Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby origami_itto on Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:42 am

Bob wrote:Dr. Peterson's partial academic background (Ph.D. McGill University)

Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard

Full Tenured Professor at the University of Toronto

Professor Emeritus - University of Toronto

You say he doesn't have the qualifications to speak on a number of controversial areas yet you make judgements about his academic background.

Exactly what are your qualifications for judging academic status and achievement?

Just... go watch the video. He lies.
He says he's a neurologist, he's not.
He says he's an evolutionary biologist... he's not.

He's a classroom clinical psychologist.

Go watch the video and if you have any unanswered questions, by all means I'll answer them.

One thing is his obsession with lobsters.

He says that when a lobster is beaten in combat for mates or territory it gets sad and deflated and has poor posture.
When you shoot it up with seratonin, the lobster gets happy. It gets energized, it gets back to the business of fighting for dominance.

Therefore, he concludes, human societies are naturally and correctly hierarchical, meant to serve the needs of the dominant culture above those of minorities and the marginalized. Men on top, of course.

I'm not making this up. He's selling merch to promote this idea. Go read or watch the videos for yourself.

So the problem is that chemically speaking, seratonin has the opposite effects on vertebrates and invertabrates. While seratonin makes US feel good. It makes lobsters angry and aggressive. It's like shooting up Kyle up with cocaine and four loko.

He says it's impossible to overcome addiction without divine intervention because there is no chemical means of treating it.

I mean... aside from the feel good pop-psychology feel good crap he pulled out of chicken soup for the soul, he's a fucking idiot.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby origami_itto on Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:47 am

I mean, don't take my word for it, just listen to his colleague and former supporter.

https://www.thestar.com/opinion/2018/05 ... erous.html

I thought long and hard before writing about Jordan, and I do not do this lightly. He has one of the most agile and creative minds I’ve ever known. He is a powerful orator. He is smart, passionate, engaging and compelling and can be thoughtful and kind.

I was once his strongest supporter.

That all changed with his rise to celebrity. I am alarmed by his now-questionable relationship to truth, intellectual integrity and common decency, which I had not seen before. His output is voluminous and filled with oversimplifications which obscure or misrepresent complex matters in the service of a message which is difficult to pin down. He can be very persuasive, and toys with facts and with people’s emotions. I believe he is a man with a mission. It is less clear what that mission is.

Another thing to which I did not give sufficient concern was his teaching. As the undergraduate chair, I read all teaching reviews. His were, for the most part, excellent and included eyebrow-raising comments such as “This course has changed my life.” One student, however, hated the course because he did not like “delivered truths.” Curious, I attended many of Jordan’s lectures to see for myself.

Remarkably, the 50 students always showed up at 9 a.m. and were held in rapt attention for an hour. Jordan was a captivating lecturer — electric and eclectic — cherry-picking from neuroscience, mythology, psychology, philosophy, the Bible and popular culture. The class loved him. But, as reported by that one astute student, Jordan presented conjecture as statement of fact. I expressed my concern to him about this a number of times, and each time Jordan agreed. He acknowledged the danger of such practices, but then continued to do it again and again, as if he could not control himself.

He was a preacher more than a teacher.

Jordan’s first high-profile public battle, and for many people their introduction to the man, followed his declaration that he would not comply with Bill C-16, an amendment to the Canadian Human Rights Act extending its protections to include gender identity and expression. He would refuse to refer to students using gender neutral pronouns. He then upped the stakes by claiming that, for this transgression, he could be sent to jail.

I have a trans daughter, but that was hardly an issue compared to what I felt was a betrayal of my trust and confidence in him. It was an abuse of the trust that comes with his professorial position, which I had fought for, to have misrepresented gender science by dismissing the evidence that the relationship of gender to biology is not absolute and to have made the claim that he could be jailed when, at worst, he could be fined.

Jordan has studied and understands authoritarian demagogic leaders. They know how to attract a following. In an interview with Ethan Klein in an H3 Podcast, Jordan describes how such leaders learn to repeat those things which make the crowd roar, and not repeat those things that do not. The crowd roared the first time Jordan opposed the so-called “transgender agenda.” Perhaps they would roar again, whether it made sense or not.

Following his opposition to Bill C-16, Jordan again sought to establish himself as a “warrior” and attacked identity politics and political correctness as threats to free speech. He characterized them as left-wing conspiracies rooted in a “murderous” ideology — Marxism. Calling Marxism, a respectable political and philosophical tradition, “murderous” conflates it with the perversion of those ideas in Stalinist Russia and elsewhere where they were. That is like calling Christianity a murderous ideology because of the blood that was shed in its name during the Inquisition, the Crusades and the great wars of Europe. That is ridiculous.

In Jordan’s hands, a claim which is merely ridiculous became dangerous. Jordan, our “free speech warrior,” decided to launch a website that listed “postmodern neo-Marxist” professors and “corrupt” academic disciplines, warning students and their parents to avoid them. Those disciplines, postmodern or not, included women’s, ethnic and racial studies. Those “left-wing” professors were trying to “indoctrinate their students into a cult” and, worse, create “anarchical social revolutionaries.” I do think Jordan believes what he says, but it’s not clear from the language he uses whether he is being manipulative and trying to induce fear, or whether he is walking a fine line between concern and paranoia.

His strategy is eerily familiar. In the 1950s a vicious attack on freedom of speech and thought occurred in the United States at the hands of Sen. Joseph McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee. People suspected of having left-wing, “Communist” leanings were blacklisted and silenced. It was a frightening period of lost jobs, broken lives and betrayal. Ironically, around this time the Stasi were doing the same to people in East Berlin who were disloyal to that very same “murderous” ideology.

Jordan has a complex relationship to freedom of speech. He wants to effectively silence those left-wing professors by keeping students away from their courses because the students may one day become “anarchical social revolutionaries” who may bring upon us disruption and violence. At the same time he was advocating cutting funds to universities that did not protect free speech on their campuses. He defended the rights of “alt right” voices to speak at universities even though their presence has given rise to disruption and violence. For Jordan, it appears, not all speech is equal, and not all disruption and violence are equal, either.

He has done disservice to the professoriate. He cheapens the intellectual life with self-serving misrepresentations of important ideas and scientific findings. He has also done disservice to the institutions which have supported him. He plays to “victimhood” but also plays the victim.
Last edited by origami_itto on Thu Oct 20, 2022 4:06 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby Bob on Thu Oct 20, 2022 4:34 am

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby cloudz on Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:06 am

origami_itto wrote:
Bob wrote:Dr. Peterson's partial academic background (Ph.D. McGill University)

Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard

Full Tenured Professor at the University of Toronto

Professor Emeritus - University of Toronto

You say he doesn't have the qualifications to speak on a number of controversial areas yet you make judgements about his academic background.

Exactly what are your qualifications for judging academic status and achievement?

Just... go watch the video. He lies.
He says he's a neurologist, he's not.
He says he's an evolutionary biologist... he's not.

He's a classroom clinical psychologist.

Go watch the video and if you have any unanswered questions, by all means I'll answer them.

One thing is his obsession with lobsters.

He says that when a lobster is beaten in combat for mates or territory it gets sad and deflated and has poor posture.
When you shoot it up with seratonin, the lobster gets happy. It gets energized, it gets back to the business of fighting for dominance.

Therefore, he concludes, human societies are naturally and correctly hierarchical, meant to serve the needs of the dominant culture above those of minorities and the marginalized. Men on top, of course.

I'm not making this up. He's selling merch to promote this idea. Go read or watch the videos for yourself.

So the problem is that chemically speaking, seratonin has the opposite effects on vertebrates and invertabrates. While seratonin makes US feel good. It makes lobsters angry and aggressive. It's like shooting up Kyle up with cocaine and four loko.

He says it's impossible to overcome addiction without divine intervention because there is no chemical means of treating it.

I mean... aside from the feel good pop-psychology feel good crap he pulled out of chicken soup for the soul, he's a fucking idiot.

a couple things.

I don' think it's really got to do with how things are 'meant to be' but looking at history that is exactly how society HAS BEEN. Real world.
not that it's supposed to be right or fucking wrong.

the other thing is there is literally nothing that has a better record than what AA uses for addiction / alcaholism ten step program or whatever.
where do you think that came from smart arse ?

it's clear you are from the other side of that culture war bollocks.
civil tai chi hasn't helped you that much by the sounds of it. ;D

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby Steve James on Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:23 am

Being an apex species does not equate to being apex predators. Behaviorally, we're much more aligned with herd animals than true predators.

Yeah, being a member of the apex species doesn't imply any individual is an apex predator. However, in the context of the human species, there is no apex.

In the context of this thread, though, there are predators and prey. Morality, which does not exist in the animal kingdom, tends to suggest that we should not be either -toward each other. We are social; but have been known to be cannibals. We can knowingly self-annihilate.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby Steve James on Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:44 am

Um, seems like there are bunch of issues. I don't see why JP is at the center. It just gets in the way of addressing the ideas. I've got a PhD, and I've taught at Harvard. So what?

Afa JP, he's simply not a big name to me when it comes to these topics. He's not original, though he's very popular -which is cool. Actually, it's a bit like Adam Mizner. Why tcc conversations are focusing on him is beyond me. Is he the new Mike Sigman or something.

Anyway, if what Origami is saying about JP's position toward women is correct, I frankly don't blame a woman for not reading his book. It'd be like someone urging a Jew to read Mein Kampf. Sure, to many non-Jews it would make perfect sense. The point is that Jews would be stupid to believe it, even if they were forced to listen.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby origami_itto on Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:40 am

cloudz wrote:
origami_itto wrote:
Bob wrote:Dr. Peterson's partial academic background (Ph.D. McGill University)

Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard

Full Tenured Professor at the University of Toronto

Professor Emeritus - University of Toronto

You say he doesn't have the qualifications to speak on a number of controversial areas yet you make judgements about his academic background.

Exactly what are your qualifications for judging academic status and achievement?

Just... go watch the video. He lies.
He says he's a neurologist, he's not.
He says he's an evolutionary biologist... he's not.

He's a classroom clinical psychologist.

Go watch the video and if you have any unanswered questions, by all means I'll answer them.

One thing is his obsession with lobsters.

He says that when a lobster is beaten in combat for mates or territory it gets sad and deflated and has poor posture.
When you shoot it up with seratonin, the lobster gets happy. It gets energized, it gets back to the business of fighting for dominance.

Therefore, he concludes, human societies are naturally and correctly hierarchical, meant to serve the needs of the dominant culture above those of minorities and the marginalized. Men on top, of course.

I'm not making this up. He's selling merch to promote this idea. Go read or watch the videos for yourself.

So the problem is that chemically speaking, seratonin has the opposite effects on vertebrates and invertabrates. While seratonin makes US feel good. It makes lobsters angry and aggressive. It's like shooting up Kyle up with cocaine and four loko.

He says it's impossible to overcome addiction without divine intervention because there is no chemical means of treating it.

I mean... aside from the feel good pop-psychology feel good crap he pulled out of chicken soup for the soul, he's a fucking idiot.

a couple things.

I don' think it's really got to do with how things are 'meant to be' but looking at history that is exactly how society HAS BEEN. Real world.
not that it's supposed to be right or fucking wrong.

the other thing is there is literally nothing that has a better record than what AA uses for addiction / alcaholism ten step program or whatever.
where do you think that came from smart arse ?

it's clear you are from the other side of that culture war bollocks.
civil tai chi hasn't helped you that much by the sounds of it. ;D

I think I'm being perfectly civil here. I'm simply detailing just a few examples of his intellectual dishonesty and the criticism of his peers.

I'm from the side of individual liberty and dignity and combating entropy through enlightenment.

He is a shill that has said directly that patriarchal Dominance hierarchy is the natural and CORRECT state for human society, again, because lobsters get aggressive when you shoot them up with seratonin.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby cloudz on Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:00 pm

you definitely haven't read his book; you think what he says is that simplistic.
he really doesn't say it this way at all. it doesn't surprise me one bit it comes out of your mouth twisted that way.

As for women - after what I heard about him I was really surprised a very old and smart female friend of mine was a big fan of his.
the book is good and what he says in it has a lot of nuance, wisdom and real world history behind it.

some people just can't take it in the right context. I'm just talking about his written book really: 12 rules, it's all there. I would urge anyone to read it before they take the judgement of the internet and those on the other side of this cultural war he's got himself embroiled in.

maybe elsewhere he hasn't done himself any favours I don't really know at this point, neither do I care to. Give it a read and judge the whole thing, in the spirit it was written. He comes across as a good man in a loving family, with good intentions. I think you will find it worthwhile.
Last edited by cloudz on Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby cloudz on Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:15 pm

He's a classroom clinical psychologist.

not sure what classroom means.
he was also a practicing clinical psychologist.

my sister is one and has a doctorate. took years of study
he wrote a book, what does his level of education matter.
smart is smart, he knows his subject - psychology - and he's a clever articulate guy.

clearly what he has to say rubs a section of people very far up the wrong way.

maybe that's your problem actually rather than of his making.
grow up.. he's made millions from his work, have you ?

(I have ;D )
Last edited by cloudz on Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby Steve James on Thu Oct 20, 2022 4:03 pm

Hey, I'm sure JP may have thousands of female followers. I'm not interested in discussing JP, only ideas. It's like the argument presented in the video, I addressed it without ad hominem. The only things of his I might criticize are the conclusions he reaches from his premises. I mean; if everything he says is true, what should happen.

I'm not willing to put the time into reading him or criticizing him, or talking about him. If there's some point he makes about psychology, I'm not a psychologist -but, I know how to research. I'd find out whether he was an authority on the subject by (boring) looking for academic psychology journals for his articles. Iow, how respected is he among his peers? not the people who buy his books.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby Bob on Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:43 pm

Polarizing yes, lightweight no

The point of listing his research & teaching position at Harvard and his tenure and full professorship at the University of Toronto is not for bragging rights or prestige.

If you understand the "hierarchy of academia" and many of you do, you know that you do not get to that level of academic achievement and tenure without doing serious research along with serious research publications.


Peterson's areas of study and research within the fields of psychology are psychopharmacology,[39][40] abnormal,[41] neuro,[42] clinical, personality,[43][44] social,[44] industrial and organizational,[32] religious, ideological,[26] political, and creativity.[45] Peterson has authored or co-authored more than a hundred academic papers[46] and was cited almost 8,000 times as of mid-2017 and more than 18,000 times as of 2022.[47][48]

So you sort out what is useful for yourself and what is not useful - not everything is political and you are on dangerous grounds when you infer what characterizes an individual simply by their post without knowing their motivation e.g. search for insight, curiosity, etc. etc.

Education - part of the meaning of education is derived from:

The term ‘educare’ connotes development of the latent possibilities of child. Child does not know his potentialities. It is the educator, who can know it and take necessary step to develop. The word ‘educare’ is widely accepted by modern educationists.

https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-etymo ... -education

Self-Authoring Suite
In 2005, Peterson, with colleagues Daniel M. Higgins and Robert O. Pihl, established a website and company to deliver an evolving writing therapy system called The Self-Authoring Suite.[103] It consists of a series of online writing programs: the Past Authoring Program (a guided autobiography); two Present Authoring Programs, which aids analysis of personality faults and virtues; and the Future Authoring Program, which aids in developing a vision and planning desired futures.

To understand the statistical benefits of the suite academic trials have been conducted, and several studies published. Peterson states that more than 10,000 students have used the program, with drop-out rates decreasing by 25 per cent and grade point averages rising by 20 per cent.[17]

The Future Authoring program has been used with McGill University undergraduates on academic probation to improve grades, and since 2011 by the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.[104][105]

A 2015 study published in Palgrave Communications[b] showed a significant reduction in ethnic and gender-group differences in performance, especially among ethnic minority male students.[105][106] In 2020, the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) published a study[107] within its Access and Retention Consortium.[108] As HEQCO (with ARC) is an agency of Ontario government, this study represents published research for broader public awareness and application. To support this, several institutions were represented in the research: Mohawk College, University of Ottawa, University of Toronto, Queens University.[109] The program was tested at Mohawk College, and found similar results as with other studies.[c]


By most student accounts, Dr. Peterson does this quite well and led a successful academic career at the University of Toronto. His stance on the pronoun controversy has been described by some as libertarian - but that isn't part of my interest in him or his material.

Peterson has characterized himself politically as a "classic British liberal"[9][10][11] and a "traditionalist".[12] He has stated that he is commonly mistaken as right-wing.[79] Peterson supports universal healthcare, redistribution of wealth towards the poor and the decriminalisation of drugs.[68] The New York Times described Peterson as "conservative-leaning",[7] and The Washington Post described him as an "aspiring conservative thought leader."[110] Yoram Hazony wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "[t]he startling success of his elevated arguments for the importance of order has made him the most significant conservative thinker to appear in the English-speaking world in a generation."[6] Wall Street Journal editorial page writer Barton Swaim wrote, "I wouldn't describe [Peterson] as a conservative—his interest lies in individual rather than societal order, and he says little about public policy. But it's true that he not infrequently winds up holding conservative viewpoints on cultural matters."[111] The American Conservative wrote that, while Peterson has "abjured any connection to modern liberalism or conservatism ... the biggest tell that Peterson is a conservative is simply that his general disposition toward life and society is conservative."[112] In the Los Angeles Times, libertarian journalist Cathy Young commented that "Peterson's ideas are a mixed bag. He says some sensible and insightful things, and he says some things that rightly draw criticism. But you wouldn't know this from reading Peterson's critics, who generally cast him as a far-right boogeyman riding the wave of a misogynistic backlash. That's a mistake."[113] Nathan J. Robinson of the left-wing magazine Current Affairs writes that Peterson has been seen "as everything from a fascist apologist to an Enlightenment liberal, because his vacuous words are a kind of Rorschach test onto which countless interpretations can be projected."[114] Helen Lewis of Australian Financial Review commented that Peterson "is, in many ways, countercultural. He doesn't offer get-rich-quick schemes, or pick-up techniques. He is not libertine or libertarian. He promises that life is a struggle, but that it is ultimately worthwhile."[115]


I'm done here - Basta as my Nonna used to say!
Last edited by Bob on Thu Oct 20, 2022 6:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby cloudz on Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:29 am

Steve James wrote:Hey, I'm sure JP may have thousands of female followers. I'm not interested in discussing JP, only ideas. It's like the argument presented in the video, I addressed it without ad hominem. The only things of his I might criticize are the conclusions he reaches from his premises. I mean; if everything he says is true, what should happen.

I'm not willing to put the time into reading him or criticizing him, or talking about him. If there's some point he makes about psychology, I'm not a psychologist -but, I know how to research. I'd find out whether he was an authority on the subject by (boring) looking for academic psychology journals for his articles. Iow, how respected is he among his peers? not the people who buy his books.

but that's weird because you are here talking about him ?
it's either of interest or not; your engagement I suppose is out of boredom.
and I hear that.

I would say it's a wisdom book born of psychological knowledge mixed with an understanding of mythology and religious stories.
He wrote a book prior called maps of meaning about the latter and this was following on. I expect to put the lessons there in 'out there' for people in a different kind of format than hard to figure ancient stories. coupled with his insight of clinically helping people with their lives in various ways, being able to recognise recurring themes and such.

of course if that's of no interest, sure engage in whatever it is you are doing ???
it's about the value to the reader - whatever the book might be.

if you already know what his peers know in those fields, then maybe you would just read it because maybe there's something to learn from your peers too sometimes.
I thought as someone who has read his work I'd chime in. Like I said I think some critics go by the cultural narrative they are attached to rather than their own intellect and understanding, either of people or the world around them. If you prefer no opinion at all, that's fine too.

there's people who put value in, and those that suck it out.
Last edited by cloudz on Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:36 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby Steve James on Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:32 am

but that's weird because you are here talking about him ?

Fair enough.
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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby cloudz on Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:51 am

maybe you think he's hot? maybe that's the secret of that female following.
I mean to talk about (his?) ideas, as you say you are here to do, what would you do ?

not read the book I guess
because that makes sense doesn't it.

then we wonder, where did all the ideas go now :P
for sure
truth hunting stunted and repressed by the vampires of our world
Last edited by cloudz on Fri Oct 21, 2022 6:56 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Why take up Martial Arts - Capability of Being Dangerous

Postby origami_itto on Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:33 pm

The form is the notes, the quan is the music
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