speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

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speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby cloudz on Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:44 am

it's there so why not.

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Re: speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby origami_itto on Thu Oct 27, 2022 5:20 am

What I'm curious to understand is what makes this Tai Chi? From all outward appearance it is indistinguishable from simple boxing drills, and there are better routines for building that particular skillset IMHO.

What does considering this or approaching this as Tai Chi do for it?
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Re: speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby cloudz on Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:40 am

I don't really objectify tai chi in the way you seem to.
I'm concerned with what this training does for me, not "it".

that's why I mentioned san da training in the title. Think of it if a tai chi guy wanted to train for a sanda style match and say wanted to work on accuracy, timing, speed, reactions, hand eye. that kind of thing; just like any other boxer.. trying to hit a moving target while moving himself around.

the equipment needs a service; the ball is deflated and could do with some vertical tightening up to get it moving better. No doubt I could do with some extra work and instruction too!

Using this equipment forces you to throw strikes and move. So it doesn't stylistically or tactically reperesent tai chi chuan. what it represents though is and should be contained somewhere within taiji training. because it forms part of the bigger whole. Here these little components are 'pulled out' and worked in a specific way for specific objective(s).
Last edited by cloudz on Fri Oct 28, 2022 2:03 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby origami_itto on Fri Oct 28, 2022 6:25 am

I definitely agree there is a place for bag work and other implements within one's Taijiquan curriculum. I have a 100 lb sand filled heavy bag and target bulb in my great room that I work with every day.

The question was due to the title "tai chi sanda training", not objectifying anything, just getting some clarity on what you meant by that.

What you meant was that you have studied Tai Chi and now you are trying to put what you've got into boxing?

I don't even know what you mean by objectifying, honestly. Taijiquan is something and it isn't what it isn't. Maybe I'm guilty of chasing purity in the art. They keep telling me the path is an inch wide and a mile deep. Haven't hit bottom yet so I just keep digging.

What I'm seeing is good stuff, good boxing, i don't see any evidence of Taijiquan at play. There's some stuff, can't see for sure, but looks diametrically opposed to taijiquan shen fa as I understand it, from the angles I can see. I'm thinking of making a video to explain what I mean but I really don't feel like dealing with the sand bags to weigh down the heavy bag stand. It tends to scoot and threaten to tip on the heavy shots.
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Re: speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby cloudz on Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:40 am

'taijiquan at play'

not going to deny that this forms part of my objectives

for me there's two approaches that am working on and each have certain objectives that I'm trying to marry as best I can
It isn't a pure approach overall, although I am trying to be as 'pure' as I can; whether that means the same things to people is debatable

so for example I don't mind hearing in what way I may break certain movement and or mechanical principles and so on. It may be helpful or it may be a reason behind it not being so evident in this clip in this specific drill.

this is 'fight training' it's not me performing taiji quan, so I'm much more loose in my intention regards what I'm doing - how I'm moving and issuing force. the 'performance' here is using different objectives as a primary purpose. Whether it's speedball or anything else there's more than one way to approach it; in terms of movement and or force, tempo, objectives. I think you mentioned cardio; that's a factor of 'fight training' for example. So in this approach you're seeing some marrying of on one hand 'fight training' and on the other some movement training derived from tai chi practice.

This is part of a bigger project and hopefully there will be more material to share, with two person wrestling and sanda as well as more traditional self defence as destinations (objectives).

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Re: speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby windwalker on Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:54 am

Edited : not really relevant to the topic

Gorge "clouds" seems to have a very good practical approach in developing his practice.
Would be interesting to see it some 5 or so yrs from now... :)

Kudos for posting "your" work...
would be good for others to post theirs
Helps to give perspective to the posting posters post from.
Last edited by windwalker on Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:28 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: speedball fun; tai chi sanda training

Postby origami_itto on Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:52 am

windwalker wrote:
Kudos for posting "your" work...
would be good for others to post theirs
Helps to give perspective to the posting posters post from.

Yeah, OKAY, FINE, jeez. I'll make a video.
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