What kind of diet are you following?

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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby Peacedog on Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:35 pm

When it comes to diet and body composition life is very much unfair.

As I've stated here before, a good 60% of the population really has no major issues and can basically eat what they want.

For the other 30-40% it's an issue. And that issue is almost always a matter of carbohydrate consumption.

A small percentage have a legitimate endocrine system issue and varying pharmaceutical level interventions can prove very helpful.

Now the real villains in this story, in my opinion of course, are the medical community writ large. And, no, I am not talking about the pharmaceutical companies at all in this context.

It is the doctors, and their friends in the regulatory apparatus at the FDA, that are the real problem.

Multiple studies exist that pretty comprehensively show diet as the primary intervention almost always fails. And this same group of people basically blames the fatties for having a lack of willpower. Not that any of the people doing the studies have any personal experience with the condition in my experience. So a continued focus on this is pointless.

Compounds do exist that, from the limited studies available, result in what appears to be permanent weight loss. They exclusively fall into the category of thermogenics and anabolic steroids. They all have serious side effects and can be fatal if misused. The two most well known are DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) and Anavar. Yet no research is conducted into this despite even the DoD stating that obesity is now a national security issue.

An important concept to keep in mind when looking at medicine are the biases inherent to the researcher's view of the work at hand. And no one is researching anything in terms of treating obesity that has any hope of working as, other than the two before mentioned compounds and surgical removal, nothing has been found to actually destroy fat cells once they are constructed. And no one is willing to address liberalizing the use of the drugs we currently have either.

The medical community's inability to pull it's head out of it's ass is literally killing people. The medical cost of obesity in 2008 was almost $150B at the time alone.

This is a bit of a rant on my part. But it is very frustrating to routinely see people walk into the clinic who are only going to get worse, despite real working solutions existing to their problems. And knowing that I cannot access them.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby klonk on Sun Dec 02, 2018 10:59 am

My experiments seem conclusive that in my case, anyway, the problem is not carbs per se. The problem is oversaturation with carbs, and is addressed by drawing down the stored carbs (glycogen) level. I was in ketosis for a while, showing that the readily burned glycogen was gone from my system. Then I added back carbs at a modest level that I am monitoring and feel better than I did before or during the keto diet.

Your metabolism may vary.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby Peacedog on Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:57 am


I think that jives. As you mentioned earlier, prior to surgery you had no real issues with this kind of thing. Surgery, and the associated drugs, buggered up your GI tract and going keto for a little while re-established everything back to normal.

It is interesting to note that a few case studies have been written on young men who spontaneously became clinically obese, around 400 pounds or so, went onto a ketogenic diet for a year, or two, and when they came off it their metabolism had essentially reset. They kept the weight off and could eat normally again. Most fascinating with these cases is that they didn't develop large folds of loose skin either. They basically just shrank.

Another case study with the same result dealt with a young man that fasted for a full year with only salts and some multivitamins. Granted he was closely monitored by the medical community as well with lots of blood work. Same result. He stabilized at 195 pounds and could eat normally again. Again, no loose skin issues requiring surgery either.

I am unaware of either phenomena happening in women though.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby klonk on Tue Dec 04, 2018 7:54 am

The science is in a confusing stage, isn't it!? We see a cluster of problems involving the carbs-insulin-fat axis, possible implication of the gut biome, and theories ranging from perfectly simple to some head-scratchers.

I think the reason I never felt quite right on keto was that I wasn't getting enough total calories to feel chipper, but I was eating to satiety.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby Peacedog on Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:56 am

Actually, I find it to be at an exciting stage. Thanks to improvements in diagnostic technology we may have real answers to this problem within the next 20-30 years. As we get a better grasp on what is happening via the bacteria living in everyone's digestive tract, its interaction with DNA and the endocrine system actual treatment protocols can be figured out.

I do believe that obesity in the first world will become a rarity around that time. I also think this will have major impacts upon autoimmune disease in addition to the obvious chronic and longevity related issues.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby vadaga on Sun Dec 16, 2018 11:35 am

everything wrote:Cool that's the diet I am trying to shift toward

Minus the dairy altogether

Yeah I try that, but sometimes i have the occasional cheese pizza, yoghurt, milk in coffee or what have you. Also, feasting still happens so for example I have eaten all the Christmas food this year etc.

A good place to start reading is Marco Springmann's web page http://www.futureoffood.ox.ac.uk/people ... springmann

Also, the EAT Lancet report coming out in 1 month (16 January) will have a lot to say on the subject
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:23 pm

I just did a 48 hour fast followed by three 24 hour fasts and I feel great I even saw my blood pressure go down. Now I am doing 16 hour intermittent fasts although I am not strict about it, if I am hungry I will extend my eating window from 8 to 10 hours. I am doing so because I suffered an injury at work and wanted to speed up my recovery by having stem cells kick in which happens after 48 hours of fasting yet even with daily fasting the body goes into repair mode as they have found that cancer patients do better with daily fasting and chemo than just chemo according to Dr. Longo.

I think my favorite thing is that I never trusted or believed the hi protein low carb craze here in the States because it is pushed by celebrities. Saying that I know why it works and that is because without carbs the body uses and burns it's own fat therefore people lose weight yet fasting or IF does the same thing but without anyone making money off of you and with tons of health benefits beyond just weight loss. To me high protein low carb is fasting made easy or essentially more stuff to sell to Americans.

I was aiming for a 3 day fast but instead did a 2 day followed by single days. I think the key is to listen to your body and slowly extend your fast. Now a 24 hour is nothing to me and in fact I like it because I don't have to plan my day around meals. I just go out and take care of business and eat when everything is done at the end of the day.

Btw, I also learned that Mormons do a 24 hour fast once a month.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:02 pm

can you explain a little on how you do it? what do you mean by 48 hours? literally not eating for that long?
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:02 pm

everything wrote:can you explain a little on how you do it? what do you mean by 48 hours? literally not eating for that long?

Just saw this. Sorry I got busy with that injury but i am better now.

Yes, essentially I was doing a water fast. Drinking about a gallon a day through out the day.

There is a lot of info out there with this being one of the best in a short amount of time.

Watch "Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? (Science of Fasting)" on YouTube

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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:44 pm

I have actually been playing with different "windows." I was doing 24 hour fasts where I would eat one meal after dark at about 6 and sometimes snacking an hour or two later and then the next meal 22 hours later. I actually found this to be useful and easy which is what the above video advocates.

Turns out that like Muslims during Ramadan this was the practice of Catholics during lent at one time with essentially no animal products like meat, milk or butter (which I find interesting in this time of veganism).

For awhile I was doing IF where I would only eat from basically noon to 8PM and although I can see how its useful (for me) it doesn't compare with "one meal day" even if just for a day.

I think the important thing is to allow your body time to adjust and tell you when to stop. I want to do a 3 day fast and I am going to try soon but I am realizing that I should wait while between fasts before doing that so instead I am going to stick one meal a day for a few days which I already get good results with as I mentioned above.

Which I mention again because I am convinced that like running one is better off running a mile week than running running a marathon once in a whole lifetime and the same (I believe) is true for the benefits of fasting.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:22 pm

ok thanks will read a little more about it. yeah the one mile vs marathon is basically true for every single thing isn't it
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby origami_itto on Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:11 am

So when the thread started I was basically on a see food diet. But I resolved to lose 40 lbs this year, so I'm making some changes.

No soda, no more cream in the coffee, eating within a 12 hour window, getting a single cheeseburger instead of a double, no fries.

So far it's working, I've lost six pounds since the first and my goal was five for all of January. I'm planning to start working on maybe one day a week fasting next
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:35 am


In today's world it's so easy to put on the pounds. It's actually sad how easy it is. Since getting injured I gained weight.

That last video is one of my favorites because it points out that the first 24 hours is the toughest. I am currently on day 3 of a a fast. This time around day 2 was easy and today is easy. It seems that like exercise the body adapts quickly and figures out what is happening. The last time I couldn't get passed Day 2 because people were eating around me but now I know better. Now I leave the room during mealtimes.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:40 am

everything wrote:ok thanks will read a little more about it. yeah the one mile vs marathon is basically true for every single thing isn't it

I believe so yet to my surprise I am finding and meeting people who seemed to have tried fasting, did it once and never tried it again. But perhaps they got the results they wanted and switched to one meal a day.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby origami_itto on Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:09 pm

grzegorz wrote:Congratulations!

Thanks! It's encouraging how easy it seems (at first at least) just by making some easy, gradual changes.
In today's world it's so easy to put on the pounds. It's actually sad how easy it is. Since getting injured I gained weight.

Back in 2016 when I decided to get back into this taijiquan thing so I could more likely meet my grandkids I dropped about 50 pounds in about three months. Quit the nicotine vape, made diet changes, was working out for 3-4 hours every day.

Then we figured out that was because I was bipolar and in a (for me) extreme mania. (Some may remember when I first came back lol) They put me on some drugs and I gained most of that weight back since. Like you said, getting fat is easy. Cushy it job, naps, they opened a damn Popeye's Chicken right around the corner...

So meds down to a bare minimum now, developing a nice balanced and healthy taijiquan practice, eating smarter, it's a good thing.

Kinda thread jacking here...
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