Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby GrahamB on Wed Mar 30, 2022 2:32 am

I defer to the wisdom of Ray in these sorts of matters.
One does not simply post on RSF.
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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby origami_itto on Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:26 am

Ray knows the score. People can get away with too much disrespect.

I'm not a violent person, per se. I enjoy the game of fighting, don't like hurting people.

Currently I'm sort of insulated from problems I don't cause myself. I have to go out of my way looking for trouble to find it. That wasn't always the case.

When I was getting by on whatever I could scrape together driving around drug dealers and romancing strippers, it was a different situation.

In poverty you live on top of each other and the most common way to pass the time is getting drunk, plus there's a lot of assault and crime in general you have to look out for. And to say that average citizen in poverty could use a little enlightenment is an understatement.

The police are worthless. A neighbor once chased another neighbor across the courtyard and up a flight of stairs with a butcher knife and when we called the cops all they said was "he didn't actually touch him with the knife so no crime was committed, we can't do anything."

So when it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones it's not just a matter of responding to direct threats, you can't even appear to be a possible target or some goofball is going to take a shot. If they get away with it, it's open season, you need to move.

The precision application of violence by responsible and capable citizens helps keep certain people in line. It becomes known not to try any foolishness on them or in front of them or you will face the consequences.

Try Jesus, the song goes, but please please don't try me. Because I fight. And you will catch these hands.

One time I dropped by the club to visit my girlfriend and she was distraught. The bouncers told me some jackass bit her on the ass about five minutes ago so they kicked him out and he started walking North on A1A.

I tracked him down, made sure it was the right guy by asking a couple questions to confirm he had just bit a stripper on the ass because it was just so juicy he couldn't help himself.

I explained to him that his behavior was not acceptable and that if I found out he ever did anything like that to any of the girls in any of the clubs on the beach again there would be absolute hell to pay.

I punctuated my statement by putting two fingers on his temple and drawing a line to his back foot, which essentially crushed his structure and put him to the ground like a dropped sack of potatoes.

He jumped back up and for a second it looked like he wanted to fight but you could see him consider things and he straightened up and apologized and told me he would never do that kind of thing again. Don't know if he kept the promise.

Another time when I was "in recovery" living in supportive sober housing for veterans a couple residents were having a tussle in the courtyard. No big deal. Whatever. People argue.

It started escalating and the one white dude started throwing around the N-word at the other guy.

That had the potential to start spiraling out into the neighborhood, again we're living on top of each other. I could throw a rock and hit a door in the projects the swat team busted through and here he is dropping n bombs loud enough for me to hear it over the TV.

So I went down and got between them. The white guy was clearly the aggressor and there was another black guy talking sense into the other guy so I faced whitey.

"Hey man chill out"
"Fuck you I'm gonna kill that N----r!"
"Not tonight, man. Just go back to your place. You're gonna get kicked out like this."

And then the starts throwing these weak little, slow, telegraphed punches that I can just bat away with cat washes his face and I tell him calmly to stop before I make him stop.

He persists.

So I step behind, throw an arm across his chest and take him down in a gentle but punishing hip throw on the asphalt parking lot.

Like not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough to knock the wind and fight out of him.

Everybody went back to their own apartment, the staff never followed up and nobody got kicked out. I saw the two of them talking friendly a few days later so I guess they worked out their differences.

The last incident I want to share is the most involved.

I was living with my girlfriend and her 17 year old daughter in a block of apartments where the parking was about two feet from the doors, and hardly anybody had a car so they hung out in the parking lot.

One night one of the neighbors was drunk and started hitting on her daughter, she turned him down, he started getting rude, she got rude, I yelled down from the second floor for him to chill out and he told me to shut the fuck up before he kicked my ass. This was about three weeks or so after my ACL was severed in a BJJ match and my only medicine was pain pills and Taijiquan so I was still limping around and in a bit of pain.

I told him we would talk about that when he was sober.

So the next day with a clear head I walked up on him and told him now was his chance to kick my ass.

He started throwing punches, just knocked them aside and grabbed his head and put him in a headlock and gave him a gentle noogie. Let him go, he shoots and grabs my waist for a sloppy attempt at a double leg takedown so I gave it to him and made sure he wound up on bottom. In mount I started smacking his face around a little bit while he's bucking and struggling to try to hit me or throw me off. We wind up next to a cement column so he tried to buck my head into it so I asked him "are you trying to do this" and pressed his head gently against it.

Long story short I spent about five minutes just dominating him without harming him and preventing him from doing any sort of damage to me until I broke his spirit.

He gave up, I let him go and let him catch his breath. He apologized for getting out of line and I never had any trouble out of him again. He was the very model of politeness towards the ladies moving forward.

My point here isn't look at me I'm such a badass. Beating on undisciplined drunks, even when they're sober is hardly my idea of honorable combat.

My point is that one of the reasons I study this stuff is so I can try to be the person I wanted to have around in my life growing up. The police are only interested in protecting the interests of the upper class and punishing the poor. They could care less if we eat ourselves alive, less to deal with.

The tao te ching talks about cultivating the self, then the family, then the community, then the nation, or something like that.

I see these as somewhat related, we have a duty to cultivate our community. Sometimes that is through service in social organizations, sometimes it's in a little percussive recalibration of antisocial attitudes.

Sometimes you have to communicate your boundaries and let people know what happens when you cross them.
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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby marvin8 on Wed Mar 30, 2022 6:34 am

wayne hansen wrote:Also the way Will just turned back and walked away from a guy he has just hit
Anyone who has been in street fights knows the Adrenalin rush

Because in his own mind, Will got his masculinity back? In Will's acceptance speech, "Love will make you do crazy things." Otherwise, it's a publicity stunt (conspiracy theory), which neither one really needs?

At 2:30, "For the first time, we saw the real Will Smith ... an incredibly broken man... Will Smith has been spiritually annihilated by his wife. Don't forget it was Jada Pinkett Smith who openly shared with the world how she cheated on her husband, remember? And with who, her son's friend...”
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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby yeniseri on Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:49 am

Since I am getting older and stupider, I can only say that Karma is at the service of all.

1. Personally, the joke itself just didn;t do anything for me because I saw no harm but apparently the "joke" as a Rorshack! tool elicited a reaction with Mr Smith. A sort of Pavlovian conditioning reflex that drove the reaction of "bitch slapping" Mr Rock, who handled it "wonderfully" knowing the show had to go on. Use of the term (wonderful! may be off but if a man were to approach me like dat, I would have been in jail. ;D
2. The Karmic element is that Mr Smith's children have shown themselves to be "undisciplined" per the social media (current societal way of influencing opinions and other stupidities of the era) and his son was heard to have excalimed after his father's outburst "That's how we do it!0 Freedom of expression is again, wonderful.
3. Those children's behaviour has its fruit so as we sow, the same will we reap.

To sum up, the man who goes out with your wife gets away Scot free while you keep putting your own stuff in a vehicle to showcase "honesty" (The Red Table Saga ??? )and gettimg mad at people because you put yourself out there to be part of the Media Bling Fiesta. One of my favourite heroes in from the series Ertugrul (Turkish series) recently popular where whenever he closes with his enemies, he always ends up bitch slapping them into submission. I see it as comedy but it is fun!

Let's see how things will evolve because of the consequences of behaviour and their impact.
Last edited by yeniseri on Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby marvin8 on Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:37 pm

wayne hansen wrote:People here talk about combat all the time
Please discuss rocks reaction...

Also the way Will just turned back and walked away from a guy he has just hit
Anyone who has been in street fights knows the Adrenalin rush

A body language and behavior "expert" analyzes Chris' and Will's reactions.

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Will Smith shocked the world when he slapped Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards after the comedian made a joke about the Oscar winning actor's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. But was the confrontation real or staged? Learn expert level body language and behavior analysis and find out what to look for to know when people are lying to you!
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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby wayne hansen on Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:40 pm

Great explanation
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Re: Cancel culture vs bitch slap culture

Postby cloudz on Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:16 am

the buddha had pretty good advice on the things people say or think about us.
The question of comedians crossing lines has been around forever
hazing, taking the piss, banter has also been around for ever.

the question might be, should people have a thicker skin and more philosophical attitude to humour and its boundaries?
His apology says it all really, he knows he lost his shit and it can happen to anyone.
I do genuinely think it must be tough for stars to constantly have shit be said, whether slanderous or just plain untruth.
but heck, I guess that's where the great compensation comes in.

For my part, I know I've laughed at humour that's now considered offensive over my lifetime.
And still enjoy a bit of Jimmy Carr..
Some sensitivities may have no doubt changed; I grew up in the seventies and eighties UK, where humour like that of Jim Davidson and Bernard Manning was common place, and exactly the sort of thing you would get in working mens clubs etc.

I've been on the end of cultural/ ethical jokes personally, and whilst not particularly nice, it wasn't personal.
On reflection though, having said all that - a close family/ loved ones suffering is bad taste and more so bad form, I think in any day and age.
Culture be changing all the time, as it should, but some things won't.

I'm on the fence in that it's not the 'right' response, but sometimes stands need to be taken.
Which may prove there's always an exception to the rule dammit.
Last edited by cloudz on Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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