XinYi Chicken Step

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XinYi Chicken Step

Postby Strange on Sat May 15, 2021 8:18 am

Vid Description says it's Master Lu Songgao's close-door student.
Bai Laoshi gives detailed instructions on the finer points in Chicken Step.
correct me if I'm wrong, but ppl who knows human musculature system says
the legs are 50% of all the muscles,.... so i'd say its important to get your stepping

Last edited by Strange on Sat May 15, 2021 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby Overlord on Sat May 15, 2021 10:23 pm

Tuck your tendon. 筋要扣。
Very nice!


Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby Overlord on Sun May 16, 2021 4:33 am

AFAIK this was Tang Shoudao ( Hong Yixiang) taught in Xingyi in the old days.


Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby dspyrido on Sun May 16, 2021 2:51 pm

Chicken step does a great job to develop the legs to be strong yet pliable.
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby AJG on Mon May 17, 2021 3:01 am

That brings back memories. And yes it does build strong but supple legs.

I remember my late teacher bringing us to a big park on a windy cool night. Basically he said go to the other side of the park and I'll see you when you get back. He then lit up a smoke and walked away.

He said if legs not sore then not working hard enough.
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby Strange on Mon May 17, 2021 6:48 am

Bai Laoshi seems to be saying that its the front leg that jams into the ground,
with the pushing force from the kua being transmitted down via the thighs, knees, lower leg,
and then feet.
Very little pushing off from the rear leg
if too much pushing off, it is not correct.

I think this is the reason for the "particular" xinyi chicken step "flavor"
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby dspyrido on Tue May 18, 2021 2:38 pm

From the xylh I've seen it's pretty universal.

Depends on the position of the legs when in flight. Back leg pushes, front leg pulls - back and forth.

When the front leg pulls the toes grip the ground. The visualisation is jamming an opponents foot to the ground.
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby Strange on Thu May 20, 2021 9:35 pm

AJG wrote:That brings back memories. And yes it does build strong but supple legs.

I remember my late teacher bringing us to a big park on a windy cool night. Basically he said go to the other side of the park and I'll see you when you get back. He then lit up a smoke and walked away.

He said if legs not sore then not working hard enough.

I bet he hides somewhere and observe every move students make :D
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby AJG on Fri May 21, 2021 7:06 pm

To be open and honest strange no he didn't, he actually went off for a smoke. The cultural mentality was "I will show you and you need to practice without question then i may show you something else"

While I appreciate my late teacher always reminded us to work hard and focus on a few things (XYLH was enough, no need to do all 3 internals) I didn't always agree with the teaching method.

On the other hand you can have a teacher spending massive amounts of time spewing lots of information the student is not ready for and that conversely adversely impacts their development. Ultimately a student needs to listen to their own body and continuously make small corrections, that's really how you learn.

Now to chicken stepping in XYLH and why its so important. Its the key development exercise and my late teacher would harp on about it all the time. Chicken and dragon, chicken and dragon, chicken and dragon. In other words legs and waist. But he didn't tell us everything, we had to figure it out through feel and when we asked him he would "yes" and then "practice more".

* As was mentioned the toes grip the ground. That helps alignment of the musculature of the legs and the gripping of the toes is done as the weight transfers to the front leg so the weight is not on both legs. Don't use too much tension gripping with the toes.

* In terms of practice the hips face forward and the upper body through the waist turns with the intent of the upper body being 90 degrees to the hips. You need to learn to move the waist, not the hips. I commonly refer to this as not swinging your arse all over the place, or worse the knees. The teacher in the clip is sticking his arse out a bit rather than sinking the pelvis and stretching through the hip flexors. This happens when you haven't practiced this enough. A common thing that happens when people teach more than train themselves.

* Speaking of sticking your arse out this is not ideal, again its about relaxing the movement and sinking so that your pelvis hangs. Tucking is wrong, that's forced and leads to overall stiffness.

* Chicken stepping drives cross body coordination. The grabbing of the front foot coordinates with the opposite hand with the same happening with the knee to elbow and hip to shoulder. This is the basic to develop the 3 external harmonies but in a simple way though chicken stepping.

* Yao san ba is the opposite. You are still doing the same cross body coordination but its an opening movement following by a closing movement. Its the next step.

* In all the above tension must be let go as much as possible so that only the muscles required for the movement are doing the work.

Doing the above in a class environment is a bit silly imo. This is a development exercise best done on one's own so you can focus on all the above carefully. And most of all finding somewhere really long to do it is best. This morning I did 10 lengths of 50m reasonably slowly as I'm just getting back into it. If you feel pain in the front of the knee its because the pelvis isn't hanging, you are sticking your arse out. You should feel it in the quads. When your body alignment is right you can even added weighted vests to make it more difficult.

What i have explained above is an exercise used in XYLH but the coordination is the same in all the arts. Even in Hsing-I Santi you are practicing cross body coordination and you need to relax to feel the connection. If you do circle walking in bagua its the same, in fact I do it using some of the Tien Kan (heavenly stem) exercises I was taught. I don't really know bagua but I enjoyed just walking the circle. Once I was circling walking for half an hour then I suddenly felt this tension drop away in my hips and all of a sudden started walking twice as fast.

No magic, just practice. Practice, think about your practice, practice some more.

I do think some really smart people thought this shit up. It's not always airy fairy shit.
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Re: XinYi Chicken Step

Postby Strange on Tue May 25, 2021 12:27 am

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Yes I would agree some really smart, and dangerous, people this stuff up....
to the point that I feel their level of understanding cannot be attained by me
in this lifetime
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