TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Steve James on Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:04 pm

Was Erdogan making an ultimatum? EIther let us attack the Kurds or we will attack your (NATO) troops?

Putting troops in with the Kurds annoyed the Turks from the start. However, It was considered worthwhile in order to combat IS in Syria. What changed now for this sudden tactical decision to be made? The Pentagon is/was well aware of troop dispositions --that existed before this administration. Did they agree with this in terms of strategy or tactics? If this was merely his whim, then I don't trust it.

Anyway, Trump promises to destroy the Turkish economy if he thinks they act inappropriately. Does that mean he expects them to do something he thinks is wrong? Well, the attacks on the Kurds (including civilians) have begun. Are we going to have another trade war? How does he think the Turks will respond? Will they demand that US troops leave? Yep, Erdogan nows that if he doesn't attack US troops, they can't fire first. Well, they "Could," but they'd be breaking loads of international rules and essentially be declaring war.

Though, I think it'd be worthwhile in terms of American prestige and leadership for him to protect the Kurds. I don't think it's like policing the world. It's helping a proven friend. Moreover, unpleasant as the situation is, and a military resolution might be, this is a situation or Trump's making. Turkey wasn't going to attack embedded US troops anywhere.

Anyway, another alternative that is not forthcoming is a simple admission like "it was my mistake." If he just blames history, etc., then it just goes back to the underlying question of leadership. One reason you don't leave your friends out to dry is that it tells everyone on the team that nobody really has their back. If you treat your friends that way, you'll treat everyone that way. I dunno. I'm totally idealistic about that team stuff. I
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby grzegorz on Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:34 pm

grzegorz wrote:Yes, he wants it both ways but I call BS as I mentioned.

grzegorz wrote:Also if the "world police" upsets you then you should have spoken out against Trump going after Iran, North Korea, Valenzuela, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and sending troops to Saudi Arabia again.

He is not the bringer of peace.

I am not surprised he brings up money though because everything is a transaction to him and nothing more.

Let's not forget that the US is backing the Saudis destruction of Yemen.

For me it's proof that Trump is out of his league.

He talks out of both sides of his mouth which is fine for some fool on Twitter but not the leader of our country.

Glad to see the GOP is finally waking up. Too bad John McCain isn't here to lead the charge.

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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby grzegorz on Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:57 pm

Peacedog wrote:If the US tries to fight him our personnel in Turkey get slaughtered. If the US abandons the Kurds we look like fools

I will take it a step further. Not only do we look like fools, we look like cowards.

I remember when Trump got elected his supporters told me that the world respected now. Whether that was the case or not is debatable but it definitely isn't now.

For all the noise Trump makes about Ukraine being invaded under Obama. Turkey never got out of line yet under Trump they are now buying weapons from the Russians and invaded as soon as we cut and ran despite Trump's economic threats.

This whole thing is a big slap in the face for Trump and completely predictable of why you don't elect people to the presidency who have zero diplomatic experience.

He ran without a record but now he has one and I have a feeling this might be the biggest blow to his run for office in 2020 despite whatever talking points Trump comes up with.

The military folks I talk with who like Trump know he screwed up.
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Trick on Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:54 am

Bill wrote:Image

Are they forum members ?


Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Trick on Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:59 am

grzegorz wrote:[
Reminds me of when Trump said he'd end IS in 30 days.

Wasn’t that what Putin and Assad almost did but was heavily criticized by the USA lead establishment?


Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Trick on Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:11 am

grzegorz wrote:He is not the bringer of peace.

Hmmm, what President has been bringer of peace lately. ok, Obama got the peace prize, and even Colonel Gaddafi somewhat praised him at the UN, Then the USA had him murdered by wrecking havoc in the prosperous country of Libya which then became a shit hole country... And then it was Syria’s turn...And of course Irak we also know about....And then we also know about...............


Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby GrahamB on Thu Oct 10, 2019 3:31 am

"Asked about the Kurds, President Trump says they "didn't help us in the Second World War, they didn't help us with Normandy" and that they're fighting for "their land.""

Seriously dude, what the actual fuck?
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:40 am

The point made above about US troops being slaughtered is ridiculous. Turkey wouldn't be doing this if we had embedded troops, period.

And, the Kurds did fight alongside the Allies in WWII. Not to say that if they hadn't this would be any less reprehensible, but what a complete fool.

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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Michael on Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:09 am

"Asked about the Kurds, President Trump says they "didn't help us in the Second World War, they didn't help us with Normandy" and that "they're fighting for 'their land.'"

I think he means the stupid, endless wars in the Middle East are ending for the USA. This is the Kurds' land, not ours, and it's their situation to resolve.

The Kurds can be another ethnic minority in Syria or they can fight the Turks. It's not the responsibility of Americans to solve this centuries old problem for them.

Also, when you hear that Erdogan wants a 20 mile (30 KM) safe zone inside Syria's border, this is an extension of a 5 mile (8 KM) safe zone that has existed since long before the Syrian war began in 2011. It is an adjustment to a pre-exising arrangement that I believe was put into place between Turkey and Syria when Bashar al-Assad's father was the president.





Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby Steve James on Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:19 am

This is the Kurds' land, not ours, and it's their situation to resolve.

Iran's not our land; neither is Israel or Saudi Arabia. Yep, there has been conflict in the ME for centuries. Letting them figure it out can surely mean we stop providing them with military support. We help fund the "endless wars" there. Anyway, granted. the middle east has had conflicts for thousands of years. Trump knew it before he inserted troops into the situation.

However, he didn't send them there to help the Kurds. He sent them to pursue and eliminate ISIS, something they couldn't do without the Kurds who were already fighting them. If it worked, we owe them something. If it didn't, we owe them something. Not the middle east in general, but the Kurds specifically. Anyway, if someone'll do it to them, he'll do it to you.

Aw, no sense getting caught up in the Trump rhetoric. There was no way he was going to solve anything in the middle east, or even make the situation better. It's easy to say anything at all. It's easier to say "nobody could have solved this mess" than call it a victory, defeat, or strategic withdrawal. Nothing to take credit or blame for. Winning, just like Charlie Sheen.

Say, do ya'll think Trump should destroy Turkey's economy, like he's done before? Turkey doesn't seem to care, but isn't ethnic cleansing all part of the middle eastern mess that can't be solved?
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby GrahamB on Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:39 pm

--Fox News Trump sycophant Brian Kilmeade realizes on live television that Donald Trump has no idea what he's talking about ... nxabyi0HJo
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby grzegorz on Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:33 pm

Trick wrote:
grzegorz wrote:He is not the bringer of peace.

Hmmm, what President has been bringer of peace lately. ok, Obama got the peace prize, and even Colonel Gaddafi somewhat praised him at the UN, Then the USA had him murdered by wrecking havoc in the prosperous country of Libya which then became a shit hole country... And then it was Syria’s turn...And of course Irak we also know about....And then we also know about...............

Thank you Captain Obvious.

I was addressing Trump's Twitter account where he is claiming that we should not be in the Middle East.

Yet he also gets involved in Isreal, threatens to nuke Afghanistan, supports the Sauids destroying Yemen, threatens North Korea, and Valenzuela. Not to mentioned he just sent US troops to Saudi Arabia.

As to all else "we" agree which is why I am criticizing Trump because he is on office now and not Obama or FDR or whoever else you want to bring up from America's imperialist past.

I have always been anti-war. As a veteran I see war as a tool for politicians to be re-elected. I see this as an act of war by Trump because he knew his actions would lead to war so I hold him responsible. I have no doubt he thinks he will benefit from this somehow but time will tell what that will be. Perhaps it is just another transaction for him.

Reminds me of when Sweden sold iron ore to the nazis. I suppose Trump can accuse the Swedes of not helping the US in WWII too.

Maybe next he will throw Sweden under the bus in an hour of need. Wouldn't surprise anyone here that is for sure.
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby grzegorz on Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:52 pm

GrahamB wrote:--Fox News Trump sycophant Brian Kilmeade realizes on live television that Donald Trump has no idea what he's talking about ... nxabyi0HJo

Thank God!

The irony is that the nazis here are trying to use "Team America" to push the Trump agenda. Yet it's Fucko the Clown who created this whole mess and Fucko the Clown who is trying to start crap with Iran which was on the list of countries the GOP wanted to invade and Team America was a critical parody of that.

So suck it Nazis!
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby grzegorz on Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:06 pm

Try facts next time.
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Re: TrumpThrows Kurds Under the Bus After They Take on IS

Postby BruceP on Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:06 pm

grzegorz wrote:...supports the Sauids destroying Yemen, threatens North Korea, and Valenzuela

Reminds me of when Sweden sold iron ore to the nazis

Richie, laughing from his grave

The suaids were between a rock and a hard-on for their ore and Boyle couldn't blow his load in Catherine so it became a propaganda hook that dolts latched onto - one that dolts use to attack Sweden to this day.

you had 8 chances to catch that. Eight!
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