What's the point of martial arts?

Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

What's the point of martial arts?

Postby Quigga on Mon May 31, 2021 7:52 am

Just something I'm asking myself now.

Reasons to practice martial arts:

-defend yourself: but how often will that happen if you live peacefully? Carrying a knife / gun maybe with permit for concealed carry will work just fine as a scaring tool.
'Worst case' - what's that for each individual? Home intruder, classical robbery on the street, pervert in a bar or metro, bullying, issues with selfworth/confidence, close quarter police work, patients that assault you, soldier work, mercenary work, for some live action role playing, defense against paedophiles, idk what else. Maybe before you go to prison would be wise to practice too.

-meet other people / self care / exercise / build confidence / out of interest and curiosity / historical research

-interest in mind body connection / study, mysticism and spirituality / tool for personal transformation

-building athleticism, building health for old age, proving one's man or womanhood

-making a professional athlete career out of sports martial arts
-body guard work
-making a professional career out of potential lethal violence and protecting / securing financial and geographic interests

The last interest group I mentioned probably has their own methods of schooling warriors which relate only little to CMA. Chris McKinley from this board comes to a mind as a further clue for research. Maybe combining IMA, neurological work, Extrasensory Situational Awareness, gun work and how to move as a unit.

Question: is killing good or bad? Is it bad to engage in killing if one doesn't have to? Some people will always join police/military no matter what you do, current state of world requires intervention in Africa etc
What makes a person decide civilian life is boring and to take up arms with lethal intention

Geopolitics is too complex for my brain. Who wants what area and for what reasons and what's the length they're willing to go to secure that

I mean isn't it freaking scary to be shot at and stabbed etc
Why would you risk your wellbeing for that
To a degree I understand maybe

Glory, pride, the rush, feeling alive, proving oneself, being curious about killing / maybe enjoying it
Sense of companionship, belonging
Having clearly defined good or bad guys to escape internal chaos, us vs. them

The last point is a bit weak since civilian casualties exist, but you get me

Oh and if we talk mercenary work
Money, women, drugs, adrenaline, being the biggest in the jungle

Maybe for soldiers/police a sense of duty, of belonging to something greater than oneself, a sense of orientation

I know too little about karma to comment on that
But people who have to live out this 'violent' karma will not doubt themselves when going down this path

Anyway peace


Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby Quigga on Mon May 31, 2021 11:44 am

Oh, I forgot having fun and making friends :)


Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby yeniseri on Mon May 31, 2021 12:18 pm

Compared to sewing, knitting, dress making or baking, my preferene was taekwondo.
The idea of being active, having some sense of personal kick arse knowledge, the challenge was there to take up! I wasn't the best but I got to test myself with others of the same age and a few older fellows.
I was around 14 years of age. Over time, I got to see which art I preferred and why and thence began my perpetual journey 8-)
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby dspyrido on Mon May 31, 2021 2:50 pm

Yes all the above and varies with time. I started with self protection, moved to enjoy fighting/sports, then strength/fitness, spiritual pursuit, then to keep me grounded, then to get me doing something while getting healthy again, then a fun fascinating pursuit around technique & body recruitment, longevity & quality of life.

In summary because it's fun, fascinating & wholistically healthy.

As for killing - I've never had to do it but it exists and is the way of the world. Most martial arts in urban societies is not for killing but is a great deterrent. Militant societies don't need much martial skill - just easy access to weaponry and the ability to ambush.
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby Bao on Mon May 31, 2021 6:47 pm

I see my practice most as a good tool for self-study, something to help me to better understand myself and the world.

The strange thing here in the modern West is that we don’t really have our own systems or structured training methods for self-grow and self-improvement. I would assume that in older, or even recent days, this human need was much taken care of through religious practice. Today, as religion has lost its meaning for a lot of people, things as Yoga, meditation, qigong and martial arts fills that void for many.
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby Ian C. Kuzushi on Mon May 31, 2021 7:07 pm

If you had a CCW, you would know that you don't carry a weapon to scare people.

Everyone has their own reasons for taking up MA. Usually, there are more than one and they also change over time.

I started as a kid because there was a budding gang problem in my small town and I was getting bullied. Then I became interested in history and culture. Then woo woo. Then competition. Then coaching. Now I just do a bit here and there to maintain what I can.

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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby Quigga on Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:35 am

I don't have a permit to carry concealed stuff, you're right :) I thought that flashing your weapon for a short time can act as a deterrent. I'm also not super lethal or whatever, didn't want to come across like such a guy.

I try to avoid circles of people / areas where I would potentially need to defend myself or attack preemptively :)


Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby johnwang on Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:09 pm

In the past 2 years, I was very interested in dealing with the incoming punches. If I can let my opponent to throw 40 punches, but none of his punches can touch my head or body, I'll feel good.

It also makes me to feel good when I throw a punch and my opponent tries to block it,

- his blocking hurts his arm (my 3 star training show good result).
- his blocking open himself up, so I can throw my next punch (I can recognize a leak).
- before his arm making contact on my arm, I pull my punch back, he blocks into the thin air (lead him into the emptiness). I then throw another punch at him.
- I pull his arm, and punch him with another punch (my punch can always follow by a pull).
- ...

If I can achieve any of these, I can smile in my dreams for the next 3 days. Even money won't be able to buy me this kind of "fun".
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby GrahamB on Tue Jun 01, 2021 10:59 pm

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
One does not simply post on RSF.
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby wayne hansen on Wed Jun 02, 2021 12:19 am

Flashing a weapon to intimidate might be the last thing u ever do
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby wiesiek on Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:19 am

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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby MiaoZhen on Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:23 pm

GrahamB wrote:"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

The best answer for sure!

But, seriously, everything in the original post. And I do think that reasons change with time, and it's nice to be able to do a practice that can change and evolve with the person as they need it to.
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby johnwang on Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:26 pm

If I can use "double hooks" to block all incoming straight punches, I will be happy for the time that I have spent in CMA.

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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby nicklinjm on Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:48 pm

@John Wang - I like the double hooks, resembles an idea / technique I learnt in xingyi. Does it come from your northern mantis training?
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Re: What's the point of martial arts?

Postby johnwang on Wed Jun 02, 2021 6:22 pm

nicklinjm wrote:@John Wang - I like the double hooks, resembles an idea / technique I learnt in xingyi. Does it come from your northern mantis training?

It came from the SC "黄瓜架 (Huang Gua Jia) - entering strategy".

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