blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby everything on Wed May 27, 2009 6:41 am

serious answer. can't see qi. have heard people can. or it's 'aura' or whatever. i'm not sure all of that is related but a serious question - when you saw and had this sensation at the palm, how did your dantian area feel? most of the taiji writings advise sinking qi to the dantian.
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Thu May 28, 2009 3:35 am

oh, on the flip side, pics or it's bullshit.

that is all.
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Areios on Thu May 28, 2009 5:56 am

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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Doc Stier on Thu May 28, 2009 10:07 am

bigphatwong wrote:".... people...leaking energy out of their asses." ;D

This is why kissing someone's ass is often referred to as 'brown nosing'. LOL ;D

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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Strange on Thu May 28, 2009 7:36 pm

qi emitting out from any part of your body is not so good; unless you are striking some one.
i have an old injury back when i was an absolute beginner doing TKD - i slam my right heel to the ground when doing a kick incorrectly.
it healed but without me knowing, i just overcompensated for it by tightening too much... till it became rigid

the effect is :
1. feeling "empty" and "no strength" on my right side as compared to my left
2. feeling misalign

it is not till recently i begin to "feel" this prob; i think due to zz to a large extent.
now the feeling on my right side is much improved - i think my qi stop leaking out from my heel

in ima, we are always taught to be song in our practice, i think there is a very important reason for this.
our stances and strokes create high loading and /or impact on our muscles, tendon and joints.
while we understand that we need to tear our muscle fibres in order to rebuild them; being too tight creates to much
tearing that the body system cannot repair quickly enough. and if you keep practicing, this becomes a vicious cycle.
so you will feel the above symptoms.

... perhaps, practitioners should have regularly "introspective audit checks" on their body and structure to ensure that
they do not fall into this vicious cycle

fwiw, S
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby shawnsegler on Thu May 28, 2009 8:52 pm

I'm always curious if there is method to "re-energize" the intrinsic energetic binding quality of all the disparate parts of the body. I really think we live at an amazing time to take our body of knowledge about how things work at the cellular level energetically and to work that in to the ancient body mind paradigm.

While there is amazing treasure handed down to us from the past, I believe this body of knowledge is a living thing that can constantly be fine tuned.

Up to the practitioner and his mania of course. :)
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Michael on Sat May 30, 2009 4:35 am

Strange wrote:michael, i've been called and accused of many things
the most interesting and recent is that i'm flat fucking stupid and unable to comprehend english (when actually its about understanding chinese!)
but i must protest when i'm said to carry on leaky arse tales, whether in bank lines or other places
clarify and apologize or i'll sue your leaky arse to alaska

You tell the stories in the most interesting ways and bigphattwong's story idea seemed like the best one I've heard in a while. Sounded like win-win to me, but I certainly didn't mean to imply that leaky ass stories are directly connected to you. Don't sue me—I've got a low threshold for courtroom drama.


Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Strange on Sat May 30, 2009 6:28 am

heh, since you are a fan... :)
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby gosao on Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:38 am

The GLOW does exist and now readable by instruments.

(This visible light differs from the infrared radiation — an invisible form of light — that comes from body heat.)

To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days.

The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby Darth Rock&Roll on Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:57 am

well, we are essentially energy oscillating in such a way as to make us denser than the other energy oscillations of air and water etc.

Of course we emit light, we ARE light. Ultimately. :)
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Re: blue flame chi emitting from my palm. anyone else?

Postby BonesCom on Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:40 pm

gosao wrote:The GLOW does exist and now readable by instruments.

(This visible light differs from the infrared radiation — an invisible form of light — that comes from body heat.)

To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-tight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days.

The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with its lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day.

Final sentence in the paper:
"By the regulation of cellular respiratory chain producing reactive oxygen species, which in turns react with molecules including proteins, lipids and fluorophores, whose excited states emit biophotons [1], [8], [9], [10], the human body glitters to the rhythm of the circadian clock."

Hmmm... pretty small amount of light, almost getting into the realms of the quantum... lets see if anyone can replicate it, or cares... Either way I don't think this is what the poster was referring to
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