New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby wayne hansen on Sun Dec 23, 2018 5:36 pm

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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby edededed on Mon Dec 24, 2018 5:28 pm

GrahamB wrote:Yes, they were later additions. My teacher maintains that they were added by Guo Yun Shen of beng quan fame. I suspect he's worked this out by researching which lineages they appear in most. Or it might have been an oral transmission from one of his teachers. I don't know.

Different animals appeal to different types of people - I've always liked Tai but Monkey and Bear are my personal favs. Never really been a fan of Croc myself.

It's murky history for sure - but there are some Dai family lines that have additional animals different from the 10. Today, all xingyi lines have 12 of course.

I like bear, too, but it looks different in each line! Monkey, dragon, snake, swallow - I think I like those. Chicken is just cool in how bizarre the idea is ;D
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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby wayne hansen on Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:37 pm

Pretty straight forward the form I learned
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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby GrahamB on Tue Dec 25, 2018 1:04 am

ededed - Bear and Eagle get done together often, so it's often difficult to know which is which (although they are polar opposites really, which is why they get done together), but I know what you mean, I've seen Xinyi "bear" that doesn't look very bear at all.


I like this guy:
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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby Bill on Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:37 pm


We got the real thing in the US.


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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby GrahamB on Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:49 pm

Just no - not going near that thing :)

Somebody told me if you chop the head off you can't touch it for an hour after because IT WILL STILL BITE!
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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby wayne hansen on Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:40 pm

Come to Australia bill we've got more deadly things per inch than anywhere on earth
I was just talking about how many brown snakes they find on the main beach on the Gold Coast each year
But I do love the turtleman
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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby GrahamB on Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:23 pm

The book is now available for sale on Amazon. Here's the link: ... glen+board
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Re: New Xingyi Book: A Study of Tai and Tuo Xing

Postby Pandrews1982 on Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:18 am


Here's a pic of Zhu Guang, one of my teacher's teachers the Graham mentioned, not sure if his legs are like tree trunks but I've heard he was pretty skilled and very athletic. There used to be an interview of him online that was publishing in Kung Fu Tai Magazine but I can't find it now. There are a couple of other pictures floating around. For years I've presented the background to our lineage and style again and again here and elsewhere. He no longer teaches martial arts despite having been taught by a number of well known martial artists such as Han Qi Qang ( - Mei Hua and Xing Yi, Zhu Bao Zhen - Yin Style Bagua, and Wang Ji Jong - Mei hua. I was told that he always cited Luo Da Cheng as his main Xing Yi teacher. He moved back to Beijing but one of his other students visited him around 2004 and the story goes he was sent away said that he didn't teach martial arts anymore. By that time my teacher had been training with other teachers in Beijing and hadn't been in contact with Zhu for a number of years.

My teacher is notoriously private, hates being photographed or videoed but in recent years has been doing some podcasts on shamanism and now with Graham some stuff on historical aspects of martial arts. He's a very skilled and knowledgeable guy, but as with anyone he does makes mistakes now and again and has a few theories which might be biased. He also has a book published on Xing Yi Bear Eagle which provides a few other names and details of people within our lineages but I'm not going to cite them publicly.

Our school has never been into things like bashi ceremonies or strict discipline it's always been a small group of guys meeting up usually in parks or car parks and practicing traditional arts and occasionally trying to kick the crap out of each other.

It's probably worth noting that the video of me performing Tai Xing is not a set form as shown in that book but is free from connecting different tai xing movements in various combinations as my intention led me.

Luo Da Cheng and Luo Xing Wu were students of Hao En Guang who I'm told was shot and killed working as a bodyguard and often said to have been the top student of Li Cun Yi , selected to teach Xing yi in Japan and elsewhere by his master. A number Hao's students then went to study with Sun Lu Tang after his death.

I know of Liu Jingru mainly from hearsay and videos of mostly his bagua and I like the videos.

As for the book - it's not an fully comprehensive record of the Tai and Tuo methods from our school but gives a good chunk of them. It mentions weapons and strategy but doesn't show applications for weapons. It does have a number of applications for emptyhand and shows two short forms. The photos are not too bad, mainly black and white but some colour. There is a lot of info in here which I don't think is available anywhere else in English text so for that reason alone it is interesting and worth a read.

I'm not sure exactly when Glen met Damon. I first encountered Damon in 2003 and began training regularly with him in 2004. At that point Damon taught in my city and Glen lived at the other end of the country but Damon travelled a lot for work and taught a class with Graham and Glen weekly for a number of years in the south of England, occasionally I dropped in on that class. I trained with and also taught Glen in the past, you might see him being knocked about a bit by me on a video which has been on Graham's youtube channel for years now. In the early days I did 3 or 4 training sessions each week of 2-4 hours long and met with classmates daily in my lunch hour to practice. I think for around 5-6 years I probably averaged 15-20 hours of training in class or with others a week and was doing jibengong stuff solo on top of that, I was a little obsessed to begin with.
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