Presidency good luck

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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Steve James on Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:19 am

Joe, like you me and DT have no guarantee of tomorrow or even the rest of the day. Imo, that makes life precious. It's fragile.

Afa Trump's physical condition. C'mon he's against exercise, eats junk food, is overweight --and not in the Sammo Hung way. The claim that he travels all over the world, etc., is funny because he's famous for using "executive time" to watch tv. That doesn't make him bad, just not worth of propagandistic idolization (a la strongman Putin). There's no need to showing DT sitting on a Harley :). That's all image making, but let's not take it seriously.

How about we make a rule that any president has to be able to run a mile, do 25 push ups, 50 sit ups, and 5 pull ups. Otoh, Franklin Roosevelt was crippled by polio, and died in office, yet he did ok while he was there. Kennedy couldn't stand for long periods --though he was able to lay quite well. He was assassinated. No guarantees.
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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Strange on Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:16 pm

Physical strength and health is important, of course.
... then there's also stuff like mental fortitude, moral integrity, justice and truth
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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:20 pm

mental fortitude, moral integrity, justice and truth


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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Trick on Tue Nov 10, 2020 12:21 am

Steve James wrote:Joe, like you me and DT have no guarantee of tomorrow or even the rest of the day. Imo, that makes life precious. It's fragile.

Afa Trump's physical condition. C'mon he's against exercise, eats junk food, is overweight --and not in the Sammo Hung way. The claim that he travels all over the world, etc., is funny because he's famous for using "executive time" to watch tv. That doesn't make him bad, just not worth of propagandistic idolization (a la strongman Putin). There's no need to showing DT sitting on a Harley :). That's all image making, but let's not take it seriously.

How about we make a rule that any president has to be able to run a mile, do 25 push ups, 50 sit ups, and 5 pull ups. Otoh, Franklin Roosevelt was crippled by polio, and died in office, yet he did ok while he was there. Kennedy couldn't stand for long periods --though he was able to lay quite well. He was assassinated. No guarantees.

We can’t be 100% perfect of course, but as you point out we can still hang on working hard. Trump did despite some overweight, high cholesterol and watching TV from time to time, of course he isn’t he wasn’t a Sammo Hung in prime but let’s hope he will not suffer as SH does now...... ... he-public/

Again, good luck to the new president, and as well good luck and recovery to Sammo Hung........and of course Good luck to DT too


Re: Presidency good luck

Postby yeniseri on Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:05 pm

In the Art of War, sometimes one's "enemy" become the Protector based on perception and delusions of reality.
The Alt-RIght will make sure Biden serves his presidential term. ;D
NOTE: Some member of the Alt-Right are persons of colour, as I am told ??? ;D
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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:30 pm

I don't think he can actually pull off a coup, but he is trying. Fortunately, he is too stupid and lacks the aesthetics to be an actual fascist. The Republicans are showing themselves to be anti-Democratic, although that's nothing new.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And your reaction to the decision by Attorney General Barr, to his memo authorizing federal prosecutors to begin to pursue substantial investigations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections? It caused Richard Pilger, the career official in charge of voter fraud, to resign — of investigating voter fraud. This is unprecedented, isn’t it, for an attorney general to act even before votes are fully tabulated?

KRISTEN CLARKE: It certainly is unprecedented. The Justice Department has long abided by cardinal rules of not taking action that could be perceived to be in favor of a particular political party or a particular candidate — or, here, a particular former candidate. And we have seen Attorney General Barr ignore these rules at every step of the way. Several weeks ago, he publicly announced an investigation into a handful of ballots in Pennsylvania, and it was clear that this intervention was designed to put his thumb on the scales in favor of President Trump, to breathe life into these false, baseless claims of widespread vote fraud. And this directive issued to prosecutors all across our country last night is breathtaking. It’s unprecedented and deeply troubling, because it’s intended to incite prosecutors, criminal prosecutors, across our country to now go on a fishing expedition, leading nowhere.

But what the impact will be is that it will cast doubt, sow confusion and chaos in our electoral process. We want a democracy that has good standing. There are people all across the globe who are watching this fiasco that’s playing out in these United States. And we are becoming the laughingstock for the world. And so, to have an attorney general, who should be neutral and independent and fair, kind of weighing in to this kind of chaotic strategy that’s underway by President Trump of using litigation to delay the inevitable, to suggest that the outcome is not right or fair, is deeply, deeply troubling.

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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Trick on Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:58 pm

Maybe he will barricade himself Scarfacelike in the Oval Office while Joseph with most of the Hollywood elite celebs(not Pacino)and other storming the WH.
The democrat Al Gore might have done that twenty years ago if he was the sitting president then, but he was not so he just took it to the court where it was settled after some weeks that he had to accept he lost....It ain’t over till it’s over


Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:29 am

Trick wrote:The democrat Al Gore might have done that twenty years ago if he was the sitting president then, but he was not so he just took it to the court where it was settled after some weeks that he had to accept he lost....It ain’t over till it’s over

Not at all the same. ... 6e3aea43b5

Trump election challenge not same as 2000 Florida recount

By CURT ANDERSON November 10, 2020

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Twenty years ago, in a different time and under far different circumstances than today, it took five weeks of Florida recounts and court battles before Republican George W. Bush prevailed over Democrat Al Gore by 537 votes.

Today’s attempts by President Donald Trump and GOP allies to get unproven claims of fraud and voting irregularities into court in multiple states face a much steeper climb, legal and political experts say.

“There’s not a lot of similarities,” said attorney Barry Richard, who represented Bush in the 2000 saga. “In 2000, there was clearly a problem with the defective ballots. Nobody was claiming fraud or improprieties. It was all about how we made sure everybody’s vote counted.”

The Florida recount demanded by the Gore campaign famously centered on problems with outmoded punch-card ballots with canvassers trying to figure out a voter’s intent amid ballots with “hanging chads” and “dimpled chads” on the cards. The case wound up in the U.S. Supreme Court, which halted the recount and handed the presidency to Bush.

The Trump campaign, on the other hand, is filing multiple lawsuits in at least five states in which Democrat Joe Biden is ahead by tens of thousands of votes — a far cry from the mere hundreds of votes involved in 2000 in Florida.

“The most important difference in my mind is that Florida in 2000 was much closer than any of the states in 2020,” said Aubrey Jewett, a University of Central Florida political science professor who has written about the 2000 recount.

“Only about 2000 votes separated Bush from Gore in the initial results out of more than 6 million cast. Mathematically, it was entirely possible that a recount might overturn the results,” he said. “The margins even in the closest states are much larger this time around.”

Oranges and apples. There were no accusations of fraud in 2000, let alone completely unsubstantiated ones. It was a recount based on figuring out how people meant to cast their votes due to a technical issue with the method of ballots. The recount was heading in the direction to make Gore the winner (what a different world this would be with early action on climate change and no Iraq war). SCOTUS halted the count in a typically undemocratic move (SCOTUS has historically ruled against Democratic enfranchisement), throwing the election for Bush. Here, Trump is simply trying to overturn selective states that he lost by tens of thousands of votes (funnily, he wanted the opposite for the states he was doing better in).

It's a complete farce. But, as you say, Trump is hiding in his "bunker" again. He did finally come out of his hole to show up late to Arlington for Veteran's Day, but didn't say a word and looked like a petulant child the whole time. As he would say, "LOSER."
Last edited by Ian C. Kuzushi on Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Trick on Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:30 pm

Curt Andersson(in St:Petersburg), sound as an Swede in Russia....Apples and Oranges - in Swedish Oranges is called Appelsin which to English translate as Chinese Apple

Trump is partly a golfer, sometimes hits the bunker but always ends it in the hole as should is the game.
Last edited by Trick on Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Presidency good luck

Postby Strange on Fri Nov 13, 2020 5:11 pm

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