Side effects of the deep breathings

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby wiesiek on Thu Jul 25, 2019 5:26 am

Hi Guys,
It is goin` to be long post and in few parts, probably :) ,
please show some compassion for my poor English compu-typin`...
1st of all I would like to thanks You all over the world eF and now RSF posters, being here, and giving me unexpected boost in my practice.
Particularly, quite recently- Doc S. thread and Pacedog posts. -bow-
I should title this thread >Satori<
but brassin` up isn`t my style ... 8-)
Ok, then
follow the numbers:
"Side effects of the deep breathings " it is tittle of article which I wrote down on very beginning of my "SATORI TRIP".
It was done 1st in my life by automatic writing during my standard work time.
I suddenly felt strong urge to write, and did it :D
Next day the biggest ride in my life started.
I can compare it to the LSD trip crossed with the sacred mushrooms and whatever you may think of...
It was kind of "shamanic" opening of the heart chakra which leads to the rapid changing in emotional feelings,
not any chemicals stimulation.
it was a three weeks non stop trip, where 10 was days so heavy, that in my job asked me to take couple days off :) ,
and when I returned , and started to see energy /emotional/ fields around them, and talking about their incarnations, they asked me to take even more :D
Interesting, I was only on water and carrot juice, very little food, or no food during the day. 2-3 h. sleeping time!!!
I meet my Guarding Angel/ 1st time from 1300 years! :o / and had the trip thru all my incarnations...
I also get full/?/ esoteric knowledge of my case,
and lot more...
have to finish for today,
I will goin` to play in our zendo for the one of the biggest Zen master which I had privilege to meet .
I get support from him in my worst hour,
Friend of him /and my/gave me a call with Master Message, 3 weeks after his death.
`cause it is >shamanic< opening , my poem is:

Eagle move the Mountain , showing the Path
Snake and Phoenix awaken the Dragon
Now He can opening hidden wings
Sky is no more the limit

All the best on the Way
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby Peacedog on Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:29 am

I'll write more later.

First, keep a journal of what happens as it continues. This is crucial. The mind tends to play tricks on us over time and you may gain some real insight in the future over things you are experiencing now.

Second, congratulations, let us all know how it unfolds.

Third, keep your observations to yourself (unless directly asked by others). You chose to engage in this trip. Most people actively run from it. As we say in Hermetics, "Compassionate with others, ruthless with yourself." It is not your job to change others. It is your job to change yourself.

Finally, one difference between the insane and the enlightened is that the enlightened know when to keep their mouth shut.
Last edited by Peacedog on Thu Jul 25, 2019 8:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby wiesiek on Thu Jul 25, 2019 10:59 am

Finally, one difference between the insane and the enlightened is that the enlightened know when to keep their mouth shut.
I started make notes, when my G.A. promoted me from level of the selfish fool to honest idiot... :D
This somehow, made me sure, that he is somehow as real as me. ???
level of hallucinations and size of consecutive >enlightens< , after resolving emotional blockades was astonished.
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby edededed on Thu Jul 25, 2019 11:42 pm

What did you do to start getting these experiences, wiesiek?
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby Trick on Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:50 am

Carrot juice! That’s some strong stuff you’re on.....

......the high amount of carotenoids help the sinuses keep clear and healthy, makes the eyes and third-eye’ish area feeling light, open and alert.
The hollowness of the healthy sinuses allow us to develop a night vision Bat-radar and Dolphin telepathics’re clearly on the way 8-)


Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby Trick on Fri Jul 26, 2019 1:52 am

About myself, I too have “experiences” but not that intense, i think.
It’s a little here and there and I get the feeling if pussle them together rightly they might be understandably messages of some sort.
I always tell myself to take time to try to do that, pussle them together, the “visions”, the dreams, the strange occurrences in daily life that happen now and then, but so far I’ve not come to do that, probably because it seem as an to big task to take on.......I should take up drinking carrot juice again 8-)...


Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby everything on Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:15 am

Ugh I really, really hate carrots.

But wiesiek, I do want to hear/read a little more when you can add some more.
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby I-mon on Fri Jul 26, 2019 6:09 pm

Peacedog wrote:keep your observations to yourself (unless directly asked by others). You chose to engage in this trip. Most people actively run from it. As we say in Hermetics, "Compassionate with others, ruthless with yourself." It is not your job to change others. It is your job to change yourself.

Finally, one difference between the insane and the enlightened is that the enlightened know when to keep their mouth shut.

Excellent advice.
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby wiesiek on Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:24 am

1st visible sign was changing my avatar ;),
seriously... :) ,
~`cause The Way is One, but personals paths are highly individualized, my own can be just learning example.
- fundamentals - energetic training, suppose any kind of qigong or yoga will do , my case : over 20 years 14 meridians qigong + some Zen/Chan experience
- probably not so important, however for me was very helpful : quite heavy theoretical background in a few >spiritual development< paths.
real stone which moves the Avalon was resolving very high emotional stress by direct reading of the upcoming emotion/s/ from my guts
In my opinion sitting/standing meditation will do the trick to, however level of "THIS IS" depends of your own "internal knowledge" and walls to break
"shamanic" ritual/s/ just uncover your real spiritual potential, real trick is- do not panic , don`t lose contact/feelings, diggin` inn diligently and honestly, and again, don`t panic and make notes... -bow-
For example:
one of my day of the heaviest hallucinations I eats canned corn-beef, and suddenly felt better, I mean "halluns" gone a little...,
but, I decided to play hero , and stayed on water and carrot juice ....
Today in the 5th weeks of the trip /I started to eat more than carrots two weeks ago/,
I`m beginning to recognize and dissolving emotional knots located in ligaments of the jaw :o
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby TrainingDummy on Thu Aug 01, 2019 2:38 pm

I-mon wrote:
Peacedog wrote:keep your observations to yourself (unless directly asked by others). You chose to engage in this trip. Most people actively run from it. As we say in Hermetics, "Compassionate with others, ruthless with yourself." It is not your job to change others. It is your job to change yourself.

Finally, one difference between the insane and the enlightened is that the enlightened know when to keep their mouth shut.

Excellent advice.

There's wisdom to that, but I really like the systems where the wacky experiences are openly discussed and used as "fuel" for the next level of the training.
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby Peacedog on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:58 pm

In the context of talking to others training in this kind of thing it is fine. I'm certainly not one to discourage discussion where it is helpful.

Unfortunately, and we've all been there, when the "big bang" happens a tendency exists to want to tell everyone you meet.

And it isn't productive for you and, at a minimum, annoys the shit out of others as it directly challenges their belief structure resulting in cognitive dissonance. Worst case in the wrong place and time it could get you jailed/committed, lose your job, get excommunicated, kicked out of school, etc. Some places, like say rural Pakistan, it could get you killed.

It is very much a red pill moment when you suddenly realize ALOT more is going on than we currently acknowledge as human beings.

The key is to take the red pill.

Don't take the red bottle. As in an aspirin is an amazing medicine, while a bottle of aspirin will probably kill you.

Down that road lies a complete rejection of society (dumb - hello poverty), embracing of conspiracy theories (dumber - a complete waste of time worrying about things you couldn't control if you wanted to) and a belief that everything is a lie (dumbest - being an angry internet troll with no friends).
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby wiesiek on Sat Aug 03, 2019 1:26 am


Right now I`m in state of using "Sword of The Dharma " -
I let things to happen
just reflecting
still bowing and allow to be guided by Ancestors Spirits

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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby wiesiek on Sat Aug 03, 2019 1:29 am

7th week of the ride
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby wiesiek on Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:57 am

I translate my text "Side effects of the deep breathing". It is dated : 25 June. this is exact starting date of my cosmic trip.
Today I`m kinda of "returning on Earth", but something change without takin` the >red pill< :)


Conscious breathing with the focus on energy centers and channels has been the basis of spirituals exercises for many improvement Paths/Systems for thousands of years.
The original shamanism was transforming
also in :
- religious Hinduism, Buddhism or Taoism, in various versions.
There are also "secular" varieties in the form of: Yoga, martial arts, or the currently, for example implemented "Rebreathing", and many another, “borrowed” from old system techniques, of course these are the activities of many teachers in different systems.
So what is hidden in the practice of conscious breathing?
In turn and in a nutshell, without going into technical details:
The initial condition is to achieve a high level of energy in the "Cinnabar Field". / DanTian /.
In Chinese systems, the terms qi, Japanese ki or Hindu prana refer in simplified terms, speaking the language of modern science - the electrostatic charge that can be accumulated by conscious breathing in the energy center / Dan tian / below the navel.
Because the grid of all energy "/ channels /" meridians in the body, is connected through "management centers" - including -D.T. -
- accumulating a large amount of power at one point causes its rapid discharge - a wave of energy that seeks to equalize potentials - i.e. HARMONY.
Waves of energy rolling through the fascia are accompanied by highly individualized sensations on many levels. They take the form of even very realistic visions. In Zen practice, we call them "makyo" - the so-called Demons of the World of Matter.
The recommendation of Spiritual Teachers is to omit them, because they are an obstacle to achieving the goal i.e. - final enlightenment.
This does not mean that all information received in this state of consciousness is the gibberish association of the cosmos and our brains,
Shamanism is based on the ability to select "makyo" and use them as tools for acting in the world of matter.
And here the stairs begin, which evaluations of the shaman / or better method ...
Unfortunately, in the final settlement, the majority replaces the existing ego with an even larger one, instead of dissolving it and counts on the "rest of the five" ,that does not exist. The Spiritual Guide takes care of his affairs and harmony in the first place, and the shaman is his tool.
Therefore, once in a few positive actions, he makes a 180-degree turn and, simply put, does “BE” / something wrong/ to someone.
It has an inseparable connection with balance, i.e. what we call God, the Highest Order or Harmony of the spheres.
According to "official data", i.e. messages shared by contemporary shamans from Siberian traditions / Siberia and Africa have an uninterrupted Original Line, the Tibetan Bon evolved into Buddhism and that is why this religious direction has close links with the Primal Religion / .:
Shaman / ka / "good" - once in seven positive actions MUST take negative action once. Of course, He / She is good, so this negative action will eventually became good ...
Ha, this logic really breaks me down, so maybe these seven positives will eventually be bad, because some good will balance them!
Of course, the "evil" shaman / ka / takes positive action once every seven negative actions.
Panta Rei and everything is relative ...

In my opinion, the only sensible path to Shamanism through the capital "S" is through true recognition / learning of the Void. Up to this point you are like a child in the fog.
In short - Zen,
I do not know if this is the answer to everything, but certainly without entering the Void and recognizing Her, High Flight Shamanism will not appear.
The ego will certainly not be delighted, and the Guide, which expands them, instead dissolve them, hmm, maybe I need to write about it unnecessarily, because it's obvious obviousness ;)

25.06. 2019r. Cracow. - Written in an automatic letter on the day of Crossing the Gate.
Correction and postscript after /? /process. 07.08.2019.
Wiesław Radosny Profic F.
Last edited by wiesiek on Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Side effects of the deep breathings

Postby everything on Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:39 am

wiesiek thanks for going into more detail. if you don't mind, other than your carrot diet (I hate carrots), what were you working on that was helpful in sinking qi to dantian besides the deep breathing? were you doing seated meditation, zhan zhuang, circle walking, tai chi, etc.
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