Your experiences with Covid

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Your experiences with Covid

Postby Quigga on Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:17 am

Just got tested positive and thought I'd ask this question. What was your experience with it? Did you go through it personally? Friends, relatives?

My two biggest main fears are ending up in an iron lung (talk about iron body training lol) and long covid.

But I've been through worse stuff.

Rn I only have some slight shortness of breath, my throat and lungs feel kinda dry. Occasionally the lungs burn a little and I feel hot. More thirsty than usual. The fever is gone, had it for 3 days or so. I sweat more easily. Taste and smell are largely unchanged, just a bit diminished.

Went from no pleghm to some for a day to now little to very little. Sometimes I have dry coughing fits. Sometimes only a few seconds, on rare occasion for up to 2 minutes.

Oh and feeling tired ofc.

Crazy to physically feel the vaccine in the injection spot. Got vacced 3 times, 2 normal one booster iirc. This was more than a year ago.

Injection spot always feels a bit tender to the touch with no symptoms. Now it's pulsating and getting warm. When feverish, I could feel strings of something emanating from the site and spreading through the body. A shivery tingly feeling also spread out from there, many many 'waves' during some intervalls. That's about it.

The vacc is definitely doing something to body previous vaccs haven't. Else I wouldn't have these and some other feelings literally spreading from the injection spot. Can feel it as clearly as something touching my skin. Could also feel something going to various organs.

Take care or else


Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Quigga on Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:18 am

Forgot to add my dumps smell a lot worse. Too much information!


Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby origami_itto on Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:26 am

I felt like I had a hangover for a day and enjoyed the rest.
My Mom had it like the flu and hasn't been able to smell for a year.
A friend's husband caught it and had to be medically retired from the police force.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Quigga on Tue Dec 27, 2022 6:42 am

Yeah it does feel hangover-ish.

Not smelling can be quite the benefit depending on your occupation.

Sucks for that cop. Guess he liked being one.


Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Bao on Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:29 am

Think my lungs got hurt from the shot. After that I couldn't breathe as deep as I am used to and easily got out of breath. But it's better now, one year later. If I ever had Covid, I think I had it in early December 2019. I have never been so ill since I was a kid, all symptoms matched Covid 19. My whole body hurt, dry cough, ability to smell went down. But of course, it could have been another flu. However, from the research I've read I have no doubt that Covid was around in Europe many months before the first case in China.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Dmitri on Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:17 pm

Our whole family got it a few months ago (daughter made sure we tested for it, otherwise I wouldn't have even known); all having been vaccinated over a year ago. A fever for a couple of days, regular flu symptoms, gone in a few days.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby everything on Tue Dec 27, 2022 8:24 pm

Haven’t had it AFAIK

Wife had reduced smell ability for about 2 months.

Hope you’re on the mend with no long Covid.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby gzregorz on Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:14 am

Just got my fourth shot, a booster obviously, and I haven't had it yet despite everyone else I know and work with getting it.

Seems to like flu like with a bad headache (hangover) and some people losing their sense of smell. Older people I know seem to get hit harder especially the un-vaccinated. A friend in his seventies has long Covid with no energy. He took the precautions shopping once a week masked but didn't get the vaccine. He has been having trouble for months now but am happy to say every month he is better. He is also a health nut and been vegan for decades which I think has helped him that is eating lots of fruits and veggies.
Last edited by gzregorz on Thu Dec 29, 2022 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Quigga on Fri Dec 30, 2022 2:44 am

Hey Bao, that's interesting re the first cases of Covid being here earlier than in China. What would your conclusions be based on that personal research? And how does that research look like?

Thanks for all the good wishes.

Funny how differently this illness can present in different people. Is it the same with common cold?

Rn feeling physically tired, wanting to sleep all day. Loss of taste has progressed to a point where I couldn't tell I'm drinking coffee if I hadn't known. Don't remember that from the flu. But I haven't had flu in a long time. What irks me is that my nose isn't stuffy at all.

No headaches here. Only one instance yesterday in the back lower part of my head.

Old age unfortunately makes all illnesses hit harder... Except for maybe illnesses of stupidity, naivety and lack of experience lol. Hopefully. You can tell who has done some reflection on their life and who hasn't.

To me it's very interesting to how many different circumstances a human can adapt. Some people thrive on being vegan, some on being carnivore, some are in between. I'm an omnivore.

I hope all your close people are doing well.


Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Bao on Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:09 am

Quigga wrote:Hey Bao, that's interesting re the first cases of Covid being here earlier than in China. What would your conclusions be based on that personal research? And how does that research look like?

Hi Quigga,

I am in Sweden, according to Norwegian research, it existed there in early December 2019, so it should has been here as well: ... eshow.html

COVID-19 found in Spanish wastewater in March 2019: ... 20129627v1

A study showing 23 samples collected in September 2019 being positive for antibodies: ... -in-italia

According to this study it could have been in Italy at least as early as in November 2019:
On the basis of the first case identification, it was hypothesized that the virus had been circulating in Italy since January 2020. However, the rapid spread, the large number of patients requiring hospital admission and treatment in intensive care units, as well as the duration of the pandemic suggest that the arrival of the virus and its circulation in Italy in a less symptomatic form could be anticipated by several months. ... 1620974755

A study about social media show Early warnings of COVID-19 outbreaks across Europe as "Anomalous evolution of pneumonia-related tweets posted across Europe since December 2019"

There are other research papers suggesting spread in Europe in early 2019 and in Brazil in July-Sep 2019, and in the USA at least as early as in sep-oct 2019. Can't find them right now, but I will have a look later.
Last edited by Bao on Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby gzregorz on Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:34 pm

Quigga wrote:To me it's very interesting to how many different circumstances a human can adapt. Some people thrive on being vegan, some on being carnivore, some are in between. I'm an omnivore.

I hope all your close people are doing well.

FWIW I am not pushing veganism. I eat small amounts of meat once a day or every other day but I don't cook meat as much as I eat it when offered or on special occasions.

I do respect vegans though but choose to listen my body over having an ideology whether that is veganism or a high protein diet. I eat the way my non-European ancestors ate which was planted based with occasional meat.

My point was this man is incredibly healthy for a man in.his late seventies and he doesn't eat fast food or junk food. He is also a Mormon so doesn't drink, smoke or have soft drinks which I believe has helped him. As we know obesity and Covid are a bad combination.
Last edited by gzregorz on Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Quigga on Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:38 am

People following their own individual sense of well-being certainly can come up with very personalized ways of living that may drastically differ from one another :-).

Abstaining from vices like fast food, smoking, excessive drinking certainly is good practice. I could stand to lose a couple of lbs myself right now.


Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby gzregorz on Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:50 pm

I knew there was a debate coming... ;)

What can I say? I am not a fan of organized religion either so this ideologies don't attract me.

I am not really "doing my own thing" as mich as eating the way people ate back in 1491 before the colonizers came. For example, if you raise your own chickens you don't eat chicken every day the way people commonly do in 2023. Most people who raise their own chickens in their yards will have a chicken on Sunday (thanks for the colonizers) and then use the leftovers in a soup or rice the following days until the following Sunday feast.

Anyway, just some food for thought since you seem slightly interested in the subject.

I listen to my body and it tells me which foods and nutrients I need. I should also mention I do a prolonged water fast once every year for about a week. This has completely changed my relationship with food. I also do other fasts throughout the year and don't eat when sick.

Not looking for debate just sharing what has worked for me. I used to be heavier years ago. I often think of quitting drinking and if never drank again I would be fine with that but socially I would feel like I am missing out. Not a big drinker but I can imagine how difficult it would be for a drinker to quit drinking.

Since we are on the subject, I think the whole high protein low carb diet is a ponzi scheme backed by the meat industry. Just as the research that found wine is "good for you" was backed by the wine industry. (I say this as someone who likes good wine.)
Last edited by gzregorz on Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby Quigga on Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:34 am

How did I start a debate lol? I thought my comment was as diplomatically formulated as possible. I take no issue whatsoever in people eating the way they prefer.


Re: Your experiences with Covid

Postby yeniseri on Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:08 am

As I am over 65, and from the beginning I have followed the protocol of washing hands and wearing masks.
My main problem has alwya sbeen the COVID deniers who believe that because they have not gotten it, they are safe. They will find out ;D !
It is the non vaxers who present the threat so I have to remain masked on all levels. Those who have had COVID, I stay away from them (for a month, more or less) when I know about it
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