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Discussion on the three big Chinese internals, Yiquan, Bajiquan, Piguazhang and other similar styles.

Re: Teacher Profile

Postby everything on Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:25 pm

It seems put-the-art back on top type questions are far more difficult.

some of it is self-selection. does Yale Law School really "educate" anyone? Or did smart (or overly privileged) kids who were going to "make it" self-select, making Yale look smart? if Teacher X attracts a middle-aged rec-level athlete (me, not necessarily origami or anyone else) ... what's coming out the other side? Personally I don't care b/c that's my starting point, it is what it is.

It seems a lot of people here are delusional that they're going to coach (or become, lmfao) the next Jon Jones. To do that, you'd better be in the top MMA circles, not just the top dead-art circles, and winning in them. Sure, some people can use their IMA in a sort of "external" MMA way. But then either they missed the "real thing" and/or someone like jw will (probably rightly in that context) point out they missed this or that. Is it going to be better than Jones or Machida or Adesanya style? Probably not. Then what is it for?

But other than YLC or Wang Xiangzhai, who was really on top? Who was the Jones of the time? Xingyi students at that one guoshu tournament? Is this like saying judo did well at that old metro Tokyo police tournament? Like GJJ "won" early, rigged-with-no-groundfighter UFCs? So were IMA really even ever "top"? Or did some top fighters happen to learn IMA? How does one marry the two paragraphs above IRL?

And so on
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby origami_itto on Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:34 pm

I take it you aren't interested in signing up for a Zoom course, then, Wayne?
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby Steve James on Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:55 pm

Interesting question. Afa handedness, either someone is right or left-handed, or is ambidextrous to some degree. Most people aren't equally skillful or powerful with both hands. Sure, it's possible to use a weapon with either hand. Still, one 90% of the time will be either more dextrous or have more strength, and often
both. It's not necessary to be ambidextrous at all, except in situations with firearms. Though, I'd say if you ask, everyone will have a preference if it comes down to making a shot or using any weapon.

FMA is a different case. You'll always practice everything on both sides, no? Though, there'll still be a preferred side. Even so, stepping will end up alternating because which side is forward. And, iinm, there aren't techniques done with one hand that isn't done with the other.

Afa the tcc form, however, in most styles the Single Whip is only done on one side. If it contains an application, then what happens if the opponent goes the opposite way? WHat if they're on the right instead of the left? Yes, there are forms that stress doing everything on both sides (like Lee Ying Arng's). Otoh, I was taught that if you really know one side, you will know the other. You may not have the practice repetitions. But, you shouldn't need to "learn" the other side. You should just be able to do it. Which, of course, is what'd be necessary for actual application. Often, people who teach learn the mirror version so students can follow. That's jmo, though.
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby ParadoxTeapot on Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:30 pm

Realistically, most Taijiquan schools don’t know the applications for the ambidextrous debate to even be relevant. They might propose some applications, but they often don’t work.
I’d be happy to see if they can even get one side to work – even in a demonstration setting.

I do believe that there’s a correlation where the more “legit” the training gets, the fewer people want to learn it. So, in Yang Family Taijiquan, I hear that Yang Banhou and Yang Shaohou were known to be strict and demanding with their teaching. They only wanted students who could handle the hardship of their training. As a result, they didn’t attract many students. But that is one form of self-selection.

But that’s bad for business. And a lot of martial arts schools in general are corrupted by commercialism. Even Jack Dempsey, world heavyweight boxing champion, complained about the commercialism in his book:

"They came as promoters, managers, trainers and even instructors. Too often they- were able to crowd out old-timers because they had money to invest, because they were better businessmen, or merely because they were glib-talking hustlers. Fellows who never tossed a fist in their lives became trainers. They mistaught boys in gymnasiums. Those mistaught youths became would-be fighters for a while; and when they hung up their gloves, they too became instructors.

It was only natural that the tide of palooka experts should sweep into the amateur ranks, where lack of knowledge among instructors today is as pathetic as among professional handlers. And that's not the worst. Too many amateur instructors have forgotten entirely that the purpose of boxing lessons is to teach a fellow to defend himself with his fists; not to point him toward amateur or professional competition with boxing gloves. To a menacing extent the major purpose of fistic instruction has been by-passed by amateur tutors who try to benefit themselves financially, indirectly or directly, by producing punchless performers who can win amateur or professional bouts on points."
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby everything on Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:36 pm

I mean isn't that true for everything? Nobody says the Big Mac is the highest quality burger. But is it one of the best selling? Surely.

In sports like futbol and basketball, being good with your weak foot or weak hand is super helpful. Sometimes it makes a very good player into a great.
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby BruceP on Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:48 pm

everything wrote:
It seems a lot of people here are delusional that they're going to coach (or become, lmfao) the next Jon Jones

Name one of those people
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby ParadoxTeapot on Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:57 pm

everything wrote:I mean isn't that true for everything? Nobody says the Big Mac is the highest quality burger. But is it one of the best selling? Surely.

Yes, that’s true for seemingly everything, but there’s a big difference.

People don’t pretend that the Big Mac is the highest quality burger.

But lots of people pretend that super commercially famous teachers are giving the highest quality instructions. They would worship them as deities.

So we can say that this is obvious, but I wonder how many of those people recognize the hypocrisy or irony of agreeing with the obvious.
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby wayne hansen on Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:31 pm

I will sign up for the zoom when I see the improvement in you Ito
The first tai chi form I learned was Lee Ying Arns it was not balanced just abridged
My teacher learnt from him when studying TCM in HK
With regards to single whip just look at boxing different strengths in each hand
Fair Lady for one can be used to replace single whip on the other side
Saying that I realised a few years back when demonstrating applications I often used them on the opposite side to how they were done in the form
Application is practiced in the form but in use it should be free form
San Shou is where the real applications are
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby wayne hansen on Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:36 pm

PS do not mistake the finger pointing to the big Mack for the Big Mac itself
Schools who don’t know the applications are not Tai Chi schools
Don’t ask me what they are I don’t know the answer to that
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby origami_itto on Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:53 am


You should voice your concerns about his methods with him directly. I can provide the introduction if you like. I am not authorized to speak for him or answer for him or explain his reasoning to anyone. I just wanted to share the organization of his curriculum for folks that might be curious.

I will say that It is a gross mischaracterization to try and paint him as some sort of commercial sell out. He's got students and classes all over the world, weekend workshops with 50 or more people, and still comes out to invest time and teaching into our little group of 5 students. He's never told me "you can't tell anybody this", or taken down my post for providing a summary of the material, like other teachers who try to dress up basic knowledge as some kind of mystical secret. He's never told me to take down a group photo because there weren't enough people in it and they didn't want to give the wrong impression. In a weekend I got more material than I can practice, but we'll revisit it, while other workshops with other teachers I've spent an hour doing something that is just one part of one exercise we covered in his material. He's a dedicated, extremely competent teacher who cares first and foremost about transmitting quality Taijiquan.

Schedule wise, you have got Zoom classes constantly, he's teaching 1-2 classes a night on various topics, so direct instruction with questions and answers and correction over video, then hands on corrections and details at least once a year at a workshop, with plenty of books and videos to supplement the learning in the meantime, and hopefully a certified instructor in your area to take you further.

The fundamental qigong and simplified forms are just means to the end of getting a student to a place of competency where they can participate more fully in the system. The sequence of the postures doesn't change any practical applications. I can get in to the literature to show where time and again, masters you actually do respect have said as much. Furthermore they've also said the practical usage of a posture is in the tiniest parts of the circles, not the entire sequence of a particular posture.

You just like to complain, Wayne. According to you, a person shouldn't bother learning any of this unless they happened to live next to Yang Lu Chan as a child and saved his son from drowning so he pledged to train you to full mastery foresaking all other students until you could defeat him, and even then you'd probably find something wrong with it. :D

I know I am improving. I'm not losing any sleep over impressing you. :D
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby wayne hansen on Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:18 am

I am not part of the Zoom world
Only tai chi taught through touch is worth the training
You are right if YLC was my teacher it would not satisfy me
My only duty is to the art
It is that duty that makes me respond to what is written
Remember not that long ago you were praying at the alter of Mizner
He may be a true Master and even better person I have no knowledge of that
I doubt we will ever meet
But if you write about how he changes the art don’t blame me for examining that and offering a question for others to ask
Matters little what I say or think only ones training matters
But when you write something remember the words of CMC
I am a bell the harder you hit me the louder I will chime
Don't put power into the form let it naturally arise from the form
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby origami_itto on Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:43 am

Adam Mizner is highly skilled and his material is very good. I just found better ways to spend my money.
I don't pray at the altar of anyone or anything.

"how he changes the art"

What is the art, to you? A particular sequence? Preservation of a dance?

In my own opinion all of it, the movement sequences known as postures, the greater sequences collected as forms, are the means to an end. Each of the forms help cultivate particular qualities, but they of themselves are not the art.

The art is cultivating that end, a result, in a human, yourself and your students.

I've been able to improve my own "result" through teaching received via touch, text, and teleconference.

Your ability to learn may be different, and that is fine, that's part of what modern science tells us about learning and teaching. There is no one-method-fits-all approach to learning or teaching, no matter what the subject is.

Touch is definitely the best, but the rest help prepare one for those moments. The most powerful instruction is "no, not like that.... there, better."

Second best has been following along with instruction. In person or online, not much difference as far as non-touch goes. Online is a little better because you can pause and rewind.

With remote learning, or reading the books, an invaluable aspect is the ability to reach out and ask for clarification. Particularly with the books, whenever I hit something I don't understand I send him a message and get better clarity. I can't do that with Wu Yu Hsiang, but oddly enough, his answers seem to line up with those old dead guys pretty much 100% of the time.

I'm of the Zoom crowd, 100%. I think the Zoom, video lesson, book, workshop, local teacher certification model is the perfect way to reach a wider audience and spread this art we both love and owe so much to.

On the other hand, we could just quit our jobs and go beg some monk in the mountains to let us swear our lives to him, I mean, that's a viable model for a modern man.

Or I guess, maybe, I could just go back to 1980 and convince my dad his life would be in danger if he didn't move to Australia and give me to Wayne Hansen to be trained.

Lacking access to a map of monks accepting new patients and/or a time machine (no reason I can't do better than Wayne if I've got a TARDIS) I'll have to settle for the absolute best Taijiquan exponent I've had the privilege to touch hands with and his organization.

Honestly I felt I needed to post this mainly due to my initial confusion about his content delivery. I met him as his father was retiring and there was a lot of confusion about how to do things among the students since there were some subtle differences here and there. I may have added to that confusion with my posts on the topic expressing my own confusion.
Last edited by origami_itto on Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby ParadoxTeapot on Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:36 am

I've pondered long, this thought in mind,
But Wayne, your style, it's quite peculiar.
No periods to end the sentence,
Each sentence is composed on its line
Are you trying to write a poem each time you speak?


Mizner is a big fan of a certain Chen practitioner, having publically posted a video of Chen Yu on his Facebook group and wrote: "A reminder of what mastery looks like. The best performance I have seen."

And to that, I must agree with his exquisite tastes.

People often wonder if a politician is dumb or deceitful. From what I've gathered from my private sources, Mizner isn't dumb; he knows exactly what he's doing.
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby Steve James on Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:50 am

I had a teacher who said not to put a hat on his head, because it will make someone want to knock it off.
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Re: Teacher Profile

Postby everything on Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:22 am


just go to the claimed sources and wellsprings in that case. Don't stop with Yang Luchan or Dong Haichuan. Even check out the fairy tale guys who have been "proved".
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