Good luck

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Re: Good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 pm

GrahamB wrote:Good luck Ian, I hope you and your country survive this assault to democray that is the orange-militia-baiting-jesus.

Thanks, Graham.

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Re: Good luck

Postby roger hao on Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:48 pm

I hereby victimize you Ian - LOL

You are probably one of those fools who watch the video of Trump proposing injecting disinfectant and saying he didn't. I hope someday the scales fall from your eyes, but I am not holding my breath.

I am glad you mentioned this again - I wanted to ask the first time around.....
Why isn't using an inhaler for Albuteral or a Budesonide exactly the same thing?
To a layman it is the concept of a disinfectant or reduced further say 'a substance'
for disinfectant, not much different than someone saying cleaner rather than Techron
to inject in your engine to clean fuel injectors. Isn't it functionally similar?
roger hao


Re: Good luck

Postby roger hao on Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:52 pm

Ian - BTW - I don't know if you are self aware to the point to notice
that you resort to name calling in your arguments. But I need to point
out that you do.

Name-calling definition is - the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation
roger hao


Re: Good luck

Postby roger hao on Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:56 pm

I did want to point out about the incident on Rt 35.
It kinda looks like Texas doesn't like Biden.
In the old days they would have called his exit from San Antone -
Run out on a rail.
roger hao


Re: Good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:01 pm

roger hao wrote:I hereby victimize you Ian - LOL

You are probably one of those fools who watch the video of Trump proposing injecting disinfectant and saying he didn't. I hope someday the scales fall from your eyes, but I am not holding my breath.

I am glad you mentioned this again - I wanted to ask the first time around.....
Why isn't using an inhaler for Albuteral or a Budesonide exactly the same thing?
To a layman it is the concept of a disinfectant or reduced further say 'a substance'
for disinfectant, not much different than someone saying cleaner rather than Techron
to inject in your engine to clean fuel injectors. Isn't it functionally similar?

Here is a list of disinfectants.

Look at the ones that could be injected, then tell me which ones you would be willing to inject. It's completely different than using a nebulizer or inhaler with albuterol which is a sympathomimetic (beta agonist) bronchodilator that relaxes the smooth muscle in the airways which allows air to flow in and out of the lungs more easily and therefore it is easier to breath. So, apples and oranges, and Trump was so wrong that he even corrected himself after--a rare event.
Last edited by Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:07 pm

roger hao wrote:Ian - BTW - I don't know if you are self aware to the point to notice
that you resort to name calling in your arguments. But I need to point
out that you do.

Name-calling definition is - the use of offensive names especially to win an argument or to induce rejection or condemnation

First of all, that's a very strange definition. Here is the standard one:

/ˈnām ˌkôliNG/
noun: name-calling

abusive language or insults.
"the party's internal bickering and name-calling"

I'm not making any attempt to convince Trump supporters of anything. Rather, I simply seek to counter their bullshit narratives--same with climate deniers and people who argue that Covid isn't a virus, comes from 5G, etc...So, yeah, I'm perfectly aware I call 'em like I see 'em.

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Re: Good luck

Postby roger hao on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:08 pm

Under the category of Presidents or Presidential hopefuls
saying dumb things. Here is Biden on his foreign policy platform -

roger hao


Re: Good luck

Postby windwalker on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:22 pm

Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:I'm not making any attempt to convince Trump supporters of anything. Rather, I simply seek to counter their bullshit narratives--same with climate deniers and people who argue that Covid isn't a virus, comes from 5G, etc...So, yeah, I'm perfectly aware I call 'em like I see 'em.

Don’t know if you’ve been banned for doing so.
I do know on this site when my speech was not correct according to the powers that be,I was limited band.
It does tend to modify what one says, once you realize the rule set only seems to work one way

Also note that you tend to denigrate those who you don’t agree with.
Maybe an advantage when the moderators share your views. Enjoy it here.
Bad things can happen when in person

Don’t pay much attention to it myself, understanding what happens if you do.
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Re: Good luck

Postby Steve James on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:25 pm

Texas :). When we drove cross country, we passed through Tucumcari. There was a billboard with a rider on a white horse carrying a flag. The sign read, "You are no entering Klan country." :)

But, that didn't mean then, or now, that Texans were particularly racist or even Klanspeople. Rather, the Klan was the small minority of terrorists who scared their own group more than others. Well, the President I respect most happens to be Lyndon Johnson, who regularly used the n-word, but was a man who knew the difference between right and wrong. Second might be Eisenhower ... but that's beside the point.

Intimidating people who are going to vote for another candidate is terrorism, not much different from what happened in the South during the 50s and 60s. The problem is that when people (or the prez) say it's okay, that only makes people more militant. They won't like the other candidate more, and he won't gain their support.

And, if I pointed out earlier that Trump lost the popular vote (to Clinton, whom nobody liked), not only will he lose it again, I (no one) has ever seen so many prominent Republicans publicly say they'll vote for Biden. That's never happened before, and I'll bet I've watched more US prez elections than most here. No one has seen scientific and medical journals come out publicly against a candidate. I've don't recall seeing former government officials, generals, admirals, and even people who worked for the president says he's unqualified, and worse. Call them disgruntled former employees, but I rate their opinions over those of nobody on the internet.

Fwiw, I think the Senate and Congressional races are more important in the long term. We won't be able to do much about climate changes in the next four years. That's a long term global project whose benefits might only be seen for 50 years. Unfortunately, it's all about the election --as if it's a personality contest. However, everyone will need health care sometime, and most will need Socialist security at some point.

Whatever happens, Trump will be gone in four years, and they'll go by very fast. Enjoy that. Meanwhile, don't fukk with people who want to vote for whomever they want. Don't kill each other, while Putin munches popcorn.
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Re: Good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:47 pm

windwalker wrote:
Ian C. Kuzushi wrote:I'm not making any attempt to convince Trump supporters of anything. Rather, I simply seek to counter their bullshit narratives--same with climate deniers and people who argue that Covid isn't a virus, comes from 5G, etc...So, yeah, I'm perfectly aware I call 'em like I see 'em.

Don’t know if you’ve been banned for doing so.
I do know on this site when my speech was not correct according to the powers that be,I was limited band.
It does tend to modify what one says, once you realize the rule set only seems to work one way

Also note that you tend to denigrate those who you don’t agree with.
Maybe an advantage when the moderators share your views. Enjoy it here.
Bad things can happen when in person

Don’t pay much attention to it myself, understanding what happens if you do.

Another whiney, woe is me, post. Sigh.

FWIW, making veiled threats like, "Bad things can happen when in person" are probably more likely to get you a dunce hat than calling people peddling false and potentially deadly disinformation fools. Anyway, I'm shaking in my boots.

By the way, and just out of curiosity, who denigrates those they agree with? Do you ever think about what you are saying before you type it?
Last edited by Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Good luck

Postby Giles on Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:50 pm

I guessed I would kick off a lot of stuff with this post (I've been keeping quiet here lately) and that's not my aim, but on the eve of this election I still wanted to say something.

As regards the bus/convoy incident: I'll keep it short and say that I gained my initial information from a report in Spiegel magazine that was later corrected to say that the incident (vehicle contact) was less dramatic than originally described. So whatever the ins and outs, and the Twitter responses by POTUS to this incident... in that sense, sure, I'm happy to say 'my bad'. And 'must do better next time' ;)

But that is just a diversion, anyway. A blip. More important, as others have also mentioned here, is that an incumbent president has repeatedly cast doubt on whether he will accept the results of the election (if it doesn't go his way). And hence is being mirrored by some supporters (I have seen and read many separate interviews) who are saying in several variations: If Trump is elected of course we'll accept the result; if Biden is elected we won't accept the result, because that proves the election is fake, because Biden couldn't possibly win, because we know Trump is good for America and Biden isn't, and that's proof, and then there'll be real trouble (from us). So watch out. Meaning: an end to acceptance of democracy as a system.

-- Despite all that has happened over the last four years, these aforementioned statements by Trump have been truly jaw-dropping for many in Europe. We follow a lot of American news stories over here, in many different media. It's not really the bickering or most of the domestic stuff that shakes us, although it doesn't leave people cold either. It's the present danger of a breakdown of the American political/legal system that really scares us. Because the US, despite all its faults and mistakes and disfunctionalities and disastrous adventures, is still, amazingly (!), seen as some kind of 'gold standard' in the world in terms of politics and democracy. Even if grudgingly, maybe even unconsciously. Because if not the US as a political beacon, then who? China? Russia? The EU? (more positive, but too weak and internally divided at the moment). And now this American role-model seems to be crumbling, and will truly crumble if the presidential election does not result in a clear and orderly transition to the next term of office, whoever wins the election. Once again, the prospect of this system breaking down is really disturbing.
(Although some other national leaders outside (western) Europe probably have their feet up on their desks, their hands clasped behind their heads and a big grin on their faces as they watch these events unfolding).

So once more, good luck.
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Re: Good luck

Postby windwalker on Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:46 pm

As regards the bus/convoy incident: I'll keep it short and say that I gained my initial information from a report in Spiegel magazine that was later corrected to say that the incident (vehicle contact) was less dramatic than originally described. So whatever the ins and outs, and the Twitter responses by POTUS to this incident... in that sense, sure, I'm happy to say 'my bad'. And 'must do better next time' ;)

And that’s it.

All the shit people here talk about dis- misinformation.
Others trying to conflate it with something else.

As to the luck, always welcomed.

Depending on how the election goes, might be needed.
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Re: Good luck

Postby roger hao on Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:11 pm

Giles -
It gets back to what I said about what you might be exposed to.
My opinion is that the legal and constitutional condition is at heightened awareness
and being honed to sharpness rather than destroyed. For the average USA guy
it is an education and that education creates more oversight on our elected leaders.
The country is united to a degree that is greater than what is being
told. Regards divisiveness you need to look at the ratio. It is actually more like 85/15.
We have always had that in the past - just more awareness now. Civil war is a joke
just being floated out there to disrupt things. The bigger threat is those that keep
pushing the idea that one is possible. All the rioting was done for the camera. Sort
of a photo op to gain support for a radical agenda.
Issues regarding accepting the election will only happen will disappear
if the election is decisive. If not - like with Gore vs Bush - neither democrat or
republican will believe in BS about hanging chads etc but neither will start shooting
at the other either. That is for the 15% and we are a little tired of their actions.
We expect to see a lot more of Melania - eat your hearts out world - and 100%
less of Kamala. Most of us think that Kamala's campaign is not real. How could it be?
roger hao


Re: Good luck

Postby Bill on Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:30 pm

Regarding the road incident….

The San Marcos Police Department, however, say the white SUV that appears to have started the fender-bender belonged to a Biden-Harris campaign staffer.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault,” the statement continued.
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Re: Good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:13 pm

Bill wrote:Regarding the road incident….

The San Marcos Police Department, however, say the white SUV that appears to have started the fender-bender belonged to a Biden-Harris campaign staffer.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault,” the statement continued.

Riiiiight, it was the Biden caravan (neither Biden nor Harris were on the bus) who were at fault. Nevermind the videos of the trucks brake checking a passenger bus and the truck clearly driving the white car out of its lane.

It's pretty clear who was a fault, and Trump said they did nothing wrong. As Steve said, it's a form of terrorism.

I suppose Governor Whitmer was at fault, too? ::)

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