MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

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MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby marvin8 on Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:07 pm

Fight Commentary Breakdowns
Published on Dec 1, 2018

In this most recent bout in China, we have a 47-year-old Wing Chun person (Zheng Jia Kuan 郑加宽) test his Kung Fu against a 37-year-old MMA fighter (Zhang Long 张龙). Let's see what happens and what lessons we can learn from this matchup. Hope you enjoy this match and the commentary! Let us know if you want more!

Big shoutout to both guys who wanted to test their abilities!
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby Peacedog on Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:45 pm

Apparently punching someone in the head and throwing them onto the ground still works. FYI, I've never, not once, seen wing chun work in the real world.

It reminds me of the time I watched a friend who was a pretty good Olympic weightlifter get into a bar fight. Now keep in mind the moron attacking my friend might have weighted 150lbs. My friend grabbed him by the collar and belt and basically power cleaned him off the ground to shoulder height. And dropped him on the floor. Fight over.
Last edited by Peacedog on Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby northern_mantis on Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:03 pm

My Muay Thai coach also trained Wing Chin and used short punches from clinch to really good effect. But he also realised that was one of the few elements that translated well to ring sports and he trained as hard as anybody else at all the standard medium and long range work. To come to any other conclusion is beyond stupid.
Last edited by northern_mantis on Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby roger hao on Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:03 am

Another fight with the fake master of something
sticking his arm out and bending forward to evade punches.
This one adding in hanging on the ropes.
roger hao


Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby AJG on Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:05 am

Mentally he lost exacerbated by not enough conditioning (which to some extent is related to the lack of the right mental state).

No point talking about technique if you don’t have the above.

What was that quote from hung I Hsiang “fighters must be stung often and hurt occasionally “

That said easier to do when younger.
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby Peacedog on Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:07 am


I could see that. It also tends to support my personal theory that a lot of the famous fighters back in China hundreds of years ago were basically practicing MMA. Sure they all had their "root" style, but they tended to travel around quite a bit as young men training with anyone they could to fill in the gaps in their primary system. Wan Lai Sheng, a senior practitioner of Ziranmen, knew the forms from something like 60 different systems. You don't get that by hanging out in your mother's basement.

Of course, he was also a vehement Nationalist who killed more Communists than cancer. I don't know if it is true, but I've been told he was still training anti-communist fighters on the mainland in 1952 when the government caught up with him. So, in his case he had a vested interest in making sure his stuff worked. Which is another pet rock theory as to why so much of the CMA don't work anymore. None of the people promoting them really use them. It's largely turned into a form of fancy cardio.

I've known a few CMA practitioners over the years who could actually use their stuff and a surprising number of them had basically trained with Chinese gangsters. Always some interesting stories as to how that happened, but then again if your day to day involves shaking down business owners and avoiding the Chinese police, you probably know what you are doing. The same individuals all grew up poor and had to learn how to fight early in life as well.
Last edited by Peacedog on Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby Trick on Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:44 am

Peacedog wrote:NM,

I could see that. It also tends to support my personal theory that a lot of the famous fighters back in China hundreds of years ago were basically practicing MMA. Sure they all had their "root" style, but they tended to travel around quite a bit as young men training with anyone they could to fill in the gaps in their primary system. Wan Lai Sheng, a senior practitioner of Ziranmen, knew the forms from something like 60 different systems. You don't get that by hanging out in your mother's basement.

Of course, he was also a vehement Nationalist who killed more Communists than cancer. I don't know if it is true, but I've been told he was still training anti-communist fighters on the mainland in 1952 when the government caught up with him. So, in his case he had a vested interest in making sure his stuff worked. Which is another pet rock theory as to why so much of the CMA don't work anymore. None of the people promoting them really use them. It's largely turned into a form of fancy cardio.

I've known a few CMA practitioners over the years who could actually use their stuff and a surprising number of them had basically trained with Chinese gangsters. Always some interesting stories as to how that happened, but then again if your day to day involves shaking down business owners and avoiding the Chinese police, you probably know what you are doing. The same individuals all grew up poor and had to learn how to fight early in life as well.

Yes the “real” old traditional way was probably so, you went out on a kind of knight errand quest to gain and harness techniques and skills.....The Tongbeiquan group/family I trained with here in China where basically all gangster guys from the very seniors at the top and down, most of them don’t know or practice forms(forms are quite a new thing in TBQ anyway) but just a few basics that they know to apply in “their environment” if needed.


Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby dspyrido on Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:06 pm

Who didn't expect to see yet another WC beat down here?

Kids dont know what they are missing. I used what I learnt in WC to save my ass several times in real fights. In self defense I found it as useful as many years spent in kickboxing/MT.

I still use it in grappling. Sticking hands = uber hand play.

In mma it's got its uses but spending hours doing sticking hands vs sparring to get distancing, evasions, take downs etc. is a poorer use of time.
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby wuwei on Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:58 pm

This guy is an idiot who claims to be a student of Ma Bao Guo (yes the one who challenged Xu Xiaodong and called the police). He has been making his round on the internet challenging everyone, including going to a BJJ match and got choked out by the referee because he hit the opponent after being submitted.
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Re: MMA vs Wing Chun — Latest Fight Out of China

Postby cloudz on Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:00 am

wuwei wrote:, including going to a BJJ match and got choked out by the referee because he hit the opponent after being submitted.

heard about that. good to know these Kung fools are being educated one idiot at a time.
shame this trend in China didn't start sooner.

At least I can say he's putting it on the line, which is about one of the only ways you can change or grow if you are as convinced of a delusion as so many seem to be in TCMA culture.

Just going by the boards and net; A high number just talk bollocks and never put any of it to test and scrutiny. We've all seen what happens countless times now.
There is no argument, no debate left about it. Traditional systems do not equip you to meet the challenge of combat sport participants, not without the minimum of cross training at the very least. The only TCMA that can do so are ones already using and implementing the training methods needed to bridge the gap.
Last edited by cloudz on Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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