Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Quigga on Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:52 pm

Then why have a discussion board?


Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Bhassler on Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:11 pm

Doc Stier wrote:Fair enough, but why are you guys giving him so much energy and attention then? Just curious why it even matters to anyone what he claims or what he does? It certainly doesn't affect my training in any way whatsoever, and I'm guessing not yours, either. :-\

-Because discussion is how we develop community outside our own little silos.
-Because it might help someone keep from getting ripped off by a charlatan.
-Because I've learned from what others have posted about what is or is not realistic in the past, and it pushed me to learn more. I occasionally try to pay that forward in a small way.
-Because I've benefitted from CMA, and it seems shameful to just stand by and watch it decline for the sake of unscrupulous personal gain when it takes very little effort to say something and at least give people an opportunity to seek out something better.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Doc Stier on Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:52 pm

Your first point is good, and I totally agree with that reason, but your other points assume that we here are less capable of making the same observations and conclusions that you do, which you probably know isn't necessarily true.

In any case, no worries. Please carry on as you wish. It's all good. :)
Last edited by Doc Stier on Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Bhassler on Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:27 pm

Doc Stier wrote:Your first point is good, and I totally agree with that reason, but your other points assume that we here are less capable of making the same observations and conclusions that you do, which you probably know isn't necessarily true.

In any case, no worries. Please carry on as you wish. It's all good. :)

It's not necessarily for the people who are already here. It's for the people who are still seeking, don't have a lot of experience, and are going to do a Google search to find information.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby dspyrido on Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:33 pm

Bhassler wrote:1. CMA is not inherently shit, but most practitioners are. This is not necessarily their fault, as that's what they were taught by sub-par teachers. Some of those teachers are well intentioned, others are outright frauds. The frauds count on being able to hide behind false ideas of "wu de" to avoid having their shit questioned publicly, and thereby get to take advantage of more people who don't know better. This perpetuates the cycle of shitty CMA, and is a big contribution to why it's generally considered fake, or religious dance, or whatever.

YMMV but I would say that is it harder to find a nonsense CMA school than it is to find a normal one. Nowadays as most CMA schools have disappeared they are pretty much on par with most common martial schools & that includes karate, twd, bjj or fitness kick/boxing/mma gyms.

Back to the point, frankly to go down the shit practitioner path would require living in a box for the last few decades.

As for Wu de - it's culture. How about belts + stripes? How about bowing? Or hazing a poor sod with a 10 guys lined up using their belts as whips? Consider how they get used as a form of social control. The nature of it is really the same in that it starts with good intentions but over time is lost & even manipulated. It even gets more obvious when people mark up branded gi's 500+% or dose out the regular overpriced grading to get that little stripe or multi coloured belt.

Bhassler wrote:2. I can't speak for everyone, but my (and some others') issues with Jiang are not because he lost at MMA. They are because his stories don't track, and his displayed skills (in *any* context outside of body conditioning) don't match up with any sort of high level skills in his alleged realms of expertise -- traditional practice, military, street, or sport. Combined with the fact that he's suddenly "emerging" as a "grandmaster" who knows all the super-true uber-secret everythings about martial arts and spiritual guruship now available at a premium price online it all becomes suspect, at best. If all he did was get in a ring and say "this is my practice, this is my experience", then he'd be worthy of respect. It's all the other crap that tells a different tale.

Ok that makes sense. I don't know the guy and he could be somewhere between the real deal or a bit of a fraud. From his movement, he seems fine. He's had some tournament experience. Likes to break things. Posts videos of talking about the more esoteric stuff. Then charges a bucket for a course but then again he's not forcing anyone to pay & he is posting a lot for free.

As for 4 years of celibacy - frankly I didn't care when he said it and was surprised how much fixation it's gotten. If what he says is real then I like how it shows it's a myth to think that it will lead to superhuman powers. He hasn't shown any. The 100 day egg makes more sense than 4 years but in the end a bit of experimentation & applied common sense will show that for males having sex detracts energy from the body. If someone is training seriously ie daily then this sets back the clock. It's definitely a bad idea to do it the night before of a tournament. In one case we had a guy who had brought his girlfriend to an overseas tournament. On the day we could see he was sapped & performed at a much lower standard
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby GrahamB on Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:24 pm

I have not comment on this guy really, but just a general comment on the thread: You need "secrets" when people are paying you for them - if you run out of "secrets", you'd best invent some more.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Doc Stier on Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:43 pm

Commercial school curriculums generally depend as much or more on quantity of training methods and material than they do on quality of physical performance. Longterm income from the rice bowl usually requires an abundance of forms, drills, and other auxiliary practices to keep students coming back month after month over many years time. If teachers only taught a condensed distillation of their style's core concepts and principles, plus no nonsense training regimens, the turnover would be too high and too fast to successfully keep a commercial school going without constantly enrolling new students. Thus, preserving a good balance between quantity and quality is oftentimes quite challenging. :-\
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby CarstenM on Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:51 pm

For me, the problem with Jiang Yu Shan is that he displays himself as a unbeatable and enlightened Daoist Master and all this to rip off people who don't know better. Jiang is very athletic, he has a decent iron palm that is all true and admirable (if you are into such things), but other than that he is a rip-off!
His latest course costs 2479$ but when you check it's content it's just the basic 8 Yiquan postures (which he claims are for building muscle) and microcosmic orbit, all of this is free on youtube, taught by people much more qualified.
And in the comments of the accompanying video for this course

His disciple (the blond from the video) tells us the costs for becoming Jiang's direct student which is 32k:


This tells us everything!

The fact that Jiang (himself a striker) gets knocked out by a unknown grappler, without Jiang showing any specifics of the style he claims to have mastered is just another proof that he is not what he claims to be.
Last edited by CarstenM on Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby greytowhite on Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:31 am

suckinlhbf wrote:We are all human. We live at the MOMENT the same as other humans. Sex is kind of an intuitive behavior. Learning how to exchange, and nurture qi with sex would be more congruous. We can't say the air is polluted so we don't breath.

Exactly. Look at our closest primate relatives. People often point to the studies demonstrating the warlike nature of chimpanzee tribes when faced with resource manipulation. Look at the bonobos - they use humping to resolve almost all social interactions. Fucking and fighting - humans do both.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby GrahamB on Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:03 am

Who the hell is spending 32k on video games per year!?!?!?
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Bhassler on Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:46 am

GrahamB wrote:Who the hell is spending 32k on video games per year!?!?!?

I do.

And by "video games" I can only assume he means phone sex chat lines. I mean, come on, I haven't had sex or a hamburger in four years, gimme a break....

Actually, 32k Taiwan dollars is equivalent to a bit over 1100 US dollars, so maybe it's not actually that much...
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Fubo on Tue Apr 20, 2021 4:21 pm

Still waiting to hear how or if celibacy, short term/long term abstinence from sex, or semen retention, has any positive effects on ones training/ability, and if so what those effects specifically are... as opposed to some general vague description like building one's "jing", developing one's "potential" or stopping one's "depletion" in health and skill... There's too much esoteric vagueness around the supposed benefits of the various forms of sexual abstinence. Things like, "well boxers, Rickson Gracie and some CMA masters of the past did it, so there must be something to it" doesn't really help when the results can't be articulated clearly and quantified. I've met sports fighters and BJJ folks who were just as superstitious as some TMA people, so who's to say what they believe in isn't just blind faith in superstitions that were passed down from the past? It's like telling someone "do this and you will get a good result, but I can't tell you what the result is, but trust me, it's really good"! Not the best way to market your superpower skill building program. So, if anyone has any specific results from this type of stuff they can talk about, I'm sure there will be many who want to hear about it.
Last edited by Fubo on Tue Apr 20, 2021 4:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby CombatTaiChi on Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:57 am

Jiang Yu Shan's videos are preaty expensive. However to me they seems preaty good. I'm collecting some money to buy his videos.
BTW, discipleship(s) are preaty expensive. As I know in Tai Chi they go up to 100.000 USD.
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby CombatTaiChi on Fri Aug 13, 2021 8:12 am

Anybody purchased his The Grand Circle video set? Is it worth the money?
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Re: Jiang Yu Shan - 4 years no sex, alcohol or meat

Postby Dai Zhi Qiang on Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:00 pm

CarstenM wrote:For me, the problem with Jiang Yu Shan is that he displays himself as a unbeatable and enlightened Daoist Master and all this to rip off people who don't know better. Jiang is very athletic, he has a decent iron palm that is all true and admirable (if you are into such things), but other than that he is a rip-off!
His latest course costs 2479$ but when you check it's content it's just the basic 8 Yiquan postures (which he claims are for building muscle) and microcosmic orbit, all of this is free on youtube, taught by people much more qualified.
And in the comments of the accompanying video for this course

His disciple (the blond from the video) tells us the costs for becoming Jiang's direct student which is 32k:


This tells us everything!

The fact that Jiang (himself a striker) gets knocked out by a unknown grappler, without Jiang showing any specifics of the style he claims to have mastered is just another proof that he is not what he claims to be.

This guy is a compulsive liar and fraud.

He is not a Dai Xin Yi Quan master, I dont even think he has studied, Xinyiliuhequan formally as well as Shaolin Xinyiba.

I asked him who taught him DXYQ, he became very defensive and refused to comment. As far as I know there never has been any DXYQ lineage into Taiwan.

Now he is teaching a fugazi Dai, monkey fusion and charging thousands of dollars for it.

A friend who lived in Taiwan for many years, even said his monkey system is made up and animated and partially came from Wuzuquan or something (can ask him to clarify more, if need be).
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