What kind of diet are you following?

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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby Peacedog on Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:04 pm

It's not a hijack.

Weight gain from meds is a really common problem. Almost guaranteed with anti-depressants.

Glad to hear you got it back under control.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:27 am

I would be happy to hear any feedback you have and compare notes.

I am a newbie but I have figured out that some people drink coffee or tea and I think this makes things easier since caffeine withdrawals can be more difficult to deal with than hunger especially one day 1.

Also some sea salt in water with some lemon also seems to help which seems common for some.

I just finished my three day goal which has always been my goal (since I first found out about this) and physically I felt great and mentally much more calmer than usual. I felt like a zen monk, I think I would have been hard to piss off on day 3, my mind was clear and free of negative emotions. In fact I was walking with the wife and some neighbors were staring us down and I just walked right by and ignored them because I really couldn't give a damn. They were going through whatever fear or anger they were going through snd it had nothing to do with me or us. I can see why religions use this method for spiritual pursuits. I hope I can continue to tap into that state of mind when necessary.

Yet I also felt slightly light headed and it was obvious that my body was missing something so I decided that enough was enough and ended it. I think for me that 3 days will be enough unless I am in some type of supervised situation where I feel safe going further.

Thanks for the thread. I think as we age what we eat becomes increasingly more important.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby wiesiek on Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:01 am

I did 24h fasting regularly couple of years, - one day of the week , + 3days three times a year .
7 days I did only once.
It was supported by psylium husk and bentonite /green clay/, lot of water is mandatory.
During 7 days I used also red wine /one bottle per week/.

Good days, I have return on this track.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:45 pm

Wiesiek, did you find that your mental state of mind changed?

For me it was very profound since I live in a busy area and work in a high pressure situations. In fact today I was dealing with a lot of office weirdness and it didn't bother me in fact I thought it was kind of funny as I was putting myself in the state of mind from the day before.

I ask because I am sure I will continue this practice in large part because I tap into a state I would like to always stay in.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:05 pm

Did you ty combining IF with keto?

Supposedly the high fat keeps your blood sugar normal and prevents hunger so the fasting isn't as bad.

A 24 hour fast supposedly increases HGH.

Sorry if you already covered that above.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:07 pm

I hesitate to try keto with no gallbladder but

Not eating three hours before sleep would help me

I could probably eat between 9-8, but making it like 10-7 might be a stretch.

In the past it was easier for me to lose weight by eating 6 smaller meals over maybe 13 hours.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:56 pm

everything wrote:Did you ty combining IF with keto?

Supposedly the high fat keeps your blood sugar normal and prevents hunger so the fasting isn't as bad.

A 24 hour fast supposedly increases HGH.

Sorry if you already covered that above.

There's another thread I started about a year or two ago call the All Meat Diet. Which was just out of interest. Needless to say there are people who eat all meat and only meat and claim to have gain muscle and lose weight. Although interesting I could never do it because I always feel much healthier when I eat lots of fruit and leafy greens. But I can see how and why it would work. To me Keto is basically IF in that you are not taking in carbs therefore your body is burning your own stored fat. But to me fasting does the same but without anyone telling you what to eat which I never enjoy, like cutting out the middleman. LOL!

Also the more I fast the less interested I am in meat. I eat seafoood and chicken. If it wasn't for sausage I could probably cut out red meat but I am a sausage and Italian meats fanatic! But (for me) when I come out of a fast I naturally choose things that grow in gardens and orchards. I don't have to make myself eat healthy my body gravitates to healthier choices and junk food is less appealing to me.

Even when I do eat meat it's usually in small amounts to add flavor.

The only problem is when I do the longer fasts all I think about is food and usually it's fastfood like Carl's Junior Bacon burgers and fries yet when I break my fast it goes away. It's funny instead of being a man thinking about sex I am a man thinking about food. LOL! I can't stop it.

Anyway, this is just my view. If you are comfortable with lots of meat in your diet then I would consider eating more meat or high protein for awhile to replace your carb intake and I have a feeling that you would definitely lose weight especially if you can combine that with IF and have a high protein dinner. I actually considered just eating beef jerky when I was hungry and I have a very good feeling that I could do that and lose weight essentially combining the ideas from keto, all meat and IF.

Of course I am not a doctor of dietitian in any way. I am just some random Joe on the internet.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:56 pm

A lot of meat isn't healthy for bodies or the environment, so I'm not really into too much meat, but I do love all meats.

What the main healthy diets all have in common is reduction of processed foods, sugars, grains.

But timing of it all isn't clear.

A while back I copied the bodybuilders on timing.

Carbs in the morning. Protein spread out (can only use so much). Healthy fat right before bed.

Except for too much protein (not ideal for your organs), it seems really good.

Seems good for your GI to treat it gently a little at a time.

What the IF people don't understand is how you need a super healthy GB if you feast between fasting. From a TCM and common sense pov, too, it doesn't make sense.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:50 pm

Good, we actually agree on meat.

I could never do all meat for the same reasons you mentioned. Also I mentioned eating Bison after a fast and staying up most of the night trying to digest it. Tasted fantastic but I was reminded why I initially wanted an Impossible Burger but choose Bison because a relative wanted me to try it and I wanted to be polite. Who wants to be a party pooper?

I know a man who has done this stuff for decades and says as a vegan he no longer needs to. Yet he still does on occasions but says that mostly now he just listens to his body and decides when to eat or not which to me is the goal. Unlike Ramadan I don't actually feast after 24 hours or 16 hours, it's more like the Old School Catholic lent where I eat a plant based diet although I am not vegan.

But yes they are some who do IF and feast just as some high protein low Carb who have cheat days will binge which I don't do. My preference is the long fast but since it isn't really practical for daily use I usually just stick with an 8 hour window. Intially I would feast but now my body is used to it so I eat more like a normal person does also I don't overeat and I don't snack as much as I originally did. On days I can't stick or don't want to stick to a window I eat and don't eat again until I am very hungry.

Which i think is the ultimate goal. Not time or windows but listening to the body. My friend comes from the Native American tradition so I am not surprised that numbers in his tradition are not as important as the goal. It's also why I don't like IF as much because it relies on numbers instead of prolonged fasts where you let your body tell you when to eat. Where I do think IF is useful is for people who are already skinny in which case prolonged fasts might not be appropriate.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby wiesiek on Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:19 am

Regular fastings has huge effect on your mind and body.
First of all it direct your mind inside, what gives calming mind in return.
Benefits of such "introspection" helping in any kind of >internal < trainings - main reason ,that is quite often advocated by experienced practitioners.
I did fasting regularly during my 10 years stay in NYC, which was , and is very fast vibrating place, I suppose :)
Speakin` of diet :
I more than once recommended here tropology - science of mixing food in one meal,
I started my digging in the topic when I not only got and read Daniel Reid`s book "Tao of health", but checked it out in real life too.
Highest recommendation.
Working with his advices will help you establish personal diet.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:03 pm

Will try to check it out, thanks
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:28 am

Watching "Food Choices" on Amazon.

Seems to have some good information for those trying to figure out which foods are best for them.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:19 am

my wife used a service based on the 23andme testing. it claimed she should minimize wheat consumption. that matches her anecdotal experience. sounds like hooey to me, but otoh, if a simple test (based on spitting in a tube) can help us identify what foods might be good/not good for us based on our specific genetics, it does sound practically helpful.

I've been eating from about 9-8 for a few days (wife and kid doing something like 10-7). I don't feel any "magic", but I do feel pretty good. It does kinda make me want to try a little longer fast. My personal theory with no GB is I should eat tiny amounts of fat, grazing style, though, so these two ideas/practices are in conflict. We'll see.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby grzegorz on Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:13 pm

Yeah, my wife has that too and in her culture everything is wheat. It takes awhile to get used to but with time we have figured where and what she can eat. Even Red Robin has an excellent gluten free burger or so she tells me. It's a pain when we go on vacation but with further testing we found out she was both intolerant and allergic to gluten and from talking to her mother sounds like she is too but instead chooses to live in denial.

What's interesting is that in Ireland (I hear) they make very good gluten free food and are very aware of food allergies because gluten intolerance is high there.

As to IF I think is whole lifestyle change. I feel better eating with an 8 to 10 hour window and will probably make it a 12 when I start working again because with my job it's very hard to know when I will have time to eat but overall I do feel "better" than I did when I was always feeding the beast.

I can say I lost 5 pounds since starting all this and yesterday when they checked my blood pressure it was the same numbers I had 10 years ago when I used to work out all the time and do BJJ. It was 109 over 68! Being that high blood pressure runs in my family I was very surprised.

Funny fasting story from Poland. My wife's grandmother had a German shepherd that lived 22 years! No one could figure out how this could be possible until my wife started watching fasting documentaries with me and then she figured out that the dog lived a long time because her grandmother was very old and forgetful and most likely forgot to feed her but instead gave her a long life. LOL!
Last edited by grzegorz on Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What kind of diet are you following?

Postby everything on Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:12 pm

Wow, I don't have a dog, but if I ever do, I have to remember that story. 22!
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