psychedelics as a medicine

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psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:20 pm

wondering if anyone here has direct experience (first hand) or semi-direct (personally witnessed a friend) recover from concussion/brain injury using psychedelics as a medicine.
eg: micro-dosing mushroom, etc
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:19 pm

Sounds dangerous. I’ve never touched any drugs other than caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, if I would have suffered an brain injury I would most probably stay away from those for a while...Anyway, follow the doctors prescripton and advices might be the safest to do, if that involves psychedelic drugs then I’ll guess taking it would be alright
Last edited by Trick on Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:15 am

Typically for brain injury they say “here’s an ssri prescription for anxiety “ and “let’s see how you’re doing next month “.as far as pharmaceuticals go there is no ‘cure’ for brain injury and many people are still quite affected by it for years.
The use of micro dosing (taking such a small amount you do not feel any effects of the psychedelic) have been shown to create new neuropathways (neurogenesis) and help patients recover with noticeable improvements AND it also mitigates the anxiety that is often associated with brain injury.

This isn’t about getting high and tripping balls on drug trips. It’s about using a small measured dose to activate the brain and allow people to recover from injury rather than be stuck as ‘the new normal’ for the remainder of their lives
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Sat Feb 20, 2021 7:21 pm

Are the small doses self prescribed ? How is one trained in prescribing psychedelics, through medical studies ?
Since it’s claimed that such drugs creates new neuropathways it sounds there are some real scientific reserch going on, so perhaps psychedelics may be prescribed by trained doctors sometime soon...
However it just sounds as some Lucy reaction wish


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:49 am

If you check out you can see the clinical research they’ve done with psychedelics as medicine. It’s unfortunate that many people relate this to “just getting high” . There are schedules to follow just like the instructions on a bottle of aspirin and that is self administered. You will find doctors in certain areas that are well informed and can monitor progress.

So my original question was whether anyone had direct experience with this. Based on your pushback I’ll take your response as a hard no?
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:24 pm

meeks wrote:So my original question was whether anyone had direct experience with this. Based on your pushback I’ll take your response as a hard no?

Yes I mentioned that in my first post that I have no experience of such drugs..... just thought the idea of using such drugs sound dangerous. However you are right, clinical research of such drugs has been going on for quite sometimes, at least from as early as the 1950’s, and yes it really seem it’s all about creating new brain neuropaths...check out MK-Ultra - ... f-mk-ultra


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:18 pm

Trick wrote:
meeks wrote:So my original question was whether anyone had direct experience with this. Based on your pushback I’ll take your response as a hard no?

Yes I mentioned that in my first post that I have no experience of such drugs..... just thought the idea of using such drugs sound dangerous. However you are right, clinical research of such drugs has been going on for quite sometimes, at least from as early as the 1950’s, and yes it really seem it’s all about creating new brain neuropaths...check out MK-Ultra - ... f-mk-ultra

wow... COMPLETELY off topic post that I assume you are using to fortify your "all use of psychedelics is a bad thing" standpoint....
Last edited by meeks on Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:08 pm

meeks wrote:
Trick wrote:
meeks wrote:So my original question was whether anyone had direct experience with this. Based on your pushback I’ll take your response as a hard no?

Yes I mentioned that in my first post that I have no experience of such drugs..... just thought the idea of using such drugs sound dangerous. However you are right, clinical research of such drugs has been going on for quite sometimes, at least from as early as the 1950’s, and yes it really seem it’s all about creating new brain neuropaths...check out MK-Ultra - ... f-mk-ultra

wow... COMPLETELY off topic post that I assume you are using to fortify your "all use of psychedelics is a bad thing" standpoint....

Yes as I said, I think it sound dangerous/bad....of course without any direct or indirect experience of the drugs I agree it’s worth little for your curiosity in the psychedelics

Hope you will get your answers from some with experience of such drugs. that’s as neutral I can get on the issue, good luck.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Quigga on Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:36 am

Maybe I wrote this so others would feel less shame to open up. Maybe I was just trying to be a smartass. Who knows ;D
Last edited by Quigga on Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby windwalker on Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:15 am

meeks wrote:wondering if anyone here has direct experience (first hand) or semi-direct (personally witnessed a friend) recover from concussion/brain injury using psychedelics as a medicine.
eg: micro-dosing mushroom, etc

On going related studies,

At the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, researchers will focus on how psychedelics affect behavior, mood, cognition, brain function, and biological markers of health. Upcoming studies will determine the effectiveness of psilocybin as a new therapy for opioid addiction, Alzheimer's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (formerly known as chronic Lyme disease), anorexia nervosa and alcohol use in people with major depression. The researchers hope to create precision medicine treatments tailored to the specific needs of individual patients.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Peacedog on Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:30 am

I haven’t seen psychedelics benefit anyone for head trauma long term.

I have seen hyperbaric chamber therapy help a few people. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.

The good news is it is relatively inexpensive and completely legal.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:55 am

well I suffered a very severe concussion recently (got T-bone by a truck... then 2 more crashes within a year, one on the freeway which almost turned my brain to pudding - concussion on top of a concussion is life threatening - I had 3 high speed collision in a 2 year period) which took me out of being able to work for over 2 years - some of you may have noticed my participation on the board had really dropped off, and I had also deleted all my social media accounts and my martial arts websites as I 'went into hibernation mode'. I had to re-learn how to do my job. 2 years ago at this time I was learning to sweep the floor and I had such a bad speech impediment it would take me 30 seconds to say the word 'toast' to a waitress. I had a food schedule provided for me because I was unable to make decisions.
Monday - 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter... that's your 1 meal of the day
Tuesday - instant oatmeal - that's your 1 meal of the day
Wednesday - 2 boiled eggs... if there's more than 1 pot on the stove always use the 1 on the right.
in between meals I slept the majority of the day (par for the course with a severe concussion)
if there was more that 1 flavor of instant oatmeal... uh-oh... I have to make a choice? Back to bed without eating because the idea of making a decision wiped out my energy reserves... I'll try eating again tomorrow - nothing today. That phase lasted about 3 months at its worst point.

I had to join a brain injury support group and got to know people that had been suffering from severe concussions for years - a severe one can be quite life altering. I also witnessed the changes in a few people who began to microdose (such a small amount that its effects are imperceptible). For 1 woman I could see how her speech changed after the first microdose. Over the weeks I saw her condition improve... someone that had been 'stagnant' in her recovery for a few years. After 6 months she was back to work as a writer. I also witnessed someone who had been on anti-depressants for many years ween themselves off of it gradually for 3 months, then continue to microdose for a year. They have not used it since the first year's completion, neither the antidepressants nor the microdose. The list goes on.

So for anyone that thinks a discussion about microdosing is about 'getting high as balls' it's a shame - I was hoping to have an engaging thread with people interested in learning more. This is not an attack. We stand for what we believe, and we believe based on experience so it's all good. I put this out there hoping that if someone has or knows someone suffering from concussion, abi (acquired brain injury - stroke) or tbi (traumatic brain injury - some external trauma) that they would look into this as an option - it's legal in some states and is a recognized form of therapy.

It causes neurogenesis (formation of new neuropathways) and is an excellent medicine for people suffering some sort of neuropathway loss. I've read that it's also being studied for people with various forms of dementia.

If you go to website you can find tons of information on studies related to the use of psychedelics as a medicine and in fact they are now in human trials (after years of phase1, phase 2, phase 3 testing and approvals) for being recognized as an effective means for people with severe, chronic ptsd.

But re microdosing with supervision it may be worth a shot. Your gates may open just a tiny bit which could allow enough exposure to facilitate growth in a positive direction. I've read about successful treatments for PTSD with psilocybin or LSD, both microdosed.

actually you take your dose and go about your day - remember, the quantity has such a low effect it's imperceptible. It's not what you feel it's what you don't feel... as in you don't feel anxiety and a slew of other symptoms. One injury person I knew would microdose and finally be able to sleep because it would calm her mind. The great thing is because it rewires the brain you actually improve with each microdose.

It's funny, because I've had discussions where people have said to me "I microdosed once and I didn't feel a damn thing"... (facepalm)... yea no sh** sherlock... that's the point. :)
Last edited by meeks on Sat Feb 27, 2021 3:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:09 pm

as I thought initially reading the OP first post, the issue was more of promoting psychedelia rather than asking for advice on it. That’s why I came into the thread because I strongly think promotion of such especially by non layman should be opposed, .....however as have come forward in the thread scientific research on the topic are ongoing, and is already leagally practiced by physichians in some places...So if suffering from brain trauma, best listen do doctors I wrote in my first post........To the OP, hope good recovery for you so you’ll soon up and KungFu’ing as usually
Last edited by Trick on Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:29 am

Sorry Trick, you’re still way off. This post isnt about promoting nor asking advice. It was about discussing and sharing experiences and seeing if anyone else on this board had something to share. It wasn’t an invite to oppose either but you jumped in right away with your bias and assumptions based on no experience and kept beating that drum and arguing against points that were never made.
I can see you take a hard stance against its use even as a medicine for dire situations. That’s okay. Like I said we base a lot of our opinions on our own understandings and experiences, and mine happens to have gone down a road that gave me direct experience with severe concussions. Imagine being the 95 year old man in the room with dementia who is only present physically that no one talks to and you’re only 48 years old. Maybe at some point this thread will get people to read up on it and open a positive discussion that is not based on prejudgment by slotting it’s use into “drug addicts and overdoses”. I only shared my experience with concussions to make a point- my intent was not originally to share that at all.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Bao on Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:10 am

Thank you Meeks for sharing, very much appreciated. Good luck to you and hope everything will be fine.

I have nothing to add to the discussion, but I find the topic interesting.
Last edited by Bao on Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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