Master Xuan Hua on Covid

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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Overlord on Sun May 23, 2021 10:14 pm

Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Talk at Gold Wheel Sagely Monastery
Los Angeles, USA.
On August 16, 1992

Transcribed by An Syang

AIDS: The Scourge of Humanity!

Homosexuality opposed the way of yin and yang

The spiritual Mantra of Great Compassion Offers a Chance for Life

(Editor’s Note: On August 14, 1992, the Venerable Master lectured at the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas on the terminal disease which has tied doctors’ hands and caused people to pale at its mention — AIDS, and an alarming new illness — the “new pneumonia”. On August 16, the Venerable Master again addressed this topic at Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles, crying out to wake up the people of the world to this great crisis which threatens all of humanity, and exhorting everyone to recite the Great Compassion Mantra and the Shurangama Mantra to avert the crisis and preserve world peace.)

The New Pneumonia

We should follow the saying, “If you can renew yourself one day, then renew yourself every day.” Each day we should go forward a step; every day we should advance some. Otherwise we will waste our life in vain. We should recite the Great Compassion Mantra and the Shurangama Mantra. The Great Compassion Mantra can cure all illnesses. It’s said, “The Great Mantra of Great Compassion penetrates heaven and earth.” When you recite the Great Compassion Mantra, the heavens and hells will all take note of it. The more you recite, the more efficacious the response will be. However, you have to recite with consistency; you should not choose “lotuses today, and peonies tomorrow,” and be unable to concentrate on one. It’s said, “Concentration results in efficacy; scatteredness results in nothing.”

I remember when a village in northeastern China suffered an epidemic after the Japanese had surrendered. Several tens of people died every day, so several hundreds would be dead after ten days. In one household of eleven, there were thirteen deaths in three days. How could there be thirteen deaths in a household of eleven people? It was because there were also a relative and friend who had come to visit the sick family, not knowing that when they got there they would dies along with the others. This was a really severe epidemic.

At that time, I took four eleven or twelve-year-old boys with me to this village to recite the Great Compassion Mantra for the sake of the villages. After we had walkes all around the village reciting the Great Compassion Mantra one hundred and eight times, the epidemic mysteriously disappeared. From this, I knew that the response from reciting the Great Compassion Matra is inconceivable.

Now we have come to the Dharma Ending Age. What is “Dharma Ending”? It mean the Dharma is about to fade away and trail off. Few people have real faith in Buddha, and the Buddhists are slandering the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. How can this be called believing in Buddha? This is called believing in demons. Believing in demons, they come to destroy the Buddhadharma.

And so all kind of evil phenomena appear in this world. Be they natural disasters, man-made calamities, or the spread of epidemics. Natural disasters include swarms of locust , droughts, and floods. Man-made calamities include plane crashes, derailed trains, and car collisions, all happening without any apparent reason, and resulting in a multitude of human crises. Then there are the earthquakes which been occurring everywhere, frightening people.

But people only know to how to become scared when the catastrophes occur. They don’t know to look for the root of it. natural disasters do not belong to the Nature. Nature has no disasters. It is the human species which suffers disasters. Man-made disasters are disaster which we bring upon ourselves. Earthquakes occur because people are fond of war, have big tempers, and kill countless people. “Do you want to die? Do you like to kill people? Fine, we can all die together!” and so the earth quakes. These are all various kinds of evil phenomena. We people! Why do we fail to investigate and find out where the roots is at? Let me tell you , that these natural disasters, man-made calamities, , and earthquakes, all the various accidents of planes crashing, train derailing, ships sinking, and cars colliding, are all created by the minds of people. People’s minds are not as they used to be, and virtue and morality have deteriorated, and so these unusual phenomena have appeared.

The most frightening thing in the human world now is homosexuality. Homosexuality is a practice which opposes the life principle of the universe.Which goes against the creative energies of YIn and Yang a, and which violates the laws of the nation.

This kind of behaviour will cause the country to perish and the human race to become extinct. If the country perishes, then it’s no longer a country, and the human race is also cut off. Although homosexuals are so infatuated with one another, they cannot reproduce, so the seeds of the human race will be lost. To plant corn, corns seeds are required. To plant melons, melon seeds are need. To plant beans, bean seed are needed. Not only do corn and beans have seeds, everything has seeds. Humans also have human sees. If the human seeds are destroyed, then human will all perish, and humanity will come to an end.

One Yin and One Yang Is Called The Way: Extreme Yin or Extreme Yang is Called Illness.

Now, homsexual conduct has already incurrred punishment from the heavens, yet the homosexuals aren’t even aware of it. What kind of heavenly punishment have they provoked? Well, as soon as they engage in homosexual behaviour, there are problems. This is because Yang (the male or positive principles) mutually overcomes Yang, and Yin *the female or negative principles) mutually overs Yin. Just take a look at a magnet, which has negative (Yin) side and a positive (Yang) side. There has to be one negative and one positive for the two to be sucked together. If both sides are positive they cannot be drawn together. If both sides are negative, it’s not easy for them to be attracted to each other. From the study of matter, we can deduce the principle of Yin and Yang, which cannot favor one and neglect the other.

The Book of Change says, “One Yin and one Yang is called the Way; extreme Yin or extreme Yang is called illness. When Yin and Yang harmonized together, this is the Way, when Yin and yang do not harmonize, illness results. The practice of homosexuality has produced AIDS. Some say AIDS originated in Africa, but Africa is not the source of AIDS. The original of AIDS is homosexulaity. When homosexual catch this disease, they have no medicine to treat it, and no way to cure it. The doctors all have their hands tied,m with no strategy for dealing with it.

What kind of disease is AIDS? It’s an epidemic which cannot be cured by any medicine. There are still people studying AIDS right now, trying to find a way to cure it. Alas! This is called knowing something cannot be done, yet insisting on doing it anyway. Attempting to cure it by force, they not only fail to cure AIDS, but what happened is that from AIDS came another “AIDS”, which is pneumonia.

This pneumonia is even more vicious than AIDS, once you catch it. This illness can be transmitted through the mere shaking of hands. If the sick person merely opens his mouth to speak, he can pass the disease to you. Not only ordinary people have no way to treat this disease; even among the doctors and nurses, in the last year alone in the U.S., nearly twenty thousand have died from the new variety of pneumonia. There’s no way to avoid it —- even face mask don’t work. When there is body contact, the infection is transmitted. It can even be pass through the air.

This kind of illness is more devastating than the atomic bomb. It’s more devastating than the hydrogen bomb. That’s why this is a catastrophe of epidemic proportions. Now that this epidemic has struck, not only do men has this disease, a great number of women have also been infected. And not only do women have it, even babies are getting born with this kind of pneumonia and with AIDS. Just look! how terrifying this is!

Throughout the world now, if we count it up, we find that the number of people with AIDS and this pneumonia is not small, for some are infected with the germs of pneumonia while still in the womb. That’s why all over the world, the final days of the human race have arrived.
The so called final days means that all will be annihilated, all will disappear.

So what should the human race do when it encounters this kind of calamity? We should recite the Great Compassion Mantra with the utmost sincerity and earnestness. The Buddha said that the Great Compassion Mantra can cure the eighty-four thousand illnesses of the world. All the eighty-four thousand kinds of dresses are covered, including AIDS and pneumonia.;
We should bring forth a min of utmost sincerity, and be as earnest as when we are eating, as earnest as when we are dressing, and as dedicated as we are to sleeping, so much so that we cannot miss any sleep. We have to merge the Great compassion Mantra into our daily activities, so that it becomes an integral part of our everyday life. If we can do this, then AIDS will be afraid and pneumonia will also be afraid. But this requires our utmost sincerity.

Over half of the human population in the world is going to perish, and those who will be left will be people who cultivate the Way, who cultivate truly , those who recited the Buddha’s name, those who recite Sutras, those who are vegetarian – these people will be able to remains.

I’m not saying this to terrify you. It’s just that the time has come when I can no longer refrain from shouting and crying out, to tell all of you that this current age, is not a time of peace. It is very dangerous, and each morning we have not guarantee that we will see the evening, for the danger can come at any moment.


Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Overlord on Sun May 23, 2021 10:16 pm

By Master Xuan Hua 1992

We are most unlucky, being born in this Saha World. There is no happiness here, only misery of all kinds. People are not like they used to be; moral virtue has so deteriorated that it is dying out. Everyone is selfish and self-interested. You are contentious and I am avaricious. You rob and I seize by force. You hurt me and I hurt you. Even loved ones and our closest family members kill each other. Many countries and families are broken. People are on their way to extinction. This is one of the most unfortunate results from countries not acting like countries, families not acting like families, and human beings not acting like human beings.

Although all this is unfortunate, we still have a ray of hope in a world full of evil and misery. What is this silver lining? It is that the Buddhadharma is still here. Since the Buddhadharma is here, we still have the opportunity to transcend the Saha World. That is, if we can boldly step back from the fierce current, set our sights on Bodhi and be most sincere in cultivating and sustaining the Buddhadharma. Otherwise, we will remain in the endless cycle of the six paths. We will never be able to escape this kind of misery.

For this reason, we must make the great resolve for Bodhi when we cultivate. We must become free of the misery of life and death. This way we will not have wasted our having left the homelife. Otherwise, we only continue to dress, eat, and sleep. We may dress differently than laypeople, eat differently, but we are still just as frustrated and afflicted, fraught with quarrels and arguments. Our thoughts fly east and west all day; we're either seeking fame or fortune. We only waste our time and let our energy disperse. If we always search for answers and the truth outside of ourselves, we cannot change our habits even if our search were to continue until the end of time. We cannot possibly transcend the suffering of Saha. For this reason, each of us must establish our goals and see clearly as to what it is that we need to do.

When we are cultivating, the most important thing is that we do not contend: not contending means not competing to see who's stronger and discuss who's weaker. Fighting over to see who is right or wrong. But we cannot be ignorant about the truth. We must know where we came from and where we're headed, and know how we can change our habits. Do not become worse by adding a few more habits each day. We are being extra greedy that way, never being satisfied. We are always afflicted no matter what situation we're in. That is why it is said that, "Being content is to be happy always, we can be patient and be at peace." When we are content we are happy all the time; we shouldn't be discontent. If we're not content then we're always miserable. It is like frying pancake, when it is overcooked, it becomes burnt. The more it is burnt, the more it continues to sizzle; the more it sizzles, the more it gets burnt. So much so that the pancake turns into charcoal. That kind of pancake cannot relieve anyone's hunger at all.

Eating that kind of burnt pancake is like swallowing charcoal. Your whole body might feel feverish and lethargic because you did not watch for cleanliness and ate charcoal. What does charcoal symbolize? Greed. No matter what happens, we shouldn't be greedy. Be content and be patient. People ignore this kind of supreme and wonderful dharma. If we do not contend and are not greedy, then our blessings and length of life would be limitless. If you are contentious, avaricious, disturbed, and worried, then you will have more than a few offenses. It wouldn't help even if you want to transcend the Three Realms.

We are cultivating so that we may eliminate our habits from since time immemorial. This is crucial. "Why do I always fight with others over who's right or wrong, stronger or weaker, better or worse? What am I doing?" We ought to reflect and ask ourselves these questions and check our own behavior. Do not gossip and compare. There is no gossip, so you create some. There is no affliction, so you induce some. You really do not know how to cultivate then and you do not' realize the importance of leaving the homelife. If each of us can [refrain from contention and greed], there may be hope yet. If we continue to do the reverse, the situation would be hopeless, like having some terminal illness, cancer, AIDS, or the new pneumonia

Now there is a brand new kind of pneumonia in the company of AIDS. AIDS and diseases of this type are fated disaster. Catastrophes of war, fire, flood and plague are happening not just in one country, but are spreading hopelessly throughout the world.
The average individual cannot help and physicians die from them too. Anyone who gets close to patients with new pneumonia can contract it by breathing.

AIDS and the new pneumonia are related. AIDS and homosexual behavior are also intimately related. How are they intimately related? It is because people now ooze of lust. People have AIDS because homosexual behavior is contrary to the principle of procreation between males and females. This is behavior that ends countries and races. It is behavior that leads to mutual destruction and assassination. We cannot possibly finish speaking of their negatives. But there are actually monsters and demons, ghosts and goblins that stir up problems by promoting homosexuality. Although I have never counted, I know that half of the populace in each country has homosexual tendencies. This kind of behavior destroys nations, individuals, and all families. This kind of behavior defies creation and the principle of yin and yang. "One yin and one yang is Tao, extreme yin or extreme yang is a sickness." Too much yin or too much yang will definitely create terminal illnesses. We people are here indulging in our greed and lust, doing whatever we please. We are no better than beasts.

Take a look at animals. They do not practice homosexuality. Someone argues, "Lock mice of the same sex together and they will practice homosexuality." That is because you force them. They cannot help but practice homosexuality. But no one forces human beings to practice homosexuality, so why do you? Going against the law of creation leads to illness. These illnesses serve as warnings for people, telling them what to avoid. If you do these things, you will face extermination. But people still refuse to wake up. Thing are getting worse by the day. It is not enough that we have AIDS now, there is also a new kind of pneumonia. Pneumonia could be treated but the mother of this new pneumonia is AIDS. It is because of AIDS that this strain of pneumonia is born. It is pneumonia but it is a fatal disease. People die from this sickness. There is no medicine for this disease, even doctors have their hands tied. A doctor may shake your hand when he's trying to treat you and contract it. Or as you two talk, its virus may reach the doctor by your breath. Even doctors will die from it. Nurses and physicians are defenseless. Even if they wear facemasks, [airborn contagions carried by] breath will still come through and spread. Masks are no insurance. This is the karmic obstruction of living beings. When this disease arrives, everyone dies.

What kind of people can avoid death? People who are really cultivating the Way and who really believe in the Buddha. Graced by the protection of the Buddha, we can avoid these disasters. Why do we want to avoid these disasters? It is because we need to preserve the seeds of the human race. If we Buddhist do not respect ourselves, we'll end up like everyone else. We cannot survive either.

The exceptions are those old cultivators who live in the mountains. They see no one and live a long way from civilization. Only these types of people have a chance of survival. People ought to avoid seeking now. What are we in search of? Men and women are what we sought after. Men are eager for love from women, which is seeking for something outside, always looking for pleasure outside of ourselves. When we find happiness, we've found death. We are interacting with the lord of death.

There is also refraining from being selfish. Why do we lie or exaggerate? It is because we want to be selfish and pursue self-benefit. If you are not selfish and do not pursue self-benefit, you will not lie or exaggerate to deceive people. You will not flatter and fawn, speaking with cunning. Confucius had said, "Being sycophantic and obsequious is inhumane." Someone who flatters and ingratiates does not have the virtue of humaneness.

This is why cultivators must not be self-satisfied and exaggerate. Why should we avoid self-satisfaction? It is as said, "fullness invites damage, humility takes in benefit." If you're self-satisfied and consider yourself outstanding, there will be harm. Humility takes in benefit. Be a bit humble and respectful, be kind and gentle towards everyone. Respect everyone. If you are not humble, you are being arrogant. If you are humble, be sincere; do not be overly humble. When you are too humble, you only brownnose people and flatter them. This contains deceit, which means it is not humility. Everything must be done just right; do not go over or under. If you can be altruistic, you will not lie or exaggerate. Do not be so pretentious and dishonest. No matter what kind of state cultivators experience, they shouldn't consider them "states".

More than thirty years ago, I said, "human beings will not be human beings in the future." People are having their skin replaced. Some people will paste dog skin on their wounded skin. After a while, they become dog-like because they have become one with the dogs. There will even be skin replacement made with horse, cow, sheep, chicken, dog, or pig skin, etc. People will be like automobiles with exchangeable parts: the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney can all be replaced. For instance, when someone gets a heart transplant from a dog, he will behave and think pretty much like that dog. This is extremely dangerous. Do not think such a world will be a better world. Potential danger is rife in that improvement.


Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby GrahamB on Sun May 23, 2021 11:40 pm

Thanks - I'll try and remember not to paste dog skin on my wounded skin, but it's hard you know? Sometimes you just get the urge...

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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Overlord on Mon May 24, 2021 1:06 am

You do what you like. Graham.
Old master aimed to people who listen.


Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Giles on Mon May 24, 2021 2:07 am


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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Overlord on Mon May 24, 2021 3:33 am

Giles wrote:老法师是大傻瓜



Well, he predicted Covid. Guess he no too smart.
I am not too smart either, so only following his way not think too much.


Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby JessOBrien on Mon May 24, 2021 10:30 am

I got to attend some lectures by Master Hsuan Hua and his student Heng Sure at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas back around 1993 and 94. He was an imposing man, and he spoke with authority and compassion. He gave me some advice that I still follow today.

I'm sure I would disagree with him about a lot of political issues.

He was a very conservative man teaching a very conservative brand of Buddhism.

I can respect that even if I disagree.
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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby GrahamB on Mon May 24, 2021 11:23 am

I don't care who he is - his brand of bigotry has no place on this forum. Why is this not being removed?
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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Overlord on Mon May 24, 2021 3:08 pm

GrahamB wrote:I don't care who he is - his brand of bigotry has no place on this forum. Why is this not being removed?

Wow.. :o
It all depends who is bigger bigotry I guess. ::)


Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby yeniseri on Mon May 24, 2021 3:52 pm

Sadly, there are quite a few "enlightened" masters out there per their daoist clothes wearing gettup while spouting ignorant and unintelligible dogma about humanity not realizing their original lesson of the Daodejing, which is as pure as the driven snow and serving as a tool of resurrection. I am surprised many follow the stream just because it is the thing to do as opposed to diverting the water to where it is essentiall;y needed.

The sound of thunder may be impressive but it is the droplet of rain that nourishes the blades of grass. Daodejing, I think 8-)
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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Overlord on Mon May 24, 2021 5:53 pm

JessOBrien wrote:I got to attend some lectures by Master Hsuan Hua and his student Heng Sure at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas back around 1993 and 94. He was an imposing man, and he spoke with authority and compassion. He gave me some advice that I still follow today.

I'm sure I would disagree with him about a lot of political issues.

He was a very conservative man teaching a very conservative brand of Buddhism.

I can respect that even if I disagree.

What political issues you disagree?
What teachings do you still follow today?


Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Finny on Mon May 24, 2021 9:11 pm

Yeah that's some funny shit. Even funnier that anyone would bother to listen to that tripe. Funnier still that anyone would call that 'predicting covid'.
Thanks for the laugh.
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Re: Master Xuan Hua on Covid

Postby Finny on Mon May 24, 2021 9:56 pm

Overlord wrote:
Giles wrote:老法师是大傻瓜



Well, he predicted Covid. Guess he no too smart.
I am not too smart either, so only following his way not think too much.

Hey Overlord - I was just wondering - how do you feel about these statements? Do you think they are accurate and true?

Master Xuan Hua wrote:
Now there is a brand new kind of pneumonia in the company of AIDS.

Do you know what this 'new kind of pneumonia' was? Because of course, like AIDS, pneumonia is not a pathogen, it is a condition caused by something else - what exactly is the venerable master talking about? He doesn't seem to go on to explain how exactly homosexuality causes this pneumonia.

Master Xuan Hua wrote:The average individual cannot help and physicians die from them too. Anyone who gets close to patients with new pneumonia can contract it by breathing.

AIDS and the new pneumonia are related. AIDS and homosexual behavior are also intimately related. How are they intimately related? It is because people now ooze of lust.

Do you not see the inherent contradiction in these statements? The 'new pneumonia', whatever that is he's talking about, is related to a syndrome cause by HIV? But the average individual cannot help, and physicians die from it too? Where can I read about this 'new pneumonia' he's talking about? And if it's directly related to homosexuality, why would the 'average individual' (assuming he means not-homosexual) be affected?

Master Xuan Hua wrote:Although I have never counted, I know that half of the populace in each country has homosexual tendencies.

Does this make sense to you? We should abandon all census practices at once, save our money and just ask the master to give us the stats off the top of his head?

Master Xuan Hua wrote:
Take a look at animals. They do not practice homosexuality.

Really? It's been VERY thoroughly documented that homosexual behaviour occurs in many animal groups. Out in nature, not where they're 'forced'. Do you believe this wisdom from the master?

Master Xuan Hua wrote:... new kind of pneumonia. Pneumonia could be treated but the mother of this new pneumonia is AIDS. It is because of AIDS that this strain of pneumonia is born.

There is no such thing as a 'strain' of pneumonia, it is a condition of the lungs caused by something else. What on earth is he talking about?

Master Xuan Hua wrote:It is pneumonia but it is a fatal disease. People die from this sickness. There is no medicine for this disease, even doctors have their hands tied. A doctor may shake your hand when he's trying to treat you and contract it. Or as you two talk, its virus may reach the doctor by your breath. Even doctors will die from it.

Again, pneumonia is not a virus. 'What' virus may 'reach the doctor by your breath'? Covid? If so, what's the connection with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome?

Master Xuan Hua wrote:There is also refraining from being selfish. Why do we lie or exaggerate? It is because we want to be selfish and pursue self-benefit. If you are not selfish and do not pursue self-benefit, you will not lie or exaggerate to deceive people.


Maybe the venerable master could have considered his own advice and you know, not commented on matters of medical microbiology.

Master Xuan Hua wrote:More than thirty years ago, I said, "human beings will not be human beings in the future." People are having their skin replaced. Some people will paste dog skin on their wounded skin. After a while, they become dog-like because they have become one with the dogs. There will even be skin replacement made with horse, cow, sheep, chicken, dog, or pig skin, etc. People will be like automobiles with exchangeable parts: the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney can all be replaced. For instance, when someone gets a heart transplant from a dog, he will behave and think pretty much like that dog.

Ah yes, the old dog-human heart transplant. Why didn't we tell the doctors that was a bad idea?!

Or as Paul Simon said, why didn't we think of the boy in the bubble, and the baby with the baboon heart?
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