China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

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China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby everything on Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:47 pm ... _lead_pos7
A suicide bomber killed three Chinese teachers in April in Karachi.
and Chun Han WongFollow
Nov. 23, 2022 10:47 am ET

KARACHI, Pakistan—In April, a Pakistani mother of two blew herself up outside the gate of Karachi University’s Chinese language and culture institute, incinerating a minibus and killing three Chinese teachers and a Pakistani driver.

The attack—one of a growing number targeting Chinese nationals working abroad in Asia and Africa—was a sign of China’s deepening challenges as it pours money into the developing world with the aim of extending its influence.

China is the largest lender to the developing world, mainly through Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road infrastructure program. The country has worked to portray itself as a benevolent partner to the countries where it is spending money, in an attempt to draw a distinction with Western powers.

Still, as its global reach expands, China is increasingly grappling with the consequences of projecting power around the world, including corruption, local resentment, political instability and violence. For developing countries, China offers perhaps the best chance of quickly building major infrastructure.


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China has faced Western criticism that it is pursuing lopsided lending arrangements that drive developing nations into heavy debt without necessarily delivering the desired local economic benefits. But Beijing also has confronted significant risks, from defaults to political unrest that endangers Chinese assets and workers in borrowing countries.

“The Chinese have to come to terms with the fact that these are unstable countries with fragile internal politics,” said Yun Sun, director of the China program at the Stimson Center, a Washington-based think tank. “If you are going to operate here, you are going to encounter these problems.”

Beijing accepts a degree of security risk in pursuing its Belt and Road program and is committed to working with partner governments, such as in Pakistan, to mitigate threats to Chinese personnel and assets, Chinese experts say.

“We couldn’t possibly wait until all terror attacks cease before starting new projects,” said Qian Feng, a senior fellow at Tsinghua University’s National Strategy Institute. “We have to keep working, studying the issues, and undertake preventative measures at the same time.”

Passengers in eastern Lahore board a metro line that was built under China’s Belt and Road lending program and opened in October 2020.
Chinese businesses and workers in several countries where it is making investments have become favored targets. Chinese nationals are seen as wealthier than most locals and, in some cases, are perceived to be reaping too much of the economic benefits and job opportunities created by Beijing’s investments.

Gunmen in Nigeria abducted four Chinese workers in June during an attack at a mine in the country’s northwest. In October, unidentified “thugs” attacked a Chinese-funded business in Nigeria and killed a Chinese employee there, according to the Chinese consulate in Lagos. The consulate urged Chinese companies to hire private security and fortify their work areas.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Chinese investors dominate the mining industry, Chinese business groups and workers have sounded alarms about armed robberies and kidnappings in recent months. Beijing has urged local authorities to step up security for Chinese assets and personnel.

There were about 440,000 Chinese people working abroad for Chinese contractors in Asia and roughly 93,500 in Africa at the end of last year, according to the China International Contractors Association, a Beijing-based industry group.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby Bao on Thu Nov 24, 2022 2:00 am

USA/CIA/NED funded terrorist groups have been attacking Chinese people working on the belt and road initiative in several different countries, as in Thailand and Myanmar. It's the same pattern. Pakistan is a very important country for Chinas B&R and the USA has been trying to stop it for a while. They also orchestrated the coup some time ago.

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand said it will pursue terrorists described by Burma as CIA-trained, because "maybe someone did something along the border," resulting in a synchronized triple-bombing in Burma which killed 19 people. ... trigue.htm


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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby windwalker on Thu Nov 24, 2022 7:25 pm

Bao wrote:USA/CIA/NED funded terrorist groups have been attacking Chinese people working on the belt and road initiative in several different countries, as in Thailand and Myanmar. It's the same pattern. Pakistan is a very important country for Chinas B&R and the USA has been trying to stop it for a while. They also orchestrated the coup some time ago.

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand said it will pursue terrorists described by Burma as CIA-trained, because "maybe someone did something along the border," resulting in a synchronized triple-bombing in Burma which killed 19 people. ... trigue.htm


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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby yeniseri on Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:05 pm

The "Art of War" requires strategic positioning of resources to form some kind of "block" "blocking" for a potential defensive agenda while consolidating the action of economic resources allocation to sort out freinds and enemies for the long haul of whatever MAY happen. China has been investing in African and Pacific nations along with Caribbean/Latin American infrastructure building as this bridge is seeking to widen and bring into the fold, those who may have doubts about the relationship. SOLUTION: Don't talk. Action. Build airports, hotels, bridges, etc Do something that European colonizers never did. At first though, this is fighting without fighting, making a differene BUT how will the infrastructure projects be paid for ;D

A recent story in the Guardian or similar social media vehicle stated that China was going to take over the managing of an airport in Africa because the host country was in arreas of payment. Now some African nations are being skeptical of these agreements in the face of alleged Chinese disrespect of African culture, the buffooing of Africans and the belief that they (China) can do what they want and no African can stop them.
It doesn't help CHina in Pakistan when Xinjiang province and its Uighur Muslim populations are being persecuted, uprooted for Han hegemony and citizens are skeptical of these re-education programs!
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby everything on Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:43 pm

extremely complicated for sure. if anybody watched the khan academy videos I linked on the economic aspects, basically, the US is caught in a debt loop:
- moved manufacturing (US exec decisions) to China for cost reasons
- China pegged yuan to dollar, making exports cheaper
- bought US treasuries, keeping interest rates low
- everybody wanted cheap shit and low interest rates.
- so, basically no way out of that loop even if politicians weren't paid off to keep it going. the structure is too strong.

- labor gets too expensive in china to continue this cycle.
- labor needs to move elsewhere such as africa.
- raw materials are needed from elsewhere such as africa.
- the debt loop cycle probably starts with china but in a different way.
- no one single african country is populous/cheap labor/coordinated enough to do the debt loop the other way

China really is the main "middle kingdom" again, but most people have absolutely zero idea all of the above is happening, why, how to benefit, how to govern, etc.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby yeniseri on Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:56 pm


1. USA sought out China to be a labour capital in the global marketplace
2. USA sought out cheap labour to undermine union membership and theyt are still doing it in clever ways. Now corporations have been using similar policy to reach their goals.
3. USA underestimated the will and the futuriustic vision of China and China learned those lessons well to their benefit
4. Now China is being blamed just because they have been exceeding US corporate goals and advancing at a speed that is driving US GOP politics!
5. US GOP politicians Richard Nixon purposely choose China over RUssia and even tiny Cuba to serve as a labour pool
6. Now people are mad that China is succeeding at its own speed, rate, etc
6. China is building infrastructure that no European colonial regime even thought of doing.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby everything on Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:37 pm

There isn’t really a monolithic “USA”.

- One owner or exec decides to offshore some “inputs”.

- Pretty soon the other firms must follow suit.

China GDP growth is inextricably the “engine” for world GDP growth now.

A big wrench in the works is COVID. Apple for example is seeking to diversify its manufacturing locations to mitigate the production risks of all eggs in one China basket (FoxConn).

At the macro level, it’s probably holding things back.

Politicians are very stupid or very smart.

If you know the above, you probably know things like tariffs just cause more inflation and slowed growth,
But don’t change the dynamic. But hey maybe you get some votes.

My conservative and liberal friends are too stupid to understand any of this.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby origami_itto on Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:08 am

It's almost like people resent being colonized.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby everything on Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:48 am

it makes me think of Vincent Chin. Drunk, laid off autoworkers killed Chinese-American worker for being "Japanese" in anti-Japanese auto sentiment.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby windwalker on Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:00 am

As with many things one should fact check, he mentions the sign in Bruce Lee's movie

"dogs and Chinese not allowed"


Běndiàn bù jiēdài Rìběnrén Fēilǜbīnrén Yuènánrén hé gǒu
This shop does not receive the Japanese, the Philippines, the Vietnamese, and dog.

This sign calls to mind the widespread legend that Huangpu Park (at the northern end of the Bund in Shanghai) used to have at its entrance a sign that read "No dogs or Chinese allowed" — popularized in the Bruce Lee film "Fist of Fury" — but which is fictitious in that form.
Last edited by windwalker on Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby yeniseri on Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:28 pm

everything wrote:There isn’t really a monolithic “USA”.

If you know the above, you probably know things like tariffs just cause more inflation and slowed growth,
But don’t change the dynamic. But hey maybe you get some votes.

My conservative and liberal friends are too stupid to understand any of this.

That may be true regarding USA not being a monolith but political policies are way out of reach of John Q Public, We, the people suffer because of politicians who make policy and do not tell the citizenry.
We, the people are NEVER consulted on tariffs. It is the doamin of the government and certain politicians who have "pull" and join their government knowing there is revenue to be had and chased!

USA become a monolith when the laws of the state dictates a rule of law that benefits certain faction of the state. Roe vs Wade is about women's health, has nothing to do with men but men make the laws or they invole the Court of the land to make that law as if it was sanctioned by ALL the people.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby everything on Wed Dec 07, 2022 12:46 pm

yes, my complaint/explanation is that's because the politicians are owned by "citizens" (aka corporations). there is no "USA", but there is a "USA, Inc." which is the sum total of all those "microeconomics-driven" decisions. there is nobody looking out for the "macro-economic" picture. sadly. tragically.

my other complaint is "the people" don't even know about that. that's why there is no such thing as a democracy. you can't have voters and politicians they prefer be these total idiots ... that plays right into the hands of the corrupt con artists on the take. there is NO MORAL HIGH GROUND there in the ideological debate or practical debate of "communism" vs. "democracy". It's the SAME CORRUPT people running shit. which is the SAME AS IT EVER WAS. anybody who doesn't understand this (almost everyone) kind of just misses the plot and is, well, conned. but those of us who recognize the con ... we still can't do anything. :-\ some of us are "lucky" in that it still benefits us (relatively affluent professionals employed by those corporations), but that kinda makes the moral dilemmas worse.

India and some African nations will have to get their shit together more. that's probably the balance in this USA-China picture, I guess. we probably won't be here by then. ... time to go back to "sink qi".
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby origami_itto on Wed Dec 07, 2022 4:49 pm

It's funny because people can see global retaliation against American imperialism and say we're getting what we deserve, but when people start resenting China's economic exploitation and act out, it's obviously racism.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby everything on Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:02 pm

i don't really know who says that. the Vincent Chin thing is obviously racism. various shopkeepers being targeted all over due to racism. the little guys get attacked. pawns attacking pawns. checkers in the chess game. etc.
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Re: China Is Investing Billions in Pakistan. Its Workers There A

Postby windwalker on Fri Dec 09, 2022 4:27 pm

Last edited by windwalker on Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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