Poetry Club

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Re: Poetry Club

Postby origami_itto on Wed Mar 16, 2022 5:26 am

wiesiek wrote:My private booklet from grammar school, when I (short time), played poet, is in vain.
Bo kogóż rżnąć
same puszki wrogiem
i stal co cal
i gniew co zlew
żygać już nie wolno...
lose translation:

Who has to be fuck,
only cans are enemy
and steel what a inch
and anger what a sink
although, throwin` out already forbidden...

Ah the musicality of Polish.

Polish translation from one of "Alice in w. " poem ,

Było smaszno
i jaszmije smukwijne wężały
Peliczaple stały smutcholijne
a zbłąkinie

ach Jabbersmoka strzeż się strzeż
szponów jak kły i tnących szczęk
gdy nadpełga banderzwierz
lub dżubdżub ptakojęk

Okay so that's something I never thought I would see, jabberwocky in Polish.
The form is the notes, the quan is the music
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby wiesiek on Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:06 am

:) below rest of the verses.
funny, I remember whole thing from childhood, I have never learned it by heart.

w dłoń ujął migbystalny miecz
za swym pogromnym wrogiem mknie
łeb uciął mu i co tchu
galumfująco mknie

cudobry mój, uściśnij mnie
gdy Jabbersmoka sciął twój cios
o wielny dniu, kalej kalu
śmieselił się wraz w głos

było smaszno i jaszmije smukwijne
na zegwniku wężały
peliczaple stały smutcholijne
a zbłąkinie rykoświstąkały.
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby RickMatz on Wed Mar 16, 2022 10:21 am

Basho's frog went plop
and never heard from again.
A snapping turtle.
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby Quigga on Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:58 pm

Hahaha :D


Re: Poetry Club

Postby origami_itto on Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:41 am

Okay, so, this is probably a HUGE mistake.
This morning I felt a little squirrely so I decided to record myself reciting one of my favorite poems written by myself to send to my wife who is visiting friends in Texas this weekend.
I hadn't thought about this poem in about 8 years and I was waiting for my coffee to brew, so you get what you get. I get a little choked up at the end.
The form is the notes, the quan is the music
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby everything on Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:49 am

beautiful poem, beautiful recitation, hope she loves this! thanks for sharing here
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby Giles on Fri Apr 08, 2022 7:49 am

Not a mistake, I think. I get about two-thirds of the content and all the delivery: nice! If it comes from the heart, it's sometimes good to take the risk and just put it out there.
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby origami_itto on Fri Apr 08, 2022 5:03 pm

Thanks y'all.
The form is the notes, the quan is the music
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby BruceP on Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:13 am

Something I wrote a long time ago:

The deer knows when to drink
The tiger knows this well
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby Quigga on Mon Apr 11, 2022 12:56 pm

The king is dead. Long live the king!


Re: Poetry Club

Postby GrahamB on Sun Apr 24, 2022 12:59 am

“I wrote this poem 8 months ago and it changed my life”
by John Roedel

my brain and
heart divorced
a decade ago
over who was
to blame about
how big of a mess
I have become
they couldn't be
in the same room
with each other
now my head and heart
share custody of me
I stay with my brain
during the week
and my heart
gets me on weekends
they never speak to one another
- instead, they give me
the same note to pass
to each other every week
and their notes they
send to one another always
says the same thing:
"This is all your fault"
on Sundays
my heart complains
about how my
head has let me down
in the past
and on Wednesday
my head lists all
of the times my
heart has screwed
things up for me
in the future
they blame each
other for the
state of my life
there's been a lot
of yelling - and crying
lately, I've been
spending a lot of
time with my gut
who serves as my
unofficial therapist
most nights, I sneak out of the
window in my ribcage
and slide down my spine
and collapse on my
gut's plush leather chair
that's always open for me
~ and I just sit sit sit sit
until the sun comes up
last evening,
my gut asked me
if I was having a hard
time being caught
between my heart
and my head
I nodded
I said I didn't know
if I could live with
either of them anymore
"my heart is always sad about
something that happened yesterday
while my head is always worried
about something that may happen tomorrow,"
I lamented
my gut squeezed my hand
"I just can't live with
my mistakes of the past
or my anxiety about the future,"
I sighed
my gut smiled and said:
"in that case,
you should
go stay with your
lungs for a while,"
I was confused
- the look on my face gave it away
"if you are exhausted about
your heart's obsession with
the fixed past and your mind's focus
on the uncertain future
your lungs are the perfect place for you
there is no yesterday in your lungs
there is no tomorrow there either
there is only now
there is only inhale
there is only exhale
there is only this moment
there is only breath
and in that breath
you can rest while your
heart and head work
their relationship out."
this morning,
while my brain
was busy reading
tea leaves
and while my
heart was staring
at old photographs
I packed a little
bag and walked
to the door of
my lungs
before I could even knock
she opened the door
with a smile and as
a gust of air embraced me
she said
"what took you so long?"
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby origami_itto on Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:38 am


he put three cigarette lighters
shaped like pistols
on the coffee table
between a test tube
and a flat-tipped jewelers screwdriver
before passing the pipe to the left

he said they made these torches too weak
the smoke like an albatross
around his neck

he lit a cigarette
through three-inch butane jetfire
and drank cheap beer

somebody complained
that Bill would take forever
but nobody meant it
and he wouldn't hit it
until the fire was just right

but it don't matter
the meth high lasts
and he had stories
to fill twenty minutes more

he said he
stole the third lighter from the gook
that ran the quikstop and
talked about
how easy m-16s clean

as he pulled two of those lighters to pieces
laying each part down
side by side in pairs
and he put the third one in his pocket
and he only put one
back together

and i don't know what he did with the pieces
but they were gone
and it was tight
as his nerves on the fourth of july
and shot flames twice as high

and I wanted to ask him
about the stories nobody can finish
unless they're trying to sell you something

because Paint It Black is just a song and
Willem Dafoe is just an actor
and Bill is just a shell
that moves and smiles sometimes
when he's high enough and
shakes most other times

and he's alone not fighting Spiderman
just spiders in his head
sometimes he dances though
to Paint It Black and cries but
now he's focused

and tonight he's smoking glass and
fucking his best friend's wife
and it's all right
I don't want to ruin that
I take the pipe
and try to make him laugh
The form is the notes, the quan is the music
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby Quigga on Thu Apr 28, 2022 2:21 am

There are many forms of life in the jungle
Visible and invisible ones
Some creatures can be easily spotted, but would rather not to
Some spent their entire lives hiding, but their hidden beauty is founded in that
Some move and some seem not to
Some kill you without notice, some draw you in with colours smells and sounds you've never had the chance to embody before
They say the tiger is the king
Then the jungle is the queen

Who was there before
Who is bigger, who is smaller in their graspable and ungraspable effects

It doesn't matter as both take their allotted turns that were decided before even the tiniest speck of organic matter assumed a conscious configuration

One is reaping, one is sowing
Both have access to both, tiger and jungle

Who is living in whom
Where are the borders

Tigers are supposed to prey on humans only with good reasons
The jungle primarily takes away the unprepared and naive

Both contain lessons that are founded in their opposites - cruelty brings forth grace and mercy, yet without it they wouldn't be able to shine


Re: Poetry Club

Postby Appledog on Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:00 pm

look at the space inside body and mind
the door will open and you will find
letting go of tension, troubles and stress
the energy field will align in rest
Be thankful, be thankful, for insight that's gained
From neijing and laozi and yijing attained.


Last edited by Appledog on Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poetry Club

Postby Giles on Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:33 am

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp,
Dare its deadly terrors clasp!

When the stars threw down their spears
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

---- Something I just came up with before breakfast this morning. A quick and dirty meditation on the difficulty of reconciling putative different aspects of a (Christian) god.

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