Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

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Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Strange on Mon Mar 22, 2021 11:38 pm

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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby windwalker on Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:45 am

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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby origami_itto on Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:47 am

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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby windwalker on Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:04 am

oragami_itto wrote:

Guess some need it explained to confirm their own inner biases.

Not news until it supports the narrative.

Whats being reported lately in the news has being going on for quite awhile just not reported in main stream
news outlets as such. Already talked with family members and friends regarding whats being reported
and staying safe.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Steve James on Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:13 am

Interesting. So, that explains why White people are killing Asians so much. Seems like a way to displace the source of the hate or justify it, not stop it. Too bad this wasn't a thread about the causes of anti-Asian violence, or even why it's any different than anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant violence. Too bad we can't just say Stop Hate.

It was our White president and the "right" who coined the "Kung-flu" and said they were doing it to "us." And, it's the "right" that's inventing this competition between Asians and non-Asians. Anyway, afa the college admissions argument, it's White students who are favored over Asians, and yet Asians are still over-represented in terms of the general population.

As a proportion of the U.S. population, Asian-Americans fare well beyond their numbers in admission to top colleges. Asian-Americans make up about 5 percent of the population of public high schools in the United States and were 22 percent of those admitted to Harvard's freshman class this year [2017]. Asian-Americans make up 26 percent of the undergraduate enrollment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Of course, those numbers may not reflect the full extent of qualified Asian-American applicants. And there is no consensus on what data would actually demonstrate illegal discrimination.

But, like I said, this doesn't explain White hatred toward Asians.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby windwalker on Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:27 am

Steve James wrote:Interesting. So, that explains why White people are killing Asians so much.

supporting the narrative.

If one wants to talk of "groups"

Actually its the Blacks, that have been the main group targeting Asians, just doesn't get the same press or is reported
the same.

A while back in the local "Chinese" news papers in Chinese it warned about
Blacks targeting older Asians...

Collage admissions.

Must have missed the points concerning the admissions process in CA Colleges and some high schools that was being changed.
They lost the case also in one of the high schools in SF...
The main point was it was not merit based, regardless of what groups it affected..
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Steve James on Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:44 am

My point was/is that all you're doing is deflecting the hate to another source. It wasn't about "groups" at all until you brought up a video from the past about a subject (college admissions) that had nothing to do with what's been happening recently, and why Asians are demonstrating in the streets now.

See. I plan to participate in the Stop Asian Hate protests, just as I saw Asians participate in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations. The same goes for Stop Anti-Semitism, Stop Anti-Muslim, Stop Anti-LGBT violence, etc., I.e., all those lefty causes.

Now, afa admissions and colleges, I know a bit more than average about it from personal experience and professional research. Here's an incoming demographic class profile at MIT. https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/profile/
I don't know if it fits your "narrative" at all.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby windwalker on Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:58 am

Steve James wrote:My point was/is that all you're doing is deflecting the hate to another source. It wasn't about "groups" at all until you brought up a video from the past about a subject (college admissions) that had nothing to do with what's been happening recently, and why Asians are demonstrating in the streets now.


Not so...As mentioned just not reported as such.
You seem to be very selective regarding the video clip. It is "recent"
and does touch on the topic at hand.

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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Steve James on Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:16 am

I don't think you've even watched the original video.

Afa who the "left" hates, I'm sure you can find that the left/Democrats really hate the "Blacks", Jews and the poor. I think this more like the argument that "it was Antifa that organized the Capitol riots." Or, more typically like the argument after a mass shooting at a mosque, synagogue, or church. You know, "What about Chicago?"

Instead of saying that we ALL AGREE that attacks against Asians need to stop, it's "what about ...?" in order to blame the violence on someone. Moreover, to make the source of the violence is political: i.e., the other guy's politics.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Bao on Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:23 am

Racism against East-Asians is a very old and strange thing. And it's a very broad thing, many people everywhere have negative attitudes. It's not really isolated to certain social groups or classes. It's more about common attitudes.

From what I have understood the common caricatures and racist images started back in the gold rush. Read a lot about it. Lots and lots of Chinese people, men and women, where imported, tricked, deceived and even kidnapped to the US. The men mostly worked at the railroads, and many hundreds of women, young women and even girls as young as 12 were sold to big brothels.

And then as the gold rush took a sudden stop, Chinese (and also Irish) took most of the blame as the economy fell and unemployment rose. The attacks we see today against Asians is nothing really compared to what people did back then.

Today, it's pretty much accepted to make racist jokes or to say bad things about East-asians. Even to treat them badly is more accepted than to treat other minorities group bad. This attitude is not only common in the US, but in all of Europe as well.

Here, they have stopped many old children's comics, cartoons and books where there's racism against black people and against muslims. But I haven't seen anything done about racism agains Chinese or Japanese. Those seem to be Ok. How Hergé depicts Africans in Tintin in Kongo is bad. How he depicts Asians in Blue Lotus is just fine. (So this is the attitude we teach children today = making jokes about black people is bad. But making fun of Chinese is just fine.)

But hey, just look at the common attitudes against Chinese. The recent meeting with US and China started off with all kinds of aggressive accusations against China from the US side.

Media and politicians lie all the time about China. And people tend to accept everything because that the common view on Chinese is already pretty negative. It's politically correct to have a negative attitude towards Asians.

People tend to treat East-asians pretty bad, even on a daily basis. But it's so common that no one take notice of the every day attitudes and racism.
Last edited by Bao on Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:28 am

What a typically regressive response.

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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby windwalker on Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:57 am

But hey, just look at the common attitudes against Chinese. The recent meeting with US and China started off with all kinds of aggressive accusations against China from the US side.

Thought it was a good meeting.

The US got slapped by China publicly as it should have,
the way the US representatives started out.

Some very telling statements made by China, very strong.

China very pragmatic, understanding and acting in its interest.
Those I teach some recently from China, shake their heads at what’s happening in the US.
Some of them having lived though it in China.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Steve James on Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:06 am

But I haven't seen anything done about racism agains Chinese or Japanese. Those seem to be Ok.

That's not true. Just a week or so ago, the Seuss foundation removed six books from publication. Some were removed because of negative portrayals of Asians, specifically of Chinese. The debate had been going on for years, but it was immediately condemned by "the right" as an example of "cancel culture." Here's an example


Seems innocuous, but it recalled many of his earlier images, such as



You can Google all of this, btw. In general, afa anti-Asian sentiment in America, it has to be linked to the idea of what an American "looks like." He could be a fifth generation citizen, and will still be asked where he "comes" from. If he says, Queens, they'll ask, "No, where are you "from?" Hey, weren't Asians finally legally allowed to marry Whites in the 1960s?

The pity party isn't complete unless we remember the Natives who've everyone has screwed over.
Last edited by Steve James on Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Bao on Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:12 am

Steve James wrote:That's not true. Just a week or so ago, the Seuss foundation removed six books from publication. Some were removed because of negative portrayals of Asians, specifically of Chinese. The debate had been going on for years, but it was immediately condemned by "the right" as an example of "cancel culture."

Thanks for the update Steve. 8-)

Good to see that they react. Here those cartoons would still be considered ok.

windwalker wrote:Thought it was a good meeting.

The US got slapped by China publicly as it should have,
the way the US representatives started out.

Some very telling statements made by China, very strong.

Agreed. And I know that several Chinese officials were pleased by what happened behind curtains.

We'll see what comes out of this. It will be an interesting year. :)
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Re: Judge Caprio: Stop Asian Hate

Postby Steve James on Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:14 am

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