China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Trick on Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:39 pm

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:Since there is some really confused thinking going on here (not to mention some really embarrassing hypocrisy), a few notes:

Industrialized Nation Definition

In contrast, the industrialized nation definition requires a diversified economy with a nationwide industrial base. If one sector of the economy fares poorly in a given year, season or quarter, gains in other sectors prevent economic collapse. Strong, diversified economies create consumer confidence, and confident consumers purchase goods and services commensurate with their personal wealth and national economic well-being.

Exelent, luckily for the Xinjiang and Tibet provinces they are part of an diversified economy.....but seemingly the US with buddies want deny them this..


Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Trick on Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:04 am

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:That's laughable. You are the one calling me comrade on a thread where I am condemning the CCP. None too bright.

But there’s in where you’re comrades, you working on the same anti China agenda.....your are “almost” an professor and you don’t se it...


Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Trick on Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:32 am

Peacedog wrote:Except race does exist as can easily be determined by DNA testing.

The idea that race doesn't exist is a Social Justice Warrior talking point that it isn't true. The same jokers argue there is no such thing as sex, or gender, I can never get that one straight as I don't take their ideology seriously enough to care.

In medicine many examples exist as to the reality of race.

You give calcium channel blockers to black people for controlling hypertension, because ACE inhibitors don't work.

Only black people, or mixed race people with black heritage, can have Sickle Cell Anemia.

Black people use different pulmonary function charts and glomerular filtration rate calculations as their numbers are significantly different than other groups.

Ashkenazi Jews have a variety of genetic disorders that only apply to them.

And those are just a few examples I can think of off the top of my head.

Any time medical practitioners move into areas with specific ethnicities they have to end up getting smart on those genetically specific diseases that occur.

Mixed race people are a whole other issue and it is an important one in the case medicine for American blacks as most are mixed race to one degree or another.
A while ago I read in an medical journal that organ transplant are quite difficult between whites and black cause some major dna differences..and it is especially difficult for black people to get an organ transplant since black people are lesser up for organ donations.......

So in here there from those perspectives seem to be some quite large ethnicity/race and cultural differences
Last edited by Trick on Thu Jul 30, 2020 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby marvin8 on Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:20 am

Trick wrote:
Steve James wrote:With regard to Tibet, the PRC is assimilating it. In this case exerting its dominance (including cultural aspects, such as language, etc) over the people. That's not the idea of assimilation in the US, which has assimilated every immigrant group. Cultural assimilation and cultural dominance are not the same processes. One is adopted, and one is imposed. In the US, multi-cultural means that Americans study Asian martial arts. And, multiculturality is inevitable in any marriage between an Asian and an American. Just sayin'

The PRC is as it stands for, for and by the people of China the whole country.
On individual levels cultures play their part and are let to do so.
You can go and have an delicious pizza or perhaps an hamburger, want it more ‘Hawaiian’ you got that pineapple slice too...Go to your temple, mosque or church as you want, as long it doesn’t puts sticks in the wheels on how the nation as an unity strive forward for the equal betterment of all.

Apparently, evidence shows otherwise.

Excerpts from "UHRP REPORT: Demolishing Faith: The Destruction and Desecration of Uyghur Mosques and Shrines:"

hram K. Sintash and the Uyghur Human Rights Project on October 2019 wrote:SUMMARY

The Chinese government’s current crackdown in the Uyghur region is aimed at eliminating
Uyghur ethnocultural identity and assimilating them into an undifferentiated “Chinese” identity.

As one of the cornerstones of their identity, Uyghurs’ Islamic faith has been a major target of this
campaign, resulting in many Uyghurs being sent to the network of concentration camps.

This campaign has also taken the form of eradicating tangible signs of the region’s Islamic
identity from the physical landscape. This has involved the whole or partial demolition of an
unprecedented number of mosques, including several historically significant buildings.
destruction of mosques in the Uyghur homeland is nothing new; during the Cultural Revolution
many were targeted in campaigns against the “Four Olds,” while more recently redevelopment
campaigns such as that in Kashgar in 2009 have leveled mosques and the neighborhoods around
them. ... ... d-shrines/

National Endowment for Democracy
Oct 29, 2019

“If one were to remove these … shrines, the Uyghur people would lose contact with earth. They would no longer have a personal, cultural, and spiritual history. After a few years we would not have a memory of why we live here or where we belong.”

– Professor Rahile Dawut, prominent Uyghur scholar, disappeared since 2017

In the brutal campaign to eradicate the Uyghur identity, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has targeted the Uyghurs’ practice of Islam. A new research report prepared by the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP), a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) grantee, lays out clear and convincing evidence of the CCP’s desecration and destruction of Uyghur holy spaces as part of a multipronged strategy to erase the Uyghur identity, history, religion, and culture. Mosques have long played a vital role in community life and generational memory; in destroying the mosques, the CCP is obliterating those vital connections, and unmooring the Uyghur people from their shared history. Relying on photographs, satellite imagery, and the testimony of local residents, the report details the destruction of mosques and religious sites throughout Uyghur communities across China.

Mr. Bahram Sintash, the report’s primary researcher, will discuss his findings and their implications for the Uyghur population. He will be joined by Mr. Alim Seytoff, Dr. Elise Anderson, and Mr. Omer Kanat for an in-depth discussion about religious persecution in East Turkistan, the impact it has already had on the Uyghur community inside China and the greater Uyghur diaspora, and how the destruction of holy sites fits more broadly in the CCP’s effort to eradicate Uyghur identity.

Demolishing Faith: The Destruction and Desecration of Uyghur Mosques and Shrines:
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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Steve James on Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:40 am

Yeah, so who is a pure race? Mixed race means there was a pure race. But that's dumb. Mixed race is a bullshit concept even after one generation. Two mixed race people have children and your concept of race is blown to hell.
Anyway, you didn't answer the question of American ethnicity. Seems like you need to avoid it. The same with culture.
Now, Whiteness might be considered an ethnicity, but it's not genetic. It's in your head. It can be studied, but people get offended at the idea of White studies. They become uncomfortable being discussed. We can go into it. For example, when did people start calling themselves white. No whites anywhere in the Bible, or Greek, Roman, Egyptian or Babylonian ancient test. Yet, it was asserted before dna or even bacteria were known. Well, it does give people the illusion of superiority and explains certain aspects of their lives. But, it sure don't make them smart.
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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Steve James on Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:59 am

Really. Uighurs are a different race than Chinese, therefore... what? Japanese are another different race, but so are Koreans, Laotians, Indonesians, etc. Name a country, and you have a different race, ethnicity, and culture. And when they marry European races, they create new races. Eugenics or incest can get that pure race back. So stupid. Obama is White. Uighurs are Chinese. In Jamaica, the Chinese are Jamaican.

Y'all seem to be making the Nazi Aryan argument. But Jews weren't a different race from Germans. All the Jews in Germany were German. However, a madman convinced Germans to murder their neighbors and look for others to murder. They used race as an excuse. I don't think the Chinese are using race. They are imposing their culture and control. To me, it's a matter how they do it.
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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Trick on Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:13 pm

Ok, so I read on today’s Swedish news, according to polls that 2/3 of the US population regardless social group are in dislike of China.

So this mean that left to right are basically united in the US,.....will Trump win an landslide victory ?......i read he want to postpone the election...maybe till he got 100 percent honey trapped ? .....8-)


Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Steve James on Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:26 am

Not me. It's the PRC that's a problem, and primarily to the Chinese. The do think that Trump is deliberately creating tensions there. Just listen to his secretary to state. I'm surprised he hasn't mentioned the Uighur situation. He's soft on Russia, but Putin just gets closer to Xi. Makes perfect sense.
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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:31 pm

Steve James wrote:Really. Uighurs are a different race than Chinese, therefore... what? Japanese are another different race, but so are Koreans, Laotians, Indonesians, etc. Name a country, and you have a different race, ethnicity, and culture. And when they marry European races, they create new races. Eugenics or incest can get that pure race back. So stupid. Obama is White. Uighurs are Chinese. In Jamaica, the Chinese are Jamaican.

Y'all seem to be making the Nazi Aryan argument. But Jews weren't a different race from Germans. All the Jews in Germany were German. However, a madman convinced Germans to murder their neighbors and look for others to murder. They used race as an excuse. I don't think the Chinese are using race. They are imposing their culture and control. To me, it's a matter how they do it.

Thumbs way up, Steve.

I'm waiting for phrenology to be invoked next.

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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby jimmy on Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:43 pm

att åberopa wrote:Image

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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Trick on Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:07 am

The MAGA and the trade war of Trump is probably from an greater global agenda and not at all out of Trumps own mind, Trump was just chosen to be the public front guy of the plan(much as any other post WW2 president has been)
The ‘Five Eyes’ spy network has been reveled having an agenda to destabilize China, Their plan is for as they say “the democratic” nations to become non dependent on China , what they mean is not buying Chinese made products, making Chinese made products unbuyable, however the agenda most certainly also mean to cripple chinas economy severely to then make China dependent on “western” made stuff, and making China the cheap labor nation once again .....And its a full circle, coming back to when the “democratic” nations originally intended to carve up China between them.
The Ingredients in their destabilization brew are as been pointed out in the thread - Uygurs, Tibetans, and of course HKers, Taiwan, and chinas sea borders.
Also the latest ingredient : “China spying” using everything from students, to Huawei, to embassy personell. And,Yes Honey Trapping.....
Methods that are to evil for the Five Eyes to even make up. 8-) ...

The Five Eyes spy network are said to also have an Sixth eye- the Swedish intelligence service, which explain Swedens very strong anti China stance.
There are also the Nine and Fourteen Eye networks, however they all boil down to the original two eyes from the US and the U.K. which mean theyre the top Eyes that also keeping their eyes on their companion eyes, in hope to be the one all seeing Eye.

The Five Eyes spy network......Sound silly ? Check em up, Google it ...but beware, they might watching you doin so 8-) Snowden had to run for his life..


Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Bao on Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:17 am

The Five Eyes spy network are said to also have an Sixth eye- the Swedish intelligence service, which explain Swedens very strong anti China stance.

Some people wants Japan to be the sixth eye, read an article about this recently.

Sweden has lost confidence of being the moral standard of Europe because this country let thousands of elderly people die with doing anything trying to prevent Covid-19. So obviously Sweden needs to go all in with 100% racism towards China just to protect its face.
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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Trick on Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:38 am
According to surveillance critics, Sweden cooperates so closely with the US that it is practically the "sixth eye" in the alliance of intelligence operations that is known as Five Eyes. Australia, Canada, New Zeeland, the UK and the US are part of the alliance.
thats some years ago and things changing, but sweden still an very important eye for the US..Kaliningrad near by , sweden keep an eye.....yes, i read that too that japan might become the official sixth eye, thats just an furthere provocation tactic toward china, japan have most certainly been an US eye for a long time
Last edited by Trick on Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Leimeng on Fri Aug 14, 2020 10:35 pm

~ This guy has the party line down real well.

~ I know a chica who works with one of the Chinese Scholar and Student Associations who think that his is the best, most accurate, authentic voice about China. With the obvious best part being that he is a PhD!

~ There is one race, human; one blood colour, red; and only one you!

~ Not that I want to totally divert the party from where it was heading into the two factions: Orange man bad! Or, "with Sniff and Blow you get three boobs in the White House instead of two!"

~ Continue to discuss amongst yourselves…



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Re: China tries a Honey Trap to Ensnare me — serpentza

Postby Steve James on Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:12 am

I've only gotten through a half hour of the video. I can only take his word for the situation in China, but his observation about the speed of change and the willingness of the society to change is on the mark. I also think that it's Chinese government, not culture or society, that enables technological change to be instituted so fast. But, that power also has a down side.
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