than exact answer to wrong q which can be made precise /
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Wed May 16, 2018 8:15 am

everything wrote:So what is your next step to stop losing your energy?

Diet, stop healing, different exercise?

O.K. so I went to the Level 3 retreat in 2015 and qigong master Chunyi Lin shared how he has seen that when people get their third eye opened then it's very common for them to overuse their psychic energy and then they get fat - because they have to rely on food to replace the yang qi that is lost. So if you read the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality book this is called using the negative to replace the positive. For most people - males - when food is eaten it turns into yin jing which is the warm heat that creates neurohormones - from the cholesterol and fat - turned into testosterone. But then this yin jing gets lost as generative fluid - instead of turning it into generative force as yang jing or yin qi, the secret ingredient of the neurohormones.

So most people - if they are fairly normal good intentioned - they are what Gurdjieff calls a "number 2 person" which means they are subconsciously controlled by their lower emotions - so sometimes they get angry, sad, lust, fear, worry and sometimes bliss of love as overexcitement of the heart.

But then some males are evil - this is what Gurdjieff calls the Number 1 person - and so they have ejaculation addiction and so literally go around sucking off psychic yin qi energy - to deconvert it into generative fluid as ejaculation. Ejaculation spikes the cortisol as stress hormone - while lust is the sympathetic nervous system trigger but attraction is the dopamine. Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist of love gets into this. So like I said - the original human culture did not even know what homosexuality was so how could they be "homophobic"? haha. Also they did not masturbate and all the males trained in "staying power" of celibacy as trance dancing and fasting to ionize the neurohormones into the yin qi.

The book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality states that yin qi is actually just immature yuan qi that has not been built up enough. So as the book "Foundations of Internal Alchemy" states - the standing active exercise is to build up the yin qi channels into the Ocean of Yin Qi that is also called the "false lower tan t'ien" - it is below the navel - and so this is through the centers of the feet - with contact through the Earth. Chunyi Lin said how he buried his feet into the Earth to get a better connection to the energy. And so then he had to do 2 hours of full horse stance a day - with the thighs parallel to the ground - no moving - at Shaolin - for 3 months as his training retreat. So in order to do that your yuan qi has to be activated and so the yin qi as the yang jing has to be restored and the T'ai Chi activated as the Yuan Shen. So by doing that he built up the yuan qi to fully open the third eye - this is called - what Gurdjieff says is moving from a Number 4 person to a Number 5.

So a number 4 person, as Gurdjieff describes, has the "center of gravity" permanent in the center of the brain - so I can feel strong magnetic bliss in my pineal gland. I can feel the pineal gland and then when I "flex it" - then my vagus nerve pulsates on the side of my neck and pulls up the yin qi. But I don't do that anymore. But like I described - if someone is tired - then the yin qi will just flow out of my eyes and it uses the shen to do this - the biophotons. Science has proven that biophotons are emitted out of our eyes. So like I said - someone read my stuff online and visited me and exclaimed that my eyeballs were pulsating! But when that person visited I was very careful about my diet. His parents were Hare Krishna and so his dad was from India - and so I just made him vegetarian meals and I would have small portions and then I had vinegar with the food - since vinegar is an antiseptic. But I also had Artist Conk Mushroom tea - since the mushroom tea is also an antiseptic. And he said he never smelled any shit smell. haha.

So o.k. then I tried testing out the purity issue - and at my warehouse job - there was a new hire - a very young attractive female - very well endowed and she was also lusting after my qi. But since I worked hard - I treated her with respect. But I felt bad for her - since she was in a slump in her life - and so she shared her life story with me and anyway - as we worked closed together then the qi went into her and her energy went into me. So I decided to test something out - the qigong master Jim Nance was staying at my family's cabin - and he was helping me out. He had read my energy long distance over the phone and he was the one who first explained to me that my energy was going up the FRONT of my body. That made me realize - oh it is the vagus nerve going up the front. That is really wrong. oops. And so - anyway I asked him to send me energy as I fasted while working with this young female. She was lusting after me and so I switched over to a "free energy system" - where as we worked together then we had psychic mutual climaxes. And we did this for five days - I was working a warehouse job so lots of heavy lifting, stacking pallets, loading trucks, and standing all day working an assembly line - but my voice was really deep from all her well-endowed yin qi energy. But I kept getting internal tingling as my energy was going up the front and into her via my pineal gland - and so I kept having to take tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a very effective antiseptic but it also activates the vagus nerve and is dangerous to take internally. The strong terpenes are GABA receptor activators - so you get a drunk sensation but the overactivation of the vagus nerve will actually shut down the lungs. Fortunately I didn't overuse the tea tree oil but since I was talking with the female then I had to use the tea tree oil as well. haha. Anyway at this point she was basically talking about us getting married - even though she was half my age and had a boyfriend. She was saying how well I would get along with her family, etc. So I had to explain to her - I tried to explain how for her to get married she wants someone with a good solid job for money - since I knew I would be quitting that job. Also someone more her age, etc.

Anyway the whole point was I proved to myself that even though I had no food for five days I still was kicking out the shit smell because the energy was getting pulled up the front of the body. And I thanked the qigong master for sending me energy as well. Oh and then he had to give me a special healing.

OK I switched full lotus with the left leg on top - so I can type better now with more qi to heal my carpal tunnel that I got from when I had my deaf relay operator job...O.K. - so qigong master Jim Nance was in the chevy trailblazer and I was driving and suddenly I felt this strong qi in my nether region - and that kind of surprised me. Like strong electrical sensations - and so I knew he was healing me so I was talking but didn't say anything about the healing. And this went on for quite some time - and he said he had to heal all the lower frequency shen holographic blockages I had taken in from all the psychic tantra I had done. So I didn't ask him about it till months later - because while he was healing me - he said, "interesting." And I asked him about it and he acknowledged he had seen all the females I had been with - psychically. So literally I was having psychic mutual orgasms all day for a couple years - so maybe 5 different females a day and 3 mutual orgasms each. But I had this one stalker female at work - I felt sorry for her - and she would linger after everyone else was gone. I worked alone at the office - this was a different job. I sat in full lotus at work and I sorted paper - literally a paper shuffler. And so I sent energy into her - because our department was getting downsized and my job got replaced with a speed dialer but in the mean time the computer dude had taken almost all the "turf" on paper and so a lot of workers quit or got fired since they couldn't make quota with out enough turf on paper, that I sorted. So anyway - she was the only female left in the work unit more or less and she was super stressed out - since she was not well-endowed at all - she was super skinny and lacked jing energy. So anyway she ended up getting promoted to manager since our office was run by women - and so since she survived quota she then supervised the callers. But then she STILLED stayed after work - despite her hours being during the day and I had to work after everyone was done so I could sort the paper they used. But she would then come back to be with me alone while I worked - in full lotus. So I would send energy into her more and more. And then she got promoted again - yes she was now the supervisor of the managers and the unit had really gotten downsized. And she was always - well she had asked me out at first - but I had refused - that had been over a year before. And so now after we had so many psychic mutual climaxes - she said I was very charming but it was too bad I could not talk.

So I thought fine I will talk to her while I send out the energy. Because the energy is right brain dominant so you can't talk while sending out the energy. But I can alternate. Normally I would just read while sitting in full lotus and sending out the energy. So the left brain can read and the right brain can send out energy. And reading is a good "cover" while sitting in full lotus in public. O.K. so I had to use extra tea tree oil so I could talk to her and - then she left around 1 a.m. and soon after - I had worked too slowly becuz I was talking to her while sending out energy and I got too drunk from the tea tree oil and I collapsed asleep. so the manager who came in the morning (she was the boss of him now) - he was an older dude who had been an alcoholic so he goes into a rage if he thinks anyone has been drinking and I woke up still affected by the tea tree oil. haha. So I left on my bicycle but I still had to finish my work and so I stopped at the University - since it was cold out - and the University was on spring break - I went into the bathroom and fell asleep in full lotus on the toilet. I was literally snoring in full lotus but somehow I sensed something and I sprung out of the stall and was facing the mirror. This lady cop then busted in the room and yelled at me to freeze or something stupid. Then - she was young and had an even younger assistant - and I explained I had a graduate degree, was an alum of the University - and I had done research with the chair of the department in that building. But I had forgotten that homeless people slept in that handicap stall and so she wanted to call my landlady to prove I was not homeless and to call my job, etc. So then she illegally barred me from the University for a year - as a on the spot trespassing notice. Then I biked back to work - and all the higher ups called me into a meeting - and I explained how the young female worker was stalking me and so please tell her to not come in after hours. haha.

But by this time we had so many mutual climaxes that we had mutual love as a psychic heart magnetic opening. See what happens is that if the male does not ejaculate - then the vagus nerve energy keeps building up. Tantra is a catalyst - so the dopamine of lust switches to serotonin and as it builds up with about 50 mutual climaxes with a female - then the oxytocin kicks in and opens up the heart chakra. But I learned more - also from another Chinese female who wanted to marry me - that if I sent too much energy then it caused deep sadness when physically separated. Because the heart psychic energy - it is the yuan qi that gets activated. Bill Bodri and Master Nan, Huai-chin says this is the limit of tantra. To just empty out the lower realm of form - as strong bliss of the realm of bliss and then to just activate the yuan qi on a lower level of the heart. So after that you have to go into formless awareness meditation. Anyway so I just quit the job without notice - as I had to eat so much garlic since i had to eat meat to have the jing energy to send into that female who lacked the jing energy. haha. She introduced me to another manager who got transferred up when my job unit was completely downsized and the speed dialer took over. So the job I had for 10 years no longer existed so I just quit without notice - after they had made me sign some typed up confessional "loyalty" letter. I had to sign some fake confession that I promised to be "loyal" since I knew all this inside dirt on the corruption at work. haha.
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Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:46 am

Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby wiesiek on Thu May 17, 2018 12:36 am

in reverse, Michael, :),
in reverse...:
1st, it is not the addition , it is attribute of our Earthly plane which was consciously chosen - If we considering reality of the >souls travels<, of c.
2nd, as it is given, it can be used as the vehicle on the Way, /well, ok helpin` party on the Way/
my P.G. is shinning like supernova :P

Joyful Fruits of the Live
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Re: Right hand white tiger (lungs) left hand green dragon liver

Postby voidisyinyang on Thu May 17, 2018 7:21 pm

wiesiek wrote:in reverse, Michael, :),
in reverse...:
1st, it is not the addition , it is attribute of our Earthly plane which was consciously chosen - If we considering reality of the >souls travels<, of c.
2nd, as it is given, it can be used as the vehicle on the Way, /well, ok helpin` party on the Way/
my P.G. is shinning like supernova :P


yes the psychic powers are a lie - our ego is a temporary illusion. The lung energy is sadness but then turns to courage when built up and combined with the heart as passion-love then turns into compassion. So like I said - when I sent too much energy then I discovered too much sadness. So I did have strangers thank me - but I realized that Western white culture was noticeably less willing - well one anarchist female told her friends next to her that I was "orgasmic" - so that was a rare admission - as I sat in the booth next to her. But - I had two African-American females thank me - I think it was in the same day - when their bawling children - girls - made eye contact with me and then stopped crying. Then a Native American female as she did a lap dance to me as I sat in full lotus and then - later she was in McDonalds - and she kept repeating to me, "Do you know what you're doing to me?" Of course I knew but I was not going to say. Then one Native American lady - when we made eye contact and she was a block away - I picked up her great sadness. Later I was on the sidewalk and she thanked me - and explained how her homeless husband was dying from liver poisoning. So all these instances were while I was in full lotus in public. But the reason I started sitting in full lotus in public was because I kept having females strong hitting on me - literally staring into my eyes while pumping their legs, etc. - and so to maintain celibacy - I thought if I sat in full lotus then I could preemptively defend myself. But the opposite happened of course. Yes - I then did healing on my family - I still do.

But I bought land up north and so my plan is to then just train full time when I move to my land - and then keep doing healing on my family when I visit. But I assume civilization will collapse in five years due to abrupt global warming - an issue I have been researching. In other words Western civilization as a philosophy "works" in terms of high tech military power, etc. but it has destroyed the biosphere with vast social injustice. So the Daoist alchemy works but it's the opposite of Western civilization.... even the Vedic Brahmin stuff.

So yes the spiritual shakti or shen energy is from the Emptiness - this is why the qigong master could not heal his wife. He said he didn't practice tantra since the frequency of energy you take in from the female is too low level - it is an energy blockage. This is why his assistant qigong master had to heal me of all the tantra healing psychic healing I had done. Yeah - so the spiritual level requires first a strong ego to store up your energy - to get past the nightmare of people taking your energy all the time. The predator ejaculation addiction dudes will get mad if they don't get their "fix" - and so I could see how having to fight would be necessary. The original human culture was not like that as all the males trained in spiritual sublimation and there was no homosexuality - it was unknown - no masturbation, no rape and no war.

So actually I now rely on my pineal gland to tell me what is real - if a person is talking and saying one thing but their qi intention is in their body saying another thing - then obviously I go with what my pineal gland is telling me. haha. So this is a whole other level of reality - that modernized Westernized people don't know about due to mass mind control of left-brain dominance. The right side vagus nerve goes to the left side of the brain but not vice versa.

Yeah I overused my energy but I don't have any regrets about the years of free psychic healing I did. Western civilization is based on this idea of the female body as property - this is true with patriarchy - and the male is supposed to pay taxes and sacrifice himself in the war machine military - in order to get married and have regular access to his property - land and female. haha. The original human culture had the male move in with the female's family and provide for 3 years before "consummating" the marriage. The females controlled the land and the healing energy. The males did not have war nor fighting. Sure as the San Bushmen got enslaved by the Bantu and Dutch and other colonialists then there culture broke down. There is still some traditional culture left - a few master healers left.

The original human culture considered "Hoarding N/om" to be wrong - but it definitely does take the males to separate for a month each year - in order to build up the energy - a "Gong" as it's called in Daoist alchemy training. Also before hunting - the males are often away from the females for 3 days and this enables building up the N/om energy to then attract the animals that are hunted and given to the females.

Anyway the lunar pineal gland energy got covered up by the Solar patriarchy - starting around with wheat monocultural farming and then increasingly with the chariot warfare - and before that the ox carts... So humans for 90% of our biological history - before 10,000 BCE - we lived from the San Bushmen culture of no war, no rape, no homosexuality, no masturbation and all the males training in trance dancing and fasting based on complementary opposites.

So it is the Emptiness or Void that does the healing - aka the Cosmic Mother - the yuan qi that no one can see and so will "always be unveiled." - And so to not even heal your own wife - this means that the mundane life has to be very limited and the lower emotions have to be cut off. AS the qigong master admits - very rarely - the Emptiness is beyond even the "unconditional love" that he is always promoting.
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