Trump and Vacinations

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Trump and Vacinations

Postby Bill on Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:04 pm

Trump received the antibody cocktail beginning Oct. 2. Dec. 31 is exactly 90 days from the date it was announced he got the treatment, but he continued to receive it thereafter. On Dec. 17, a White House official told CNN that the president is still reaping the benefits of his COVID treatment, noting that once he reaches the appropriate window to receive the vaccination, he likely will. It's not clear, however, when that is.

Oh look, nothing to see here. Old news.
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Bill on Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:06 pm

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that anyone who received "monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma as part of COVID-19 treatment" wait at least 90 days before getting vaccinated.

The buffer between treatment and vaccination is intended "to avoid interference of the treatment with vaccine-induced immune responses,"
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Steve James on Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:21 pm

Oh, so they (Mr and Mrs T) did get the vaccine in January. Ya know, one would expect the Prez and his wife/family to just do it publicly to encourage others. Biden and Harris did.
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby meeks on Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:37 pm

T was so vocal about it all being a hoax and that he would never take the vaccine... no wonder he took it in shame.
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:50 am

Ok, Donald lost he’s not the president anymore, but as I though, ppl will continue to project their negativity toward his persona, four years of media hate indoctrination will cling for awhile ...Anyway he got the vaccine and seemingly he never called it an hoax.. ... r-BB199rpw
Last edited by Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Bao on Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:03 am

Ok, Donald lost he’s not the president anymore, but as I though, ppl will continue to project their negativity toward his persona, four years of media hate indoctrination will cling for awhile

Eh.... Reporting about and showing what he actually says and does is media indoctrination? :o ::)
C'mon man. :-\ ... index.html ... ?r=US&IR=T ... en-moments

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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:41 am

Yes, report me on an politician who does not lie....ok, I understand the leaders have their staff of advisers, the leader might just “report” what the professional advisers lying about..
Ok he(donald)might himself have come up with an lie about being vaccinated, if so then good he not made his fake vaccination into an big publicity stunt 8-)
Last edited by Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Steve James on Thu Mar 04, 2021 6:30 am

Right. All politicians lie. All husbands cheat. Everybody steals. That's the immoralist's argument for crime, and their excuse when they're caught. It "should" be that lies are exposed and the truth revealed. Right? Well, yeah, the truth "should" be important.

However, starting with Trump's "Obama born in Kenya" lie, the truth was literally replaced with "alternate facts" (Conway) and "truth is not truth" (Giuliani). When someone lies to you, it's likely that they'll lie again. Anyway, the truth is that the coronavirus was/is not a Democratic "hoax" created to make him look bad, but that's what Trump said. It was a lie because he had spoken to Xi already about the virus. But, by framing it as just another anti-Trump stunt, people denied the reality. It was a costly, deliberate misrepresentation.

Well, one way to salvage honor is simply to admit error, repent, apologize --like a preacher who cheats on his wife. Or, someone can just continue saying "who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes"?
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Bao on Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:00 am

Trick wrote:Yes, report me on an politician who does not lie....
Ok he(donald)might himself have come up with an lie about being vaccinated, if so then good he not made his fake vaccination into an big publicity stunt 8-)

I didn't even mention vaccinations. :-\

Yes, every politician lie. But hardly all politicians acts indecent and disgraceful on a daily basis. :-\ And hardly all politicians are constantly rude, have no attention span what so ever or are completely egomaniacs. I have never ever seen any other high leaders completely lacking good or even redeeming qualities. He is unique for sure. ... ng-claims/

UPDATE: The final count for the Trump claims database is 30,573. For more information, follow this link.
It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day.

But on July 9, just 440 days later, the president crossed the 20,000 mark — an average of 23 claims a day over a 14-month period, which included the events leading up to Trump’s impeachment trial, the worldwide pandemic that crashed the economy and the eruption of protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody.

The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database.

The notion that Trump would exceed 20,000 claims before he finished his term appeared ludicrous when The Fact Checker started this project during the president’s first 100 days in office. In that time, Trump averaged fewer than five claims a day, which would have added up to about 7,000 claims in a four-year presidential term. But the tsunami of untruths just keeps looming larger and larger.

As of July 9, the tally in our database stands at 20,055 claims in 1,267 days.
Just as when Trump crossed the 10,000 threshold, an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News helped Trump breach the 20,000 mark. Trump racked up 62 claims on July 9, about half of which came during the Hannity interview: Trump’s statements cover a substantial range of his bogus attacks, conspiracy theories, boasts and inaccurate information:

— Former president Barack Obama “did not want” to give surplus military equipment to police. Obama scaled back the program but still allowed specialized firearms, manned and unmanned aircraft, explosives and riot gear.

— Trump has “tremendous support” in the African American community. No polling shows this.
— Trump “insisted” the National Guard be used in Minneapolis to quell disturbances and Seattle officials “knew” he was ready to act with force if the city did not shut down protests. Local officials say neither claim is true; they acted on their own.

— The United States has a “record” for coronavirus testing, and China has not tested as many people as the United States. The United States still lags several major countries in terms of tests per million people, the best metric for comparison. The United States has a higher per capita testing rate than China, but China in June said it had tested 90 million people — at the time, three times as many as the United States.

— Obama and former vice president Joe Biden “spied” on his campaign and “knew everything that was going on.” Trump has made allegations of Obama spying since 2017, based on little or no evidence.

— The jury forewoman in the Roger Stone trial was “disgraceful.” The judge in the case rejected claims of bias. Tomeka Hart’s political leanings and activities were clearly known during the jury selection process, and not even Stone’s legal team tried to strike her from the jury pool.

— Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, was placed in “solitary confinement,” while Al Capone “was never in solitary confinement.” Manafort was in a “private, self-contained living unit” that was larger than other units, which included a bathroom, shower, telephone and laptop access, according to court records. Capone was eventually sent to the infamous Alcatraz prison, where he was stabbed and got into fights and, according to some reports, ended up in solitary confinement as his brain deteriorated from untreated syphilis.

— “We’re doing record numbers on the border.” In 2020, no records have been set, and border apprehensions spiked sharply in June.

— “We’ve rebuilt the military, 2.5 trillion dollars.” Trump frequently suggests this money is all for new equipment, but he’s just adding together three years of budgets, none of which is a record.
So far during his presidency, Trump’s most repeated claim — 360 times — is that the U.S. economy today is the best in history. He began making this claim in June 2018, and it quickly became one of his favorites. He’s been forced to adapt for the tough economic times, and doing so has made it even more fantastic. Whereas he used to say it was the best economy in U.S. history, he now often recalls that he achieved “the best economy in the history of the world.”

That’s not true. The president once could brag about the state of the economy, but he ran into trouble when he made a play for the history books. By just about any important measure, the pre-coronavirus economy was not doing as well as it did under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton — or Ulysses S. Grant. Moreover, the economy was already beginning to hit the head winds caused by Trump’s trade wars, with the manufacturing sector in an apparent recession.

Trump has repeated this “best economy” claim more than 100 times just since the coronavirus emerged in China and sent the economy into a tailspin, robbing Trump of what he had expected would be his top sales pitch for reelection.

Trump’s second-most repeated claim — 261 times — is that his border wall is being built. Congress balked at funding the concrete barrier he envisioned, so the project evolved into the replacement of smaller, older barriers with steel bollard fencing. (Only three miles of the barrier is on land that previously did not have a barrier.) The Washington Post has reported that the bollard fencing is easily breached, with smugglers sawing through it, despite Trump’s claims that it is impossible to get past. Nevertheless, the project has diverted billions in military and counternarcotics funding to become one of the largest infrastructure projects in U.S. history, seizing private land, cutting off wildlife corridors and disrupting Native American cultural sites.

Trump has falsely said 210 times that he passed the biggest tax cut in history. Even before his tax cut was crafted, he promised it would be the biggest in U.S. history — bigger than President Ronald Reagan’s in 1981. Reagan’s tax cut amounted to 2.9 percent of the gross domestic product, and none of the proposals under consideration came close to that level. Yet Trump persisted in this fiction even when the tax cut was eventually crafted to be the equivalent of 0.9 percent of GDP, making it the eighth-largest tax cut in 100 years. This continues to be an all-purpose applause line at the president’s rallies.

Trump’s penchant for repeating false claims is demonstrated by the fact that the Fact Checker database has recorded nearly 500 instances in which he has repeated a variation of the same claim at least three times.

The Fact Checker also tracks Three- or Four-Pinocchio claims that Trump has said at least 20 times, earning him a Bottomless Pinocchio. There are now 40 entries, with the most recent addition being his false claim that he has spent $2.5 trillion on new military equipment.
The award-winning database website, created by graphics reporter Leslie Shapiro, has an extremely fast search engine that will quickly locate suspect statements the president has made. We encourage readers to explore it in detail.
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby roger hao on Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:26 am

Wow Steve -
Delusional or simply deluded?

Encourage the public to take vaccine? Joe and Kamala?
Do I need to post the vids of both - especially Kamala
saying they will not take the vaccine because they don't trust
Trump? As if Trump made the vaccine himself ( actually just a
way of persuading the vote - which is even more base to use the
vaccine as a vehicle to get votes ).
In retrospect this behavior cost US lives in that anyone that
listened to them and rejected vaccination could have or possibly
did die.
roger hao


Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby roger hao on Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:28 am

Bao - Fact Checker LOL LOL
roger hao


Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Giles on Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:39 pm

roger hao wrote:Wow Steve -
Delusional or simply deluded?

Encourage the public to take vaccine? Joe and Kamala?
Do I need to post the vids of both - especially Kamala
saying they will not take the vaccine because they don't trust
Trump? As if Trump made the vaccine himself ( actually just a
way of persuading the vote - which is even more base to use the
vaccine as a vehicle to get votes ).
In retrospect this behavior cost US lives in that anyone that
listened to them and rejected vaccination could have or possibly
did die.

You have a point there, but you are also twisting Harris' words a little. She said that "President Donald Trump's word alone on any potential coronavirus vaccine is not enough.
"I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about," she continued in the clip from an exclusive interview airing Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" at 9 a.m. ET. "I will not take his word for it."

She did NOT say she wouldn't take a vaccine because she didn't trust Trump. Get the difference? But I would agree that she was contributing to the (already long ongoing) politicization of coronavirus medicines. Which I would rate as a bad and possibly harmful move. But I don't think it's wise to accuse her of behaviour that (possibly) cost lives and at the same time defend Trump, whose behaviour in many documented respects over almost a year certainly cost far more lives in the pandemic.
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Giles on Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:47 pm

roger hao wrote:Bao - Fact Checker LOL LOL

Is there anything in the long article about Trump cited by Bao that you can actually contest? 'LOL LOL' isn't much of a substitute for arguments or indeed: for facts. If you can show that this fact-checker website gets important things wrong (or fails to admit and correct if it really does get something wrong), then I'll take you more seriously. Otherwise, I get the impression you're just making noise to stop yourself hearing something.
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Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby roger hao on Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:09 pm

roger hao


Re: Trump and Vacinations

Postby Steve James on Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:40 pm

I don't get Roger's point. Harris got the vaccine last year, publicly. I don't blame her one bit for saying --before the election-- that she wouldn't take a vaccine on Trump's say so. Waiting for the experts to approve the vaccine is just common sense. Anyway, when Trump was talking about hydroxychoroquine, her answer would have been the same. It's not political to prefer the opinions of experts over politicians. Even Bill noted that Trump received the vaccine on the advice of experts and his doctors.
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