Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

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Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby lineofintent on Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:40 pm

Han lineage teacher James Carss on Yi Quan

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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby lineofintent on Sat Sep 28, 2019 1:34 pm

Thanks Tom, James is a strong exponent of Han branch which is very different to north Chinese Yi Quan.
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Batesy on Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:03 pm

I host James for yiquan seminars on a regular basis. If you're in the south of England and fancy training under him, get in touch. Next Basingstoke seminar is 19th/20th October covering Han family yiquan and an introduction to Liu He Ba Fa.
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby nicklinjm on Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:46 pm

Very interesting, thanks for sharing Alex! Would be interested on James' views on the Yao branch of Yiquan as well - AFAIK there are Yao style teachers in HK as well, just wondering what the main differences are between Yao brothers' and Han family approach?
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby lineofintent on Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:02 am

Thanks Jon, we talked a little about that as he has met at least one of the Yao brothers and their lineage exponents.

As I understand it, the Yaos added western boxing training and punches, although James (who is also a long term western boxing student) says they use the punches differently to western boxers.

I will ask him if he can add something here.

From my experience each major branch of Yi Quan has gone in quite different directions, ie. Zhao Dao Xing, Yao, Han lines all feel quite different based on what other arts the Masters did. Of course there are many similarities as well.
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby lineofintent on Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:50 am

Jame's student Neil is on this forum (Batesy above) so he can answer more than me on the technical side.

James asked me to convey his message as follows -

“I have met both Yao brothers separately in Beijing around a decade ago and touched hands with them both. I have immense respect for their skill level and power and also their hard training and work ethic. When you study with a teacher what you will learn will specifically relate to the phase the teacher is going through at that point.

Yiquan is interesting because WXZ had several important phases and transitions, occurring in Beijing, Shanghai and of course on his ‘travels’. Each phase should not be considered inferior or superior to another phase. Like musicians or authors, work changes over time and some prefer earlier or later work. The Han Brothers were early early students of WXZ but had very strong backgrounds in Xingyi, Bagua, and wrestling from their father. These remained core to their Yiquan and Han Xing Qiao continued his own studies with Wu YiHui in LHBF as referred by Master Wang in Shanghai.

I think this is an amazing point here, as how many Chinese martial arts teachers (then and now) have the inner security to do this. It is testament to Master Wangs ability, judgement and confidence. Regarding Yao Zongxun he learned at a later period in Master Wangs life in Beijing, one could summaise that WXZ had at this point developed in different directions further away from Xingyi and of Master Yao did not have that background. I believe it was the sons that experimented and added some western boxing type principles. With Yiquan still being relatively modern by Chinese IMA standards it’s fascinating to clearly see how these lines have developed.

The Yao and Han lines are in particular very very different. However, as mentioned in the beginning, as Yiquan we are still one family and should respect all lines. Earlier this year both Yaos were guests at the HK Yiquan association and gave demos. They hold good relations with the president Ian Fok who was a student of Han Xing Yuan. I’m happy that you have found interest in the interview and will talk In much more depth on these subjects in the book.

I am not currently a member of this board but please feel free to contact me with any technical questions through Neil, or about the forthcoming book and video course through Alex (retreats108)"
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Giles on Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:15 am

retreats108 wrote:Han lineage teacher James Carss on Yi Quan

Interesting. Very articulate about his style and approach.

Actually, the basic concept of concentrating on your own body, your own structure, maintaining your own structural integrity in a conflict situation, moving your own structure into an opponent's space as a priority over aiming to 'do something to the opponent' is also, as I understand/feel it, an important part of Taijiquan. Certainly not with the same flavour, no way am I saying it's the same thing. Many things are clearly very different. But still, that resonated.
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:05 am

I guess this theory that boxing was included into YiQuan come from that Yao Zongxun did some boxing in his youth. Otherwise if one has studied XYQ one see/feel that what’s going on in ones YiQuan of Yao Zongxun(His direct students at least)is what’s going on in XYQ. For the punching practice it’s same as the Horse shape,but very refined ........The shapes was still practiced when Yao Zongxun began to learn from WXZ......Practice sincerely and find out.


Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:17 am

Giles wrote:[

Actually, the basic concept of concentrating on your own body, your own structure, maintaining your own structural integrity in a conflict situation, moving your own structure into an opponent's space as a priority over aiming to 'do something to the opponent' is also, as I understand/feel it, an important part of Taijiquan. Certainly not with the same flavour, no way am I saying it's the same thing. Many things are clearly very different. But still, that resonated.

I probably misunderstand this quote ......But anyway, In YiQuan as well as XYQ one does not focus on stuff within ones body during practice, I can not believe anyone has learned in that way from an direct Yao Zongxun linage..
One practice to act toward outer circumstances, and eventually this build the inner strength and core


Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby lineofintent on Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:05 am

James Carss is Han branch not Yao....different.

Most of my teachers talk about focus on oneself not outside.

Chen Yuen San - uses analogy of eating, and to always keep attention on inner feeling and requirements.

Serge Augier in his Daoist Boxing book quoting Gary Lam ...just don't care what they do!

Paul Rogers high level Zhao Dao Xin Yiquan exponent gives detailed teaching on inner requirements, and warns against losing oneself by following the enemy's attack or intent.

He Jing Han says just keep your attention on your structure and let the enemy walk onto it...not to project mind out as you will lose yourself.

GM Sam Chin constantly reminds students to keep attention on the requirements of structure and contact points, not to lose one's mind by intending outwards.

(listen to Zen Mind Martial Power for detailed explanation of my studies with above)
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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:43 am

allow me to expand a little
Trick wrote:One practice to actreact and take action toward outer circumstances, and eventually this build the inner strength and core
im talking about the practice of solo exercises and within those is the same as within combat, where the focus is on the surroundings/in front, where the aim of course is not to lose oneself to the outside that little list of prominent masters(abowe post)is some strange theory on about how to practice


Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Trick on Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:51 am

but i can understand that teachers teach in such a way to keep students for a longer time


Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Wanderingdragon on Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:37 am

The fallacy is in the idea that one can teach Yiquan, you cannot, it is an achievement and culmination of one’s complete study of the arts. At best qualified players can speak together of their understanding, with openness and willingness to continue learning. I suggest hearing the founders thoughts.

“Wang Xiangzhai’s directions in verse for Dachengquan
Extremely subtle and profound,
Boxing theory is not to be taken lightly.
At the beginning of history martial art was of paramount importance;
And it was there that science of learning has its root.
Its essence has largely been lost, having been distorted to a sheer absurdity.
This Boxing is based on spirit and mind,
Merits of all schools are included in it.
Most earnestly I advocate the rejuvenation of shadow boxing,
With a view restoring it to its original essence.
In doing so I devote myself to the exploration of theory,
While considering the combat techniques as only secondary.
To master the quitessance of shadow boxing, Start with pile-stance keeping.
With the universe in your mind,
You learn trial of strength through perception.
Keep bones all over the body well balanced,
Bending of joints is kept with a limit.
As if it where from high in the clouds,
Your breathing should be deep, smooth and gentle.
Feeling comfortable and leisurely,
You behave as if you where mad.
Dismiss all distracting thoughts from your mind,
Concentrate on it as if to listen to the drizzling rain.
Away from the world your body seems,
Nothing is allowed to attached to it.
Visible, the form is like flowing water, Invisible, it is like the atmosphere.
Lithely you act is if you were drunk,
Leisurely you move as if you were bathing.
In meditation you face up towards the sky,
Without desire you set your mind on nothing. Practicing shadow boxing is like going through a furnace,
Everything mental and physical is tempered and moulded.
Mind is transformed from within,
Breathing is regulated by the quiet mind.
In quietness you are like a maiden,
In motion you are like a dragon.
Discharge strength in relaxation while keeping the mind tense,
Let hairs stand out like halberds gathering momentum.
Muscles tighten and relax like frightened snakes, steeps are swift as sweep winds.
Huge waves rise underfoot which sweep in length and breadth,
Like a whale turning and swimming across the sea.
At the top of the head a magical force exits,
From a thread the body seems to suspend.
With eyes slightly closed and mind concentrated,
You see nothing and hear next to nothing. Lower abdomen should remain full,
while chest is held back a bit.
The force discharged from finger tips is like electricity,
The tips of the bones are like edges of spears.
Be like an agile monkey in appearance,
Be like a cat in moving your steeps.
Let strength burst out at a mere touch,
Make it stay on without interruption.
As learner you mustn’t feel mysterious about it,
Its plain theory will engender your natural interest.
Mountains seem to be flying when the mind is used,
Seas seem to be overflowing when strength is applied.
Return to infancy to search for the sounds of Nature,
Make the body as slithe as that of a baby in bath.
Don’t do anything like pulling the seeding to make it grow;
But proceed step by step according to the course of nature.
Knowledge contained in shadow boxing is infinite,
Combat skills constitute only a trifling part of it.
First of all strength should be evenly distributed,
And the body squarely erect and well-balanced.
Motion rests in stillness and vice versa,
With spirit directing them both.
Route should go through where centre of gravity falls,
Coordinate relaxation and tension without slipperiness or stagnation.
Turning should be done steadily, accurately and in one breath,
Hooking and filing work together and suit each other rightly.
Fortune or misfortune, wisdom or folly, it depends upon careful calculation of the opponents intentions.
Bending and stretching succeed each other immediately,
substantiality and insubstantiality interchange automatically.
Strike a deadly blow at the enemy as fast as lightning.
Display your imposing manner with an eye-expression of a vulture or a tiger,
Move your feet solidly and steadily as if moving in mud.
Like a bird of pray swooping down on and a dragon overturning the sea,
You are full of strength within and around.
Concentrate your mind on the target accurately, mercilessly and ruthlessly,
Be courageous and cautious at the same time.
Wether chopping, winding, drilling, wrapping or horizontal striking,
Make effort to choose the right time and opportunity.
Keep on practicing it like this with perseverance,
The skill will come to you of itself.
Changes most be made in an invisible way,
Movements must be performed with no fixed intention,
With heroic spirit you can shake the heaven and earth,
With a broad mind you have the worlds in your heart.
What can this boxing be compared to?
It can be compared to Taoist and Buddhist doctrines;
It can be compared to Ban Gu’s writings;
It can be compared to Wang Youjun’s calligraphy;
It can be compared to Wang Wei’s paintings;
Being similar to them in profundity and subtlety.
How can such great attainments be accomplished?
The answer lies in skillful cultivation of the great noble spirit.
What has been said above is abstract though,
Spiritually you must practice it conscientiously.”

by Wang Xuanjie
Hai Feng Publishing Co. May 1988
ISBN: 9622381111

Pages: 14-17

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Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Trick on Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:13 am

Wanderingdragon wrote:The fallacy is in the idea that one can teach Yiquan, you cannot, it is an achievement and culmination of one’s complete study of the arts.
What are you talking about ?! YiQuan is an method to achievement! As XYQ, TJQ, BGZ ...and so on, also are.


Re: Flying Monk 32 Yi Quan A Fighting Art with James Carss

Postby Trick on Tue Oct 01, 2019 1:20 am

YiQuan is practiced with very qlear methods. Find a qualified teacher and then there’s no need for mystifying it, unless if one want to go on as an commercial teacher.....



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