Political Humor Only Please

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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Sun Aug 18, 2019 8:28 pm

Considering that Trumpsky is trying to start a war with Iran, I don't see a difference between the difference from an Antifa protestor and an anti-war protestor.

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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:51 am

Michael wrote:
What did the people in the wheelchairs do to get arrested? Were they attacking someone?

I didn't see any video of them getting arrested, so I think not.

You said they should be. So I wondered why.

Here is one of many videos demonstrating why the people in the photograph I posted deserve to be mocked publicly and arrested,

So, if you didn't mean they should be arrested. What did the people in the wheelchairs do to deserve to be mocked publicly? They weren't wearing masks or carrying weapons.
Last edited by Steve James on Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby origami_itto on Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:30 am

Michael wrote:
"you emotional women" is that supposed to be an insult?

To a man it might be.

Well I'd rather be a woman than whatever it is you are, that much is certain. Having a conversation with you is like putting slugs in my ears
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:25 am

http://www.davegranlund.com/cartoons/wp ... enland.png

To have a climate change denier in control of any part of the arctic would be an even greater disaster. Greenlanders would have to go along with the denial. Anyway, they say that they're up for business, not up for sale. https://time.com/4447252/greenland-ice-climate-change/

It's also been quite warm in Alaska, but the msm is busier keeping up with ridiculous tweets. Cool
https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/dcr ... hange.aspx
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Bill on Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:19 am

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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:24 am

Steve James wrote:You said they should be. So I wondered why.

Here is one of many videos demonstrating why the people in the photograph I posted deserve to be mocked publicly and arrested,

So, if you didn't mean they should be arrested. What did the people in the wheelchairs do to deserve to be mocked publicly? They weren't wearing masks or carrying weapons.

I already answered that.

You are making wild and baseless assumptions and showing no intellectual curiosity into the context of a specific event for which you probably have zero knowledge. I watched several live streams and many videos of yesterday's events in Portland and there are individual people on both sides who, in my opinion, deserve mockery, as do both organized sides generally, whose names you probably have no idea about.


Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:47 am

Well I'd rather be a woman than whatever it is you are, that much is certain. Having a conversation with you is like putting slugs in my ears

FWIW, that's not what I want.

Maybe you shouldn't escalate so quickly and throw out all this faux moral outrage. What I posted about Saturday in Portland were political humor from my POV.


Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:08 pm

You didn't answer. I asked why. Just write a sentence. It can't be because they are in wheelchairs. I think that if they were Proud Boys, and people said they deserved to be ridiculed, you'd say that it was scandalous. I think you picked on the weakest people you could find. It's as much fun as a video of an Antifa supporter getting hit by a baseball bat. To me, it's not funny to make fun of people in wheelchairs or make them the brunt of jokes. Their politics have nothing to do with it. That's the point.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:53 pm

I hear that the nazis cut and ran in Portland which would explain why the right keeps trolling.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:00 pm

Note: all these videos are very short, around a minute, and immediately get to the point. The only exception is "Trump supporter smashed in the head", but the main action happens in the first minute.

Steve, I've been documenting this on RSF for the past 2½ years. Antifa is a violent, terrorist organization. They attack unprovoked with weapons and they plan and carry out terror attacks. They were labeled anarchist extremists by the New Jersey DHS and Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as "domestic terrorist violence."

The recent mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio that took 9 lives on August 4 was committed by antifa member Connor Betts, who had attended an antifa counter protest against the KKK in May of this year.

On July 8, 2019 antifa and John Brown Gun Club member Willem Van Spronsen, brought his rifle and molotovs to firebomb the ICE detention facility in Tacoma, Washington, and was shot dead by local police before he could succeed in igniting a large propane tank connected to the building and burning all the people inside, including the deportees he ostensibly wished to save.

Every person who shows up to a political event in a mask should be de-masked or arrested. Every member of antifa should be arrested and they should all be mocked when they show up in public to commit violence, which they did on August 17. Whether or not the two people in wheelchairs committed crimes on Saturday, they should have been arrested for their membership in a domestic terrorist group, for which they also deserve mockery, which only needs to be explained because of your faux outrage about people in wheelchairs.

Antifa has no inhibition to attacking people in wheelchairs, women, or minorities. They attack all of these, unprovoked and defenseless, which shows that when they put people like that in their front lines, it is a cynical and strategic maneuver for political and public relations advantage, and also a tactic for making sneak attacks from behind these front-line, protected-class people, to be used as a blind against the non-violent people they've targeted, who are distracted by antifa women shouting and grabbing at them and their phones.

Antifa has a lengthy video history of unprovoked violence during the past couple of years since they rioted in D.C. on Trump's inauguration Jan. 20 (the J20 antifa riot), where about 200 of them were arrested for felonies, but only a few were convicted.


They also planned a butyric acid gas attack for that night at the private Deploraball celebration for Trump supporters, but it was thwarted by undercover journalists.

Even after one of the planners of the gas attack was arrested and prosecuted, he turned up three months later to be the videographer at another antifa attack wearing a teal blue jacket; he's the short one with curly black hair, name is Kuhn.


The tactic used here is "bird-dogging", where one antifa points out a victim by calling them a nazi, racist, white nationalist, etc, then another physically attacks. They often use women to do to this, but as I said, they do not care if their victims are men, women, old, young, disabled, whatever, and they usually strike from behind or when their victim is distracted by another member of their group.

Antifa rioted again about a week later on February 1, 2017 at the Univ. Berkeley campus in order to protest a Milo appearance, where they attacked several women, totally unprovoked. That night Kiara Robles was pepper sprayed in the face by antifa after finishing an impromptu interview with local ABC crew. She says she was later beaten with flagpoles by antifa.


Robles was interviewed by local ABC and explained that she and her female friends were all pepper sprayed and hit with flag poles.

Here are a few women that same night trying to escape antifa and being beaten repeatedly with flag poles.


A favorite antifa tactic is to use their flag poles as weapons and weight them and/or put spikes on the ends, such as the antifa in Pittsburgh who stabbed a horse with one.

A good example of using antifa women on the front line so an antifa man can make a sneak attack was in Berkeley again on April 15, 2017, when Professor Eric Clanton snuck from behind two women who were distracting non-violent opposition and grabbing at the cameras of onlookers directly above the victim's head. Clanton then snuck between the women and smashed a bike lock down onto the crown of the head of a man who was literally on his knees, begging for peaceful communication between the two sides.


A masked Clanton was filmed smashing a total of about 10 people between Feb. 1 and April 15, but the police took no action. He was finally arrested a month after 4chan doxxed him and spent about two months in jail before receiving a 3 year probation for a misdemeanor for what was obviously attempted murder, or at the very least felony grievous bodily harm. Clanton was represented pro bono by leftist Berkeley lawyer Dan Siegel.

Usually antifa are not pursued, not caught, and not charged for their offensive attacks, but when they are, they receive legal aid, swift process through the courts compared to their opponents, and get light sentences, as well as favorable press.

Use of concealed weapons is common for antifa, both bladed and blunt. From August 2018 in Portland, unaffiliated Paul Welch carried an American flag in his hand, which was stolen by antifa. He tried to recover it and was hit on the back of the head with an aluminum bat concealed as an umbrella.


Aftermath of the head injury.


Recently on June 29th of this year, Portland antifa gang attacked journalist Andy Ngo directly in front of the Multnomah County Court and Sheriff's office. He was beaten in the head and robbed, suffering a brain hemorrhage and associated symptoms.

You can hear the crowd cheering during his beating.


Reverse angle of the attack on Ngo, different photographer


Finally, about disabled antifa in wheelchairs, are they innocent? One indication would be how antifa regards non-violent first amendment marchers in their wheelchairs, such as this disabled veteran. A proud antifa poured the old man's own water bottle on him, which was a change since they usually pour urine and throw feces on people. I found some information that says the reason the antifa poured water on the man in the wheelchair was that the elderly disabled man was making some kind of threats.



Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:01 pm

But, you were ridiculing protesters who weren't masked, weren't attacking anyone, and I have no way to know that they were Antifa or not. My point was that if nazis were demonstrating, I wouldn't see any reason to ridicule the ones in wheelchairs. WHat would that prove about them or about their politics.

And, all the other stuff you've posted about Antifa has nothing to do with jokes. I'm sure there are plenty of Antifa members who aren't handicapped, don't have dwarfism, or colored hair, or are gay, or have tattoos, or are brown. A lot of them look just like the guys they were protesting against. It's a bit harder to ridicule them based on their physical appearance, though. It's necessary to explain what exactly they want. It's only a joke if one wants the same things.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Steve James on Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:01 pm

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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby Michael on Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:14 pm

You're trying so desperately to make a false connection to something I didn't write or indicate because you just want to score some points and have no idea what the topic or joke is.

My point was that if nazis were demonstrating, I wouldn't see any reason to ridicule the ones in wheelchairs. WHat would that prove about them or about their politics.

First, this does not match at all with your previous statements about nazis. Second, I could care less what you would do about nazis in wheelchairs because this is a fantasy you've constructed to do some virtue signalling, which ironically is very similar to antifa's rationalizations for their violence.

And, all the other stuff you've posted about Antifa has nothing to do with jokes.

Because of your incessant whining, I was considerate enough to explain about the thing you were pretending to be offended about. Glad you appreciated it.

Nazis in wheelchairs, tho. That is funny. Thanks.


Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:39 pm

Antifa is a terrorist organization? LOL!

Still upset that the Proud Boys looked like fools in Portland, eh?

Michael is a great example of what happens when someone lives in a bubble consumes nothing but fake news and conspiracy theories.

These people remind me of how IS radicalizes people online.

I am Antifa and proud of it.
Last edited by grzegorz on Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Political Humor Only Please

Postby grzegorz on Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:42 pm

Speaking of terrorism, one of those arrested for plotting a mass murder through a gun was known for posting anti transvestite memes.

Reminds me of someone here.

Those are the real terrorists and no one is buying that "I know what you are but what am I" Michael.

Last edited by grzegorz on Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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