psychedelics as a medicine

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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby meeks on Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:01 pm

there was an episode of House (Hugh Laurie) where a teenager came in with some issues he gave the kid a micro-dose - unfortunately they portrayed him as 'tripping balls' as if it were a large dose of LSD.
From what I understand a microdose is also a very effective method of relief for certain migraines
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Bao on Wed Mar 03, 2021 12:31 pm

Trick wrote:Even the old Viking berserkers tripped on mushrooms to come out strong while fighting.....those who survived the battles came out wrecked physically as mentally.

I’ve not heard many or probably any story about people becoming extremely aggressive or go berserk on mushrooms. I believe it was probably Henbane. They used it as flavoring for mead and other things. Maybe in shamanistic rituals as well.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby gzregorz on Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:27 pm


If anything psychadelics make people question war.

I even heard some theories that mushrooms gave us Christmas. I haven't researched the topic and haven't been that interested in the subject but perhaps someone here knows more about this Scandinavian tradition. FWIW I heard this on Joe Rogan which I am not a big fan of but I will listen to for entertainment purposes from time to time yet it could all be total rubbish.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:35 pm

Bao wrote:
Trick wrote:Even the old Viking berserkers tripped on mushrooms to come out strong while fighting.....those who survived the battles came out wrecked physically as mentally.

I’ve not heard many or probably any story about people becoming extremely aggressive or go berserk on mushrooms. I believe it was probably Henbane. They used it as flavoring for mead and other things. Maybe in shamanistic rituals as well.

Yes the henbane(belladonna)/berserker is being theorized on but maybe a little more recently compared to the fly-agaric/berserker theory....However it doesn’t alter the theory that Viking berserkers probably were being high on psychedelia while berserking...

You live in the place that used to be kind of an spiritual Centre during Viking times - Uppsala.
There’s probably some very good institutions with up to date reserch where to find out more on the Vikings and their shamanic traditions

Basic Viking mead recipe - water, honey, hops


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:50 pm

gzregorz wrote:!

I even heard some theories that mushrooms gave us Christmas. I haven't researched the topic and haven't been that interested in the subject but perhaps someone hear knows more about this Scandinavian tradition. FWIW I heard this on Joe Rogan which I am not a big fan of but I will listen to for entertainment purposes from time to time yet it could all be total rubbish.
Christmas, the Scandinavian way, is the story of birth of Christ kind of fused together with the pagan Yule tradition...However both deal with the winter solstice

Speaking biblical - I read a theory that the Manna Moses and his flock picked from the ground where mushrooms
Last edited by Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby gzregorz on Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:40 am

Thanks Trick.

I will have to read up more on the subject someday.

I don't trust anything said on Rogan. Too much clickbait!

So much appreciated!

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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:01 am

As I can agree to that psychedelia seemingly “boosted” the pop/rock music/culture in the 1960’s, As an colleague of mine believed -Janis Joplin couldn’t have had that intensity and feeling in her performance without the drugs...About this the older guys of this forum may have witnessed closer...
But as I’m pretty sure of, the drug track is an rollercoaster eventually leading to free fall......
As I have said I have no experience in psychedelia or narcotics, but have closely observed alcoholics, hiding behind such as “a glass of wine a day is good for your health”, “one or two shots of hard liqueur during meals help with digestion” in other words saying ‘micro dosing alcohol is healthy’. However over time leading to addiction.....perhaps psychedelia isn’t addictive, but i doubt it, it probably also may lead one into other druggy down hill paths ?

@gzregors - as I was looking up on Vikings and their possible use of psychedelics, I found this, not too much Viking times but more the times of their descendants, it turn out that LSD was experimented with by the Swedish military too ... ychedelia/


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Quigga on Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:59 am

One or two shots of alcohol wouldn't be microdosing. More like half a glass or 1/3 of wine diluted with water. Or herbal medicines with alcohol, a few drops on a spoon or sugar cube. I get that vices can start with good intentions and the slippery slope thing, been there done that.

But if there are legitimate studies produced then why discourage people from seeking out treatment?

If you get a buzz or any sort of consciousness altering effect, it ain't microdosing. And you'd get your supply from the doc or pharmacy, I assume. So no need to search for more, unless you're curious. But curiosity killed the cat...

Maybe some fear from a more conservative standpoint? But I get it.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby gzregorz on Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:18 am

Thanks again Trick, I'll read that article. It's good to learn more about Swedish culture.

As the article mentions lots of mushrooms there. Supposedly a red and white mushroom led to our shared Christmas traditions and colors.

Here the military was also experimenting with LSD to be used on an opposing military so they would not want to fight. Which is understandable but also unpredictable.

As to addiction I can see where you are coming from. With Cannabis, for example, I would agree that with it now legal a lot more people are using and abusing it as if it were just like coffee. Which I don't think is a good lifestyle choice. Of course I am not saying you can't be successful and have a good life but like alcohol it is another vice.

FWIW psychadelics are not something people use just to get high. As Timothy Leary once said, the mind is a TV, coffee turns up the sound, alcohol turns down the brightness, marijuana turns up the colors and LSD is watching all 150 channels at the same time.

Like chasing white rabbits, psychadelics are not really a fun recreational experience the way drinking or smoking weed can be. Bad trips do happen and perhaps that's a good thing so people stop using and abusing them and eventually those people "often young" will move on to milder substances (alcohol or cannabis) where they have more control what will happen or no substances at all. With psychadelics that control is not there and this usually keeps people from returning for more.

I understand where you are coming from. The older I get the more I can understand why Mormons and other religions in both the east and west have such strict diets. I bring up the Mormons because they don't believe in drinking caffeine. Which seems and sounds strange but as you suggest I can understand it because there are studies that say the brain has a more steady flow of blood among non-caffeine drinkers whereas those who drink caffeine need caffeine to get that same blood flow. So essentially we shouldn't drink caffeine because by drinking caffeine we need to drink caffeine just to function.

Btw, I never got into or was ever interested in MDMA and don't considered it to be a psychadelic in the same way these others are. It may be considered a psychadelic to some but to me it seems to be in class all its own with a somewhat predictable outcome. With psychadelics in high doses you can't predict the outcome.
Last edited by gzregorz on Thu Mar 04, 2021 12:40 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby gzregorz on Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:35 pm

I found a video of the Christmas and mushrooms theory.

Can't verify the accuracy but here is the theory for entertainment purposes.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:38 pm

Sorry I can’t see the vid, however I find the topic Religion/Drugs relationship interesting,


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby wiesiek on Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:44 pm

most potent in terms of psychoactivity is DMT, and guess what - it is produced in our brain when death come...
Enlightig is doin` the same thing , I suppose.
back to the topic-
very small doses , is like get" high where not getting it" :)
meeks - my suggestion is - try Lions Mane muschroom with Reischi spores.

Lions Mane are able to rebuild nervous cells .
from chemical side you may try >NALT< - N-acetyl L - Tyrosine. It is kinda of amino acid, which is better absorbed by our nervous cells.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby wiesiek on Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:58 pm

Janis die `cause heroin and alc, two most addictiv substances on the Earth.
LSD, psylocibine,DMT - is zomething different.
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Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby Trick on Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:47 pm


Some theories/reserch point toward that our brain naturally produce ‘dimethyltryptamine’-DMT, especially during sleep(dreaming is supposed to be caused by it)...I’ll guess it(the brain)micro doses itself.
If this is true then adding any more of similar substances to ones system even if just micro dosing would probably cause an dangerous overload.
However one can theorize on if suffering an brain trauma then the brains DMT production might more or lesser be put off function and thus “need” an infuse from an outside source......
However such an process should most certainly be diagnosed and overseen and medicated by highly professional trained medical doctors......not shamans, or gurus...nor self prescribed
Last edited by Trick on Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: psychedelics as a medicine

Postby wiesiek on Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:32 am

your faith in contemporary medicine is outstanding :)
in fact
shamans has much better experience in disscused matter.
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