Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Trick on Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:37 pm

Don’t know about his preflight sex and alcohol habits, but I read somewhere Mike Tyson in his heydays was on no meat diet while training for a fight but the day or so before the fight was allowed to indulge in meat again making him feel empowered and predator like


Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby AJG on Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:13 pm

Here is a great idea. How about we start talking about the positives with respect to people we see practicing Chinese martial arts, rather than the negatives.

The idea of celibacy being good for men is common in nearly every sport and culture. This guy looks fit and strong and so maybe he could be doing something right.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby gzregorz on Sun Mar 07, 2021 1:08 am

I agree.

I shared it for feedback. But there's nothing wrong with a few jokes.

I have nothing bad to say just having some fun. It's all love. I have no doubt he is a verified bad ass.

I have met people were similar to this man in that they were rigid with their lifestyle to maximize their training much like most world class professional athletes such as marathon runners.

But I am also convinced that these people who I knew who were as serious as the man in the video reached a high level simply because they were extremely serious about their training more than because of what they were doing outside of training.

But I could be wrong.
Last edited by gzregorz on Sun Mar 07, 2021 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby CarstenM on Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:14 am

This is the Video of Jiang Yu Shan`s MMA fight against an unknown BJJ fighter:

So you can judge for yourself whether his 4 years without Sex, alcohol or meat were worth it... ;)

BTW for just 2497$ you can get his Macrocosmic Orbit course:
https://warriorneigong.com/the-grand-circle/ :o ::)
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby marvin8 on Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:37 pm

CarstenM wrote:This is the Video of Jiang Yu Shan`s MMA fight against an unknown BJJ fighter:


So you can judge for yourself whether his 4 years without Sex, alcohol or meat were worth it... ;)

BTW for just 2497$ you can get his Macrocosmic Orbit course:
https://warriorneigong.com/the-grand-circle/ :o ::)

Or for only $1,497 his "Internal & External Kung Fu" course:

Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan wrote:When you face death, all rules are broken. You need to survive - you need to prevail and need to do it by any means necessary.

Unlike in today's combat sports, the real Kung Fu of the past had no rules. It had zero limitations.

Wing Mu 4 - Jiang Yu Shan vs. Vova, full fight w/play-by-play commentary, https://vimeo.com/4943875

Excerpt from "Legs, elbows and fists of fury" - Taipei Times:

Marcus Aurelius on Jul 03, 2009 wrote:While audiences can expect to see hard-hitting strikes, expeditious takedowns and even some ground and pound, the men who will be scrapping are not just brawlers off the street or bouncers from some club. They’re English teachers, college students, office workers and martial arts instructors who spend countless hours training and getting their bodies in peak physical shape.

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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Overlord on Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:21 am

C.J.W. wrote:In the movie Rocky, there's this famous scene where Mickey tells Rocky's female admirers to get the hell out of the gym and admonishes him by yelling, "Women weaken legs!"

What old-time Western boxers knew from experience is actually corroborated by traditional Chinese medicine -- that rigorous exercise can cause one's Yang Qi to rise and increase libido which, when left unchecked, can lead to over-indulgence in sex and have an array of negative effects on health and stamina in the long run.

This is why traditional CMA practice usually include various types of soft neigong/qigong practice to nurture Yin Qi and "balance out" these side effects.

Muaythai fighter say the exactly the same thing. Taiwan military old school say the same thing.
Interesting I was just talking this with my Xingyi senior last night.
Having say that Daoist believes one must be able to transform one’s essence, 練精化氣⋯

As for negative portrayal on Jiang’s MMA fight, he was a special force with years of training~
Inside MMA cage with MMA rule, he may not perform well. But outside the cage in the wild, he can skin the other guy alive any time. It’s just different approach, he is train to kill. Not to train to play play.
Different set of skills just work better in different contexts~ don’t be stupid.


Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby marvin8 on Wed Mar 17, 2021 8:39 am

Overlord wrote:As for negative portrayal on Jiang’s MMA fight, he was a special force with years of training~ Inside MMA cage with MMA rule, he may not perform well.

Jiang portrayed himself in a fight, not us. Jiang showed a lack of "skills" (e.g., arm punching/not whole body, no defense against right hand-left hook-left hook, etc). The fight was not at the level of the UFC, where he may not last one round.

Overlord wrote:But outside the cage in the wild, he can skin the other guy alive any time. It’s just different approach, he is train to kill. Not to train to play play.
Different set of skills just work better in different contexts~ don’t be stupid.

In the "wild," he can get knocked out just the same—where there are "no rules" or canvas which can easily end his life.

Excerpt from "Elderly Asian Man Dies After Being Assaulted, Robbed in Oakland:"

Carl Samson on Mon, March 15, 2021 wrote:The 75-year-old victim, later identified as Pak Ho, was taking a morning walk when 26-year-old Teaunte Bailey approached him and allegedly punched him. Ho fell to the ground, hitting his head on the sidewalk. The impact resulted in brain damage. ...

“I warned him not to go to Chinatown and I asked him if he had seen the news. He said he didn’t watch television and I warned him that elderly Asian people were being targeted,” his care manager told ABC7 News. Carl Chan, the spokesperson of Ho's family, believes the incident fits into the pattern of recent attacks against Asian Americans. “Basically almost every single incident is against Asian community, or Asians, especially our seniors. So yes, I think it should be labeled a ‘hate crime,’”
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby roger hao on Wed Mar 17, 2021 9:32 am

Possibly a trick by Master to open a back door at the initiate's
marital domicile.
roger hao


Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Quigga on Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:19 am

If he could reliably kill someone he'd have no problem to win a MMA fight. There are no rules that forbid you to maim the opponent, as long as you don't kill them. You can crush joints and feet, maybe you can't finger lock, attack the balls or poke the eyes. But if you have to rely on those things I wouldn't call (general) you a good fighter. Maybe someone who has the will to hurt and little remorse/disgust to do so. The MMA fighter already knows it's on, so he is more attentive, which isn't necessarily the case when you want to hurt someone (surprise element). When you are attacked, it's a matter of how quick you can switch on. Or maybe you're already above fight or flight and have no need to go 'on. Or maybe you have energetic-mystical ways of avoiding/dealing with violence preemptively.

I noticed that he circles his opponent. Which, when I was doing sparring with people, usually wasn't a good feeling. You're unsure of how to enter, how to open the situation. You're afraid. His opponent just seemed to wait until the charade is over and remained solid. Jiang Yu Shan seemed rather stiff and inhibited.

His website reads like a spiritual get-rich-quick site or as if it advocates the new best fitness and weight loss / muscle building program while offering a product that isn't as great as it's made out to be. The prices are laughable. He seems to be rather proud of his iron hands, something that strikes me as comic and ironic when he claims to have transformed/purified himself of evil intentions.

I didn't like the way he trained applications with his - what I assume to be - blonde master disciple. It seemed to instill fear and tensions into him, nourishing unhealthy respect from student to teacher and giving the teacher a outlet for his egomanic tendencies.

Without getting personal - I don't like him. Also the clip in every video where he trains the Taiwanese? special forces - repeatedly pummeling someone from up top to down with your closed fist (okayish Pi Quan) into his face while stepping forward is hardly something I would be proud of in terms of combat - especially if he wants to move at the level where he claims or believes to be at.


Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Bhassler on Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:58 am

Quigga wrote:If he could reliably kill someone he'd have no problem to win a MMA fight.

No. Most of the scariest people on the planet would get their asses whooped in an MMA fight. This is not even comparing apples and oranges, it's comparing apples and plywood.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Quigga on Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:42 pm

And both have a bite to them ;) Either I haven't pitted enough scary people against MMA fighters in the cage or... what would be the preferred fighting area for a scary one, precisely? Of course you can use the environment to your advantage. Ring fighting could be said to be a clean combative experiment in the sense that the rules wittle the situation down to skill only.

My point is if 'you' are so advanced in the arts of violence and martial culture, then any hand to hand scenario would be easy. Same as a chess master against amateur.

What makes a person scary?


Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby AJG on Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:36 pm

The guy looks fit and strong and in this case he lost. I expected better to be honest. Maybe he was having a bad day.

My key take-aways from seeing this and a few other videos.

Stiff form training results in stiff sparring. I know some people argue you can just relax when sparring but I don't believe this at all. The best fighters are generally relaxed and smooth.

Is he suffering from the "Master never gets to practice with anyone good enough to be challenging" ? You are only as good as the people you mix with. Big fish in a small pond or small fish in a big pond. Once you become a master you have to present a certain image to students and so your skills can deteriorate. You see it often but then why would you go into an MMA fight, don't know.

The curse of the curriculum. Big system with lots and lots of stuff so not enough time to get really good at anything

Because he lost a fight does it mean he hasn't got anything good to offer - everyone does and no one is invincible.

I thought it would be better to be constructive than to criticize.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby dspyrido on Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:03 am

Quigga wrote:What makes a person scary?

Some examples:

- Complete & utter lack of empathy for their own person or anyone else. They will just keep coming until someone is badly damaged or dead. Not good even to win because of the legal considerations but they don't care.
- Those who think an even fight is one where they have stacked it their advantage e.g. only fight when they opponent is weakened, use massively unnecessary deadly force, 5+ of them against 1 lonely person etc.
- People who train to maim badly or kill. It makes it worse if they like doing it for fun. They will train in as many nasty ways to deliver this but the worse part is they will practice it wherever they can.

Generally a scary person is just plain unpredictable & dangerous.

Training in sports martial arts, fighters could have characteristics like these but if they are UFC level & they lack control for the rules then it does not work well for their career. The ones who don't have good discipline usually get booted. As a result training seriously for sports fighting it makes more sense to pay attention to handling opponent strength/weaknesses, weight cutting, point scoring, building cardio (3+ rounds for 3+ min) vs. learning to ambush someone with a sewing machine knife attack or carrying concealed weapons.

As for jiang...

At sport fighting he's ok.

Looks like he's won a few amateurs but all this nonsense about UFC level is just silly. The people who do UFC pro level are the 1% of 1% of 1% etc.

That said even the top UFC fighters with great records can get wiped out & have bad days e.g. st-pierre, askren, cerrone, rousey & many many others have had upsets & bad nights.

Without knowing the guy the impression I get is he is a passionate about the arts and is happy to scrap. Good on him for getting in the rings which is far less than can be said about the many cma martial artists ("masters" even) or keyboard warriors that don't step up and test themselves.

Sparring is good. Stepping up to competition mats is more challenging. Getting in a cage is a great challenge. At least Jiang has done it.

He also seems a bit eccentric, passionate about cma (& other arts) and a bit of a joker. Makes for an interesting character.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Quigga on Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:09 am

Maybe I was too quick to judge :) Just didn't want to hold back my honest opinion. I guess it's cool to practice constructive criticism and obviously since he's older than me and has immersed himself much deeper in the culture he has more experience, skill and knowledge than me for sure.

Here are a few videos I like:



Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby wayne hansen on Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:26 pm

Who saw the trick in the second clip
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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