Political Humor Only Please

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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Sat Aug 17, 2019 3:41 pm



Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:47 am

Only you would find those memes funny because someone programmed you that Antifa is a real threat to society. ::)

Injured veterans are often on the front lines of protests.

If you put 2 and 2 together you will realize that right wing snowflakes sold you on false fear. Antifa just means Anti-fascist. Which I am.

If you want to call me a terrorist than I am. Seeing the fear of gays, women and immigrants I am not surprised they are always digging for more labels. Yet none of these people have anything to do with the fact that you are stuck in a country you no longer wnat to live in and you can't speak a single sentence in their language.

With all the anger and hate you direct at these people who have nothing to do with your situation I just feel kind of sorry for you. Perhaps someday you will put your time in energy into your own life.

For me, I will never forget or forgive how the right wing tried to lable Black Lives Matter a terrorist organization. But they keep trying because they are the true snowflakes and fear the truth.

Workers had 3 options: Attend Trump's speech, use paid time off or receive no pay

Further proof that everything about Trumpsky is fake.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:53 am

For me, I will never forget or forgive how the right wing tried to lable Black Lives Matter a terrorist organization.

Aw, don't sweat it. The same has been true for every civil rights group or leader. They are painted as national threats. Of course, if you were in Mississippi and wanted to register to vote, you clearly would be a threat to the state and "status quo."

Workers had 3 options: Attend Trump's speech, use paid time off or receive no pay

That seems like no choice to me :) If I didn't want to go, I'd go. If I wanted to go, I'd be happy to get paid for it. I'd also know that the union boss wanted me to go, so it'd be better for my career to just go along with the program. If they gave me a hat, I'd wear it too. But, I'd still use my judgment when it comes to voting.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:36 pm

Michael wrote:Image

The fact the right wing losers think there's anything in this picture deserving mockery is very telling.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:48 pm

Exactly! As if someone disabled somehow loses their right to protest and somehow deserves to be humiliated.

Last edited by grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:53 pm

Thanks for the reminder Steve.

I was listening to the White Lies podcast series on the murder of Rev. James Reeb who was murdered in the South for supporting civil rights.

It's a good series and they even managed to get a sort of confession from someone who "was there" to the murder.

Needless to say back then too the racists and bigots used and spread lies and conspiracies that civil rights wanted Rev. James Reeb to die so that they had a white victim who was murdered to get the public on the side of civil rights leaders.

They blamed everyone but the murderers, from the hospital to the ambulance to anything and anyone else.

Seems history repeats itself.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:54 pm

grzegorz wrote:Exactly! As if someone disabled somehow loses their right to protest and somehow deserves to be humiliated.


The handicapped are a drain on society fit only to be mocked and exterminated, eh, comrade?
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 3:14 pm

We live in a strange country. People like Tim Cartmell go to Asia and train hard, study the culture and get a lifetime of learning and training. Then you get other Americans, who go there, do and accomplish nothing then basically just become internet trolls because they are frustrated that they can't speak Chinese and could never make a decent living back the States.

Make a decent living in the States is hard perhaps humiliating the disabled somehow eases the pain.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:00 pm

oragami_itto wrote:The handicapped are a drain on society fit only to be mocked and exterminated, eh, comrade?

You are making wild and baseless assumptions and showing no intellectual curiosity into the context of a specific event for which you probably have zero knowledge. I watched several live streams and many videos of yesterday's events in Portland and there are individual people on both sides who, in my opinion, deserve mockery, as do both organized sides generally, whose names you probably have no idea about.

There is absolutely no valid comparison whatsoever to be made between disabled Vietnam War vets protesting the war and anything that happened in Portland yesterday.

Here is one of many videos demonstrating why the people in the photograph I posted deserve to be mocked publicly and arrested, which this guy was, one of only 13 for the whole day, which considering the massive violence really says something about his behavior.


I know you emotional women need to have basic information spoon fed to you, so just in case using Twitter is too difficult, I uploaded it to another site that's easy enough for mentally challenged people to fumble through.



Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:08 pm

"you emotional women" is that supposed to be an insult? Just throwing a little misogyny into the mix for good measure?
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:08 pm

What did the people in the wheelchairs do to get arrested? Were they attacking someone?
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby origami_itto on Sun Aug 18, 2019 4:49 pm

Steve James wrote:What did the people in the wheelchairs do to get arrested? Were they attacking someone?

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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:43 pm

oragami_itto wrote:"you emotional women" is that supposed to be an insult? Just throwing a little misogyny into the mix for good measure?

He is the emotional one. He should be learning Chinese and trying to improve his life but instead he is focussed on every moment in Portland to reinforce his chosen idealogy.

Michael doesn't irritate, anger or sadden me in any way and no Michael you don't make us emotional.

If anything I just feel sorry for you and your empty life. I met many Westerners in China just like you who don't want face the reality that would have to work through back at home. For me it took 10 years to find a decent job so I understand but you should probably accept the fact that if you stopped filling your head with inforwars you would have to face your reality.

I pity you but no need to throw it back at me. I know you will figure it out, for example no one actually living in the US is concerned about Portland. Yeah it's on the news and they sensationalize it but we lives. I say you don't need to throw my pity back at me because I don't dwell on it to me you are like seeing someone get a ticket in the carpool lane you feel bad for a moment because we all do it but then you move on but seeing you go from being a 9-11 conspiracy guy to a full blown hater of anything that doesn't identify with you is just sad.

F@#$ man! You filling your head with hours of livestream from Portland is not going to fill the hole in your empty life.
Last edited by grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:55 pm

"you emotional women" is that supposed to be an insult?

To a man it might be.



Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:01 pm

What did the people in the wheelchairs do to get arrested? Were they attacking someone?

I didn't see any video of them getting arrested, so I think not.



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