Extrasensory Situational Awareness

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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby BruceP on Fri Jul 26, 2019 9:52 am

everything wrote:Anyone want to write about building the ball, sinking qi to dantian in IMA, but then stopping or not stopping with this area of other things. What was the connection with your IMA or was there no connection, etc.

From a 2009 discussion:
BruceP wrote:Cerebral interference indicates right-weightedness
Physical interference indicates left-weightedness.

The reverse may also be true depending on the individual.

Learning to discern the slightest interference in the neutral frequency is one approach to glimpsing 'that which is undefinable' :) Locking on to the neutral frequency may be - in the beginning - more a matter of swerving from one side of the road to the other between right and left weightedness.

Standing, stationary ball and other symetry drills can be used in developing an educated 'ear' for the neutral frequency which is actually a harmonic attenuation of right and left weightedness.

Most folks have a tendency toward one side over the other so it may be a matter of getting the mind in the right trim and rudder.
Once the harmonic is discovered, coming back to it may get easier if practiced on a regular basis.

Relax, discard self, and tension falls away. Intent can't spoil the party if self isn't there to egg him on.

We're talkin metaphors, right?
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:54 am


Building the ball

1. Sit in a chair with your spine erect. If comfortable sit at the edge of the chair.
2. Hold your arms loosely in front of you with the palms facing each other 1-2 feet apart. Maintain a small space in your armpits as if hold an invisible egg there.
3. Be relaxed. Do not tense up.
4. Imagine inhaling light, energy, prana, qi, whatever through the pores of your skin on the inhale. Focus on the lower abdomen if you like (this part of the step is not necessary).
5. On the exhale breathe this same material out of the palms of the hands.
6. Do this for 5 minutes at a time for up to an hour per day. Practice in the same place at the same time every day. Practice somewhere quiet that makes you feel good.
7. When finished practicing, immediately write down any noted sensations, feeling, whatever in a notebook.
8. Review the notebook once per week. You do this to defeat cognitive dissonance. It is a very important step.
9. When you begin to feel a pressurized ball between your hands, you are now sensing what qi is.

Most systems have an exercise like this. You can play with it as well once you get the sensation. Move the hands in and out. Up and down the arms. Play with it. It can even be used as a kind of qi massage.

The reason is simple, sensation, being an astral phenomena as detected by touch, is the least degraded of the human senses. Therefore it is the easiest to train. Push hands drills work with a similar phenomena as well.

My boy Rordan's thoughts on the matter....

https://yogicengineering.com/2016/09/18 ... verything/
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby edededed on Fri Jul 26, 2019 5:48 pm

Thanks Peacedog - I will try, paying attention to the steps that I did not include before.

But yeah, genetically I would say sensitivity (I would be a terrible masseuse!) and physicality are not my inborn talents.

I guess that until now, I did sort of feel some kind of pressure or something between the hands - but a very weak sensation. I feel almost nothing anywhere else, though.

What might be the second-easiest of the senses to train in general? Just curious...
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Sat Jul 27, 2019 2:08 pm

Generally clairvoyance/subtle sight.

The issue is that several different forms of this exist and without an ability to split energy via the clairsentience exercises like building the ball it is kind of crapshoot regarding what you get.

And as is usually the case the training methodologies are slightly different to each kind.

Welcome to the world of practical metaphysics. Inadequate vocabulary combined with crappy pedagogy equals wildly unpredictable results.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby edededed on Sun Jul 28, 2019 1:45 am

Interesting, thanks Peacedog.

It does seem that there are different methods for clairvoyance in China, India, Hermetics, etc. I think that maybe only a focus on the third eye is in common; but anyway, not much (public) information is available about it!
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:33 pm

They are largely similar and fall into one of three categories.

1. Third eye training: Largely a mental energy phenomena dealing with out of body projection.
2. Training of the eye itself: Works with, potentially, all of the energetic fields surrounding the body - vital, astral, mental, and Akashic. And that doesn't even get into the elementally derived influences. The data generated from these is all very different. Hence a lot of the confusion regarding testing of clairvoyance.
3. Soft eyes training: Deals with passively observing others. Largely dependent upon natural ability regarding what you get. Again, results in a wide variety of results.

Other training, while not directed at this, can kick it off in the direction of natural predilection. Typically these are breath retention/pranayama, the candle exercises in samahadi/single point of focus training, sun gazing and chi gung that involves the head in general.

All of this why I find much discussion of clairvoyance annoying. It covers at least half a dozen major varieties and is why testing for this is such a crapshoot. That said, the guys who have "it" all generally can see into the vital and astral realms at least enough to spot other practitioners. Which is another reason why the periodic crackdowns on this kind of thing by the authorities never really succeeds. Societies where they have attempted to breed this out of population while still maintaining open esoteric practices in their religious organizations, i.e. anyone who insists monks are celibate and have no children, have an odd habit of dreaming in black in white over time.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby wiesiek on Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:47 am

During my recent highest moment of >alerted state< I had contact with what i can call Primary Female Spirit, or Catholic _ way Mother of God
It was physical...
I mean , I was real contact.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby edededed on Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:56 pm

Thanks Peacedog, very interesting, and makes sense in that for example viewing auras seems quite different from remote viewing. Which one is normally used by those people who "see" people's medical problems, etc.? We hear about these people who are born with this ability, or otherwise gain it via training (e.g. in China or in India). My guess is that it is the third eye, as people describe seeing the results in various different ways (so not really with the physical eyes).

I guess I can only try to improve my touch sense first anyway!
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Peacedog on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:53 pm

Medical can be vital field, astral field, mental or Akashic field depending upon what is seen exactly.

Out of body projection is mostly third eye.

But for everything seen around you it is actually a matter of training the eye itself (i.e. the organ) what you get in terms of development is one part genetics and one part the specific energy wavelength being worked with. Most of the exercises involve moving the appropriate energy into the eye and then emptying the eye.

Do not do this on your own without training though. It is pretty easy to injure the nerves in the eye. Classically guys who did a lot of candle training or meditating upon lights in caves went blind this way.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby edededed on Sat Aug 03, 2019 12:21 am

Ah - well, not knowing anything about physical eye training, I can't try much myself anyway!
The only thing I ever did was just sort of trying to send energy through the palms to the eyes as part of a shougong in health qigong (my eyesight did improve after a few months, but maybe it was coincidence, and I was a much younger lad).

There is some kind of candle training in bagua it seems, but I've not learned it... Seems for physical eyesight though.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby wiesiek on Sat Aug 03, 2019 1:43 am

my recent experience is :
I sow distractions in the energetic "bubble" of the co workers as kinda of vibrating multicolored atoms, close to the left or right person/s/ temple.
It was, as I can explain - peripheral vision, but with extra additons of emotionals readings ...
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby wiesiek on Sat Aug 03, 2019 1:45 am

never trained to much on >peripheral vision< field.
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:11 am

Interesting comments! However, most discussions of psychic phenomenon tend to be either hypothetical conjecture regarding how these phenomena are manifested, or are simply a given individual's interpretation of their personal experiences with psychic phenomenon. In both instances, a conscious analysis of the subject matter offers little or no means of validating personal opinions and has little to do with the thread topic of Extrasensory Situational Awareness, since subtle awareness of this kind is by its very nature a phenomenon that typically functions outside the realm of consciously driven mental activity. Thus, it is something you receptively allow to be a part of your overall subconscious awareness, rather than something that you consciously cause, direct or control. :)
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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby cloudz on Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:54 am


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Re: Extrasensory Situational Awareness

Postby Doc Stier on Mon Aug 03, 2020 10:17 am

Since most people wish to consciously control every aspect of their life and their immediate environment, they are often reluctant to accept the idea that they can't always make things happen, but can only allow some things to happen through open receptivity. As this relates to Extrasensory Situational Awareness, a more calm and quiet mental state is key to being aware of the source of thoughts, feelings, images, etc, which originate outside the context of our own mental activity.

Anyone who is constantly engaged in a personal mental dialogue within themselves is unlikely to be a good receiver of anything else from external sources. Our minds are like a two-way radio. They are capable of both transmitting and receiving, but are generally not able to do both simultaneously. :-\
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