Coronavirus testing in China

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Coronavirus testing in China

Postby .Q. on Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:40 pm

In case some people here claim I'm making stuff up using "dubious" sources, this is directly from China's forum. Besides the typical testing via sticking swabs up your nose, they're sticking things up your poop chute for testing: ... 1694390863
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Steve James on Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:25 am

I don't read Chinese, but it seems that the virus is resurging again in China. It's not surprising. It's happening in Japan, too. It seems that the Olympics might be cancelled again. In terms of the corona, 2021 is likely to be worse than 2020 --even if people are paying more attention now.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby grzegorz on Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:11 pm

Watch "60 in 6 reports on QAnon" on YouTube
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Steve James on Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:49 pm

Yeah, it's sad, and deserves it's own thread. But, it's unlikely that anyone who believes Q or the various theories won't change their minds. I felt insulted when people were discounting what was happening where I lived based on YouTube videos or Alex Jones. It's even sadder that it seems that they were all allied with one candidate and one party. And, it's impossible to say anything about it that isn't insulting. There's really no reason to lie about hearing ambulance sirens 24 hours a day and night.

I sure wish the Dems would have an associated conspiracy theory (other than where the ex-prez actually did) that We could all laugh at. They just don't have anything like pizzagates, or examples of black flag mass shootings, or baby-eating satanist conspiracies.

Anyway, back to China. At least we can tell that China is taking the virus seriously on a national level. That's what has to happen in every nation, so that it's global. (Ain't gonna happen, but perhaps 70% compliance will be sufficient. !00% would be great, but isn't necessary.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby grzegorz on Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:23 pm

Hi Steve,

The irony is. (I have to deal with these types daily as a delivery driver.) Is their narrative keeps switching when you give them facts. When I explain that it isn't just a flu I then have to deal with how it's a biological weapon from the PRC.

Well which is it?

If it's a biological weapon then shouldn't we all be wearing hazmat suits?

Apparently we shouldn't we masks but should take hiseoxy, zinc and vitamin V daily.

Like you, I have empathy and compassion. I used to be a part of a US taiji group who believed cancer was caused by lack of chi flow. So essentially if you had or died of cancer your taiji sucked.

If weren't for a no nonsense history professor perhaps I never understood how to find true facts.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby bailewen on Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:44 am

They are using the low accuracy mouth test (no sticking a swab up to your brain stem) first.

If you test positive, they will sometimes to the anal swab (ew!) because it's more accurate, but still not as slow or unpleasant as the stick up your brain. But the default test is just a simple throat swab.

Mostly they have been relying on the cheap, low accuracy tests to be able to do super wide-spread testing.

Also, worth mentioning, we (in the US) should be so luck to have their so-called "resurgence". There's about a 100 cases in Shanghai, which is super bad news for me because I have an extremely important embassy errand to take care off. But now travel from the Shanghai embassy is effectively blocked. Xi'an, which has zero current cases, requires a same-day negative test. So if I go to the embassy in Shanghai, I would not be able to go home from the train station. They would take me to a testing center and quarantine me until the test results came out (about 8-12 hours). Then I could go home.

My job would then require another test after 7 days and a third one after 11.

Sounds a bit extreme but, you know, China's GDP actually grew by 4% this past year, the only major economy in the world to grow. I also only experienced lockdown for about 2 or 3 weeks last year, and basically, life has been pretty normal. As long as I don't leave Shaanxi province, there's no real restrictions, just a lot of required masks in certain places and scanning QR codes to take public transit or enter a supermarket.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Steve James on Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:49 am

Well, NYC is much different because of the virus, but life is fairly normal anyway. Masks are expected, and most people keep their distance. I hardly ever hear an ambulance siren. There are no shortages. Many of the schools are open. However, that's likely to change if the mutant strain is more virulent.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Giles on Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:33 am

grzegorz wrote:The irony is. (I have to deal with these types daily as a delivery driver.) Is their narrative keeps switching when you give them facts. When I explain that it isn't just a flu I then have to deal with how it's a biological weapon from the PRC.

Well which is it?

@ Grzegorz
It's both, of course... :P
This is sometimes referred to as the "Princess Diana syndrome" or similar. There have been studies showing that the more likely people are to believe that Princess Diana is actually alive, having faked her own death, the more likely they also are to believe that she was murdered by the British Royal Family. Or whatever.


Conspiracy theories can form a monological belief system: A self-sustaining worldview comprised of a network of mutually supportive beliefs. The present research shows that even mutually incompatible conspiracy theories are positively correlated in endorsement. In Study 1 (n = 137), the more participants believed that Princess Diana faked her own death, the more they believed that she was murdered. In Study 2 (n = 102), the more participants believed that Osama Bin Laden was already dead when U.S. special forces raided his compound in Pakistan, the more they believed he is still alive. Hierarchical regression models showed that mutually incompatible conspiracy theories are positively associated because both are associated with the view that the authorities are engaged in a cover-up (Study 2). The monological nature of conspiracy belief appears to be driven not by conspiracy theories directly supporting one another but by broader beliefs supporting conspiracy theories in general.

Cute, huh?

The famous Monty Python scene "We've found a witch! May we burn her?!"

is at one level quite accurate for the kind of logic that many 'courts' and 'judges' actually applied to trials and indeed to much reasoning in pre-Enlightenment times. There are some historical records backing this up, for instance from Cologne in the 17th century. Currently we seem to be seeing a significant portion of populations regressing towards this level. Ho hum.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Steve James on Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:56 am

The witch hunts reflected the people's lack of control over unfortunate circumstances. Since they believed in demons, their evil work was the explanation. The problem wasn't that there weren't any witches. The problem was that the witches didn't have anything to do with the circumstances --such as unusual deaths, crop failures, or mysterious illnesses. (Btw, the people who ended up burned or hanged as witches were usually people with property. In Salem, all the victims were unmarried women whose property went to the state after they died).

Usually, it was the establishment going after the witches. Nowadays, it's the state claiming that investigations are witch hunts. That's what the witches should say. :)
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Giles on Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:25 pm

Yes. But whether coming from the bottom of coming from the top, whether (bottom-up) it's an updated version of the medieval "Jews are kidnapping little children to drink their blood" or (top-down) "any accusations/investigations against me can be nothing but a 'witch hunt' ", the unifying and indeed uniting factor is that facts and demonstrable evidence are not just called into question, they are seen as a total irrelevance. Worth nothing in the face of gut feeling.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Steve James on Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:06 pm

the unifying and indeed uniting factor is that facts and demonstrable evidence are not just called into question, they are seen as a total irrelevance.

Oh, witch hunters always say they have "evidence," as much as a conspiracy theorist. What unifies contemporary conspiracy theorists is that any evidence (that something is either true or false) to them always confirms the conspiracy. Pick one. If the claim is that the government is controlled by lizard people, the evidence is "the way things are." Leaving aside the minor issue that it's an unfalsifiable claim, the lack of acknowledgement by the government or media indicates the conspiracy.

It's not like the swimming witch test: i.e., if she floats weighed down by stones, she's a witch --because water that is used for baptisms will reject her. Hey, some survived; some didn't.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby .Q. on Wed Jan 27, 2021 3:29 pm

I doubt China legitimately achieved 4% GDP growth, same as their claim of pulling all counties out of poverty the same year Li KeQiang said 40% of the population makes less than 1000RMB/month. In fact, they said they're going to stop using GDP growth targets:
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby bailewen on Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:30 am

You sir, are a brainwashed idiot.

I have been here on the ground. We were locked down last year for about 2 weeks. Partial lockdown for another 2 weeks after that, and then basically business as usual.

I have a coworker who's hometown is the part of Wuhan hit the hardest of anywhere. He told me on the street where his family lives, there are about 10 restaurants on that block. None of them closed.

When I came back from the states at the end of spring holiday, I had to work from home from about 2 weeks. That was it.

As to pulling the country out of poverty, I have no idea what the specific numbers are but I can attest to staggering economic growth throughout the entire 20 years I have been here. Every single "城中村"(areas with rural village conditions inside a city)in all of Xi'an have been torn down and replaced with modern living.
1,000 rmb/month might be about right in the rural areas, but in Xi'an, you get more like 3-4,000 for a basic restaurant job.

Maybe 4% is off. But I can tell you one thing, the country did not grind to a stop this past year. The economy did not stop. Restaurants and bars have been open since last June.

Pulling all counties out of poverty? I don't know about "all" counties, but at my white collar IT job, most of my coworkers grew up with dirt floors and now all drive nice cars and carry the latest iPhones or Huawei phones.

So you are just objectively misinformed.

In the past 5 years, Xi'an constructed an entire subway system. 6 lines so far.
They also replace the entire public bus system with electric buses.
All of the taxis are now electric.
There are electric charging stations available at public parks and even some convenience stores.

Virtually everyone I know was born in what the US would consider "dirt poor" conditions, and now they all live in nice modern homes, have the latest tech, and drive to work.

Honestly the road and the public transit in Xi'an, a second tier city, are in significantly better condition than in most of Los Angeles.I swipe my smartwatch to get on the subway and scan the QR code on one of the countless public shared bikes to get from the subway station to work.

Quite frankly, it's humiliating. COVID was almost off the radar until about 2 weeks ago, and mostly because, unlike the US, the Chinese people have not been a bunch of whiny little bitches about the whole thing.

It's shockingly easy to believe the 4% GDP growth. To be honest, I have been busy as fuck this past year. Did you know that foreign investment in China outpaced the US this last year? That's just reporting from that commie loving pinko rag the Wall Street Journal though, so take it with a grain of salt.
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Re: Coronavirus testing in China

Postby Trick on Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:47 am

Anyway, back to China. At least we can tell that China is taking the virus seriously on a national level. That's what has to happen in every nation, so that it's global. (Ain't gonna happen, but perhaps 70% compliance will be sufficient. !00% would be great, but isn't necessary
today here they started the extra control measures for the comming new year traveling. - i had plan to stay in shanghai the whole week but went back to my "hometown" yesterday night, otherwize i had have to visit an hospital in shanghai to get a clearance that im not infected then when i would had arrived back home i would have had to do another hospital visit to get homecomming virus free clearance, then another hospital visit after two weeks from my arrival home....its good they take these safte measures but i just thought it sounded too much for me(no, i didnt worry about any eventual but swiping or nostril piercing testings8-) ) to just stay a couple of more days in shanghai.....wierd thing in shanghai i noticed so many foreigners not wearing face masks while bacically all locals wear masks...a couple that i walked by i heard the girl comment her suprise of seeing an foreigner with an facemask, weird.
Last edited by Trick on Thu Jan 28, 2021 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


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